Papers by Aleksandra Vujko

The Journal "Agriculture and Forestry"
Satisfaction with the business is the current topic of global research, as one of the most import... more Satisfaction with the business is the current topic of global research, as one of the most important factors in the successful and quality business in tourist companies. The results of these surveys confirm that customer satisfaction and company profit can only be achieved through a quality service provided by satisfied employees. The authors of the research carried out research in accommodation in rural areas in Serbia in the period from March to May 2017, in order to examine the level of satisfaction of employees in these tourist accommodations. The results that the authors have come up with by survey research, undoubtedly indicate that there are segments in the business that the employees are really dissatisfied with, and that education does not have much connection with the chance of changing the job. Research is just a part of the entire research and aims at pointing out the employees' attitudes about working conditions and improving the quality of services.

Ekonomika poljoprivrede, 2016
Seasonality is one of the main aspects affecting tourism. Considering the rapid increase in inter... more Seasonality is one of the main aspects affecting tourism. Considering the rapid increase in international tourism demand over the last few decades, predictions of future trends of tourism demand are of particular importance for the Government and the economy. We analyze the seasonality of tourist presence in different cities in Serbia. In this paper, the exponential smoothing models have been applied on the data that was taken from Republic Statistical Office (RSO). The research was conducted on monthly data relating to the number of overnight stays in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Niš during the period from January 2000 to December 2013. The precision of the obtained predictions is determined by comparing the RMSE and BIC precision measures. Based on the selected data, forecasting was made and it is concluded that the selected models correspond to the observed data very well.

Skola biznisa, 2015
Sažetak: Oblik turizma koji najbolje prikazuje značaj tradicije za razvoj turističkih destinacija... more Sažetak: Oblik turizma koji najbolje prikazuje značaj tradicije za razvoj turističkih destinacija jeste ruralni turizam. Muzika, ples, odeća, gastronomski specijaliteti domaće kuhinje, jedinstvenost prirodnih lepota, pa i sam mentalitet i gostroprimstvo naroda koji su domaćini ruralnih sredina, predstavljaju neke od faktora koji utiču na svest turista prilikom odabira ovakvog tipa odmora. Istraživanje se baziralo na glavnoj hipotezi da tradicija jeste pokretač razvoja turizma u ruralnim sredinama i da utiče na pozitivne efekte u oblasti turizma, ekonomije i privrede regiona. Cilj rada je prikazivanje važnosti tradicije u sklopu kulturološkog identiteta ruralnih mesta i potencijal tradicije kao pokretača njihovog turističkog razvoja. Intervju sa zaposlenim osobljem u turističkoj organizaciji Požarevca pomogao je pri SWOT analizi posmatrane ruralne destinacije. Empirijsko istraživanje koje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 232 ispitanika imalo je za cilj da ukaže na pogodnosti razvoja ruralnog turizma na prostoru Požarevca. Podaci dobijeni u istraživanju su obrađeni korišćenjem statističkog programa SPSS (verzija 17.0).

Ekonomika poljoprivrede
Organizations that hope to achieve a competitive advantage through employee engagement will be mo... more Organizations that hope to achieve a competitive advantage through employee engagement will be most successful by incorporating and including employee engagement in the performance management process. Therefore, essence of the performance management must to be convergence to employees and establish communication with each one. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between employee engagement (assessment of employee competencies and preferences of the engagement mechanisms), and performance management process in rural destinations. In this paper, the assumption is that the employee are more engaged if they feels belonging to the organization and see the value of their work and that this can be achieved through rewards and recognition system and effective communication channels. The research was conducted on 79 employeed in the Fruška Gora National Park, Serbia.
Sustainability, Sep 14, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Ekonomika poljoprivrede
This study investigates residents' attitudes to tourism impacts (marketing, culture etc.) on ... more This study investigates residents' attitudes to tourism impacts (marketing, culture etc.) on Fruška Gora Mountain (Serbia), within the larger framework of economic impacts. The correspondence analysis of the perception of local residents showed that residents have a generally positive attitude towards the development of tourism considering its economic aspects, and then the desk study show edjustification of positive attitudes, thus confirming the main hypothesis. According to the analysis of the opinions of the local residents, it was found that the local residents positively perceived economic impact of tourism in two aspects: through increase in number of employees (employment and self-employment) as well as through the development of the community. The development of tourism in any destination in evitably leads to an increase of domestic and foreign investment, which then leads to the construction of infrastructure and suprastructure facilities, the introduction of various t...

