Papers by Alejandro Leyva Reyes
Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies
The sinew channels are a tendon and muscle network, and their description is based on the observa... more The sinew channels are a tendon and muscle network, and their description is based on the observation presented on the Huangdi Neijing Ling Shu. However, the myofascial system is an uninterrupted series of connective tissue that is comprised of layers that run in different directions. The similarities on these pathways are compared, such as a brief description on the myofascial pain syndrome and its similitude with the Impediment disorder from the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Furthermore, we discuss the treatment of these conditions from a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective.
Rumitec® es un probiótico a base de bacterias benéficas que contiene mínimo 100 millones de (unid... more Rumitec® es un probiótico a base de bacterias benéficas que contiene mínimo 100 millones de (unidades formadoras de colonia) por mililitro y mejora la absorción de nutrientes en terneras y terneros en etapa de iniciación. Se emplea para acelerar el desarrollo del rumen y potencializar el rendimiento productivo del ternero; el equilibrio de la flora intestinal; y la aceleración del paso de lactante a rumiante.
Gaceta Médica de México, 2018
Continuing medical education activities are often financially supported by pharmaceutical and dev... more Continuing medical education activities are often financially supported by pharmaceutical and device companies. With the purpose to ensure ethics and accountability in the management of this assistance, the Committee of Ethics and Transparency in the Physician-Industry Relationship of the National Academy of Medicine of Mexico formulates recommendations to medical associations' leaders in this text.

Gaceta medica de Mexico, 2018
Varios medicamentos de adecuada eficacia han sido retirados del mercado por razones financieras, ... more Varios medicamentos de adecuada eficacia han sido retirados del mercado por razones financieras, ya sea por su reducido precio (la patente ha expirado) o porque han sido sustituidos por nuevos fármacos (con patentes vigentes); otros tantos no han sido desarrollados porque las enfermedades contra las que van dirigidos no son económicamente promisorias debido al tipo de población que las padece (estratos económicamente marginados o sin significación numérica). Deberán establecerse lineamientos e incentivos para la industria farmacéutica y de biotecnología. Several drugs with adequate efficacy have been withdrawn from the market for financial reasons, either due to their reduced price (the patent has expired) or because they have been substituted with new drugs (with patents in force); many others have not been developed because the diseases they are directed against are not economically promising owing to the type of population that suffers from them (economically marginalized or nume...
Gaceta medica de Mexico, 2018
El tratamiento del dolor crónico severo es una meta histórica de la medicina. Los opioides natura... more El tratamiento del dolor crónico severo es una meta histórica de la medicina. Los opioides naturales (como la morfina) se han usado por muchos años y la aparición reciente de opioides sintéticos se ha sumado a esta opción terapéutica, sin embargo, el potencial adictivo de estas sustancias obliga a la reglamentación de su uso. Las agencias médicas internacionales recomiendan prudencia en el uso terapéutico de opioides. The treatment of chronic and severe pain is a principal goal of medicine. Natural opioids have been used for several years, and the recent development of synthetic opioids has increased therapeutic options; however, the addictive potential of these substances obliges the regulation of their use. International agencies recommend prudent rules in the therapeutic use of opioids.

Bioinformatics (Oxford, England), Jan 17, 2018
Benchmark studies are widely used to compare and evaluate tools developed for answering various b... more Benchmark studies are widely used to compare and evaluate tools developed for answering various biological questions. Despite the popularity of these comparisons, the implementation is often ad hoc, with little consistency across studies. To address this problem, we developed SummarizedBenchmark, an R package and framework for organizing and structuring benchmark comparisons. SummarizedBenchmark defines a general grammar for benchmarking and allows for easier setup and execution of benchmark comparisons, while improving the reproducibility and replicability of such comparisons. We demonstrate the wide applicability of our framework using four examples from different applications. SummarizedBenchmark is an R package available through Bioconductor ( Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.
Chapter 1 Going viral: next generation sequencing applied to human gut phage populations. 2 Chapt... more Chapter 1 Going viral: next generation sequencing applied to human gut phage populations. 2 Chapter 1 Going viral: next generation sequencing applied to human gut phage populations.
Universitas Psychologica

Developing effective methods for scoring fish condition following escapement from commercial gear... more Developing effective methods for scoring fish condition following escapement from commercial gear or recreational catch-and-release events remains an inexact science. While evaluation methods have been used to better evaluate the impacts of by-catch in marine fisheries, they could also be used to more fully understand the impacts of catch-and-release activity in both marine and freshwater environments. While blood chemistry is the best or preferred way to evaluate fish condition, it is often impractical or too expensive, given the temporal and spatial restraints present in the field. In order to examine and quantify the condition of fish tagged at local black bass tournaments, we are currently developing an in situ assessment of fish condition. This index is based off 3 major parameters: barotrauma and its indices, wounding and its indices and reflex impairment. Each parameter contains an individual score based on presence/absence. Testing of this index and data collection will take...

