Papers by Aleksandar Todorovic
European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology, 2006
Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma represents less than 0.4% of all malignant musculoskeletal tumors. Ext... more Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma represents less than 0.4% of all malignant musculoskeletal tumors. Extraskeletal mesenchymal chondrosarcomas, which have no topographic relationship to a bone, can arise in any tissue such as bladder, muscles, arteries, etc. We report a case of a 25-year-old male with extraskeletal mesenchymal chondrosacomas of the quadriceps muscle and orbit, with rapid progression, cutaneous and bone metastases and lethal exitus within 11 months of the first clinical signs. According to clinical course and immunocytopathological findings, we strongly believe that this report could be a case of extraskeletal mesenchymal chondrosarcoma with a multicentric origin.

Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2010
nih na dok na da. Jed no stra ne kom plek sne pro te ze sa pre ci znim ve znim ele men ti ma ni s... more nih na dok na da. Jed no stra ne kom plek sne pro te ze sa pre ci znim ve znim ele men ti ma ni su če sto u upo tre bi. Ra di ra sve tqe wa pro ble ma jed no stra no slo bod nog se dla i pri me ne pro te ze ko ja ne po se du je ve li ku spoj ni cu, u ovom ra du je pri ka za no is tra ži va we funk ci o nal no sti ove ma we po zna te na dok na de. Ciq ra da Ciq ra da je bio da se is pi ta ju i upo re de do bi je ni na po ni jed no stra ne kom plek sne i kon ven ci o nal ne par ci jal ne ske le ti ra ne pro te ze pod op te re će wem. Me to de ra da U kom pju ter skom pro gra mu CA TIA V5 na pra vqe ni su tro di men zi o nal ni mo de li jed no stra ne kom plek sne pro te ze s od go va ra ju ćim pot por nim struk tu ra ma (re ten ci o ni zu bi -oč wak i pr vi pre mo lar s na men skim kru ni ca ma, al ve o le i pa ro don tal ni pro stor) i kla sič ne ske le ti ra ne pro te ze s li ve nim ku ki ca ma. Ra di va lid no sti do bi je nih re zul ta ta, mo de li ra we je oba vqe no u pri rod noj ve li či ni. Pri me nom me to de ko nač nih ele me na ta iz vr še na je kom pa ra tiv na ana li za vred no sti do bi je nih na po na pri op te re će wu si la ma od 300 N u pre de lu dru gog pre mo la ra, 500 N u pre de lu pr vog mo la ra i 700 N u pre de lu dru gog mo la ra. Re zul ta ti Pro ra čun je dao sli ku po na ša wa ce log mo de la jed no stra ne kom plek sne par ci jal ne pro te ze s re ten ci o nim zu bi ma i sli ku ce log mo de la kla sič ne ske le ti ra ne par ci jal ne pro te ze ko je su pred sta vqe ne u ob li ku na po na pri raz li či tim uslo vi ma op te re će wa. Une ta op te re će wa iza zva la su vi sok ni vo na po na na mo de lu i zu bi ma no sa či ma, ali u gra ni ca ma fi zi o lo ške pod no šqi vo sti. Za kqu čak Na po ni na pot por nim struk tu ra ma jed no stra ne kom plek sne pro te ze ko ji su na sta li usled dej stva pri me we nih si la bi li su u pod no šqi vim fi zi o lo škim gra ni ca ma. U uslo vi ma istog op te re će wa pri me nom me to de ko nač nih ele me na ta do bi ja ju se ve o ma slič ne vred no sti na po na jed no stra ne kom plek sne pro te ze i kon ven ci o nal ne ske le ti ra ne pro te ze. Kquč ne re či: jed no stra na kom plek sna pro te za; me to da ko nač nih ele me na ta; ras po de la na po na Компаративна анализа једностране и конвенционалне скелетиране протезе применом методе коначних елемената

Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2011
Subtrochanteric fractures of the femur have a special place because of a significant number of co... more Subtrochanteric fractures of the femur have a special place because of a significant number of complications following treatment. Powerful loading forces asymmetrically acting to this bone segment, as well as poor vascularization interfere with bone union. There are basically two current approaches in the fixation of subtrochanteric fractures; the first involves a plate with a compression screw and another one is intramedullary (IM) nail, with two options: centromedullary (standard interlocking femoral nail) and cephalomedullary femoral nail with two modifications, reconstructive and trochanteric. All IM nails may be used by open technique or closed minimal invasive method. IM nailing is favoured in view of a shorter operative time, shorter hospitalisation and complications. Indirect fracture reduction and knowledge of biology of bone fracture may result in full success without any bone graft.

