Papers by Alessandra Ruggiero
Journal of Insect Science, 2014
BioOne Complete ( is a full-text database of 200 subscribed and open-access t... more BioOne Complete ( is a full-text database of 200 subscribed and open-access titles in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences published by nonprofit societies, associations, museums, institutions, and presses.

Plant Physiology
RNA splicing is a fundamental mechanism contributing to the definition of the cellular protein po... more RNA splicing is a fundamental mechanism contributing to the definition of the cellular protein population in any given environmental condition. DNA-DAMAGE REPAIR/TOLERATION PROTEIN 111/ SPLICING FACTOR FOR PHYTOCHROME SIGNALING (DRT111/SFPS) is a splicing factor previously shown to interact with phytochrome B and characterized for its role in splicing of pre-mRNAs involved in photomorphogenesis. Here, we show that DRT111 interacts with Arabidopsis thaliana Splicing Factor 1 (SF1), involved in 3′ splicing site recognition. Double and triple mutant analysis shows that DRT111 controls splicing of ABI3 and acts upstream of the splicing factor SUPPRESSOR OF ABI3-5 (SUA). DRT111 is highly expressed in seeds and stomata of Arabidopsis and is induced by long-term treatments of polyethylene glycol and abscisic acid (ABA). DRT111 knockout mutants are defective in ABA-induced stomatal closure and are hypersensitive to ABA during seed germination. Conversely, DRT111 over-expressing plants show ABA-hyposensitive seed germination. RNAseq experiments show that in dry seeds, DRT111 controls expression and splicing of genes involved in osmotic-stress and ABA responses, light signaling, and mRNA splicing, including targets of ABSCISIC ACID INSENSITIVE3 (ABI3) and PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTORs (PIFs). Consistently, expression of the germination inhibitor SOMNUS, induced by ABI3 and PIF1, is up-regulated in imbibed seeds of drt111-2 mutants. Together, these results indicate that DRT111 controls sensitivity to ABA during seed development, germination, and stomatal movements, and integrates ABA-and light-regulated pathways to control seed germination.

RNA splicing is a fundamental mechanism contributing to the definition of the cellular protein po... more RNA splicing is a fundamental mechanism contributing to the definition of the cellular protein population in any given environmental condition. DRT111/SFPS is a splicing factor previously shown to interact with phytochromeB and characterized for its role in splicing of pre-mRNAs involved in photomorphogenesis. Here, we show that DRT111 interacts with Arabidopsis Splicing Factor 1 (SF1), involved in 3’ splicing site recognition. Double and triple mutant analysis shows that DRT111 controls splicing of ABI3 and acts upstream of the splicing factor SUPPRESSOR OF ABI3-5 (SUA). DRT111 is highly expressed in seeds and stomata of Arabidopsis and is induced by long-term treatments with polyethylene glycol and ABA. DRT111 knock-out mutants are defective in ABA-induced stomatal closure and are hypersensitive to ABA during seed germination. Conversely, DRT111 over-expressing plants show ABA hyposensitive seed germination. RNAseq experiments show that in dry seeds, DRT111 controls expression and...

Frontiers in Plant Science
Omeprazole is a selective proton pump inhibitor in humans that inhibits the H + /K +-ATPase of ga... more Omeprazole is a selective proton pump inhibitor in humans that inhibits the H + /K +-ATPase of gastric parietal cells. Omeprazole has been recently shown to act as a plant growth regulator and enhancer of salt stress tolerance. Here, we report that omeprazole treatment in hydroponically grown maize improves nitrogen uptake and assimilation. The presence of micromolar concentrations of omeprazole in the nutrient solution alleviates the chlorosis and growth inhibition induced by low nitrogen availability. Nitrate uptake and assimilation is enhanced in omeprazole treated plants through changes in nitrate reductase activity, primary metabolism, and gene expression. Omeprazole enhances nitrate assimilation through an interaction with nitrate reductase, altering its activation state and affinity for nitrate as a substrate. Omeprazole and its targets represent a novel method for enhancing nitrogen use efficiency in plants.