This paper deals with the core elements of the marketing mix in Serbian agritourism: product, pri... more This paper deals with the core elements of the marketing mix in Serbian agritourism: product, price, promotion and distribution. In order to achieve profitability and sustainability of agritourist products, it is necessary to carry out several activities such as market research and segmentation, purchase as an additional source of income, classification and labeling as quality guarantee. The price as the most important element depends on the attractiveness of the product and its quality. Additionally, external factors on the tourism market (e.g. entire rural area) as well as internal factors (e.g. farm-stay accommodation) at the local level should be taken into account. On the other hand, promotion has an important role when introducing a product on the market. The major forms of promotion are: advertising with graphic, audio-visual and other means (brochures, souvenirs, Internet pages, stock exchange participation etc.), public relations (contact with market participants) and sales...
European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation, 2020
Caves, gorges, canyons, waterfalls and other karst geoheritage sites have been the focus of many ... more Caves, gorges, canyons, waterfalls and other karst geoheritage sites have been the focus of many tourists who visit Serbia. Caves have been visited and explored by numerous school excursions and scientific expeditions. Thus speleotourism in Serbia possesses great potential for local and regional economic empowerment. Moreover, analyzing the influence of complementary tourist activities for speleotourism can generate more knowledge for future development strategies. This paper aims to forecast tourist arrivals in Resava Cave and thus determine the current and future conditions of speleotourism development. According to the current speleotourist traffic, Resava Cave is the most developed speleotourism destination in Serbia. Therefore, estimating the growth of tourist traffic is crucial for understanding its true potential.

DETUROPE - The Central European Journal of Tourism and Regional Development, 2018
Regardless of their type and structure, natural resources represent the basis for industrial and ... more Regardless of their type and structure, natural resources represent the basis for industrial and economic development of every country. The aim of this study is to determine and display the natural potential in the territory of the City of Subotica (Vojvodina Province in Northern Serbia), on the basis of four protected natural areas. These areas are: Palić Nature Park, Ludaško jezero Special Nature Reserve, Selevenjske pustare Special Nature Reserve and Subotička peščara Protected Landscape of Exceptional Distinction. All listed areas represent the main aspects for ecotourism development in this part of the country, so one of the aims of the research is to identify key stakeholders that should be involved in proper developing of this form of tourism. When preforming this study, survey research techniques were used. Respondents were Subotica's residents, who were asked to rate the state of the environment in these surroundings, as well as to give their opinions about the possibilities for the development of ecotourism. Based on the analysis of the dependent and independent variables, it was concluded that the residents are generally satisfied with the conditions of the environment, they also consider that the development of this form of tourism would raise the awareness of locals about the importance of preserving these protected areas. The result may be significant when launching a new tourism product, while preserving the protected areas and adapting for future visitors' needs.

Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites, 2013
International cycling the “Szekelys route” could become the backbone of cycling as part of sports... more International cycling the “Szekelys route” could become the backbone of cycling as part of sports and recreational tourism in Serbia. Within it there are two EU member states (Romania and Hungary), both bordering Serbia, therefore with the help of the IPA pre-accession funds, cross-border cooperation would be facilitated for Serbia in the future. The “Szekelys route” participants-cyclists for years start their cycling from Radauci in Romania and in the length of about 1,200 km they are cycling through the unique landscapes of Romania, Hungary and Serbia, thus approaching natural, cultural and spiritual values of the area they are passing. With that in mind, one of the fundamental aims of this research was to indicate the potential of networking the region through which the route passes by. It would be possible with various sport and recreational and cultural events, and natural and cultural values, aimed at becoming an official cycle route, which would consequently generate many oth...

