Papers by Aleksandra Gligorovic

YOUTH PARTICIPATION INDEX: Monitoring report of political, social and economical participation of youth 2021, 2022
Ksenija Čović and Aleksandra Đurović
The purpose of this annual monitoring ... more LEADING RESEARCHERS:
Ksenija Čović and Aleksandra Đurović
The purpose of this annual monitoring report is to give an overview of the political, social and economic participation of youth in Albania, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey through a unique set of indicators.
Youth Participation Index was developed by the Youth Hub Western Balkan and Turkey Network of youth organizations (YHWBT Network). The network is coordinated by Foundation Ana and Vlade Divac from Serbia and implemented in partnership with Partners Albania for Change and Development from Albania, Youth Alliance - Krusevo from North Macedonia, NGO Prima from Montenegro and Community Volunteers Foundation from Turkey (TOG). The idea was to create a concrete tool that can be used by public authorities and civil society organizations to systematically identify and address the most pressing challenges in youth participation in Albania, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey. Regular publishing of the Youth Participation Index aims to:
✓ Improve the practice of using data as a reliable base for any decision
concerning youth;
✓ Compare countries according to key indicators of youth participation
in all three dimensions: political, economic and social;
✓ Monitor progress in youth participation through the years in
respective countries;
✓ Provide a practical tool for decision-makers, youth organizations and
other stakeholders that supports the implementation of policies and
programs aimed at the improvement of youth participation.
Era Sherifaj, Biljana Stojceska, Prof. Marija Topuzovska Latkovikj, Biljana Dukovska, Aleksandra Gligorović, Katarina Vukadinović, Burcu Oy and Çiğdem Güler.
Jonida Alite, Aida Perović, Anelija Mitrova and Didem Unsur

DG NEAR Guidelines for EU Support to Civil Society 2021-2027: Baseline Assessment Report 2021 , 2022
This publication was funded by the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of th... more This publication was funded by the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union. This study was carried out by a team of researchers under the supervision of the EU TACSO 3 project.
Lead Expert and main author: Snježana Bokulić
Data analyst and survey expert: Dr. Blerina Metanj Subashi
Country Analysis Authors:
Natasha Mazari – Albania
Kanita Kulić – Bosnia and Herzegovina
Afërdita Pustina – Kosovo
Aleksandra Gligorović – Montenegro
Marija Armenski - North Macedonia
Jelena Pajović van Reenen – Serbia
Özge Konuralp - Türkiye
EU TACSO 3 Team Leader - Richard Allen
Legal Advisors
Dr. Ersida Teliti - Albania
Selim Kulić – Bosnia and Herzegovina
Milorad Marković MSci – Montenegro
Maja Atanasova – North Macedonia
Dr. Robert Sepi - Serbia
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ulaş Karan - Türkiye.
This report presents the first assessment against the revised DG NEAR Guidelines for EU Support to Civil Society in the Enlargement Region, 2021-2027. The Guidelines outline the results towards which EU support to civil society in the enlargement region will aspire in this seven-year period. This assessment provides evidence for the situation against the Guidelines’ indicators for 2021 which is the baseline year. It is the first assessment report in a series whereby trends in implementation will be identified over time.
Consisting of 59 indicators compiled under 21 specific objectives, the Guidelines are based on three outcomes critical for healthy participatory democracies in which a strengthened civil society contributes to the EU approximation and integration processes in the region. The three outcomes recognise that (1) a conducive environment for civil society to carry out its activities is a fundamental precondition of democracy; that (2) strengthened cooperation and partnership between civil society organisations (CSOs) and public institutions are integral to participatory democracy, and that (3) reinforced CSO capacity and resilience to carry out their activities effectively are necessary so that CSOs can be credible and productive actors in society. The indicators, in turn, are based on international standards, including relevant EU acquis and Copenhagen criteria, international human rights law and CSO accountability standards, and informed by recommendations, opinions and guidelines adopted by international organisations and inter-governmental fora. The assessment against each of the indicators provides all stakeholders – EU staff, CSOs in the region, and IPA beneficiary policy-makers and officials – with a detailed set of data showing the degree of progress toward the three main objectives.
This report presents the assessment of the implementation in 2021 in the region, comprising Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo1∗ , Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Türkiye. It is worth noting that, in 2021, CSO activities were disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, the data collected may be atypical, if compared with the pre-COVID-19 situation.

ANNEX 4 COUNTRY ANALYSIS MONTENEGRO: DG NEAR Guidelines for EU Support to Civil Society 2021-2027, Baseline Assessment Report 2021 MONTENEGRO , 2021
This country analysis is an Annex to the DG NEAR Guidelines for EU Support to Civil Society 2021-... more This country analysis is an Annex to the DG NEAR Guidelines for EU Support to Civil Society 2021-2027: Baseline Assessment Report 2021. The Guidelines outline the results towards which EU support to civil society in the enlargement region will aspire in this seven-year period. This assessment provides evidence for the situation against the Guidelines’ indicators for 2021 which is the baseline year.
This annex provides a summary of the evidence for assessment of the situation in Montenegro against each of the 59 indicators in the Guidelines. This annex should be read in conjunction with the main report,
which is available on the website.
This publication was funded by the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union. This study was carried out by a team of researchers under the supervision of the EU TACSO 3 project.
Odonatologica, Dec 1, 2021
Ecologica Montenegrina, 2016
In this paper the alien coccinellid Harmonia axyridis (Pallas, 1773) is reported for the first ti... more In this paper the alien coccinellid Harmonia axyridis (Pallas, 1773) is reported for the first time for Montenegro.

Osvetnička pornografija u krivičnim zakonima: Aktuelna situacija u Crnoj Gori, Evropi i svijetu / Revenge pornography in criminal law: Current situation in Montenegro, Europe and the world, 2021
This document analyses the legal framework for protection against the dissemination of intimate v... more This document analyses the legal framework for protection against the dissemination of intimate video content and images, or private images and images of a sexual nature obtained with or without the consent of the person in the image, video or audio recording. This type of crime falls under the umbrella definition of gender-based violence against women through ICT - Information and Communications Technologies.
The creation of this publication is funded by the US Embassy in Montenegro, within the project of NGO Prima: "Aware. Safe. Protected"
Ovaj dokumenat analizira pravni okvir za zaštitu od širenja, uglavnom na internetu, intimnih video sadržaja i slika, ili privatnih slika i slika seksualne prirode dobijenih sa ili bez pristanka osobe na slici, video zapisa ili tonskih zapisa. Ova vrsta krivičnog djela potpada pod krovnu definiciju „rodno zasnovanog nasilja nad ženama uz pomoć IKT-a, tj. informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija.

Assessment of Advocacy Initiatives and Tools for Changing Gender Discriminatory Social Norms and Attitudes, 2018
Published by Yada Foundation, Turkey.
The main objective was to identify successful advocacy i... more Published by Yada Foundation, Turkey.
The main objective was to identify successful advocacy initiatives and tools implemented but UN Women partner organizations that aim to change discriminatory social norms and attitudes, implement gender equality and end violence against women in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Serbia and Turkey.
To accomplish this objective, local researchers conducted research on VAW-related advocacy initiatives by UN Women partner organizations in each country over the last 5 years. The analysis of all cases were supported by interviews with various stakeholders of the initiative.
