Papers by Alex Van Steenbergen

Dit artikel is verschenen in de Gids op Maatschappelijk Gebied, mei 2006. Wie geïnteresseerd is i... more Dit artikel is verschenen in de Gids op Maatschappelijk Gebied, mei 2006. Wie geïnteresseerd is in de artikels die reeds verschenen zijn in dit 'Blad van en voor het middenveld' kan terecht op 4 5 Op economisch gebied moet de tewerkstelling vanuit het buitenland in eerste instantie geori-enteerd worden op knelpuntberoepen, d.w.z. beroepen waarvoor vandaag geen of te weinig arbeidskrachten beschikbaar zijn. Tegelijk zeggen we dat de omscholing van werklo-zen en de bijscholingsinspanningen voor bestaan-de werknemers onverminderd moeten voortgezet worden. De diensten van VDAB, FOREm en BGDA zijn het meest geschikt om hiervoor de nodige initiatieven te nemen. Daarom lijkt het ons billijk de grenzen beperkt open te stellen voor knelpuntberoepen en hierin ook een duidelijke rol aan de sectoren toe te wijzen. Binnen de sector van de bouw wensen wij als ACV-Bouw en Industrie een convenant af te slui-ten met de federale en regionale ove...
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The vehicle stock module calculates the size and composition of the car stock. Its output is a fu... more The vehicle stock module calculates the size and composition of the car stock. Its output is a full description of the car stock in every year, by vehicle type, age and (emission) technology of the vehicle. The vehicle stock is represented in the detail needed to compute transport emissions. The integration of the car stock module in PLANET will allow to better capture the impact of changes in fixed and variable taxes levied on cars. Among these impacts, the effect on the environment is of particular interest.
The vehicle stock module calculates the size and composition of the car stock. Its output is a fu... more The vehicle stock module calculates the size and composition of the car stock. Its output is a full description of the car stock in every year, by vehicle type, age and (emission) technology of the vehicle. The vehicle stock is represented in the detail needed to compute transport emissions. The integration of the car stock module in PLANET will allow to better capture the impact of changes in fixed and variable taxes levied on cars. Among these impacts, the effect on the environment is of particular interest.

This paper examines the effects of the fiscal treatment of employer provided cars on the be-havio... more This paper examines the effects of the fiscal treatment of employer provided cars on the be-haviour of employees. Based on a large cross-sectional study of mobility behaviours of Belgian house-holds, we show that this favourable fiscal treatment causes households to buy more, larger and more valuable cars. The engine size of the largest car in the household increases by 5%, while its value in-creases by at least 62%. The odds that a household owns more than one car increases by 24 percentage points. The fiscal regime also induces people to use cars more intensively. Weekly commuting by car increases by 58.2 kilometres, while daily distances driven for other, private purposes increases by 8.2 kilometers.
We estimate the societal loss of these distortions to be 2 361 euro per car, or some 0.23 % of GDP. 27% of these societal losses is due to increased car demand, 69% due to increased congestion, and 4% due additional environmental impacts.
Papers by Alex Van Steenbergen
We estimate the societal loss of these distortions to be 2 361 euro per car, or some 0.23 % of GDP. 27% of these societal losses is due to increased car demand, 69% due to increased congestion, and 4% due additional environmental impacts.
We estimate the societal loss of these distortions to be 2 361 euro per car, or some 0.23 % of GDP. 27% of these societal losses is due to increased car demand, 69% due to increased congestion, and 4% due additional environmental impacts.