Rural tourism is becoming a more and more popular form of tourist movement and it is a fact that ... more Rural tourism is becoming a more and more popular form of tourist movement and it is a fact that the tourist region of Western Serbia has all potentials of taking its high, competitive position in the market. In this research paper, all potentials which refer to the wealth in natural potentials, cultural and historical sights, the state of infrastructure, material basis and other elements contained in the offer can be seen. Alongside with the potentials, there are weaknesses. With the goal of providing a clearer insight into characteristics and prospects which currently follow the development of rural tourism of the observed region, a survey has been conducted. Namely, on a sample of 100 subjects, one can get a clear picture of the state, as well as establish any potential activities which can improve certain parameters.Key words: rural tourism, Western Serbia, tourist offer, tourism demand
Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites, 2014
This research is supposed to establish if there is a significant difference in attitude of boys a... more This research is supposed to establish if there is a significant difference in attitude of boys and girls and their peers to sport and recreational tourism and its’ correlation with success in schools. Tools used in the research were: the questionnaire compiled of socio-demographic data; the questionnaire on the attitude towards sports. The participants in the research were teenagers, 357 of them (189 girls and 168 boys), aged 1215. The research was carried out in primary schools all over AP Vojvodina. The obtained data showed that the participants who prefer sports or recreational activities manifest greater interest in student trips and excursions and generally have greater success in school. However, there is, statistically, little difference in dependent variables between older and younger participants.
Revista De La Facultad De Agronomia De La Universidad Del Zulia, 2018
Rural attractions has increasing opportunities to act as a basic resource for tourism, organised ... more Rural attractions has increasing opportunities to act as a basic resource for tourism, organised and sustained through locally owned small enterprises. Rural hospitality enterprises (RHEs) are a rapidly expanding and dynamic sector of the rural tourism industry, largely associated with the concept of sustainability in which local communities are increasingly proactive in facilitating the regional development. The research was aimed to determine the real condition of the accommodation capacity in rural tourism of Serbia. The authors employed a questionnaire to obtain data on the RHEs in thirteen (13) municipalities in Serbia. Thanks to the obtained results, the current condition of RHEs and potentials for more prosperous rural tourism development in the researched municipalities, can clearly be noticed.

Our vineyards, the wine of superior quality, equipped cellars, wine salami, authentic wine houses... more Our vineyards, the wine of superior quality, equipped cellars, wine salami, authentic wine houses, excellent cuisine and courtesy winemakers, tourism workers and indigenous peoples are the main motivation for the development of wine tourism. Regarding the methodological basis, the object of this work comprises the current state of wine tourism in the Municipality of Irig, the formation of the wine trail, possible association of winemakers, monitoring and analysis of the results achieved, the preservation of tradition through wine tourism, promotion of gastronomy, the promotion of wine, viticulture and enology, but also constantly adapting refined delicious increasingly demanding tourism demand. The aim of the paper is to focus on improving the overall image of tourism in the positioning of wine tourism, which would to some extent prolong the duration of the tourist season, and the achievement of positive economic effects suitable for the development of both individual wine producers, as well as the entire Irig municipality. Methods that have been used when writing the paper are in the form of field research observation and interviews with the owners of wine cellars and wineries, and questionnaire surveys as well. The survey was conducted among residents of the Municipality of Irig in order to get the most relevant statistical processing of the data that will be used for understanding the present, and predict the future state of the development of wine tourism.
Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites, 2011
in the natural environment Paintball affects the entire bio-psycho-social status of a society; th... more in the natural environment Paintball affects the entire bio-psycho-social status of a society; therefore the activity itself will be one of the best means to remove the negative effects of modern life. The basic hypothesis was to show the potential of Fruska Gora Mountain for paintball. In this sense, the goal of this paper was to show the benefits paintball may have for health and also the potential of Fruska Gora Mountain regarding such activities. Interviews with experts from the Provincial Secretariat of Environment, the National Park and paintball club "Monks" from Vrdnik, assisted in the SWOT analysis. Benchmark analysis was used to compare the similar ground (the Apuseni Mountains and Fruska Gora Mountain) and to display examples of good practice.

