Papers by Alexandre Augusto
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 2005
R)-Fluoxetina, um inibidor potente e seletivo da recaptação da serotonina, foi sintetizada em sei... more R)-Fluoxetina, um inibidor potente e seletivo da recaptação da serotonina, foi sintetizada em seis etapas, 50% de rendimento total e 99% de excesso enantiomérico a partir do benzaldeído via alilação catalítica assimétrica empregando-se o sistema catalítico desenvolvido por Maruoka e colaboradores.
RESUMO: Objetivo: Determinar parâmetros anátomo-cirúrgicos para o acesso rápido, seguro e preciso... more RESUMO: Objetivo: Determinar parâmetros anátomo-cirúrgicos para o acesso rápido, seguro e preciso da veia basílica no terço distal do braço e avaliar os aspectos anatômicos relacionados à presença, número e sintopia neural na região. Método: Foram utilizados 30 membros superiores de cadáveres adultos, brasileiros, do sexo masculino (27 a 58 anos), fixados em solução de formalina a 10%. Foi criado
A zona de cisalhamento Ouro Roxo-Cantagalo, Província Mineral do Tapajós: um estudo sobre o potencial aurífero a partir de imagens multisensor e modelagem de dados espacias
11th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society & EXPOGEF 2009, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, 24-28 August 2009, 2009
O papel da aerogamaespectrometria, da aeromagnetometria e do sensoriamento remoto na caracterização de terrenos greenfield do Cráton Amazônico: resultados e desafios na discriminação de alvos exploratórios na Província Mineral do Tapajós
12th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society & EXPOGEF, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 15–18 August 2011, 2011
A expressão dos diques máficos do setor oeste da Província Mineral do Tapajós visualizada em dados aeromagnetométricos de baixa e alta resolução: novas interpretações geológicas
12th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society & EXPOGEF, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 15–18 August 2011, 2011
Imagens SAR-R-99B da Missão Terra do Meio Oeste, aerogamaespectrométricas e geoquímicas em aplicações geológicas no cráton Amazônico
11th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society & EXPOGEF 2009, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, 24-28 August 2009, 2009
Realce de alvos supergênicos do leste do estado do Amazonas com base nas lógicas booleana e fuzzy
11th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society & EXPOGEF 2009, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, 24-28 August 2009, 2009
Assinaturas geofísicas da região da zona de cisalhamento Chico Torres, Província Mineral do Tapajós, e geração de modelos previsionais para ouro
11th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society & EXPOGEF 2009, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, 24-28 August 2009, 2009
Análise prospectiva para ouro nas regiões Ouro Roxo-Cantagalo e Chico Torres, Província Mineral do Tapajós
Revista Brasileira de Geofísica, 2011
Modelagem espacial (lógica fuzzy) foi empregada para a previsão de áreas potenciais à exploração ... more Modelagem espacial (lógica fuzzy) foi empregada para a previsão de áreas potenciais à exploração aurífera na Província Mineral do Tapajós (PMT -Amazônia brasileira), especificamente nas regiões aqui denominadas Ouro Roxo-Cantagalo e Chico Torres. Os dados utilizados ...
In tropical countries, as Brazil, deposits originated by supergenic enrichment are abundants, bec... more In tropical countries, as Brazil, deposits originated by supergenic enrichment are abundants, because the common and strong weathering related to smooth topography producing them. An area of the Amazon state (Brazil) was selected to the study of reconnaissance of the supergenic coverage (laterites and bauxites), through the use of airborne gamma-ray spectrometry and altimetric data. How exploratory guide, the following patterns were observed: low values of K (easily lixivied during the weathering) and of the K/eTh ratio; high values of eTh and altimetric data (plateau); high values of eU. Based on the individual and conjunct analysis of the geophysical and altimetric (SRTM) images, and 3D modeling, laterites and bauxites premapped by CPRM were identified visually, beyond the new occurrences. Additionaly, this study applied a methodology to enhancement of supergenic targets using the classifier originally developed to the hyperspectral remote sensing, the Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM). The gamma-ray spectrometric and altimetric signatures related to the supergenic targets were extracted, serving as endmember in the application of SAM. The results produced with this classification showed similar targets with that observed visually. Additionally, the main precautions necessary to the application of this technique in geophysical and altimetric images were discussed, beyond the advantages of the use of this classification in the case study.