Plant signaling & behavior, Jan 20, 2018
Environmental conditions inform the rate of plant growth and development. The target of rapamycin... more Environmental conditions inform the rate of plant growth and development. The target of rapamycin (TOR) signalling pathway is a central regulator of plant growth in response to nutrients and energy, while abscisic acid (ABA) is a main mediator of abiotic stress responses. We recently characterized Arabidopsis TIP41, a predicted TOR pathway component involved in the ABA-mediated response to abiotic stress. Here, we report the ABA sensitivity of tip41 mutants, supporting the relation between TIP41 and the hormone pathway. The analysis of predicted TIP41 functional network identified several protein phosphatases. In particular, candidate protein interactors included catalytic subunits of type 2A protein phosphatases and protein phosphatases 6, which regulate different developmental processes and responses to environmental stimuli. These results provide important information on the role of TIP41 in the cross talk between TOR and ABA pathways.

The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology, Jan 30, 2018
Modulation of growth in response to environmental cues is a fundamental aspect of plant adaptatio... more Modulation of growth in response to environmental cues is a fundamental aspect of plant adaptation to abiotic stresses. TIP41 (TAP42 INTERACTING PROTEIN OF 41 kDa) is the Arabidopsis thaliana orthologue of proteins isolated in mammals and yeast that participate in the Target-of-Rapamycin (TOR) pathway, which modifies cell growth in response to nutrient status and environmental conditions. Here, we characterized the function of TIP41 in Arabidopsis. Expression analyses showed that TIP41 is constitutively expressed in vascular tissues, and is induced following long-term exposure to NaCl, PEG and ABA, suggesting a role of TIP41 in adaptation to abiotic stress. Visualization of a fusion protein with yellow fluorescent protein indicated that TIP41 is localized in the cytoplasm and the nucleus. Abolished expression of TIP41 results in smaller plants with a lower number of rosette leaves and lateral roots, and an increased sensitivity to treatments with chemical TOR inhibitors, indicating ...

Horticulturae, 2017
Improving crop performance under water-limiting conditions is essential for achieving environment... more Improving crop performance under water-limiting conditions is essential for achieving environmentally sustainable food production. This requires significant progress in both the identification and characterization of key genetic and physiological processes involved in water uptake and loss. Plants regulate water uptake and loss through both developmental and environmental responses. These responses include: root morphology and architecture, cuticle development, stomatal development, and guard cell movements in response to the environment. Genes controlling root traits and stomatal development and guard cell movements strongly impact water use efficiency (WUE), and represent the best targets for molecular breeding programs. This article provides an overview of the complex networks of genes involved in water uptake and loss. These traits represent novel opportunities and strategies for genetic improvement of WUE and drought tolerance in crops.

Plant, cell & environment, Jan 7, 2017
Wild potato species are useful sources allelic diversity and loci lacking in the cultivated potat... more Wild potato species are useful sources allelic diversity and loci lacking in the cultivated potato. In these species, the presence of anthocyanins in leaves has been associated with a greater tolerance to cold stress. However, the molecular mechanisms that allow potatoes to withstand cold exposure remain unclear. Here, we show that the expression of AN2, a MYB transcription factor, is induced by low temperatures in wild, cold tolerant Solanum commersonii, and not in susceptible S. tuberosum varieties. We found that AN2 is a paralog of the potato anthocyanin regulator AN1, showing similar interaction ability with bHLH co-partners. Their sequence diversity resulted in a different capacity to promote accumulation of phenolics when tested in tobacco. Indeed, functional studies demonstrated that AN2 is less able to induce anthocyanins than AN1, but nevertheless it has a strong ability to induce accumulation of hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives. We propose that the duplication of R2R3 MYB ...

BMC plant biology, Feb 10, 2017
Drought is a major constraint for plant growth and crop productivity that is receiving an increas... more Drought is a major constraint for plant growth and crop productivity that is receiving an increased attention due to global climate changes. Chloroplasts act as environmental sensors, however, only partial information is available on stress-induced mechanisms within plastids. Here, we investigated the chloroplast response to a severe drought treatment and a subsequent recovery cycle in tomato through physiological, metabolite and proteomic analyses. Under stress conditions, tomato plants showed stunted growth, and elevated levels of proline, abscisic acid (ABA) and late embryogenesis abundant gene transcript. Proteomics revealed that water deficit deeply affects chloroplast protein repertoire (31 differentially represented components), mainly involving energy-related functional species. Following the rewatering cycle, physiological parameters and metabolite levels indicated a recovery of tomato plant functions, while proteomics revealed a still ongoing adjustment of the chloroplast ...