Srpski Arhiv Za Celokupno Lekarstvo, 2006
1 Klinika za stomatološku protetiku, Stomatološki fakultet, Beograd; 2 Klinika za bolesti zuba, S... more 1 Klinika za stomatološku protetiku, Stomatološki fakultet, Beograd; 2 Klinika za bolesti zuba, Stomatološki fakultet, Beograd KRATAK SADRŽAJ Uvod Bruksizam je noćna parafunkcionalna aktivnost mandibule i svrstava se u parasomniju ili poremećaj spavawa. Ja vqa se u REM fazi sna u vidu ritmične hiperaktivnosti mastikatornih mišića (m. masseter) koja destruktivno deluje sko ro na sve komponente orofacijalnog sistema. Posledice ovog fenomena su trošewe zubnog tkiva, bol usled spazma miši ća, miogene i artrogene disfunkcije sa mogućim degenerativnim intrakapsulnim promenama, pulpalgija, oboqewa paro doncijuma, glavoboqe, naročito u jutarwim časovima, i problemi različite prirode na pokretnim i fiksnim zubnim na doknadama (trošewe akrilatnih zuba i akrilatnih faseta). U etiologiji bruksizma najčešće učestvuju periferni okluzal ni i centralni psihogeni faktori. Uloga okluzije u etiologiji bruksizma nije dovoqno istražena niti definisana. Ciq rada Ciq istraživawa je bio da se utvrdi veza između okluzalnih disharmonija i bruksizma, odnosno da se proce ni značaj okluzije u nastanku bruksizma. Metod rada U istraživawe su ukqučene eksperimentalna i kontrolna grupa ispitanika. Eksperimentalnu grupu činilo je 15 ispitanika s evidentnim znacima i simptomima bruksizma, prosečne starosti od 26,6 godina, a kontrolnu grupu 42 osobe s izostankom bruksizma, prosečne starosti od 26,3 godine. Okluzija je analizirana kompjuterski, T-Scan II sistemom. Na dvodimenzionalnim kompjuterskim okluzogramima komentarisani su sledeći parametri: okluzalna opterećewa, cen tar okluzalnih sila i wegova putawa i broj antagonističkih parova zuba. Rezultati Kompjuterska analiza okluzije ukazuje na značajne razlike u opterećewu leve i desne strane (L% D%) zubika (t=2,773; p<0,02) u korist ispitanika sa bruksizmom. Razlika u trajektorijumu centra okluzalnih sila (COF) nije značajna, ali je kod osoba sa bruksizmom trajektorijum COF duži (67,3±24,4 mm). Kod ispitanika sa bruksizmom takođe nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika u položaju COF u odnosu na centar eliptičnih poqa (χ 2 = 1,63; p>0,05), međutim, dobijeni rezul tati ukazuju na evidentno neuravnoteženo opterećewe okluzije kod wih. Zakqučak Na osnovu rezultata kompjuterske analize okluzije može se zakqučiti da okluzalni faktor doprinosi nastan ku bruksizma.
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2002

Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2013
Color matching in prosthodontic therapy is a very important task because it influences the esthet... more Color matching in prosthodontic therapy is a very important task because it influences the esthetic value of dental restorations. Visual shade matching represents the most frequently applied method in clinical practice. Instrumental measurements provide objective and quantified data in color assessment of natural teeth and restorations. In instrumental shade analysis, the goal is to achieve the smallest deltaE value possible, indicating the most accurate shade match. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability of commercially available ceramic shade guides. VITA Easyshade spectrophotometer (VITA, Germany) was used for instrumental color determination. Utilizing this device, color samples of ten VITA Classical and ten VITA 3D - Master shade guides were analyzed. Each color sample from all shade guides was measured three times and the basic parameters of color quality were examined: deltaL, deltaC, deltaH, deltaE, deltaElc. Based on these parameters spectrophotometer marks the shade matching as good, fair or adjust. After performing 1,248 measurements of ceramic color samples, frequency of evaluations adjust, fair and good were statistically significantly different between VITA Classical and VITA 3D Master shade guides (p = 0.002). There were 27.1% cases scored as adjust, 66.3% as fair and 6.7% as good. In VITA 3D - Master shade guides 30.9% cases were evaluated as adjust, 66.4% as fair and 2.7% cases as good. Color samples from different shade guides, produced by the same manufacturer, show variability in basic color parameters, which once again proves the lack of precision and nonuniformity of the conventional method.

Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2012
Stomatološki fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, *Klinika za stomatološku protetiku, † Klinika za p... more Stomatološki fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, *Klinika za stomatološku protetiku, † Klinika za parodontologiju i oralnu medicinu, Beograd, Srbija Apstrakt Uvod/Cilj. Imedijatno opterećenje implantata smatra se jednim od najznačajnijih dostignuća savremene dentalne implantologije. Rezultati novijih kliničkih i eksperimentalnih studija pokazali su da samo implantati visoke primarne stabilnosti mogu biti izloženi protokolu imedijatnog opterećenja zubnom nadoknadom sa predvidivim ishodom. Cilj studije bio je da se ispita mogućnost uspešne primene protokola imedijatnog opterećenja implantata različitog mikrodizajna fiksnim zubnim nadoknadama. Metode. U eksperimentalno istraživanje uključena su dva psa, obezubljena obostrano u premolarnoj regiji gornje i donje vilice. Nakon tri meseca od ekstrakcije zuba, ugrađena su, po predviđenoj šemi, četiri različita implantata po kvadrantu (n = 32): Mk III TiUnite (Nobel Biocare, Sweden), ITI TPS (Straumann, Switzerland), 3I-Osseotite (Implant Innovation, USA) i XiVE Cell-Plus (Friadent, Germany). Implantati su imedijatno opterećeni fiksnim zubnim nadoknadama, četvoročlanim mostovima od plemenite legure zlato-platina, dva dana posle implantacije. Stabilnost implantata i mogućnost imedijatnog opterećenja ocenjivana je na osnovu analize rezo-nantnih frekvencija (RFA). Rezultati. Šest meseci nakon implantacije i imedijatnog opterećenja fiksnom zubnom nadoknadom, svi mostovi bili su u funkciji i svi implantati uspešno integrisani, ne pokazujući znake mobilnosti. Sumiranjem dobijenih vrednosti koeficijenta stabilnosti implantata (ISQ) ustanovljeno je da su rezonantne frekvencije bile značajno veće kod implantata u donjoj vilici. Rezultati eksperimentalnog istraživanja pokazali su da su sve analizirane površine ostvarile dobru implantatnu stabilnost. Utvrđen je porast ISQ vrednosti kod svih implantata u mandibuli i delimičan pad ISQ vrednosti za implantate u maksili, nakon šest meseci funkcionalnog opterećenja fiksnim zubnim nadoknadama. Zaključak. Ispitivani endoosealni implantati nisu pokazali različit stepen oseointegracije jer se rezultati merenih parametara hirurških (ISQh) i protetkih (ISQp), nisu statistički značajno razlikovali između implantatnih sistema. Ključne reči: implantati, stomatološki; stomatološka enosalna implantacija; oseointegracija; zubna proteza, parcijalna, fiksna; psi; zubna proteza, retencija. Abstract Background/Aim. Immediate loading is considered to be the most innovative technique in contemporary implant dentistry. Recent clinical and experimental findings have demonstrated that only implants with high primary stability can be subjected to immediate loading protocol with predictable results. It is generally accepted that the most important prerequsite for successful osseointegration is achievement and maintenance of implant stability. The aim of this in vivo study was to investigate the possibility for successful application of immediate loading protocol in implant systems with different surface properties. Methods. In the experimental study 2 mongrel dogs were edentulated bilaterally in the mandibular and maxillary premolar areas. After 3 months implants were placed in a pattern 4 different commercially available implants per quadrant (n = 32): Mk III TiUnite (Nobel Biocare, Sweden), ITI TPS (Straumann, Switzerland), 3I-Osseotite (Implant Innovation, USA) and XiVE Cell-Plus (Friadent, Germany). Implants were subjected to immediate loading with 4 unit gold cast bridges, 2 days post implantation. The assessment of implant stability and immediate loading possibilities were done by performing Resonance frequency analysis (RFA). Results. After a 6month loading period all bridges were in function and all implants occurred well osseointegrated. When summarizing the Implant Stability Quotient (ISQ) values, it was noted that resonance frequency was significantly higher for mandibular implants. The results of this experimental Strana 182 VOJNOSANITETSKI PREGLED Volumen 69, Broj 2 Špadijer Gostović A, et al. Vojnosanit Pregl 2012; 69(2): 181-189. setting showed that all evaluated surfaces achieved good implant stability. Increase of ISQ values was found for all implants in the mandible and partially decrease of ISQ values for maxillary implants after 6 months of functional loading with 4 unit bridges. Conclusions. Investigated endooseal implants did not show different degree of osseointegration, because there was not statisticaly signifi-cant difference among observed parameters (ISQh i ISQp) between implant systems.

Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2013
Different types of dental restorations are used for the therapy of unilateral free-end saddle ede... more Different types of dental restorations are used for the therapy of unilateral free-end saddle edentulism. Unilateral complex partial denture is one of the indications for the Kennedy class II partial edentulism. The abscence of major connector and denture plate is an advantage compared to the conventional restorations, because of better comfort and shorter period of adaptation. The aim of the study was to analyse the influence of free-end saddle length change on the behaviour of unilateral complex partial denture supporting structures. Stress levels of the canine and the first premolar as retentional teeth and the attachments were tested under the influence of physiological forces with the loading point shifting distally in relation to the saddle length change. A virtual real size 3D model of the fixed part of the restoration (the canine and the first premolar with milled crowns) was created using the CATIA computer program. It was connected to the mobile part of partial denture with the SD snap in latch attachment. Mobile part of the restoration was designed in the region of 2, 3 and 4 lateral teeth (second premolar, first, second and third molar). By using the finite element method (FEM) stress levels analysis was performed under the load of physiological forces of 150 N in the free-end saddle teeth zone. The results of analysis show that physiological forces cause a different stress distribution on the abutment teeth and the attachment, depending on the saddle length. The stress level values obtained for the abutment teeth as well as the attachment are far lower than the marginal ones. The behaviour of the system changes under this defined stress, but no plastic deformation occurs.

Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2013
Bacground/Aim. Retentive force of removable partial denture (RPD) directly depends on elastic for... more Bacground/Aim. Retentive force of removable partial denture (RPD) directly depends on elastic force of stretched retentive clasp arms (RCAs). During deflection RCA must have even stress distribution. Safety factor is the concept which can be applied in estimating durability and functionality of RCAs. This study was based on analyzing properties of clasps designed by conventional clasp wax profiles and defining the optimal shapes of RCAs for stress distribution and safety factor aspects. Methods. Computer-aided-design (CAD) models of RCAs with simulated properties of materials used for fabrication of RPD cobalt-chromium-molybdenum (CoCrMo) alloy, commercially pure titanium (CPTi) and polyacetale were analyzed. Results. The research showed that geometrics of Rapidflex profiles from the BIOS concept are defined for designing and modeling RCAs from CoCrMo alloys. I-Bar and Bonihard clasps made from CPTi might have the same design as Co-CrMo clasp only by safety factor aspect, but it is obvious that CPTi are much more flexible, so their shape must be more massive. Polyacetale clasps should not be fabricated by BIOS concept for CoCrMo alloy. A proof for that is the low value of safety factor. Conclusion. The BIOS concept should be used only for RCAs made of CoCrMo alloy and different wax profiles should be used for fabricating clasps of other investigated materials. The contribution of this study may be the improvement of present systems for defining the clasps shapes made from CoCrMo alloys. The more significant application is the possibility of creating new concepts in defining shapes of RCA made from CPTi and polyacetale.