Anais, 2009
This paper uses images of TM/Landsat 5 sensor, altimetric (SRTM) and airborne geophysics data to ... more This paper uses images of TM/Landsat 5 sensor, altimetric (SRTM) and airborne geophysics data to the reconnaissance of the geology and the gold mineralization context of the Tapajós Mineral Province northwestern portion (Pará and Amazon states -Brazil). Two regions were selected: areas of the Seta de Ouro and Chico Torres shear zones. Based on TM sensor, drainages were interpreted, beyond main lineaments. Using analytic signal amplitude and first vertical derivative images, magnetic lineaments and units were identified, like mafic dike swarms (~ 180 Ma) characterized by NNE-SSW direction. The images of K, eTh, eU, K/eTh, K/eU, F parameter and of radioelement normalization were producing, beyond the color compositions. These products allowed the visual interpretation of the gamma-ray spectrometric units characterized by possible hydrothermal origin, and correlated with interpretation of structures identified by remote sensing. Other step utilized consisted in the gamma-ray spectrometric signatures extraction of the gold occurrences mapped by CPRM, and the application of the Principal Component Analysis to the enhancement of potential hydrothermalized areas. It was possible to enhance targets associated with the Seta de Ouro and Chico Torres shear zones, and characterized by N30W and N40W directions, respectively.
This paper uses airborne gamma-ray spectrometry data and multispectral image of the TM sensor (La... more This paper uses airborne gamma-ray spectrometry data and multispectral image of the TM sensor (Landsat 5) to distinguish possible hydrothermalized targets in a region of Tapajós Mineral Province (Pará State, Brazil), characterized by important paleoproterozoic gold occurrences. The first step of the investigation was the reconnaissance of regional structures based on the band 4 of the TM sensor. The airborne gamma-ray spectrometry data were processed and analyzed using the following steps: (1) combination of the K, eTh and eU channels, displayed in the RGB color system; (2) generation of the K/eTh and eU/K ratios and F parameter images, and production of color combination of them; (3) analysis of the gamma-ray spectrometry signatures associated with the gold occurrences; (4) application of the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) with the use of a selected set of the geophysical images; (5) use of the Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) classification, originally developed to the hyperspectral remote sensing, applied to the gamma-ray spectrometry images. All these products allowed the enhancement of possible hydrothermalized targets, compatible with the areas of preexisting gold occurrences and with qualitative geophysical interpretations of others authors. Based on these results, the advantages of the metodology here utilized were discussed, and suggestions were proposed.

Background: Spirituality has been considered as an important quality of life dimension. Objective... more Background: Spirituality has been considered as an important quality of life dimension. Objectives: To present a literature review about quality of life and spirituality, their association and measurement. Methods: Search for title words in PsycINFO and PubMed/Medline database between 1979-2005. Results: Quality of life is a new concept, that embraces and transcends the concept of health. It is composed by several domains or dimensions: physical, psychological, environmental, among others. Called "the missing measure in health", it has been defined as the individual's perception of his/her position in life, considering cultural and value systems in which he/she lives, and in relation to his/her goals, expectations, standards and worries. There are consistent evidences of the association between quality of life and spirituality/religiosity, obtained from studies with reasonable methodological rigor, using many variables to assess spirituality (for example: religious aff...
Background: Spirituality has been considered as an important quality of life dimension. Objective... more Background: Spirituality has been considered as an important quality of life dimension. Objectives: To present a literature review about quality of life and spirituality, their association and measurement. Methods: Search for title words in PsycINFO and PubMed/Medline database between 1979-2005. Results: Quality of life is a new concept, that embraces and transcends the concept of health. It is composed by
Nowadays the use of mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, are rapidly increasing in ne... more Nowadays the use of mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, are rapidly increasing in network services, proliferating to almost every environment. This massive appearance of mobile devices creates significant opportunities to leverage these mobile devices to establish novel types of services. However there are also significant concerns about the privacy and security of sensitive data exchanged and stored on these devices. Since these devices are usually embodied with numerous characteristics like camera devices, 3G and NFC connection that can be used to create new alternative authentication schemes in order to guarantee users identity.