National Researchers:
- Montenegro, Aleksandra Gligorovic
- Albania, Irena Nikaj
- Bosnia and Herzegovina, Alma Jeftic
- North Macedonia Marija Risteska
- Kosovo, Mirlanda Kusari Purrini
- Serbia, Visnja Bacanovic
- Turkey, İdil Soyseçkin

U skladu sa procedurom i uslovima za izradu Studije zaštite zašticenog prirodnog dobra koji su pr... more U skladu sa procedurom i uslovima za izradu Studije zaštite zašticenog prirodnog dobra koji su propisani u clanu 56 Zakona o zaštiti prirode, zavod za zaštitu prirode je uradio Studiju zaštite zaštisenog prirodnog dobra Ratac sa Žukotrlicom. Informacije, podaci i dobijeni reezultati koji su dati u ovoj studiji trebaju da budu dalje korišceni od strane Opštine Bar i Javnog preduzeca za upravljanje Morskim dobrom Crne Gore za potrebe donošenja Akta o proglašenju – prekategorizaciji zaštisenog prirodnog dobra Ratac sa Žukotrlicom i preduzimanja drugih Zakonom predvibenih mjera i aktivnosti.
Izradom ove Studije je sprovedena revizija ranije (1968 godine) zašticenog prirodnog dobra Sutomorska plaža. Tokom pripreme studije i formulisanja prijedloga za prekategorizaciju predmetnog zašticenog prirodnog dobra sproveden je postupak evaluacije zastupljenih prirodnih vrijednosti tog lokaliteta. Na osnovu saznanja o prirodnim i stvorenim odlikama zašticenog prirodnog dobra, njegovim pejzažnim i predionim odlikama, kao i sagledavanja stanja njegovih prirodnih resursa, predložen je koncept njegovog buduceg statusa, kategorije zaštite i režima zaštite. Taj koncept statusa / kategorije zaštite pociva na Studijom utvrbenim vrijednostima predmetnog prirodnog dobra koje zaslužuju odgovarajuci stepen zaštite.
Predloženo je da zašticeno prirodno dobro „Ratac sa Žukotrlicom“: (i) zadrži status
zašticenog prirodnog dobra, sa detaljno utvrbenim granicama koje su date u ovoj Studiji i
(ii) promijeni kategoriju zaštite u skladu sa prisutnim preostalim1 prirodnim vrijednostima koje su znacajne za zaštitu. Kljucna prirodna vrijednost za zaštitu i odgovarajuca kategorija zaštite ovog zašticenog prirodnog dobra je:
- reprezentativna staništa zašticene biljne vrste Posidonia oceanica u moru i zajednice vrsta Crithmum maritimum i Statice cosyrensis u kopnenoj obalnoj zoni i te 2 komponente (morska i kopnene) ovog podrucja treba da se štite mjerama zaštite koje odgovaraju kategoriji zaštite „SPOMENIK PRIRODE“, odnosno II KATEGORIJI ZAŠTIŠENIH PRIRODNIH DOBARA. Predložen je režim zaštite koji odgovara III STEPENU – održivo korišcenje, uz sprovobenje uslova utvrbenih u ovoj Studiji.
Pored koncepta statusa / kategorije zaštite, za ovo zašticeno prirodno dobro su utvrbeni Zakonom propisani elementi: administrativne granice podrucja, režim njegove zaštite a odreben je i njegov znacaj i priroda. Propisane su i osnove za buduce upravljanje ovim zašticenim prirodnim dobrom i definisane posledice koje proisticu od predloženog koncepta.
U skladu sa odredbama iz Zakona o zaštiti prirode, kao sastavni dio Studije je uraben i kartografski prikaz granica ovog zašticenog prirodnog dobra na geodetskoj podlozi.

Research on Natura 2000 network, Montenegro Species Reports, 2019
LEPIDOPTERA – Butterflies (A. Gligorović, B. Gligrovic, P. Jakšić)
The Final Species Reports were prepared under the IPA Project ’Establishment of NATURA 2000 network in Monte-negro’ which provided technical assistance to the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism (MoSDT) and the Nature and Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA). A team of 19 species experts collected field data on Annex II species of the Habitats Directive during the field seasons 2017 and 2018. The research was focused on nine the so-called ‘Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs).
The purpose of the Final Species Reports was to evaluate the distribution and current state of populations of species surveyed under the project based on findings during two vegetation seasons. The documents represent a summary of the expert´s own work or work of group of experts, including best expert’s opinion, and are a part of the final report of the project.
BATS, page 45
FISH, page 87
INSECTA, page 166
Lepidoptera page166
Odonata – Dragonflies and Damselflies, page 240
Coleoptera – Terrestrial Beetles, page 256
Orthoptera – Grasshoppers, page 330
MOSSES, page 355

One of the general objectives of the EU Youth Strategy is to support and better recognise young p... more One of the general objectives of the EU Youth Strategy is to support and better recognise young people’s voluntary activities for their value as an important form of non-formal learning. The strategy states that obstacles to voluntary activities should be removed and the cross-border mobility of young people promoted. In order to achieve these aims, EU Member States and the other participating countries have agreed – in the EU Strategy and in subsequent council resolutions – to implement policy measures promoting the recognition of skills acquired through voluntary activities, assuring the protection of young volunteers and the quality in voluntary activities, and raising awareness about the value of voluntary activities.
At the proposal of the European Commission, the EU-CoE youth partnership network of country correspondents in the European Knowledge Centre on Youth Policy (EKCYP) is contributing to the EU Youth Wiki with knowledge and information on a number of Erasmus+ non-programme countries from South East Europe and Eastern Europe and the Caucasus. The contributors use the guidelines of the EU Youth Wiki when drafting their country contributions, but due to limited resources and support, present lighter versions of the required information.
This chapter is part of piloting the EU Youth Wiki “Light” contributions for Montenegro.
Key words: Coccinellidae, Piperi, diversity Montenegro./ Ključne riječi: Coccinellidae, Piperi, d... more Key words: Coccinellidae, Piperi, diversity Montenegro./ Ključne riječi: Coccinellidae, Piperi, diverzitet, Crna Gora.
In 2009 Coccinellidae fauna along the area Piperi were studied. 377 specimens classified into 17 species were collected. Ladybug fauna in this area was not investigated previously, so these data are important for exploring the diversity, distribution and dispersion of species in the family Coccinellidae in Montenegro.

IPA II: how to support CSOs providing services to refugees along the Western Balkan route
This fact sheet lays out the results of a consultation launched by SOLIDAR among the members of t... more This fact sheet lays out the results of a consultation launched by SOLIDAR among the members of the IRIS Network, a regional network that brings together CSOs providing social services in the Western Balkans.
The IRIS network has been founded in the framework of the EU-funded
project “Improving the provision of Social Service Delivery in South
Eastern Europe through the empowerment of national and regional
CSOs”, implemented by the consortium of LIR CD BiH, OGI Croatia, EDC
Serbia, SOS telephone Podgorica, Montenegro, CLARD Kosovo, ARSIS
Albania, ASYD FYROM, and SOLIDAR- led by ASB Germany.
The consultation aimed at assessing the main needs and challenges for
Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) working in the Western Balkans, with
a focus on services and support delivered to refugees on the move
along the Western Balkan route. Therefore, the fact sheet presents recommendations on how to make the best use of the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II) to strengthen the civil society and
social service provision in the Western Balkans
The subject of the analysis was to review the field of development and quality of social and othe... more The subject of the analysis was to review the field of development and quality of social and other support services to victims of domestic violence, collaborative support networks, policies, procedures, mechanisms and criteria according to which are functioning existing institutions and their departments responsible for the implementation of the “Protocol on the treatment, prevention and protection from domestic violence” (centers for social work, health and police services, judicial authorities, educational institutions and non-governmental organizations are recognized as service providers in this area).

The study in particular contains: a description of the natural, created and frontal features of t... more The study in particular contains: a description of the natural, created and frontal features of the natural good; characteristics, or values of the site; the existing state of resources with an assessment of their valorization; assessment of the state of the area; an opinion regarding the placing of a natural property under protection; the proposal of classifying a natural good according to importance; proposal of category and regime of protection (protection zone); cartographic display with boundaries marked, or with the mark of the location based on data from the cadastre of real estate; the concept of protection, improvement, sustainable development, the way of managing this area; the consequences that will result from the adoption of the decree on proclamation, especially with regard to ownership rights and economic activities, as well as the possible sources of necessary funds for the implementation of the act on the proclamation of a protected natural property and other elements of importance for putting under protection of a natural good.