Annals of Anatomy - Anatomischer Anzeiger, 2014
This 1-year cohort study investigated stability and peri-implant marginal bone level of immediate... more This 1-year cohort study investigated stability and peri-implant marginal bone level of immediately loaded mini dental implants used to retain overdentures. Each of 30 edentulous patients received 4 mini dental implants (1.8mm×13mm) in the interforaminal mandibular region. The implants were immediately loaded with pre-made overdentures. Outcome measures included implant stability and bone resorption. Implant stability was measured using the Periotest Classic(®) device immediately after placement and on the 3rd and 6th weeks and the 4th, 6th and 12th months postoperatively. The peri-implant marginal bone level (PIBL) was evaluated at the implant&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s mesial and distal sides from the polished platform to the marginal crest. Radiographs were taken using a tailored film holder to reproducibly position the X-ray tube at the 6th week, 4th and 12th months postoperatively. The primary stability (Periotest value, PTV) measured -0.27±3.41 on a scale of -8 to + 50 (lower PTV reflects higher stability). The secondary stability decreased significantly until week 6 (mean PTV=7.61±7.05) then increased significantly reaching (PTV=6.17±6.15) at 12 months. The mean PIBL measured -0.40mm after 1 year of functional loading, with no statistically significant differences at the various follow-ups (p=0.218). Mini dental implants placed into the interforaminal region could achieve a favorable primary stability for immediate loading. The follow-up Periotest values fluctuated, apparently reflecting the dynamics of bone remodeling, with the implants remaining clinically stable (98.3%) after 1 year of function. The 1-year bone resorption around immediately loaded MDIs is within the clinically acceptable range for standard implants.
Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2010
Stomatološki fakultet, Klinika za stomatološku protetiku, Beograd, Srbija; † Vojnomedicinska akad... more Stomatološki fakultet, Klinika za stomatološku protetiku, Beograd, Srbija; † Vojnomedicinska akademija, Klinika za stomatologiju, Beograd, Srbija; ‡ Tehnološko-metalurški fakultet, Beograd, Srbija

Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2014
Modified, reversal technique of fixation in digital replantation using K-wires was analyzed. The ... more Modified, reversal technique of fixation in digital replantation using K-wires was analyzed. The results obtained from the standard technique and reversal technique of fixation using K-wires were compared. The aim was to compare the results of osteofixation using K-wires in digital replantation when either standard or reversal, modified technique was used. A retrospective study included 103 replanted fingers in 72 patients. The first group included standard fixation using K-wires and the second group included fixation using K-wires, but with a modified technique. Modification consisted of the opposite order of moves during the phalanges fixation compared to the standard technique: first, K-wire was introduced intramedullary in the proximal phalanx and the top of the wire was drawn out through the skin in proximal part of the finger or hand. Second, distal part of the wire was introduced in the phalanx of the amputated part of the finger intramedullary until the wire entered the cortex. Duration of bone healing after digital replantation was shorter in cases where reversal technique was used in comparison with standard technique (7.2 weeks compared to 7.5 weeks). The comparison of standard and reversal technique of phalangeal fixation with K-wires in digital replantation shows that both techniques are useful. Reversal technique expands the choice of operative techniques for bone fixation during the replantation. It shows some advantages and enables avoidance of vein injuries.

Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2006
1 Klinika za stomatološku protetiku, Stomatološki fakultet, Beograd; 2 Klinika za bolesti zuba, S... more 1 Klinika za stomatološku protetiku, Stomatološki fakultet, Beograd; 2 Klinika za bolesti zuba, Stomatološki fakultet, Beograd KRATAK SADRŽAJ Uvod Bruksizam je noćna parafunkcionalna aktivnost mandibule i svrstava se u parasomniju ili poremećaj spavawa. Ja vqa se u REM fazi sna u vidu ritmične hiperaktivnosti mastikatornih mišića (m. masseter) koja destruktivno deluje sko ro na sve komponente orofacijalnog sistema. Posledice ovog fenomena su trošewe zubnog tkiva, bol usled spazma miši ća, miogene i artrogene disfunkcije sa mogućim degenerativnim intrakapsulnim promenama, pulpalgija, oboqewa paro doncijuma, glavoboqe, naročito u jutarwim časovima, i problemi različite prirode na pokretnim i fiksnim zubnim na doknadama (trošewe akrilatnih zuba i akrilatnih faseta). U etiologiji bruksizma najčešće učestvuju periferni okluzal ni i centralni psihogeni faktori. Uloga okluzije u etiologiji bruksizma nije dovoqno istražena niti definisana. Ciq rada Ciq istraživawa je bio da se utvrdi veza između okluzalnih disharmonija i bruksizma, odnosno da se proce ni značaj okluzije u nastanku bruksizma. Metod rada U istraživawe su ukqučene eksperimentalna i kontrolna grupa ispitanika. Eksperimentalnu grupu činilo je 15 ispitanika s evidentnim znacima i simptomima bruksizma, prosečne starosti od 26,6 godina, a kontrolnu grupu 42 osobe s izostankom bruksizma, prosečne starosti od 26,3 godine. Okluzija je analizirana kompjuterski, T-Scan II sistemom. Na dvodimenzionalnim kompjuterskim okluzogramima komentarisani su sledeći parametri: okluzalna opterećewa, cen tar okluzalnih sila i wegova putawa i broj antagonističkih parova zuba. Rezultati Kompjuterska analiza okluzije ukazuje na značajne razlike u opterećewu leve i desne strane (L% D%) zubika (t=2,773; p<0,02) u korist ispitanika sa bruksizmom. Razlika u trajektorijumu centra okluzalnih sila (COF) nije značajna, ali je kod osoba sa bruksizmom trajektorijum COF duži (67,3±24,4 mm). Kod ispitanika sa bruksizmom takođe nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika u položaju COF u odnosu na centar eliptičnih poqa (χ 2 = 1,63; p>0,05), međutim, dobijeni rezul tati ukazuju na evidentno neuravnoteženo opterećewe okluzije kod wih. Zakqučak Na osnovu rezultata kompjuterske analize okluzije može se zakqučiti da okluzalni faktor doprinosi nastan ku bruksizma.
Stomatoloski glasnik Srbije, 2008
Stomatoloski glasnik Srbije, 2006

Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology, 2011
Objective. The aim of this study was to compare changes in temperature of the surrounding bone at... more Objective. The aim of this study was to compare changes in temperature of the surrounding bone at various osteotomy depths during implant site preparation by bone condensing and by bone drilling as well as the dynamics of their change. Study design. In the present "in vitro" study, pig ribs with uniform thickness of cortical bone of 2 mm were used. Lateral bone-condensing (experimental group) and bone-drilling techniques (control group) were performed. Temperature changes were recorded at a distance of 0.5 mm from the final test osteotomy by 3 thermocouples at the depths of 1, 5, and 10 mm in tripod configuration. Data were collected from 48 measurements, 24 for each group. Results. Significantly higher mean temperature increase at the depth of 5 mm was observed during bone drilling compared with bone condensing, whereas for the depths of 1 and 10 mm differences were not significant between the 2 surgical techniques. During bone condensing, the mean temperature rise was continuously decreasing with increasing depth of osteotomies, whereas during bone drilling the mean temperature rise was first increased and reached a peak at the depth of 5 mm and then began to decrease with increasing depth of the osteotomies. Conclusions. The bone-condensing technique applied in the jaw bone class D4 offers an advantage over bone drilling because it generates a significantly smaller amount of heat.

Measurement, 2014
ABSTRACT Implementation of the methods of 3D digitization in dental practice is a modern and soph... more ABSTRACT Implementation of the methods of 3D digitization in dental practice is a modern and sophisticated alternative to the method of conventional impressions. Among many different methods of 3D digitization applied in dentistry, optical methods can be considered as today mostly applied, especially in the field of prosthodontics. The developments of this kind of systems have converged in two main directions – extraoral and intraoral systems. The main quality parameters for evaluating measuring performances of 3D digitization methods and systems include accuracy and precision. By introducing LED blue light in intra- and extraoral cameras, the Cerec system has significantly improved the quality of 3D digitization results. As the technical features of cameras in both types of systems are identical and the difference of the digitization methods is connected only to operating environments, the main goal of the research was to analyze whether different digitization conditions significantly influence the systems’ measuring performances. Analyzes were focused on investigating accuracy and precision of two mentioned specialized dental optical systems on the basis of CAD inspection, with special attention on evaluating statistically significant differences within the obtained results. Statistically significant difference was not found in systems’ precision, while the extra oral system was found as of significantly higher accuracy.
Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics B, 2010
Acute avulsion of the tibial tubercle is an uncommon injury, accounting for less than 1% of all p... more Acute avulsion of the tibial tubercle is an uncommon injury, accounting for less than 1% of all physeal injuries. Simultaneous bilateral avulsion fractures of the tibial tubercle are extremely rare. Only 10 cases have been reported in the literature to date. We report a case of a 15-year-old boy who suffered from the bilateral avulsion fractures of the tibial tubercle during basketball in take-off phase of the high jump. He went through surgery and 4 years after index procedures he has no deformities, the knee is painless and he participates in sport activities on daily basis.
Stomatoloski Glasnik Srbije, 2010
Papers by Aleksandar Todorovic