Papers by Alexandra R Reis

Written Language and Literacy
What is the hallmark of a good speller? Spelling is a critical component in learning to become li... more What is the hallmark of a good speller? Spelling is a critical component in learning to become literate, but how it works in literate adults remains poorly explored. We examined word and pseudoword spelling in 214 adults in relation to general cognitive abilities, vocabulary, reading history, reading performance, phonological processing and rapid automatized naming. We conducted hierarchical multiple regression analyses to uncover predictors of spelling performance and compared a subsample of good and poor spellers to identify patterns of cognitive and language abilities associated with high vs. low spelling ability. In the regression model under test, which progressed from general cognitive and language abilities to specific reading-related skills, the most important predictor for word spelling was vocabulary, and for pseudoword spelling phonological processing (phoneme deletion). The model explained 20% of word spelling, and 8% of pseudoword spelling, variance. Good spellers outpe...

Frontiers in Psychology, 2021
Research on the predictors of reading comprehension has been largely focused on school-aged child... more Research on the predictors of reading comprehension has been largely focused on school-aged children and mainly in opaque orthographies, hindering the generalization of the results to adult populations and more transparent orthographies. In the present study, we aim to test two versions of the Simple View of Reading (SVR): the original model and an extended version, including reading fluency and vocabulary. Additional mediation models were analyzed to verify if other reading comprehension predictors (rapid automatized naming, phonological decoding, phonological awareness, morphological awareness, and working memory) have direct effects or if they are mediated through word reading and reading fluency. A sample of 67 typical adult Portuguese readers participated in this study. The SVR model accounted for 27% of the variance in reading comprehension, with oral language comprehension displaying a larger contribution than word reading. In the extended SVR model, reading fluency and vocab...

En este articulo se sintetizan algunos de los resultados mas relevantes de la investigacion desti... more En este articulo se sintetizan algunos de los resultados mas relevantes de la investigacion destinada a evaluar la relacion entre problemas en el nombramiento rapido y las diferencias individuales en el rendimiento de lectura. Una evidencia considerable muestra que los lectores dislexicos tienen problemas en el nombramiento visual rapido. Las investigaciones iniciales atribuian esta dificultad a deficits en el procesamiento fonologico, pero los hallazgos recientes sugieren que los procesos no-fonologicos pueden estar en la raiz de la asociacion entre pobres habilidades de nombramiento rapido y el rendimiento al leer. La hipotesis de que problemas de nombramiento rapido en la dislexia representan un deficit central independiente parece estar apoyada por: 1) algunos lectores dislexicos presentan problemas para el nombramiento rapido pero intactas habilidades fonologicas, 2) evidencia de una asociacion independiente entre el nombramiento rapido y la competencia de lectura en lectores d...

Behavioural and cognitive psychotherapy, Jan 22, 2017
The mechanisms and triggers of the attentional bias in social anxiety are not yet fully determine... more The mechanisms and triggers of the attentional bias in social anxiety are not yet fully determined, and the modulating role of personality traits is being increasingly acknowledged. Our main purpose was to test whether social anxiety is associated with mechanisms of hypervigilance, avoidance (static biases), vigilance-avoidance or the maintenance of attention (dynamic biases). Our secondary goal was to explore the role of personality structure in shaping the attention bias. Participants with high vs low social anxiety and different personality structures viewed pairs of faces (free-viewing eye-tracking task) representing different emotions (anger, happiness and neutrality). Their eye movements were registered and analysed for both whole-trial (static) and time-dependent (dynamic) measures. Comparisons between participants with high and low social anxiety levels did not yield evidence of differences in eye-tracking measures for the whole trial (latency of first fixation, first fixati...
Revista Portuguesa de Psicologia, 2015

AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, 2019
Factors underlying HIV acquisition in women remain incompletely understood. This study evaluated ... more Factors underlying HIV acquisition in women remain incompletely understood. This study evaluated ex vivo mucosal HIV-1 BaL infection (ectocervix, endocervix), T cell frequencies and phenotype (ectocervix, endocervix, peripheral blood), and HIV-1 BaL-induced tissue immune responses (ectocervix) in the proliferative and secretory phases of the menstrual cycle using samples obtained from women undergoing hysterectomies. Tissue infectivity (number of productively infected explants) and infection level following 500 and/or fifty 50% tissue culture infectious dose (TCID 50) HIV-1 BaL challenge were similar in the proliferative and secretory phases. Although not associated with infection outcomes, higher frequencies of HIV target CD4 + a4b7 + T cells, and stronger HIV-1 BaL-induced proinflammatory responses were detected in ectocervix in the secretory versus proliferative phase. Independently of the cycle phase, serum E2 concentrations were inversely associated with ectocervical and endocervical tissue infection levels following high-dose 500 TCID 50 HIV-1 BaL challenge, with frequencies of CD4 + a4b7 + T cells in endocervix, and with HIV-induced interleukin (IL)2R and IL4 in ectocervix. Although serum P4 concentrations and P4/E2 ratios were neither associated with tissue infection level nor infectivity, high P4 concentrations and/or P4/E2 ratios correlated with high frequencies of CD4 + a4b7 + T cells in ectocervix, low frequencies of CD4 + CD103 + blood T cells, low CD4 + LFA-1 + T cells in endocervix, and high proinflammatory (IL1b, IL17, tumor necrosis factor a) ectocervical tissue responses to HIV-1 BaL. The data suggest an inhibitory effect of E2 on mucosal HIV infection, provide insights into potential mechanisms of E2-mediated anti-HIV activity, and highlight P4-associated immune changes in the mucosa.
Nutcracker syndrome is a clinical condition in which there is compression of the left renal vein ... more Nutcracker syndrome is a clinical condition in which there is compression of the left renal vein in its path between the abdominal aorta and the superior mesenteric artery. This phenomenon can cause abdominal or low back pain and hematuria. It is a rare clinical entity, although probably underdiagnosed. The diagnosis is essentially clinical and based on imaging, but necessarily a diagnosis of exclusion. We present the case of a 21-year-old boy who came to the Emergency Department with hematuria and low back pain. After exhaustive study and exclusion of other possible clinical entities, the diagnosis was confirmed to be nutcracker syndrome. Despite its usually benign expression, this entity should not be forgotten in the diagnostic process of cases of hematuria and low back pain, especially in young patients.

Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 2001
Mouse models that mimic the human skin cancer-prone disease xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) provide an... more Mouse models that mimic the human skin cancer-prone disease xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) provide an useful experimental system with which to study the relationship between the DNA repair process of nucleotide excision repair (NER) and ultraviolet- (UV) induced skin carcinogenesis. We have generated Xpc mutant mice and documented their deficiency in the process of NER of UV-induced DNA damage. Xpc mutant mice are highly predisposed to UV-B radiation-induced skin cancer, both in the homozygous and the heterozygous state. The combination of Xpc and Trp53 mutations enhances this predisposition and alters the tumor spectrum observed in single mutant mice. These results suggest a synergism between NER and the function of Trp53 in suppression of cancer. We have examined the mutational spectrum in the Trp53 gene from skin cancers in Trp53+/+ and Trp53+/- mice of all three Xpc genotypes and have found evidence for signature mutations associated with defective NER. In addition, we have demonstrated that Xpc mutant mice are highly predisposed to the induction of lung and liver cancers by treatment with 2-acetylaminofluorene (2-AAF) and N-OH-2-AAF. By combining the Xpc mutation with other mutations in genes involved in repair of DNA damage we have identified additional genetic interactions important in carcinogenesis. The mouse Apex gene is a critical component of the base excision repair (BER) pathway as well as the redox regulation of transcription factors important in growth control and the cellular response to DNA damage. By combining mutations in Xpc, Trp53 and Apex we have obtained genetic evidence for a functional interaction between Apex and Trp53 which probably involves the activation of the Trp53 protein by Apex. Mutations in the mismatch repair (MMR) gene Msh2 also influence the carcinogenesis observed in Xpc Trp53 mutant mice. Our results demonstrate that multiple repair pathways operate in prevention of tumor formation.

Transplant International, 1999
To investigate the effect of preoperative mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) on allograft survival in a ... more To investigate the effect of preoperative mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) on allograft survival in a murine corneal transplantation model. Corneal grafting was performed from Brown Norway to Lewis rats. Groups were divided as follows: Rats that received syngeneic or allogeneic grafts without therapy served as controls. MMF treatment was either started 7 days prior to transplantation and continued for 14 postoperative days (POD) or started at the day of corneal grafting until POD 14. MMF (20 mg/kg) administered postoperatively had no significant beneficial effect on corneal graft survival when compared with controls. However, the group receiving 40 mg/kg MMF postoperatively showed a statistically significant prolonged graft survival. A 1week preoperative administration of 20 mg/kg MMF allowed superior graft survival. Priming the immune system of corneal transplant recipients preoperatively with MMF proved to be a beneficial therapeutic regimen for prolonging corneal allograft survival in rats.

Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, 2001
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund: Die schwere atopische Blepharitis stellt ein therapeutisches Problem... more Zusammenfassung Hintergrund: Die schwere atopische Blepharitis stellt ein therapeutisches Problem dar, da eine rein pflegende Therapie oft nicht ausreicht und lokale Steroide bei begrenzter Wirkung langfristig hohe Risiken bergen. Lokales FK 506 erwies sich in dermatologischen Studien in der Therapie der atopischen Dermatitis als hocheffektiv und nebenwirkungsarm. Ein Einsatz bei atopischer Blepharitis wurde bislang nicht berichtet. Patienten und Methoden: 14 Patienten mit schwerer atopischer Blepharitis wurden mit lokalem FK 506 0,1 % behandelt. Die Salbe wurde zweimal täglich dünn auf die Lider aufgetragen. Ophthalmologische Kontrollen erfolgten nach zwei Wochen, zwei Monaten und fünf Monaten. Mittels eines Symptomscores wurden die Lidhautveränderungen (Ödem, Erythem, Lichenifikation, Exsudation, Exkoriation, Schuppenbildung), die Lidkantenveränderungen (Lidkantenhyperämie, Lidkantenverdickung, Schuppenbildung) und der Juckreiz (visuelle Analogskala) bewertet. Ergebnisse: Der Mittelwert des Symptomscores für die Lidhautveränderungen betrug bei Therapiebeginn 25,6 5,8, bei der ersten Kontrolle nur noch 7,9 4,8 (p < 0,001), bei der zweiten Kontrolle 5,8 5,0 (p < 0,001) und bei der dritten Kontrolle 5,3 5,3 (p < 0,001). Der Mittelwert des Symptomscores für die Lidkantenveränderungen betrug bei Therapiebeginn 12,3 4,0, bei der ersten Kontrolle nur noch 4,6 2,7 (p < 0,001), bei der zweiten Kontrolle 3,8 2,4 (p < 0,001) und bei der dritten Kontrolle 4,3 2,6 (p < 0,001). Der Mittelwert des Score für den Juckreiz betrug bei Therapiebeginn 8,1 1,3, bei der ersten Kontrolle nur noch 2,0 1,4 (p < 0,001), bei der zweiten Kontrolle 1,3 0,8 (p < 0,001) und bei der dritten Kontrolle 0,8 0,7 (p < 0,001). Alle Patienten bewerteten die Gesamtsituation unter der Therapie subjektiv durch Auswahl aus mehreren Kategorien als stark gebessert. Schlussfolgerungen: Lokales FK 506 0,1 % ist eine hocheffektive therapeutische Option für die schwere atopische Blepharitis. Follow-up-Studien sollten angeschlossen werden, um die langfristige Sicherheit und Effektivität zu ermitteln. Schlüsselwörter: Atopie ± Blepharitis ± Neurodermitis ± FK 506 ± Tacrolimus ± Immunsuppression FK 506 ointment 0.1 % ± A new therapeutic option for atopic blepharitis. Clinical trial with 14 patients

Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, 2001
BACKGROUND Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection is the most common cause of corneal blindness in ... more BACKGROUND Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection is the most common cause of corneal blindness in developed countries. Penetrating keratoplasty is the only therapeutic option for visual rehabilitation in patients with severely scarred corneas. Recurrence of the underlying disease and allograft rejection (AR) are the common causes of graft failure. Systemic immuno-suppression with cyclosporin A is contraindicated due to the risk of HSV recurrence. The potent immunosuppressive properties of mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) have already been shown clinically. By reducing the intracellular guanosid-pool MMF inhibits the proliferation of lymphocytes. As these quanosin-nucleosides also act as competing substrates to acyclovir at the viral DNA-polymerase, a synergistic effect of MMF and acyclovir might be expected. The aim of this study was to evalute the efficacy and safety of a double-drug regimen with MMF and acyclovir in the prevention of acute allograft rejection and HSV recurrence following corneal transplantation. METHODS Patients following penetrating keratoplasty due to herpetic eye disease have been treated with MMF 1 g twice dialy and acyclovir 5 x 200 mg/day for one year. Primary efficacy variables have been the number of acute AR and recurrence of herpetic disease per patient and time. The number of adverse events has been documented for safety analysis. RESULTS Fifteen patients have been enrolled. The average follow up period was 9.1 (+/- 5.2) months. No graft opacifications have been seen. With two AR and no recurrence of herpetic disease the efficacy ofthis therapeutic regimen was supperior compared with historical control groups. CONCLUSION In this first study on the efficacy and safety of a double drum regimen with acyclovir and MMF for the control of acute corneal AR and HSV-recurrenct following keratoplasty in patients with herpetic eye disease, the combination therapy has been shown to be a safe and highly efficient protocol for graft protection.
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, 1995

Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 2001
With the use of systemic cyclosporin A (CsA), graft prognosis after high-risk penetrating keratop... more With the use of systemic cyclosporin A (CsA), graft prognosis after high-risk penetrating keratoplasty has improved considerably. However, the application of CsA is limited owing to a variety of severe side effects. In this prospectively randomized study mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), a safe and efficient immunosuppressive medication after renal transplantation, was compared with CsA after high-risk penetrating keratoplasty. Twenty-nine high-risk keratoplasty patients were treated with MMF 2x 1 g daily; another 27 patients received CsA, aiming at blood trough levels of 120-150 ng/ml. Systemic immunosuppression was scheduled for 6 months. In both groups oral corticosteroids (fluocortolone 1 mg/kg) were administered for 3 weeks postoperatively. During the first year after operation, no graft failure was recorded. Two years postoperatively 92%/82% and 3 years postoperatively 74%/69% of grafts were clear in the MMF and CsA group, respectively (Kaplan Meier P=0.33, logrank test). In total, two graft failures were recorded in the MMF group and four in the CsA group. Three years postoperatively 53% of the grafts were rejection-free in the MMF group and 73% in the CsA group (Kaplan Meier P=0.46, log-rank test). Eight endothelial immune reactions were observed in the MMF group (three under systemic immunosuppression/five thereafter; six mild/two severe) and five in the CsA group (three under systemic immunosuppression/two thereafter; three mild/two severe). Side effects occurred in six patients under MMF and 11 under CsA. Concerning efficacy, no statistically significant difference between systemic MMF and systemic CsA administered for 6 months after high-risk penetrating keratoplasty could be shown. Systemic MMF was proven to be at least as safe as CsA. The main mechanism in improving graft survival is a shift from severe to milder endothelial immune reactions, as already demonstrated for CsA. Thus, MMF may become an alternative to CsA for immunosuppression after penetrating high-risk keratoplasty. About 2 years postoperatively, pharmacologically induced relative immunological tolerance slowly decreases. Therefore, long-term administration of systemic MMF should be evaluated in further studies.

European Journal of Neurology, 1999
Variations in the individual anatomy of the corpus callosum have been reported in several conditi... more Variations in the individual anatomy of the corpus callosum have been reported in several conditions. There seem to be genetic influencing factors, but it is impossible to rule out some environmental ones. This study focuses on the question of the environmental factors, using formal learning to read and write as the main difference in the groups to be compared. Based on magnetic resonance imaging sagital images, the contour of the corpus callosum (CC) of 41 carefully selected women (18 illiterate and 23 literate) was digitized. The comparison between the two groups showed a small difference in the region of the CC where parietal fibres are thought to cross. This region is thinner in illiterate subjects. As illiteracy in this group is the result of social constraints, and the two groups that were compared are well matched for other cultural and pragmatic aspects than literacy, the results are interpreted as showing the possible influence of formal learning to read and write, on the biological development of the brain.

Cornea, 2002
The novel immunosuppressant RAD, 40-0-(2-hydroxyethyl)-rapamycin, has synergistic effects with cy... more The novel immunosuppressant RAD, 40-0-(2-hydroxyethyl)-rapamycin, has synergistic effects with cyclosporin A. The aim of this study was to evaluate the combined effect of RAD and cyclosporin A in the prevention of acute allograft rejection after murine corneal transplantation. Methods. Fisher donor corneas were implanted into Lewis recipients. Postoperative evaluation included slit-lamp biomicroscopy and immunohistology. Treatment groups were comprised of rats treated orally with RAD 2.5 mg/kg/day, cyclosporin A 10 mg/kg/day, RAD 1.5 mg/kg/day plus cyclosporin A 5 mg/kg/day. Results. Therapy with RAD 2.5 mg/kg and cyclosporin A 10 mg/kg led to a statistically significant and comparable prolongation of transplant survival. However, combination therapy was significantly superior. There was a significant reduction in the number of infiltrating cells in the animals treated with RAD and cyclosporin A. Conclusions. This is the first study on the efficacy of a double drug regimen with RAD and cyclosporin A for the control of acute corneal allograft rejection. Combination therapy resulted in superior graft survival.
Papers by Alexandra R Reis