According to the provisions of Article 35, paragraph 2 of the Law on Nature Protection ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", No. 51/08), the Institute for Nature Protection of Montenegro (ZZZP) was authorized to prepare the Study. Experts for different subjects of the research were contracted:
Dr Zlatko Bulić, dipl. biol. (prirodna osnova, biodiverzitet, zaštita prirode)
Mr Vasilije Bušković, dipl. biol. (biodiverzitet, zaštita prirode)
Prof. dr Miljan Radović, dipl.geog. (prirodna osnova, turizam)
Dr Ruža Ćirović, dipl. biol. (vodozemci, gmizavci)
Vesna Jovović, dipl ing. pejz. arh. (pejzaž)
Mr Jelena Koprivica, dipl. biol. (sisari)
Akademik Vukić Pulević, dipl. biol. (botanika)
Mr Sonja Kralj, dipl. biol. (biodiverzitet)
Prof. dr Dragomir Kićović, dipl. geog. (prirodna
osnova, turizam)
Prof. dr Miroslav Doderović, dipl. geog. (prirodna osnova, turizam)
Prof. dr Marko Knežević, dipl. geog. (prirodna osnova, turizam)
Nataša Miličković, dipl. prav. (pravni aspekt)
Đorđije Bogdanović, dipl. geod. ing. (kartografski prilozi)
Darko Saveljić, dipl. biol. (ptice)
Prof. dr Dmitar Lakušić, dipl. biol. (botanika)
Mihailo Jovićević, dipl. biol. (ptice)
Mr Luka Mitrović, dipl. geog. (klimatske karakteristike)
Mr Nataša Stanišić, dipl. biol. (zaštita prirode)
Dr Gojko Nikolić (kartografski prikazi)
Dr Gordana Kasom, dipl. biol. (gljive)
Dr Dragan Roganović, dipl. biol. (insekti)
Mr Biljana Telebak, dipl. biol. (puževi)
Mr Salija Adrović, dipl. biol. (biodiverzitet)
Mr Bogić Gligorović, dipl. biol. (insekti)
Dr Milka Rajković, dipl. biol. (ribe)
Aleksandra Gligorović, dipl. biol. (insekti)
Mr Sead Hadžiblahović, dipl. biol. (botanika)
Danijel Vincek, dipl. ing. (zaštita prirode i održivi razvoj)
Dr Snežana Dragićević, dipl.biol. (mahovine)
Jelena Nikčević, dipl. biol. (insekti)
Dr Rajko Tripić, dipl. biol. (botanika)
Mr Dragutin Nedić (biodiverzitet)
Conference: international conference, Introducing Ramsar Principles Towards Integrated Management... more Conference: international conference, Introducing Ramsar Principles Towards Integrated Management of Lake Shkodra / Skadar & Buna / Bojana RiverAt: SkadarVolume: The books of abstracts and programme, p34
Fauna of dragonflies (Odonata) of the Morača River (Montenegro) was studied during 2007 and 2008.... more Fauna of dragonflies (Odonata) of the Morača River (Montenegro) was studied during 2007 and 2008. Samples were collected in five localities along the river. Examined sites provide specific living conditions of differently adopted species of dragonflies. During the study 934 individuals classified into 35 species were collected. One of them, Trithemis annulata (Palisot de Beauvois, 1805), was collected for the first time and thereby confirmed the record of this species for fauna of Odonata in Montenegro.

Pred Vama se nalazi Informator o pristupu socijalnoj i dječjoj zaštiti. Ovaj Informator ima za ci... more Pred Vama se nalazi Informator o pristupu socijalnoj i dječjoj zaštiti. Ovaj Informator ima za cilj da pruži podršku informisanju i savjetovanju u vezi sa ostvarivanjem prava na socijalnu i dječju zaštitu u Crnoj Gori.
Informator je prvenstveno baziran na odredbama Zakona o socijalnoj i dječjoj zaštiti objavljenog u “Službenom listu Crne Gore, broj 27/2013” od 11.06.2013. god. te se iste nalaze citirane i/ili parafrazirane na način da budu lakše razumljive običnom građaninu i građanki.
Iako je primarno namijenjen pripadnicima/cama marginalizovanih zajednica, sa ciljem da im se na jednostavan način pruži informacija o pravima i načinu ostvarivanja tih prava, Informator mogu da koriste i stručnjaci i stručnjakinje koji primjenjuju socijalne politike, kao i drugi građani/ke koji žele da se informišu o socijalnim pravima i procedurama, institucijama socijalne zaštite i njihovim nadležnostima, kao i o nevladinim organizacijama koje
pružaju određene socijalne servise.
Informator sadrži:
• pregled osnovnih prava i usluga;
• uslove, procedure i uputstva za njihovo korišćenje;
• primjere formi obrazaca i zahtjeva,
• kontakte relevantnih institucija i druge korisne informacije.
Svi podaci navedeni u Informatoru se odnose na stanje u trenutku njegove pripreme i štampanja. Imajući u vidu činjenicu da se pravni okvir i sama situacija u zemlji vremenom mijenjaju, nakon informisanja putem ove publikacije preporučuje se da najnovije podatke zatražite putem kontakt telefona ili elektronske pošte (email) nadležnih institucija.
This study focuses on inability of a large group of Montenegrin citizens – female citizens, to at... more This study focuses on inability of a large group of Montenegrin citizens – female citizens, to attain respect for one of their fundamental human rights proclaimed by Article 23 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favorable conditions of work, to protection against unemployment, thus, to healthy and dignified life.
Main goal of this policy paper is to give overview of situation related to policy framework for d... more Main goal of this policy paper is to give overview of situation related to policy framework for development and provision of social services by civil society organisations in the region of South East Europe - Western Balkan, present situation in Croatia as one of the members of European Union, and compare with general situation and recommendations on EU level so to give guidelines for policy advocates from mentioned region in which area they should focus their work in order to convince a policy maker’s staff to advocate changing course on a specific policy issue that are important for improving provision of social services.
Papers by Aleksandra Gligorovic
Ksenija Čović and Aleksandra Đurović
The purpose of this annual monitoring report is to give an overview of the political, social and economic participation of youth in Albania, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey through a unique set of indicators.
Youth Participation Index was developed by the Youth Hub Western Balkan and Turkey Network of youth organizations (YHWBT Network). The network is coordinated by Foundation Ana and Vlade Divac from Serbia and implemented in partnership with Partners Albania for Change and Development from Albania, Youth Alliance - Krusevo from North Macedonia, NGO Prima from Montenegro and Community Volunteers Foundation from Turkey (TOG). The idea was to create a concrete tool that can be used by public authorities and civil society organizations to systematically identify and address the most pressing challenges in youth participation in Albania, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey. Regular publishing of the Youth Participation Index aims to:
✓ Improve the practice of using data as a reliable base for any decision
concerning youth;
✓ Compare countries according to key indicators of youth participation
in all three dimensions: political, economic and social;
✓ Monitor progress in youth participation through the years in
respective countries;
✓ Provide a practical tool for decision-makers, youth organizations and
other stakeholders that supports the implementation of policies and
programs aimed at the improvement of youth participation.
Era Sherifaj, Biljana Stojceska, Prof. Marija Topuzovska Latkovikj, Biljana Dukovska, Aleksandra Gligorović, Katarina Vukadinović, Burcu Oy and Çiğdem Güler.
