Papers by Alessandro Finzi
Rivista di Zootecnia, 1971
Rivista di Zootecnia, 1964
Rivista di Zootecnia, 1965
Alimentazione Animale, 1970
International Journal of Life Science Research Archive, Dec 30, 2022
In the paretic left hand of an eighty years old man only fingers flexion was voluntary possible a... more In the paretic left hand of an eighty years old man only fingers flexion was voluntary possible and movement of extension, adduction or abduction needed mechanical help. After ten years, when fingers had progressively slightly more curled up, the subject discovered that voluntary movements of adduction and abduction became easily possible just by pressing the hand on a flat surface. Persistent voluntary hand motility was then partially obtained through specific self-trained exercise. The increase in the abduction angle was easily measured with a proctor and this is proposed as a simple clinical test to assess the improvement due to training. The case is analytically described.

Los parámetros productivos del conejo está muy afectados por las elevadas temperaturas del medio ... more Los parámetros productivos del conejo está muy afectados por las elevadas temperaturas del medio ambiente (23,27). Estas constituyen por lo tanto el mayor factor limitante por el desarrollo de la cunicultura en los paises con clima cálido (4,5,6,7,8, 13, 17, 18). El conejo ha desarrollado, como especie, un sistema de termorregulación que no es fisiológico sino comportamental, en el sentido de que, en las horas más calientes del día, se queda en los frescos caminos subterráneos que constituyen un conjunto comunal de galerías socavadas esencialmente por las hembras como expresión del sistema social de la especie. Allí los animales realizan su ciecotrofía en tranquilidad y en óptimas condiciones microambientales, en espera de las horas crepusculares para salir al pasto. Si, por lo tanto, el conejo tiene problemas de termorregulación no es por mala adaptación de la especie a los climas cálidos. Por el contrario, el mismo probable origen ibérico demuestra su buena adpatación a estos medios y es tan sólo la tecnología de cría en jaulas que, sustrayendo los animales de su ambiente de vida natural, los expone, sin posible defensa, a condiciones climáticas desfavorables.
Boletín de Cunicultura, 1984

Three 16 weeks old rabbit bucks were lodged in a set of three contiguous two-floor cages, project... more Three 16 weeks old rabbit bucks were lodged in a set of three contiguous two-floor cages, projected to increase the floor surface and to improve the welfare of the animals. They had the opportunity of looking at each other or not, and this chance was considered. The rabbits were firstly introduced in the upper floor and their behaviour was video-recorded each 12 minutes for 13 days. The trial had four replications to a total of 12 subjects. Since it was observed an initial explorative activity performed mainly during the second day, but with peculiar behavioural differences among subjects, this aspect was later studied in a second trial, by continuous video-recording of 3 rabbits. After a few days, the rabbits chose to lay preferentially in the lower floor (80.7% of the time; P< 0.01). The trend was already clear at the 3rd day (lower floor 74.1%; P<0.01), while, during the second day, the explorative activity equalized the percentage of presences (50.9% lower floor vs 49.1% upper floor; P = n.s.). When rabbits had the chance of looking at each other they did it mostly. On the 2nd day this behaviour was slightly reduced as an effect of the explorative activity. From the 4th day rabbits located in the external cages were looking toward the subject nearby in the central cage 76.2% of the observed occurrences (P<0.01). The general trends could be observed as a mean notwithstanding rabbits showed individually specific behaviours. The results of the second trial showed that rabbits have different latency periods, in a range of 20 to 47 hours, before beginning the explorative activity.
Modification s of some rabbit spermatic parameters in relation sh ip to h igh ambien t temperatu ... more Modification s of some rabbit spermatic parameters in relation sh ip to h igh ambien t temperatu res. In : Baselga M. (ed.), Marai I.F.M. (ed.). Rabbit production in hot climates. Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 1994. p. 333-336 (Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n.

Proceedings of the 9th World Rabbit Congress, Verona, Italy, 10-13 June 2008, 2008
Cumulative mortality by Epizootic Rabbit Enteropathy was recorded from 1999 by the fattening sect... more Cumulative mortality by Epizootic Rabbit Enteropathy was recorded from 1999 by the fattening section of the Experimental Centre in Viterbo and by a commercial unit. Both units utilized the same alternative open air system of a group of farmers that adopted a not pharmacological control of pathologies. When the enteropathy appeared, the commercial unit had to adopt a prophylactic antibiotic treatment (Tiamuline 60 ppm and Apramycin ppm) for four weeks after weaning. The rabbits were treated until 2003 when the evolution of the not pharmacological prophylactic strategy became effective. Results were compared for 5 years, showing how the mortality after weaning could be progressively reduced from 43.4% to 7.0% (no pharmacological treatment) and from 16.8% (pharmacological prophylaxis) to 8.5% when the pharmacological treatment was suspended. This was obtained, after successive trials, reducing the density in the fattening cages from 4 to 3 subjects, stamping out the rabbits at the first suspect of not perfect health and isolating the other animals of the same cage. A sequence of 88 consecutive days with no mortality was recorded in 2007 when a mean of about 150 rabbits was present in the open air fattening area of the Centre. To explain these results the mortality from the third week after weaning was compared in the cages where in the first two weeks there were cases suspected of enteropathy and in the cages where this was not observed. The results confirmed that the direct or indirect (drinkers and feeders) contact with rabbits showing the first symptoms of enteropathy is related with the spreading of the sickness (29.1% in comparison with 0.7% of the control; P<0.001). The many empiric trials performed from 1999 show that the alternative open air keeping units can be maintained in a very good healthy state without any pharmacological control of pathologies, enteropathy included. Among the many attempts to get this result the most effective were the reduction of the density of the animals in the fattening cages, the immediate stamping out of each suspected rabbits and the isolation of the other subjects present in the same cage. Observing these rules it is proved that global mortality can be maintained under 10% in the growing period.

