Conference Presentations by Alessandro Piattoli

This paper was presented in a short form at the XXIst International Congress on Personal Construc... more This paper was presented in a short form at the XXIst International Congress on Personal Construct Psychology -PCP at 60: Past, Present and Future - University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK 15th - 17th July 2015.
Starting from several considerations on the nature of self-other differentiation from a developmental point of view, we will trace some trajectories of development by imagining their possible implications on Role in adults.
To conceive living systems in terms of the process that realizes them, instead of explaining them simply through their relationship with the environment, implies abandoning a deterministic view of development in favour of a more modern conception in which mother and child mutually define each other.
We wish to contribute to Chiari’s conceptualization of the Forms of Uncompleted Recognition; forms in which two or more actors, in the attempt to maintain their relationship with the another, exclude aspects of themselves and of the other at the expense of realizing an individualization and/or interdependency.
We will illustrate the implications of uncompleted recognition in clinical psychology and psychotherapy.

Over the last couple of years G. Chiari and colleagues have reexamined the work of the French phi... more Over the last couple of years G. Chiari and colleagues have reexamined the work of the French philosopher P. Ricœur and have advanced new theorisations in the field of PCT: the Paths of Uncompleted Recognition, and the distinction between Idem and Ipse as essential moments of the identity's development. In this way the already described Paths of Dependency have been integrated. These new theorisations represent complementary perspectives of the therapist's professional construction of the client's construction system. In accordance with the previous formulations, this work is aimed at still further integrating the new perspectives with the practice of psychotherapy, emphasizing the therapist's role and his/her orthogonal interaction with clients depending on the different kinds of Path of Uncompleted Recognition and on the disposition in the two poles of self development: Idem and Ipse.
Papers by Alessandro Piattoli
Ricostruire geografie e storie. Il percorso della teoria dei costrutti personali nell'esperienza ... more Ricostruire geografie e storie. Il percorso della teoria dei costrutti personali nell'esperienza individuale e culturale dei suoi sostenitori Mara Ognibeni e Manola Alfredetti Reconstruing geographies and stories: The path of personal construct theory in the individual and cultural experience of its followers
Costruttivismi, 2022
Basing our work on a Narrative-Hermeneutic Constructivist Psychotherapy (NHCP) framework we descr... more Basing our work on a Narrative-Hermeneutic Constructivist Psychotherapy (NHCP) framework we describe how clients' narratives can be professionally construed starting from the theme of freedom in the psychotherapeutic process. Through the exemplification of some clinical cases, we suggest which aspects of the client's narrative can be deepened in the therapeutic conversation so as to foster a professional construction. According to us, following the implications of the theme of freedom and its nuances is a useful way to channelize therapeutic conversation towards the dimensions of narrative identity implied in the disorder, in a transitive diagnostic process. We outline how the definition of intersubjective freedom introduced by Axel Honneth can inspire a therapeutic invitation in overcoming a nonvalidational choice we term neitheristical.

Costruttivismi, 2022
Riassunto. Basandosi sul modello di Psicoterapia Costruttivista Narrativo-Ermeneutica (PCNE) desc... more Riassunto. Basandosi sul modello di Psicoterapia Costruttivista Narrativo-Ermeneutica (PCNE) descriviamo come, in un processo psicoterapeutico, le narrazioni dei clienti possano essere costruite professionalmente a partire dal tema della libertà . Attraverso l'esemplificazione di alcuni casi clinici, indichiamo quali aspetti della narrazione del cliente possono essere approfonditi nella conversazione terapeutica in modo da favorire una costruzione professionale. All'interno di un processo orientato alla diagnosi transitiva, riteniamo che seguire le implicazioni del tema della libertà e le sue sfumature è un modo utile per incanalare la conversazione terapeutica verso le dimensioni dell'identità narrativa implicate nel disturbo. Illustriamo come la definizione di libertà intersoggettiva introdotta da Axel Honneth possa ispirare un invito terapeutico al superamento di una scelta nonvalidazionale che chiamiamo neneista. Parole chiave: teoria dei costrutti personali, psicoterapia costruttivista narrativo-ermeneutica, libertà intersoggettiva, neneismo

Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 2017
This article focuses on the training of hermeneutic constructivist psychotherapists and aims to p... more This article focuses on the training of hermeneutic constructivist psychotherapists and aims to point out those aspects that make the group such a privileged place for the construction of the professional role. It hypothesized that the group, as a closed and transitory context, can promote an openness to the exploration of different alternatives and the experimentation of the professional role. The arti- cle concentrates especially on applying the psychotherapy group theory of G. A. Kelly to the group training of hermeneutic constructivist psychotherapists, describing this process through the experi- ence cycle (Kelly, 1995) in the perspective of a transformative experience. Starting from the basic theories behind the therapeutic process, illustration will follow of the training procedure formulated to allow working with the group within a context of relationships that favor learning and experimen- tation of new roles. The various phases of group therapeutic training will then be illustrated. These have been formulated to enable working within the group in a relational context that favors the role of therapist construction, coming from the elaboration of certain areas of the personal system and from experimentation and the elaboration of this new role itself.

Special Issue: Embracing Innovation: New Voices in Constructivist Psychology, Jan 2, 2017
This article focuses on the training of hermeneutic constructivist psychotherapists and aims to p... more This article focuses on the training of hermeneutic constructivist psychotherapists and aims to point out those aspects that make the group such a privileged place for the construction of the professional role. It hypothesized that the group, as a closed and transitory context, can promote an openness to the exploration of different alternatives and the experimentation of the professional role. The article concentrates especially on applying the psychotherapy group theory of G. A. Kelly to the group training of hermeneutic constructivist psychotherapists, describing this process through the experience cycle (Kelly, 1995) in the perspective of a transformative experience. Starting from the basic theories behind the therapeutic process, illustration will follow of the training procedure formulated to allow working with the group within a context of relationships that favor learning and experimentation of new roles. The various phases of group therapeutic training will then be illustrated. These have been formulated to enable working within the group in a relational context that favors the role of therapist construction, coming from the elaboration of certain areas of the personal system and from experimentation and the elaboration of this new role itself.
Book Reviews by Alessandro Piattoli
RECENSIONe del "The Wiley Handbook of Personal Construct Psychology"
a cura di David A. Winter e ... more RECENSIONe del "The Wiley Handbook of Personal Construct Psychology"
a cura di David A. Winter e Nick Reed London, Wiley-Blackwell, 2016, 545 pp.
REVIEW of The Wiley Handbook of Personal Construct Psychology
edited by David A. Winter and Nick ... more REVIEW of The Wiley Handbook of Personal Construct Psychology
edited by David A. Winter and Nick Reed London, Wiley-Blackwell, 2016, 545 pages
Conference Presentations by Alessandro Piattoli
Starting from several considerations on the nature of self-other differentiation from a developmental point of view, we will trace some trajectories of development by imagining their possible implications on Role in adults.
To conceive living systems in terms of the process that realizes them, instead of explaining them simply through their relationship with the environment, implies abandoning a deterministic view of development in favour of a more modern conception in which mother and child mutually define each other.
We wish to contribute to Chiari’s conceptualization of the Forms of Uncompleted Recognition; forms in which two or more actors, in the attempt to maintain their relationship with the another, exclude aspects of themselves and of the other at the expense of realizing an individualization and/or interdependency.
We will illustrate the implications of uncompleted recognition in clinical psychology and psychotherapy.
Papers by Alessandro Piattoli
Book Reviews by Alessandro Piattoli
a cura di David A. Winter e Nick Reed London, Wiley-Blackwell, 2016, 545 pp.
edited by David A. Winter and Nick Reed London, Wiley-Blackwell, 2016, 545 pages
Starting from several considerations on the nature of self-other differentiation from a developmental point of view, we will trace some trajectories of development by imagining their possible implications on Role in adults.
To conceive living systems in terms of the process that realizes them, instead of explaining them simply through their relationship with the environment, implies abandoning a deterministic view of development in favour of a more modern conception in which mother and child mutually define each other.
We wish to contribute to Chiari’s conceptualization of the Forms of Uncompleted Recognition; forms in which two or more actors, in the attempt to maintain their relationship with the another, exclude aspects of themselves and of the other at the expense of realizing an individualization and/or interdependency.
We will illustrate the implications of uncompleted recognition in clinical psychology and psychotherapy.
a cura di David A. Winter e Nick Reed London, Wiley-Blackwell, 2016, 545 pp.
edited by David A. Winter and Nick Reed London, Wiley-Blackwell, 2016, 545 pages