Jonida Alite, Aida Perović, Anelija Mitrova and Didem Unsur
Lead Expert and main author: Snježana Bokulić
Data analyst and survey expert: Dr. Blerina Metanj Subashi
Country Analysis Authors:
Natasha Mazari – Albania
Kanita Kulić – Bosnia and Herzegovina
Afërdita Pustina – Kosovo
Aleksandra Gligorović – Montenegro
Marija Armenski - North Macedonia
Jelena Pajović van Reenen – Serbia
Özge Konuralp - Türkiye
EU TACSO 3 Team Leader - Richard Allen
Legal Advisors
Dr. Ersida Teliti - Albania
Selim Kulić – Bosnia and Herzegovina
Milorad Marković MSci – Montenegro
Maja Atanasova – North Macedonia
Dr. Robert Sepi - Serbia
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ulaş Karan - Türkiye.
This report presents the first assessment against the revised DG NEAR Guidelines for EU Support to Civil Society in the Enlargement Region, 2021-2027. The Guidelines outline the results towards which EU support to civil society in the enlargement region will aspire in this seven-year period. This assessment provides evidence for the situation against the Guidelines’ indicators for 2021 which is the baseline year. It is the first assessment report in a series whereby trends in implementation will be identified over time.
Consisting of 59 indicators compiled under 21 specific objectives, the Guidelines are based on three outcomes critical for healthy participatory democracies in which a strengthened civil society contributes to the EU approximation and integration processes in the region. The three outcomes recognise that (1) a conducive environment for civil society to carry out its activities is a fundamental precondition of democracy; that (2) strengthened cooperation and partnership between civil society organisations (CSOs) and public institutions are integral to participatory democracy, and that (3) reinforced CSO capacity and resilience to carry out their activities effectively are necessary so that CSOs can be credible and productive actors in society. The indicators, in turn, are based on international standards, including relevant EU acquis and Copenhagen criteria, international human rights law and CSO accountability standards, and informed by recommendations, opinions and guidelines adopted by international organisations and inter-governmental fora. The assessment against each of the indicators provides all stakeholders – EU staff, CSOs in the region, and IPA beneficiary policy-makers and officials – with a detailed set of data showing the degree of progress toward the three main objectives.
This report presents the assessment of the implementation in 2021 in the region, comprising Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo1∗ , Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Türkiye. It is worth noting that, in 2021, CSO activities were disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, the data collected may be atypical, if compared with the pre-COVID-19 situation.
This annex provides a summary of the evidence for assessment of the situation in Montenegro against each of the 59 indicators in the Guidelines. This annex should be read in conjunction with the main report,
which is available on the website.
This publication was funded by the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union. This study was carried out by a team of researchers under the supervision of the EU TACSO 3 project.
The creation of this publication is funded by the US Embassy in Montenegro, within the project of NGO Prima: "Aware. Safe. Protected"
Ovaj dokumenat analizira pravni okvir za zaštitu od širenja, uglavnom na internetu, intimnih video sadržaja i slika, ili privatnih slika i slika seksualne prirode dobijenih sa ili bez pristanka osobe na slici, video zapisa ili tonskih zapisa. Ova vrsta krivičnog djela potpada pod krovnu definiciju „rodno zasnovanog nasilja nad ženama uz pomoć IKT-a, tj. informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija.
The main objective was to identify successful advocacy initiatives and tools implemented but UN Women partner organizations that aim to change discriminatory social norms and attitudes, implement gender equality and end violence against women in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Serbia and Turkey.
To accomplish this objective, local researchers conducted research on VAW-related advocacy initiatives by UN Women partner organizations in each country over the last 5 years. The analysis of all cases were supported by interviews with various stakeholders of the initiative.
National Researchers:
- Montenegro, Aleksandra Gligorovic
- Albania, Irena Nikaj
- Bosnia and Herzegovina, Alma Jeftic
- North Macedonia Marija Risteska
- Kosovo, Mirlanda Kusari Purrini
- Serbia, Visnja Bacanovic
- Turkey, İdil Soyseçkin
Izradom ove Studije je sprovedena revizija ranije (1968 godine) zašticenog prirodnog dobra Sutomorska plaža. Tokom pripreme studije i formulisanja prijedloga za prekategorizaciju predmetnog zašticenog prirodnog dobra sproveden je postupak evaluacije zastupljenih prirodnih vrijednosti tog lokaliteta. Na osnovu saznanja o prirodnim i stvorenim odlikama zašticenog prirodnog dobra, njegovim pejzažnim i predionim odlikama, kao i sagledavanja stanja njegovih prirodnih resursa, predložen je koncept njegovog buduceg statusa, kategorije zaštite i režima zaštite. Taj koncept statusa / kategorije zaštite pociva na Studijom utvrbenim vrijednostima predmetnog prirodnog dobra koje zaslužuju odgovarajuci stepen zaštite.
Predloženo je da zašticeno prirodno dobro „Ratac sa Žukotrlicom“: (i) zadrži status
zašticenog prirodnog dobra, sa detaljno utvrbenim granicama koje su date u ovoj Studiji i
(ii) promijeni kategoriju zaštite u skladu sa prisutnim preostalim1 prirodnim vrijednostima koje su znacajne za zaštitu. Kljucna prirodna vrijednost za zaštitu i odgovarajuca kategorija zaštite ovog zašticenog prirodnog dobra je:
- reprezentativna staništa zašticene biljne vrste Posidonia oceanica u moru i zajednice vrsta Crithmum maritimum i Statice cosyrensis u kopnenoj obalnoj zoni i te 2 komponente (morska i kopnene) ovog podrucja treba da se štite mjerama zaštite koje odgovaraju kategoriji zaštite „SPOMENIK PRIRODE“, odnosno II KATEGORIJI ZAŠTIŠENIH PRIRODNIH DOBARA. Predložen je režim zaštite koji odgovara III STEPENU – održivo korišcenje, uz sprovobenje uslova utvrbenih u ovoj Studiji.
Pored koncepta statusa / kategorije zaštite, za ovo zašticeno prirodno dobro su utvrbeni Zakonom propisani elementi: administrativne granice podrucja, režim njegove zaštite a odreben je i njegov znacaj i priroda. Propisane su i osnove za buduce upravljanje ovim zašticenim prirodnim dobrom i definisane posledice koje proisticu od predloženog koncepta.
U skladu sa odredbama iz Zakona o zaštiti prirode, kao sastavni dio Studije je uraben i kartografski prikaz granica ovog zašticenog prirodnog dobra na geodetskoj podlozi.
LEPIDOPTERA – Butterflies (A. Gligorović, B. Gligrovic, P. Jakšić)
The Final Species Reports were prepared under the IPA Project ’Establishment of NATURA 2000 network in Monte-negro’ which provided technical assistance to the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism (MoSDT) and the Nature and Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA). A team of 19 species experts collected field data on Annex II species of the Habitats Directive during the field seasons 2017 and 2018. The research was focused on nine the so-called ‘Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs).
The purpose of the Final Species Reports was to evaluate the distribution and current state of populations of species surveyed under the project based on findings during two vegetation seasons. The documents represent a summary of the expert´s own work or work of group of experts, including best expert’s opinion, and are a part of the final report of the project.
BATS, page 45
FISH, page 87
INSECTA, page 166
Lepidoptera page166
Odonata – Dragonflies and Damselflies, page 240
Coleoptera – Terrestrial Beetles, page 256
Orthoptera – Grasshoppers, page 330
MOSSES, page 355
At the proposal of the European Commission, the EU-CoE youth partnership network of country correspondents in the European Knowledge Centre on Youth Policy (EKCYP) is contributing to the EU Youth Wiki with knowledge and information on a number of Erasmus+ non-programme countries from South East Europe and Eastern Europe and the Caucasus. The contributors use the guidelines of the EU Youth Wiki when drafting their country contributions, but due to limited resources and support, present lighter versions of the required information.
This chapter is part of piloting the EU Youth Wiki “Light” contributions for Montenegro.
In 2009 Coccinellidae fauna along the area Piperi were studied. 377 specimens classified into 17 species were collected. Ladybug fauna in this area was not investigated previously, so these data are important for exploring the diversity, distribution and dispersion of species in the family Coccinellidae in Montenegro.
