Papers by Alexander Gunawan

—The purpose of this study were to implement NIMS and reduce the high number of false alarm by tu... more —The purpose of this study were to implement NIMS and reduce the high number of false alarm by tuning, assessing the effectiveness of NIMS in detecting intrusion which entered the network of PT Tatalogam Lestari as well as assessing the needed hardware capacity, and to increase responsiveness of NIMS against attacks through consolidation with MikroTik. Data were collected through literature study to gain information about IDS, interviews to know the network topology in PT Tatalogam Lestari as well as available hardware specifications, and experiments to measure the number of false alarms, assessing the effectiveness of NIMS, and assessing the needed hardware capacity. Data were analyzed by using Confusion Matrix to count the number of True Positive, False Positive, False Negative, and True Negative also using Ranking Metrics which consist of : Detection Rate, Classification Rate, Precision Rate, and ROC Curve to see the increase in effectiveness. The results of this study were : all the stages contained in NDLC provide a great deal of help in NIMS implementation for adjusting to the existing network conditions, especially because of " simulation and prototyping " stage; tuning by using a custom rule, threshold application, and activating Sfportscan module is proven capable to reduce the number of false alarms as well as increasing effectiveness of NIMS in simulation phase though it still has shortcomings which shown by the high number of False Positive Rate in the implementation phase; NIMS consolidation with MikroTik using PHP script and PHPMailer proven capable to increase responsiveness of NIMS in facing incoming attacks with the help of crontab. It can be concluded that NIMS built by Snort IDS is suitable to be used by a company which is new to IDS and have relatively small WAN traffic because Snort known as open source IDS, has many built-in preprocessor which can be use for detecting intrusion, and has a low packet drop rate at the speed of traffic less than 300kbps.
Internet can make the communication became so easy and it seems like no boundaries for people to ... more Internet can make the communication became so easy and it seems like no boundaries for people to search information they want to. But, plagiarism often happened in internet, especially, when the information stored in image. Some people will found it difficult to re – type it as a text, to make it easier to read and compare. This application was made to detect similarity inside a scanned text. This project is created with Java language programming, using various array, linked list, and tree as data structure. Distance algorithm is used as a main algorithm, such as : Damerau Levehnstein Distance and modification of Chebysev Distance, also Heuristic Algorithm is used as a supported algorithm.
Papers by Alexander Gunawan