Background: Genome sequencing studies of chronic lympoid leukemia (CLL) have provided a comprehen... more Background: Genome sequencing studies of chronic lympoid leukemia (CLL) have provided a comprehensive overview of recurrent somatic mutations in coding genes. One of the most intriguing discoveries has been the prevalence of mutations in the HEAT-repeat domain of the splicing factor SF3B1. A frequently observed variant is predicted to cause the substitution of a lysine with a glutamic acid at position 700 of the protein (K700E). However, the molecular consequences of the mutations are largely unknown. Results: To start exploring this question, we sequenced the transcriptomes of six samples: four samples of CLL tumour cells, of which two contained the K700E mutation in SF3B1, and CD19 positive cells from two healthy donors. We identified 41 genes that showed differential usage of exons statistically associated with the mutated status of SF3B1 (false discovery rate of 10%). These genes were enriched in pathways related to interferon signaling and mRNA splicing. Among these genes, we f...

G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics, 2012
Both linkage and linkage disequilibrium mapping provide well-defined approaches to mapping quanti... more Both linkage and linkage disequilibrium mapping provide well-defined approaches to mapping quantitative trait alleles. However, alleles of small effect are particularly difficult to refine to individual genes and causative mutations. Quantitative noncomplementation provides a means of directly testing individual genes for quantitative trait alleles in a fixed genetic background. Here, we implement a genome-wide noncomplementation screen for quantitative trait alleles that affect colony color or size by using the yeast deletion collection. As proof of principle, we find a previously known allele of CYS4 that affects colony color and a novel allele of CTT1 that affects resistance to hydrogen peroxide. To screen nearly 4700 genes in nine diverse yeast strains, we developed a high-throughput robotic plating assay to quantify colony color and size. Although we found hundreds of candidate alleles, reciprocal hemizygosity analysis of a select subset revealed that many of the candidates wer...

Molecular Cell, 2014
The structure of broken DNA ends is a critical determinant of the pathway used for DNA double-str... more The structure of broken DNA ends is a critical determinant of the pathway used for DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair. Here, we develop an approach involving the hairpin capture of DNA end structures (HCoDES), which elucidates chromosomal DNA end structures at single-nucleotide resolution. HCoDES defines structures of physiologic DSBs generated by the RAG endonuclease, as well as those generated by nucleases widely used for genome editing. Analysis of G1 phase cells deficient in H2AX or 53BP1 reveals DNA ends that are frequently resected to form long single-stranded overhangs that can be repaired by mutagenic pathways. In addition to 3 0 overhangs, many of these DNA ends unexpectedly form long 5 0 single-stranded overhangs. The divergence in DNA end structures resolved by HCoDES suggests that H2AX and 53BP1 may have distinct activities in end protection. Thus, the high-resolution end structures obtained by HCoDES identify features of DNA end processing during DSB repair.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014
Motion estimation is a fundamental problem in many computer vision applications. One solution to ... more Motion estimation is a fundamental problem in many computer vision applications. One solution to this problem consists in defining a large enough set of candidate motion vectors, and using a combinatorial optimization algorithm to find, for each point of interest, the candidate which best represents the motion at the point of interest. The choice of the candidate set has a direct impact in the accuracy and computational complexity of the optimization method. In this work, we show that a set containing the most representative maxima of the phase-correlation function between the two input images, computed for different overlapping regions, provides better accuracy and contains less spurious candidates than other choices in the literature. Moreover, a preselection stage, based in a local motion estimation algorithm, can be used to further reduce the cardinality of the candidate set, without affecting the accuracy of the results.

Cell, 2014
To study how microbes establish themselves in a mammalian gut environment, we colonized germfree ... more To study how microbes establish themselves in a mammalian gut environment, we colonized germfree mice with microbial communities from human, zebrafish, and termite guts, human skin and tongue, soil, and estuarine microbial mats. Bacteria from these foreign environments colonized and persisted in the mouse gut; their capacity to metabolize dietary and host carbohydrates and bile acids correlated with colonization success. Cohousing mice harboring these xenomicrobiota or a mouse cecal microbiota, along with germ-free ''bystanders,'' revealed the success of particular bacterial taxa in invading guts with established communities and empty gut habitats. Unanticipated patterns of ecological succession were observed; for example, a soil-derived bacterium dominated even in the presence of bacteria from other gut communities (zebrafish and termite), and humanderived bacteria colonized germ-free bystander mice before mouse-derived organisms. This approach can be generalized to address a variety of mechanistic questions about succession, including succession in the context of microbiota-directed therapeutics.
Revista de Calidad Asistencial, 2001
El Consentimiento Informado (C.I.) es un proceso gradual en el seno de la relación médico-pacient... more El Consentimiento Informado (C.I.) es un proceso gradual en el seno de la relación médico-paciente (RMP) en virtud del cual el paciente acepta o no, someterse a un procedimiento ORIGINALES
Understanding Tuberculosis - Deciphering the Secret Life of the Bacilli, 2012
Virology, 2013
The authors regret to inform readers that the splice donor site that generates the predicted '229... more The authors regret to inform readers that the splice donor site that generates the predicted '229T' open reading frame was incorrectly annotated. The correct splice donor site is at nucleotide position 4207 rather than 4206. Because the splice leads immediately to a termination codon, the open reading frame is predicted to be the first 190 aa of STAg. All references to '229T' in the text should read '190T' instead. Table 1 and Fig. 2 have been revised accordingly.
Papers by Alejandro Leyva Reyes