The IRIS network has been founded in the framework of the EU-funded
project “Improving the provision of Social Service Delivery in South
Eastern Europe through the empowerment of national and regional
CSOs”, implemented by the consortium of LIR CD BiH, OGI Croatia, EDC
Serbia, SOS telephone Podgorica, Montenegro, CLARD Kosovo, ARSIS
Albania, ASYD FYROM, and SOLIDAR- led by ASB Germany.
The consultation aimed at assessing the main needs and challenges for
Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) working in the Western Balkans, with
a focus on services and support delivered to refugees on the move
along the Western Balkan route. Therefore, the fact sheet presents recommendations on how to make the best use of the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II) to strengthen the civil society and
social service provision in the Western Balkans
According to the provisions of Article 35, paragraph 2 of the Law on Nature Protection ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", No. 51/08), the Institute for Nature Protection of Montenegro (ZZZP) was authorized to prepare the Study. Experts for different subjects of the research were contracted:
Dr Zlatko Bulić, dipl. biol. (prirodna osnova, biodiverzitet, zaštita prirode)
Mr Vasilije Bušković, dipl. biol. (biodiverzitet, zaštita prirode)
Prof. dr Miljan Radović, dipl.geog. (prirodna osnova, turizam)
Dr Ruža Ćirović, dipl. biol. (vodozemci, gmizavci)
Vesna Jovović, dipl ing. pejz. arh. (pejzaž)
Mr Jelena Koprivica, dipl. biol. (sisari)
Akademik Vukić Pulević, dipl. biol. (botanika)
Mr Sonja Kralj, dipl. biol. (biodiverzitet)
Prof. dr Dragomir Kićović, dipl. geog. (prirodna
osnova, turizam)
Prof. dr Miroslav Doderović, dipl. geog. (prirodna osnova, turizam)
Prof. dr Marko Knežević, dipl. geog. (prirodna osnova, turizam)
Nataša Miličković, dipl. prav. (pravni aspekt)
Đorđije Bogdanović, dipl. geod. ing. (kartografski prilozi)
Darko Saveljić, dipl. biol. (ptice)
Prof. dr Dmitar Lakušić, dipl. biol. (botanika)
Mihailo Jovićević, dipl. biol. (ptice)
Mr Luka Mitrović, dipl. geog. (klimatske karakteristike)
Mr Nataša Stanišić, dipl. biol. (zaštita prirode)
Dr Gojko Nikolić (kartografski prikazi)
Dr Gordana Kasom, dipl. biol. (gljive)
Dr Dragan Roganović, dipl. biol. (insekti)
Mr Biljana Telebak, dipl. biol. (puževi)
Mr Salija Adrović, dipl. biol. (biodiverzitet)
Mr Bogić Gligorović, dipl. biol. (insekti)
Dr Milka Rajković, dipl. biol. (ribe)
Aleksandra Gligorović, dipl. biol. (insekti)
Mr Sead Hadžiblahović, dipl. biol. (botanika)
Danijel Vincek, dipl. ing. (zaštita prirode i održivi razvoj)
Dr Snežana Dragićević, dipl.biol. (mahovine)
Jelena Nikčević, dipl. biol. (insekti)
Dr Rajko Tripić, dipl. biol. (botanika)
Mr Dragutin Nedić (biodiverzitet)
Informator je prvenstveno baziran na odredbama Zakona o socijalnoj i dječjoj zaštiti objavljenog u “Službenom listu Crne Gore, broj 27/2013” od 11.06.2013. god. te se iste nalaze citirane i/ili parafrazirane na način da budu lakše razumljive običnom građaninu i građanki.
Iako je primarno namijenjen pripadnicima/cama marginalizovanih zajednica, sa ciljem da im se na jednostavan način pruži informacija o pravima i načinu ostvarivanja tih prava, Informator mogu da koriste i stručnjaci i stručnjakinje koji primjenjuju socijalne politike, kao i drugi građani/ke koji žele da se informišu o socijalnim pravima i procedurama, institucijama socijalne zaštite i njihovim nadležnostima, kao i o nevladinim organizacijama koje
pružaju određene socijalne servise.
Informator sadrži:
• pregled osnovnih prava i usluga;
• uslove, procedure i uputstva za njihovo korišćenje;
• primjere formi obrazaca i zahtjeva,
• kontakte relevantnih institucija i druge korisne informacije.
Svi podaci navedeni u Informatoru se odnose na stanje u trenutku njegove pripreme i štampanja. Imajući u vidu činjenicu da se pravni okvir i sama situacija u zemlji vremenom mijenjaju, nakon informisanja putem ove publikacije preporučuje se da najnovije podatke zatražite putem kontakt telefona ili elektronske pošte (email) nadležnih institucija.
Ksenija Čović and Aleksandra Đurović
The purpose of this annual monitoring report is to give an overview of the political, social and economic participation of youth in Albania, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey through a unique set of indicators.
Youth Participation Index was developed by the Youth Hub Western Balkan and Turkey Network of youth organizations (YHWBT Network). The network is coordinated by Foundation Ana and Vlade Divac from Serbia and implemented in partnership with Partners Albania for Change and Development from Albania, Youth Alliance - Krusevo from North Macedonia, NGO Prima from Montenegro and Community Volunteers Foundation from Turkey (TOG). The idea was to create a concrete tool that can be used by public authorities and civil society organizations to systematically identify and address the most pressing challenges in youth participation in Albania, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey. Regular publishing of the Youth Participation Index aims to:
✓ Improve the practice of using data as a reliable base for any decision
concerning youth;
✓ Compare countries according to key indicators of youth participation
in all three dimensions: political, economic and social;
✓ Monitor progress in youth participation through the years in
respective countries;
✓ Provide a practical tool for decision-makers, youth organizations and
other stakeholders that supports the implementation of policies and
programs aimed at the improvement of youth participation.
Era Sherifaj, Biljana Stojceska, Prof. Marija Topuzovska Latkovikj, Biljana Dukovska, Aleksandra Gligorović, Katarina Vukadinović, Burcu Oy and Çiğdem Güler.
Jonida Alite, Aida Perović, Anelija Mitrova and Didem Unsur
Lead Expert and main author: Snježana Bokulić
Data analyst and survey expert: Dr. Blerina Metanj Subashi
Country Analysis Authors:
Natasha Mazari – Albania
Kanita Kulić – Bosnia and Herzegovina
Afërdita Pustina – Kosovo
Aleksandra Gligorović – Montenegro
Marija Armenski - North Macedonia
Jelena Pajović van Reenen – Serbia
Özge Konuralp - Türkiye
EU TACSO 3 Team Leader - Richard Allen
Legal Advisors
Dr. Ersida Teliti - Albania
Selim Kulić – Bosnia and Herzegovina
Milorad Marković MSci – Montenegro
Maja Atanasova – North Macedonia
Dr. Robert Sepi - Serbia
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ulaş Karan - Türkiye.
This report presents the first assessment against the revised DG NEAR Guidelines for EU Support to Civil Society in the Enlargement Region, 2021-2027. The Guidelines outline the results towards which EU support to civil society in the enlargement region will aspire in this seven-year period. This assessment provides evidence for the situation against the Guidelines’ indicators for 2021 which is the baseline year. It is the first assessment report in a series whereby trends in implementation will be identified over time.
Consisting of 59 indicators compiled under 21 specific objectives, the Guidelines are based on three outcomes critical for healthy participatory democracies in which a strengthened civil society contributes to the EU approximation and integration processes in the region. The three outcomes recognise that (1) a conducive environment for civil society to carry out its activities is a fundamental precondition of democracy; that (2) strengthened cooperation and partnership between civil society organisations (CSOs) and public institutions are integral to participatory democracy, and that (3) reinforced CSO capacity and resilience to carry out their activities effectively are necessary so that CSOs can be credible and productive actors in society. The indicators, in turn, are based on international standards, including relevant EU acquis and Copenhagen criteria, international human rights law and CSO accountability standards, and informed by recommendations, opinions and guidelines adopted by international organisations and inter-governmental fora. The assessment against each of the indicators provides all stakeholders – EU staff, CSOs in the region, and IPA beneficiary policy-makers and officials – with a detailed set of data showing the degree of progress toward the three main objectives.
