Alessandro Favilli
Alessandro Favilli completed his degree in Medicine and Surgery with Honours in 2007
(Title of the thesis: "Postpartum hysterectomy: a regional multicentric analysis in Italy";
Thesis supervisor: Prof Gian Carlo Di Renzo). He was a resident at the Department of
Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University Hospital of Perugia "Santa Maria della
Misericordia", Perugia (Italy) under the supervision of Professor Gian Carlo Di Renzo
(Title of Thesis: "Pain in diagnostic hysteroscopy: a multivariate analysis after a
randomized controlled trial". Graduation cum laude).
In 2010, he started a fellowship for Gynecological Endoscopy at Arbor Vitae
Endoscopic Centre, Rome, (Italy) under the supervision of Professor Ivan Mazzon,
focusing on diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy.
In 2012, within the Erasmus Placement – Long Learning Program, he started a
fellowship for Gynecological Endoscopy at ETCA (Endoscopic Training Center
Antwerp) ZNA (Ziekenhuis Netwerk Antwerpen) Stuivenberg - Sint Erasmus –
SintElisabeth, under the supervision of Professor Bruno van Herendael, focusing on
hysteroscopy and laparoscopic surgery.
From 2014 to 2017, he attended PhD program in Translational Medicine and Surgery at
University of Perugia, Perugia (Italy) under the supervision of Professor Sandro Gerli
(Main project research: "The intraoperative effect of preoperative GnRH analogues
administration in women undergoing cold loop hysteroscopic myomectomy: a
randomized controlled trial." Graduation cum laude).
Actually, Alessandro Favilli has been working as Consultant at Department of
Obstetrics and Gynecology, Azienda USL Umbria 1, Città di Castello (Italy) and as
Lecturer at of University of Perugia, Perugia (Italy).
Alessandro Favilli is author of more than 30 scientific publications published in peerreview
international indexed Journals. Research interests are focused in Gynecology, in
the field of hysteroscopy, and obstetrics, especially about pregnancy in advanced
maternal age and induction of labour.
He have a wide experience as peer review for several indexed international Journals.
(Title of the thesis: "Postpartum hysterectomy: a regional multicentric analysis in Italy";
Thesis supervisor: Prof Gian Carlo Di Renzo). He was a resident at the Department of
Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University Hospital of Perugia "Santa Maria della
Misericordia", Perugia (Italy) under the supervision of Professor Gian Carlo Di Renzo
(Title of Thesis: "Pain in diagnostic hysteroscopy: a multivariate analysis after a
randomized controlled trial". Graduation cum laude).
In 2010, he started a fellowship for Gynecological Endoscopy at Arbor Vitae
Endoscopic Centre, Rome, (Italy) under the supervision of Professor Ivan Mazzon,
focusing on diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy.
In 2012, within the Erasmus Placement – Long Learning Program, he started a
fellowship for Gynecological Endoscopy at ETCA (Endoscopic Training Center
Antwerp) ZNA (Ziekenhuis Netwerk Antwerpen) Stuivenberg - Sint Erasmus –
SintElisabeth, under the supervision of Professor Bruno van Herendael, focusing on
hysteroscopy and laparoscopic surgery.
From 2014 to 2017, he attended PhD program in Translational Medicine and Surgery at
University of Perugia, Perugia (Italy) under the supervision of Professor Sandro Gerli
(Main project research: "The intraoperative effect of preoperative GnRH analogues
administration in women undergoing cold loop hysteroscopic myomectomy: a
randomized controlled trial." Graduation cum laude).
Actually, Alessandro Favilli has been working as Consultant at Department of
Obstetrics and Gynecology, Azienda USL Umbria 1, Città di Castello (Italy) and as
Lecturer at of University of Perugia, Perugia (Italy).
Alessandro Favilli is author of more than 30 scientific publications published in peerreview
international indexed Journals. Research interests are focused in Gynecology, in
the field of hysteroscopy, and obstetrics, especially about pregnancy in advanced
maternal age and induction of labour.
He have a wide experience as peer review for several indexed international Journals.
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Papers by Alessandro Favilli