World Rabbit Science, Mar 31, 2010
A set of three contiguous cages was utilised to test the possibility that rabbits establish sniff... more A set of three contiguous cages was utilised to test the possibility that rabbits establish sniffi ng relationships when housed in contiguous cages as occurs on farms. The single cages were separated by a tin divider slide in which very small holes were made. This system allows the smell to be sensed while a visual relationship was not possible. The experimental set was then located in an open air shed under a roof with no walls, in order to allow olfactory stimuli and to make it possible to perceive its direction and possibly its origin. This setup avoided the odours saturating the environment so that the animals could sense each other's presence. Three 16 wk old does were housed in contiguous cages at the same time. The animals were video-recorded at one frame per minute for 8 consecutive days and a total of 11,500 frames per animal were recorded. The trial was replicated under the same conditions with three new does. Progressively decreasing sniffi ng behaviour (P<0.001) was observed. The behaviour of all the does in the lateral cages was similar and there were no signifi cant differences. Frequent reciprocal sniffi ng was also observed, mainly in the fi rst few days. The results indicate that a sniffi ng relationship is established among rabbits but this behaviour decreases rapidly. It is possible that after the initial interest shown, rabbits do not show any specifi c behavioural changes when sensing other animals.
Rivista di Zootecnia, 1970

Folia Linguistica, 1977
I CODICI DEI GIOCATORI DI BRISCOLA "La briscola e chiacchierona ' Detto popolare ALESSANDRO FINZI... more I CODICI DEI GIOCATORI DI BRISCOLA "La briscola e chiacchierona ' Detto popolare ALESSANDRO FINZI l codici adottati dai giocatori di carte per scambiarsi informazioni circa la distribuzione delle carte stesse non sembra siano mai stati oggetto di studi sistematici dal punto di vista linguistico. Per quanto la informazione da trasmettere sia relativamente semplice e delimitata, i l sistema convenzionale di comunicazione puo, come nella licitazione del bridge, raggiungere una notevole complessitä, ma questo e Punico caso, fra i giochi, in cui i codici vengono elaborati con rigore ehe potremmo definire scientifico. Di solito essi sono piu semplici, meno rigidamente fissati, soggetti pertanto ad evoluzione diacronica come dei microlinguaggi naturali. Nella briscola qualsiasl tipo di informazione fra compagni di gioco e considerato lecito ed e considerato lecito altresi fare in modo ehe l'atto comunicativo non venga colto dalla coppia avversa; pertanto, accanto alla lingua parlata a cui si fa comunemente ricorso, e logico ehe si siano sviluppati dei sistemi di comunicazione accessori. Nel complesso la materia puo essere classificata secondo i l seguente Schema:

World Rabbit Science, Jul 7, 2010
Visual Image Analysis (VIA) has been evaluated to estimate morphological traits and weights of li... more Visual Image Analysis (VIA) has been evaluated to estimate morphological traits and weights of live rabbits and carcasses to improve the body conformation of the new breed Leprino di Viterbo. The reliability of VIA was firstly tested on a sample of 30 does. Then, a total of 365 animal (130 additional does and 205 rabbits at slaughtering weight of kg 2.5) was utilised to calculate some surface traits and correlations between live and carcass weights that were later validated over a new sample of 112 rabbits (37 does and 75 fattened). VIA gave very good results to evaluate morphological and weight measurements. Maximum observed individual difference between data measured by metre and by VIA was only 3.6%. Since standard error (SE) of VIA was lower than SE of metre (0.06 and 0.33 respectively), VIA was considered more reliable than the instrumental measurement. A new parameter, Body Side Surface, was made available by the Image Analysis to estimate Live Weight and Carcass Weight efficiently. Correlations were high (P<0.01) both in does (R 2 =0.87 for live weight equation) and at slaughter time (R 2 =0.82 and 0.76 for live and carcass weight equations, respectively). It was concluded that VIA is a viable, quick and practical mean to measure and select for weight and morphological traits as head length, ear length, body length and body side surface.
Papers by Alessandro Finzi