Frontiers in Plant Science
Abscisic acid (ABA) plays an important role in various aspects of plant growth and development, i... more Abscisic acid (ABA) plays an important role in various aspects of plant growth and development, including adaptation to stresses, fruit development and ripening. In seeds, ABA participates through its core signaling components in dormancy instauration, longevity determination, and inhibition of germination in unfavorable environmental conditions such as high soil salinity. Here, we show that seed germination in pepper was delayed but only marginally reduced by ABA or NaCl with respect to control treatments. Through a similarity search, pepper orthologs of ABA core signaling components PYL (PYRABACTIN RESISTANCE1-LIKE), PP2C (PROTEIN PHOSPHATASE2C), and SnRK2 (SUCROSE NONFERMENTING1 (SNF1)-RELATED PROTEIN KINASE2) genes were identified. Gene expression analyses of selected members showed a low abundance of PYL and SnRK2 transcripts in dry seeds compared to other tissues, and an upregulation at high concentrations of ABA and/or NaCl for both positive and negative regulators of ABA signaling. As expected, in hydroponically-grown seedlings exposed to NaCl, only PP2C encoding genes were up-regulated. Yeast two hybrid assays performed among putative pepper core components and with Arabidopsis thaliana orthologs confirmed the ability of the identified proteins to function in ABA signaling cascade, with the exception of a CaABI isoform cloned from seeds. BiFC assay in planta confirmed some of the interactions obtained in yeast. Altogether, our results indicate that a low expression of perception and signaling components in pepper seeds might contribute to explain the observed high percentages of seed germination in the presence of ABA. These results might have direct implications on the improvement of seed longevity and vigor, a bottleneck in pepper breeding.
Drought Stress Tolerance in Plants, Vol 2, 2016

Circulation Research, 2016
Mutations in desmosome proteins cause arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (AC), a disease characterized... more Mutations in desmosome proteins cause arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (AC), a disease characterized by excess myocardial fibroadipocytes. Cellular origin(s) of fibroadipocytes in AC is unknown. To identify the cellular origin of adipocytes in AC. Human and mouse cardiac cells were depleted from myocytes and flow sorted to isolate cells expressing platelet-derived growth factor receptor-α and exclude those expressing other lineage and fibroblast markers (CD32, CD11B, CD45, Lys76, Ly(-6c) and Ly(6c), thymocyte differentiation antigen 1, and discoidin domain receptor 2). The PDGFRA(pos):Lin(neg):THY1(neg):DDR2(neg) cells were bipotential as the majority expressed collagen 1 α-1, a fibroblast marker, and a subset CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein α, a major adipogenic transcription factor, and therefore, they were referred to as fibroadipocyte progenitors (FAPs). FAPs expressed desmosome proteins, including desmoplakin, predominantly in the adipogenic but not fibrogenic subsets. Conditional heterozygous deletion of Dsp in mice using Pdgfra-Cre deleter led to increased fibroadipogenesis in the heart and mild cardiac dysfunction. Genetic fate mapping tagged 41.4±4.1% of the cardiac adipocytes in the Pdgfra-Cre:Eyfp:Dsp(W/F) mice, indicating an origin from FAPs. FAPs isolated from the Pdgfra-Cre:Eyfp:Dsp(W/F) mouse hearts showed enhanced differentiation to adipocytes. Mechanistically, deletion of Dsp was associated with suppressed canonical Wnt signaling and enhanced adipogenesis. In contrast, activation of the canonical Wnt signaling rescued adipogenesis in a dose-dependent manner. A subset of cardiac FAPs, identified by the PDGFRA(pos):Lin(neg):THY1(neg):DDR2(neg) signature, expresses desmosome proteins and differentiates to adipocytes in AC through a Wnt-dependent mechanism. The findings expand the cellular spectrum of AC, commonly recognized as a disease of cardiac myocytes, to include nonmyocyte cells in the heart.
Circulation, Nov 26, 2013
Circulation Research, 2014
Mutations in the intercalated disc (ID) proteins, such as plakophilin 2 (PKP2) cause arrhythmogen... more Mutations in the intercalated disc (ID) proteins, such as plakophilin 2 (PKP2) cause arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (AC). AC is characterized by the replacement of cardiac myocytes by fibro-adipocytes, cardiac dysfunction, arrhythmias and sudden death.
Cardiovascular Research, 2013
The role of calcineurin protein phosphatase 2B (PP2B) in the pathogenesis of human hypertrophic c... more The role of calcineurin protein phosphatase 2B (PP2B) in the pathogenesis of human hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) remains unsettled. We determined potential involvement of calcineurin in the pathogenesis of HCM caused by mutations in myozenin 2 (MYOZ2), an inhibitor of calcineurin.