This report presents the assessment of the implementation in 2021 in the region, comprising Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo1∗ , Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Türkiye. It is worth noting that, in 2021, CSO activities were disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, the data collected may be atypical, if compared with the pre-COVID-19 situation.
This annex provides a summary of the evidence for assessment of the situation in Montenegro against each of the 59 indicators in the Guidelines. This annex should be read in conjunction with the main report,
which is available on the website.
This publication was funded by the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union. This study was carried out by a team of researchers under the supervision of the EU TACSO 3 project.
The creation of this publication is funded by the US Embassy in Montenegro, within the project of NGO Prima: "Aware. Safe. Protected"
Ovaj dokumenat analizira pravni okvir za zaštitu od širenja, uglavnom na internetu, intimnih video sadržaja i slika, ili privatnih slika i slika seksualne prirode dobijenih sa ili bez pristanka osobe na slici, video zapisa ili tonskih zapisa. Ova vrsta krivičnog djela potpada pod krovnu definiciju „rodno zasnovanog nasilja nad ženama uz pomoć IKT-a, tj. informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija.
The main objective was to identify successful advocacy initiatives and tools implemented but UN Women partner organizations that aim to change discriminatory social norms and attitudes, implement gender equality and end violence against women in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Serbia and Turkey.
To accomplish this objective, local researchers conducted research on VAW-related advocacy initiatives by UN Women partner organizations in each country over the last 5 years. The analysis of all cases were supported by interviews with various stakeholders of the initiative.
National Researchers:
- Montenegro, Aleksandra Gligorovic
- Albania, Irena Nikaj
- Bosnia and Herzegovina, Alma Jeftic
- North Macedonia Marija Risteska
- Kosovo, Mirlanda Kusari Purrini
- Serbia, Visnja Bacanovic
- Turkey, İdil Soyseçkin
Izradom ove Studije je sprovedena revizija ranije (1968 godine) zašticenog prirodnog dobra Sutomorska plaža. Tokom pripreme studije i formulisanja prijedloga za prekategorizaciju predmetnog zašticenog prirodnog dobra sproveden je postupak evaluacije zastupljenih prirodnih vrijednosti tog lokaliteta. Na osnovu saznanja o prirodnim i stvorenim odlikama zašticenog prirodnog dobra, njegovim pejzažnim i predionim odlikama, kao i sagledavanja stanja njegovih prirodnih resursa, predložen je koncept njegovog buduceg statusa, kategorije zaštite i režima zaštite. Taj koncept statusa / kategorije zaštite pociva na Studijom utvrbenim vrijednostima predmetnog prirodnog dobra koje zaslužuju odgovarajuci stepen zaštite.
Predloženo je da zašticeno prirodno dobro „Ratac sa Žukotrlicom“: (i) zadrži status
zašticenog prirodnog dobra, sa detaljno utvrbenim granicama koje su date u ovoj Studiji i
(ii) promijeni kategoriju zaštite u skladu sa prisutnim preostalim1 prirodnim vrijednostima koje su znacajne za zaštitu. Kljucna prirodna vrijednost za zaštitu i odgovarajuca kategorija zaštite ovog zašticenog prirodnog dobra je:
- reprezentativna staništa zašticene biljne vrste Posidonia oceanica u moru i zajednice vrsta Crithmum maritimum i Statice cosyrensis u kopnenoj obalnoj zoni i te 2 komponente (morska i kopnene) ovog podrucja treba da se štite mjerama zaštite koje odgovaraju kategoriji zaštite „SPOMENIK PRIRODE“, odnosno II KATEGORIJI ZAŠTIŠENIH PRIRODNIH DOBARA. Predložen je režim zaštite koji odgovara III STEPENU – održivo korišcenje, uz sprovobenje uslova utvrbenih u ovoj Studiji.
Pored koncepta statusa / kategorije zaštite, za ovo zašticeno prirodno dobro su utvrbeni Zakonom propisani elementi: administrativne granice podrucja, režim njegove zaštite a odreben je i njegov znacaj i priroda. Propisane su i osnove za buduce upravljanje ovim zašticenim prirodnim dobrom i definisane posledice koje proisticu od predloženog koncepta.
U skladu sa odredbama iz Zakona o zaštiti prirode, kao sastavni dio Studije je uraben i kartografski prikaz granica ovog zašticenog prirodnog dobra na geodetskoj podlozi.
LEPIDOPTERA – Butterflies (A. Gligorović, B. Gligrovic, P. Jakšić)
The Final Species Reports were prepared under the IPA Project ’Establishment of NATURA 2000 network in Monte-negro’ which provided technical assistance to the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism (MoSDT) and the Nature and Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA). A team of 19 species experts collected field data on Annex II species of the Habitats Directive during the field seasons 2017 and 2018. The research was focused on nine the so-called ‘Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs).
The purpose of the Final Species Reports was to evaluate the distribution and current state of populations of species surveyed under the project based on findings during two vegetation seasons. The documents represent a summary of the expert´s own work or work of group of experts, including best expert’s opinion, and are a part of the final report of the project.
BATS, page 45
FISH, page 87
INSECTA, page 166
Lepidoptera page166
Odonata – Dragonflies and Damselflies, page 240
Coleoptera – Terrestrial Beetles, page 256
Orthoptera – Grasshoppers, page 330
MOSSES, page 355
At the proposal of the European Commission, the EU-CoE youth partnership network of country correspondents in the European Knowledge Centre on Youth Policy (EKCYP) is contributing to the EU Youth Wiki with knowledge and information on a number of Erasmus+ non-programme countries from South East Europe and Eastern Europe and the Caucasus. The contributors use the guidelines of the EU Youth Wiki when drafting their country contributions, but due to limited resources and support, present lighter versions of the required information.
This chapter is part of piloting the EU Youth Wiki “Light” contributions for Montenegro.
In 2009 Coccinellidae fauna along the area Piperi were studied. 377 specimens classified into 17 species were collected. Ladybug fauna in this area was not investigated previously, so these data are important for exploring the diversity, distribution and dispersion of species in the family Coccinellidae in Montenegro.
The IRIS network has been founded in the framework of the EU-funded
project “Improving the provision of Social Service Delivery in South
Eastern Europe through the empowerment of national and regional
CSOs”, implemented by the consortium of LIR CD BiH, OGI Croatia, EDC
Serbia, SOS telephone Podgorica, Montenegro, CLARD Kosovo, ARSIS
Albania, ASYD FYROM, and SOLIDAR- led by ASB Germany.