The development of tourism is considerably more than in other activities conditioned by the quali... more The development of tourism is considerably more than in other activities conditioned by the quality of the environment, its natural and cultural values, because the degree of preservation and attractiveness of the environment directly reflects the possibilities for the development of tourism in a given area. Potential for the development of tourism in rural regions is mainly manifested in its contribution to the preservation of the environment, the creation of new jobs (jobs) in the villages and many activities. Of course, the development of rural tourism has been seen as a need for economic growth and diversity, and it is important that tourism potential, contributing to rural economic development, is not diluted by specific principles of sustainable tourism. The main goal of the research is to determine the state, possibilities and perspectives of the development of rural tourism based on authentic, local, regional food and drink. Particular emphasis on the achievement of the basi...

TEME, 2017
Gastronomy tourism can be regarded as a travel to a destination for cultural purposes with experi... more Gastronomy tourism can be regarded as a travel to a destination for cultural purposes with experiences of unique and traditional foods at the destination. Based on this, the main hypothesis is set. It follows that traditional food is one of the main reasons for loyalty of tourists. The paper is based on empirical research carried out amongst 328 foreign tourists from eight countries who visited six traditional farm houses (Salaši) in rural destination of Vojvodina (Serbia) in August 2015. The purpose of the study is to investigate the role and importance of traditional food in tourist satisfaction and the extent to which traditional food affects positive attitude and loyalty of the tourists about the rural destination. Analysis of the findings revealed that the traditional food is the attribute that most affected the overall rural tourism experience in Vojvodina (Serbia). It is concluded in the paper that traditional food is important contributor to tourist satisfaction and that sat...

Journal of Tourism Futures, 2021
Purpose The starting premise of this study is that women's empowerment is the goal for self-r... more Purpose The starting premise of this study is that women's empowerment is the goal for self-realization and that the support that comes from local tourism stakeholders represents an adequate base. In many rural areas, women have established self-help groups (SHGs), which facilitate the interaction with a wide range of stakeholders. The objective of this paper is to investigate the effects of SHGs on female entrepreneurship and self-employment in tourism. Design/methodology/approach To examine the research question, this study adopted a quantitative research that included a sample of 513 women in a less-advanced rural area in Serbia. For the data analysis, the generalized linear regression model (GLM) was used. Findings According to the results, self-employment is the leading goal of women's empowerment. Research limitations/implications The main limitation in the research and the authors’ suggestion for future research is to increase the sample size of female respondents, so...
Eastern European Countryside, 2018
This paper deals with the development of rural areas in Slovenia and Serbia. The article identifi... more This paper deals with the development of rural areas in Slovenia and Serbia. The article identifies the main characteristics of rural tourism competitiveness in Slovenia and Serbia, analysing the main contributions and making a series of proposals to guide a future research agenda. The aim of the paper is simplified and clarified around one clearly defined objective: point out the competitiveness of rural tourism. The data for this study was collected using Dwyer and Kim’s (2003) Integrated Model of Destination Competitiveness to observe Slovenia’s and Vojvodina’s (Serbia) destination competitiveness. Determinants were assessed using a survey evaluating 24 indicators (demand factors and supporting factors), based upon a Likert Scale.

Journal of the Geographical Institute Jovan Cvijic, SASA, 2018
In this paper authors developed Cube Online Analytical Model (COLAM) which should anticipate vari... more In this paper authors developed Cube Online Analytical Model (COLAM) which should anticipate various restrictions and hazards in river transport system. The aim is to construct a theoretical model which will predict certain delays in transport time caused by topographic and hydrographic constraints, natural hazards (such as ice, floods and droughts), economic and political constraints (tariff barriers between the countries, operating costs, terminal costs and sanctions, the threat of war, etc.) and different technical accidents. COLAM integrates hydroinformatic and hydrologic base of knowledge with real time and gives possibility to provide information for economic queries with different hierarchy of time. COLAM is methodological and practical instrument for this challenge. It integrates hydroinformatic and hydrologic base of knowledge with real time. The model in each concrete case is created to receive information about possible changing of navigation periods on the base of multi-dimension all of three groups of risks (natural hazards, social and technical hazards) as also their combinations.
Papers by Aleksandra Vujko