Journal of Insect Science, 2014
The cotton leafworm, Spodoptera littoralis Boisduval (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is one of the most... more The cotton leafworm, Spodoptera littoralis Boisduval (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is one of the most devastating pests of crops worldwide. Several types of treatments have been used against this pest, but many of them failed because of the rapid development of genetic resistance in the different insect populations. G protein coupled receptors have vital functions in most organisms, including insects; thus, they are appealing targets for species-specific pest control strategies. Among the insect G protein coupled receptors, the diuretic hormone receptors have several key roles in development and metabolism, but their importance in vivo and their potential role as targets of novel pest control strategies are largely unexplored. With the goal of using DHR genes as targets to control S. littoralis, we cloned a corticotropin-releasing factor-like binding receptor in this species and expressed the corresponding dsRNA in tobacco plants to knock down the receptor activity in vivo through RNA interference. We also expressed the receptor in mammalian cells to study its signaling pathways. The results indicate that this diuretic hormone receptor gene has vital roles in S. littoralis and represents an excellent molecular target to protect agriculturallyimportant plants from this pest.

Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016
Phenylpropanoids are major secondary metabolites in eggplant (Solanum melongena) fruits. Chloroge... more Phenylpropanoids are major secondary metabolites in eggplant (Solanum melongena) fruits. Chlorogenic acid (CGA) accounts for 70-90% of total phenolics in flesh tissues, while anthocyanins are mainly present in the fruit skin. As a contribution to the understanding of the peculiar accumulation of these health-promoting metabolites in eggplant, we report on metabolite abundance, regulation of CGA and anthocyanin biosynthesis, and characterization of candidate CGA biosynthetic genes in S. melongena. Higher contents of CGA, Delphinidin 3-rutinoside, and rutin were found in eggplant fruits compared to other tissues, associated to an elevated transcript abundance of structural genes such as PAL, HQT, DFR, and ANS, suggesting that active in situ biosynthesis contributes to anthocyanin and CGA accumulation in fruit tissues. Putative orthologs of the two CGA biosynthetic genes PAL and HQT, as well as a variant of a MYB1 transcription factor showing identity with group six MYBs, were isolated from an Occidental S. melongena traditional variety and demonstrated to differ from published sequences from Asiatic varieties. In silico analysis of the isolated SmPAL1, SmHQT1, SmANS, and SmMyb1 promoters revealed the presence of several Myb regulatory elements for the biosynthetic genes and unique elements for the TF, suggesting its involvement in other physiological roles beside phenylpropanoid biosynthesis regulation. Transient overexpression in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves of SmMyb1 and of a C-terminal SmMyb1 truncated form (SmMyb1Δ9) resulted in anthocyanin accumulation only of SmMyb1 agro-infiltrated leaves. A yeast two-hybrid assay confirmed the interaction of both SmMyb1 and SmMyb1Δ9 with an anthocyanin-related potato bHLH1 TF. Interestingly, a doubled amount of CGA was detected in both SmMyb1 and SmMyb1Δ9 agro-infiltrated leaves, thus suggesting that the N-terminal region of SmMyb1 is sufficient to activate its synthesis. These data suggest that a deletion of the C-terminal region of SmMyb1 does not limit its capability to regulate CGA accumulation, but impairs anthocyanin biosynthesis. To our knowledge, this is the first study reporting a functional elucidation of the role of the C-term conserved domain in MYB activator proteins.
Papers by Alessandra Ruggiero