The consultation aimed at assessing the main needs and challenges for
Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) working in the Western Balkans, with
a focus on services and support delivered to refugees on the move
along the Western Balkan route. Therefore, the fact sheet presents recommendations on how to make the best use of the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II) to strengthen the civil society and
social service provision in the Western Balkans
According to the provisions of Article 35, paragraph 2 of the Law on Nature Protection ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", No. 51/08), the Institute for Nature Protection of Montenegro (ZZZP) was authorized to prepare the Study. Experts for different subjects of the research were contracted:
Dr Zlatko Bulić, dipl. biol. (prirodna osnova, biodiverzitet, zaštita prirode)
Mr Vasilije Bušković, dipl. biol. (biodiverzitet, zaštita prirode)
Prof. dr Miljan Radović, dipl.geog. (prirodna osnova, turizam)
Dr Ruža Ćirović, dipl. biol. (vodozemci, gmizavci)
Vesna Jovović, dipl ing. pejz. arh. (pejzaž)
Mr Jelena Koprivica, dipl. biol. (sisari)
Akademik Vukić Pulević, dipl. biol. (botanika)
Mr Sonja Kralj, dipl. biol. (biodiverzitet)
Prof. dr Dragomir Kićović, dipl. geog. (prirodna
osnova, turizam)
Prof. dr Miroslav Doderović, dipl. geog. (prirodna osnova, turizam)
Prof. dr Marko Knežević, dipl. geog. (prirodna osnova, turizam)
Nataša Miličković, dipl. prav. (pravni aspekt)
Đorđije Bogdanović, dipl. geod. ing. (kartografski prilozi)
Darko Saveljić, dipl. biol. (ptice)
Prof. dr Dmitar Lakušić, dipl. biol. (botanika)
Mihailo Jovićević, dipl. biol. (ptice)
Mr Luka Mitrović, dipl. geog. (klimatske karakteristike)
Mr Nataša Stanišić, dipl. biol. (zaštita prirode)
Dr Gojko Nikolić (kartografski prikazi)
Dr Gordana Kasom, dipl. biol. (gljive)
Dr Dragan Roganović, dipl. biol. (insekti)
Mr Biljana Telebak, dipl. biol. (puževi)
Mr Salija Adrović, dipl. biol. (biodiverzitet)
Mr Bogić Gligorović, dipl. biol. (insekti)
Dr Milka Rajković, dipl. biol. (ribe)
Aleksandra Gligorović, dipl. biol. (insekti)
Mr Sead Hadžiblahović, dipl. biol. (botanika)
Danijel Vincek, dipl. ing. (zaštita prirode i održivi razvoj)
Dr Snežana Dragićević, dipl.biol. (mahovine)
Jelena Nikčević, dipl. biol. (insekti)
Dr Rajko Tripić, dipl. biol. (botanika)
Mr Dragutin Nedić (biodiverzitet)
Informator je prvenstveno baziran na odredbama Zakona o socijalnoj i dječjoj zaštiti objavljenog u “Službenom listu Crne Gore, broj 27/2013” od 11.06.2013. god. te se iste nalaze citirane i/ili parafrazirane na način da budu lakše razumljive običnom građaninu i građanki.
Iako je primarno namijenjen pripadnicima/cama marginalizovanih zajednica, sa ciljem da im se na jednostavan način pruži informacija o pravima i načinu ostvarivanja tih prava, Informator mogu da koriste i stručnjaci i stručnjakinje koji primjenjuju socijalne politike, kao i drugi građani/ke koji žele da se informišu o socijalnim pravima i procedurama, institucijama socijalne zaštite i njihovim nadležnostima, kao i o nevladinim organizacijama koje
pružaju određene socijalne servise.
Informator sadrži:
• pregled osnovnih prava i usluga;
• uslove, procedure i uputstva za njihovo korišćenje;
• primjere formi obrazaca i zahtjeva,
• kontakte relevantnih institucija i druge korisne informacije.
Svi podaci navedeni u Informatoru se odnose na stanje u trenutku njegove pripreme i štampanja. Imajući u vidu činjenicu da se pravni okvir i sama situacija u zemlji vremenom mijenjaju, nakon informisanja putem ove publikacije preporučuje se da najnovije podatke zatražite putem kontakt telefona ili elektronske pošte (email) nadležnih institucija.
Fokus dokumenta je na analizi rada tužilaštava, a posebno sudske prakse, uključujući ocjenu strogosti, visine i dužine kazni, kako bi se procijenila dosljednost i efikasnost u primjeni zakona te osigurala adekvatna zaštita žrtava i odvraćanje počinilaca. Osim toga, dokument pruža pregled postojećeg stanja, identifikuje ključne probleme i daje konkretne preporuke za unapređenje prakse u borbi protiv rodnog i seksualnog nasilja nad djecom i mladima.
Ključni podaci prikupljeni su putem zahtjeva za slobodan pristup informacijama, koji su poslani svim osnovnim sudovima i tužilaštvima. Ti podaci uključuju broj prijavljenih i procesuiranih slučajeva, vrste krivičnih djela, starosnu strukturu žrtava i počinilaca, kao i informacije o donesenim presudama i izrečenim kaznama.
Ksenija Čović and Aleksandra Đurović
Era Sherifaj, Biljana Stojceska, Prof. Marija Topuzovska Latkovikj, Biljana Dukovska, Aleksandra Gligorović, Katarina Vukadinović, Burcu Oy
Jonida Alite, Anelija Mitrova, Aida Perović and Evren Ejder
The Youth Participation Index was developed as a concrete tool for decision-making on policies
and programs affecting youth. Policymakers, youth organizations, and other advocates for youth
issues can use the index to gauge the current state and areas for improvement. Looking back to
2016, when the Youth Participation Index was first created, regular development and publishing of the
Index have enabled us to monitor progress in youth participation in respective countries through
the years. Each of the participating countries, Albania, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, and
Turkey, has its own pattern of progress and challenges. YPI enables comparison between them with
the aim of identifying common challenges and possible solutions.
Lead Expert and main author: Snježana Bokulić
Data analyst and survey expert: Dr. Blerina Metanj Subashi
Country Analysis Authors:
Natasha Mazari – Albania
Kanita Kulić – Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sara Salihu – Kosovo
Msci. Aleksandra Gligorović – Montenegro
Marija Armenski - North Macedonia
Jelena Pajović van Reenen – Serbia
Dr. Özge Konuralp - Türkiye
EU TACSO 3 Team Leader - Richard Allen
Legal Advisors
Dr. Ersida Teliti - Albania
Selim Kulić – Bosnia and Herzegovina
Miljan Vlaović– Montenegro
Maja Atanasova – North Macedonia
Dr. Robert Sepi - Serbia
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ulaş Karan - Türkiye
This report presents the second assessment against the revised DG NEAR Guidelines for EU Support to Civil Society in the Enlargement Region, 2021-2027. The Guidelines outline the results towards which EU support to civil society in the enlargement region aspires during this seven-year period. This assessment provides evidence for the situation against the Guidelines’ indicators for 2023, presenting the situation in the region, namely in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo,* Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Türkiye. Examining issues and developments under each specific objective, the report does not present a consolidated regional analysis. Rather, it provides an overview of the most salient developments, positive and negative, in each IPA beneficiary focusing on any change in implementation that occurred in comparison with the 2021 baseline year, and with a view to identifying trends over time.
The assessment report focuses on three fundamental objectives outlined in the Guidelines: creating a conducive environment for civil society, strengthening cooperation between CSOs and public institutions, and enhancing the capacity and resilience of CSOs. These objectives are critical to fostering participatory democracies and facilitating the EU approximation and integration processes in the region.
Covering seven countries—Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Türkiye—the report offers a wide geographical scope, providing a comprehensive understanding of the region’s democratic progress.
The assessment report uncovers a mixed record of implementation across the region. While legal frameworks related to the civic environment generally scored well, their practical implementation revealed significant gaps. The report emphasizes the urgent need to improve cooperation between authorities and civil society as a key area for development.
Furthermore, the capacity and resilience of CSOs varied across different aspects. While organizational learning and stakeholder consultation showed higher scores, areas such as organizational accountability and transparency indicated room for improvement. Enhancing CSO capacity is crucial to establishing their credibility and productivity as vital actors in society.
Ky lloj krimi bie nën përkufizimin e përgjithshëm “të dhunës me bazë gjinore ndaj grave
me ndihmën e TIK-ut, dmth. teknologjive të informacionit dhe komunikimit (ang. ICT – Information and Communications Technologies).
Numerous species of flora, the world of fungi, numerous species of fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, numerous landscape units on a very small piece of the Old Continent, which are presented in this book, clearly indicate that nature is the greatest Montenegrin resource.