Information Security and Privacy Research 27th IFIP TC 11 Information Security and Privacy Conference, SEC 2012, 2012
Personal mobile devices with real practical computational power and Internet connectivity are cur... more Personal mobile devices with real practical computational power and Internet connectivity are currently widespread throughout all levels of society. This is so much so that the most popular of these devices, the smart phone, in all its varied ubiquitous manifestations is nowadays the de facto personal mobile computing platform, be it for civil or even military applications. In parallel with these developments, Internet application providers like Google and Facebook are developing and deploying an ever increasing set of personal services that are being aggregated and structured over personal user accounts were an ever increasing set of personal private sensitive attributes is being massively aggregated. In this paper we describe OFELIA (Open Federated Environment for Leveraging of Identity and Authorization), a framework for user centric identity management that provides an identity/authorization versatile infrastructure that does not depend upon the massive aggregation of users identity attributes to offer a versatile set of identity services. In OFELIA personal attributes are distributed among and protected by several otherwise unrelated AAs (Attribute Authorities). Only the user mobile device knows how to aggregate these scattered AAs identity attributes back into some useful identifiable entity identity. Moreover by recurring to an IdB (Identity Broker), acting as a privacy enhancing blind caching-proxy, in OFELIA the identity attributes location in the Internet is hidden from the RP/SP (Relying Party, Service Provider) that wants to have temporary access to the users personal data. The mobile device thus becomes the means by which the user can asynchronously exercise discretionary access control over their most sensitive dynamic identity attributes in a simple but highly transparent way.

A Secure and Dynamic Mobile Identity Wallet Authorization Architecture Based on a XMPP Messaging Infrastructure
ABSTRACT In this chapter, the authors propose and describe an identity management framework that ... more ABSTRACT In this chapter, the authors propose and describe an identity management framework that allows users to asynchronously control and effectively share sensitive dynamic data, thus guaranteeing security and privacy in a simple and transparent way. Their approach is realised by a fully secure mobile identity digital wallet, running on mobile devices (Android devices), where users can exercise discretionary control over the access to sensitive dynamic attributes, disclosing their value only to pre-authenticated and authorised users for determined periods of time. For that, the authors rely on an adaptation of the OAuth protocol to authorise and secure the disclosure of personal-private user data by the usage of token exchange and new XML Schemas to establish secure authorisation and disclosure of a set of supported dynamic data types that are being maintained by the personal mobile digital wallet. The communication infrastructure is fully implemented over the XMPP instant messaging protocol and is completely compatible with the public XMPP large messaging infrastructures already deployed on the Internet for real time XML document interchange.
A Mobile Based Authorization Mechanism for Patient Managed Role Based Access Control
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012
The Internet has proved the enormous benefits that can be accrued to all players involved in onli... more The Internet has proved the enormous benefits that can be accrued to all players involved in online services. However, it has also clearly demonstrated the risks involved in exposing personal data to the outside world and constitutes at the same time a teeming breeding ground of innovation for highly flexible security solutions that can minimize these risks. It is now widely believed that the benefits of online services to healthcare in general supplant the risks involved, provided adequate security measures are taken and the role played by all ...

A Mobile-Based Attribute Aggregation Architecture for User-Centric Identity Management
"The massive growth of the Internet and their services is currently being sustained by the m... more "The massive growth of the Internet and their services is currently being sustained by the mercantilization of users identity private data. Traditionally services on the web require the user to disclose many unnecessary sensitive identity attributes like bankcards, geographic position or even personal health records in order to provide a service. In essence the services are presented as free and constitute a means by which the user is mercantilized, often without realizing the real value of its own data for the market. In this chapter we describe OFELIA (Open Federated Environment for Leveraging of Identity and Authorization), a digital identity architecture, designed from the ground up to be user centric. OFELIA is an identity/authorization versatile infrastructure that does not depend upon the massive aggregation of users identity attributes to offer a highly versatile set of identity services but relies instead on having those attributes distributed among and protected by several otherwise unrelated Attribute Authorities. Only the end user, with his smartphone, knows how to aggregate these scattered Attribute Authorities identity attributes back into some useful identifiable and authenticated entity identity that can then be used by Internet services in a secure and interoperable way."
Papers by Alexandre Augusto