This is proved by the texts of almost 38 experts from various fields covering the nature of the sea and the land of the country. Additionally, this is also confirmed by the photos provided by numerous nature lovers in Montenegro, free of charge for this book. In addition to nature protection, sustainable development includes economic, social and cultural
dimensions. It is at the top of the agenda of many countries committed to progress and this book will be a source of data for all future research and development plans.
This book aims to inform and draw attention to the enormous wealth of nature which needs to be preserved. We should do this in a more active and serious manner than before. Especially, in the light of climate change, disastrous urbanization, more frequent fires and many other phenomena and activities which threaten the nature of Montenegro. Almost all the experts who worked on this book ended their texts with passages of warning about the endangerment of the world of nature the wrote about. Therefore, this book warns that everything written in it should be urgently and seriously introduced into the framework of sustainable development and smart use of natural resources.
The book is published on the thirtieth anniversary of the proclamation of Montenegro as an ecological state. It is a confirmation that we can become that state, only if all of us give our contribution.
Autors: J. Banićević; mr M. Bataković; dr N. Čađenović; mr I. Ćetković; mr G. Ćulafić; dr S. Dragićević; D. Drakulović; dr M. Đurović; dr B. Gligorović; mr A. Gligorović; dr M. Gazdić; dr S.
Gvozdenović; S. Hadžiablahović; mr V. Iković; dr Z. Ikica; dr A. Joksimović; dr G. Kasom; dr M. Karaman; mr B. Knežević; Z. Lika; mr S. Lješković-Mitrović; mr S. Malidžan; dr M. Mandić; dr V. Mačić; O. Marković; mr S. Marić; dr Đ. Milanović; D. Mrdak; B. Perić; dr B. Pestorić; dr S. Petović; A. Perović; mr M. Radonjić; dr J. Rakočević; dr D. Roganović; dr M.
Rajković-Mitrović; Dr Saveljić; D. Saveljić; mr B. Telebak; mr N. Vešović-Dubak; B. Zeković
SOS telefona Podgorica sa ženama koje u svojim životima nose iskustvo
nasilja. Program realizovan uz podršku Ministarstva rada i socijalnig
staranja, kroz projekat „Osnažena Nezavisna Aktivna“ imao je za cilj da
kroz edukativno-iskustvene grupe doprinese stvaranju sigurnog,
podržavajuceg okruženja za žene koje su preživjele nasilje i
potpomogne proces razvijanja njihove lične strategije za život bez
Program samopodrške, realizovan kroz edukativno-iskustvene grupe,
gdje su žene imale mogućnost da razgovaraju, razmijene svoja
traumatična iskustva i svoja ponašanja kao žrtve, da planiraju
konkretne korake i odluke i iznađu metode i mogućnosti za izlazak iz
nasilja, pokazale su se kao važan faktor u osnaživanju žena. Program je
koncipiran tako da osnažuje ženu da prevaziđe kriznu situaciju i ojača
je da istraje u svim fazama postupka protiv počinioca nasilja, kao i u
kasnijoj fazi oporavka.
U skladu sa ključnim nalazima studije dat je set preporuka za neodložne intervencije u oblasti zaštite žena od nasilja i nasilja u porodici, koje je vlada dužna da osigura u skladu sa međunarodnim standardima i domaćim zakonodavstvom.
implementation and improvement in ensuring the availability of all
social rights and services to citizens is still not at the level of prescribed standards.
The area of social and child care was regulated by the Law on Social and Child Protection, adopted in June 2013 and amended several
times, as follows: 2015, 2016 and 2017. The law prescribes minimum standards for the provision of social and child care services that should enable the services in the territory of Montenegro to be provided and developed in an equal manner. This means that the service in all the places where it is provided must meet the same minimum standard. The
possibility is left that service standards can be above the guaranteed minimum, if there is money in the budget.
The Law on Social and Child Protection sets out procedure for issuance, renewal, suspension and revocation of the licence for provider of social and child protection services, carried out by the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare.
Civil society organisations are also recognized as one of the possible service providers.
legislation, we point to the consistency and inadequacies of the
application of existing legislation in relation to domestic violence.
Study is printed as part of the project "Protection from gender based violence as a precondition for development of democracy and the rule of law" financed by European Union in the framework of the program "European instrument for democracy and human rights (EIDHR) 2014"
Biljana Zeković, Jelena Radulović, Martina Vučelić
Vanja Rakočević, Aleksandra Gligorović, Đorđije Blažić, Slavko Milić
Martina Vučelić, Ivana Smolović, Vesna Pupović, Bojana Mitrović, Nikolina Boljević
The comparative study has been prepared to serve as indicator of differences/discrepancies between the existing legislative/institutional framework and the overall status and needs of young people (aged 15-30), youth groups in the communities so as to provide guidelines for their more profound understanding of the concept and encourage their proactive advocacy approaches in order to increase mobility of young people in the region.
Involving volunteers in the work of organisations and institutions in a structured way is imperative if we want to have good results.
Handbook is published by Association for democratic prosperity Zid, Montenegro.
The Study in front of you gives an overview of international legal standards relevant to the field of violence against women and domestic violence, as well as the obligations of States Parties in their implementation.
At the same time, a review of national legislation and policies provides a clear picture of the current situation in Montenegro, but also points on the level of compliance with international and EU standards, requirements and good practices.
According to the key findings of the study, a set of recommendations for immediate intervention in the field of protection of women from violence and domestic violence is given, which the government is obliged to provide in accordance with international standards and national legislation.
It can be helpful to the existing or potential volunteers’ managers.
It can also be helpful to the paid staff, so that they can understand better the work and the needs of a volunteer.
Vodič služi za informisanje mladih u Crnoj Gori o postojećim mehanizmima za učešće u procesima donošenja odluka. Osim toga, čitaoci i čitateljke se informišu o konkretnoj organizaciji civilnog društva koja bi im mogla pružiti pomoć za preduzimanje konkretnih akcija.
Publikacija je pripremljena u stilu prilagođenom mladima, bez administrativnog jezika, kako bi mladim čitaocima bila razumljiva i inspirativna za akciju.
This publication address several key issues connected to open government partnership agenda: the role of the modern government in terms of good governance and accountability, the need for active citizenship and especially among young generation, building partnerships in order to join forces for fostering open and responsive government.
The guideline serve to inform young population in Montenegro about the existing mechanisms for participation in decision-making processes. In addition, readers are informed about civil society organisation which could provide them assistance to take concrete actions.
Publication is prepared in youth-friendly style, with no administrative language, so that young readers could find it understandable and inspiring for action.
The most important legal framework at the European Union level on water protection and water management has been identified and presented. In addition, there are some good practices in the decision-making process on this issue, and the role of the European Parliament on the one hand and the citizens themselves on the other. In the context of Montenegro, the institutional and legal framework in this area is presented, and recommendations for further improvement of the situation are presented. The aim of the analysis is to present in a more comprehensive way, and yet using a simple language, a legal base in the field of water and suggestions and ideas that can serve as a basis for advocacy and lobbying for the civil society, but it is also interesting for the wider citizens from the point of view of state information in the field of water protection.
Citirati: Gligorović, B., Brnović, L., Kasom, G., Čađenović, N., Gvozdenović, S., Gligorović, A., Bušković, V., Trubljanin, I., Perović, A, Saveljić, D., Gazdić, M., Bulić, Z., Kršikapa, S., Banićević, J., Čabarkapa, D. (2021). Studije zaštite i uspostavljanje zaštićenog prirodnog dobra Park prirode Prekornica. Agencija za zaštitu prirode i životne sredine. Podgorica, Crna Gora.
ENG: The Draft Study on the Protection and Establishment of the Protected Natural Property "Prekornica" Nature Park and the Draft Decision on Proclamation of the "Prekornica" Nature Park were published on the website of the Municipality of Danilovgrad The public discussion lasted 30 days, starting from 05/07/2021 and ending on 06/07/2021. The process is still ongoing, but the Draft Study can be found here.