Papers by Alejandra Picallo

Food Quality and Preference, Dec 1, 2016
Temporal Check-All-That-Apply (TCATA) has been recently introduced as a method for temporal senso... more Temporal Check-All-That-Apply (TCATA) has been recently introduced as a method for temporal sensory product characterization. This method requires assessors to select all the terms they consider applicable at each moment of the evaluation, and to de-select terms when they are no longer applicable. In the present work a variant of TCATA, TCATA Fading, is presented and compared to TCATA. In TCATA Fading selected terms gradually and automatically become unselected over a predefined period of time. Eight studies were conducted with different product categories in three different countries. In Studies 1-3, TCATA and TCATA Fading were compared with trained assessors using within-subject experimental designs on the same set of products. In Studies 4-6, TCATA and TCATA Fading were compared with consumers following between-subject experimental designs. Comparison was performed in terms of citation proportion of the terms, significant differences among samples detected, dynamic sample profiles, and task perceptions. Across the eight studies, results suggested that automatic de-selection of attributes in a TCATA task can improve discrimination and provide a more accurate description of the dynamics of sensory characteristics of products than asking consumers to de-select attributes when they are no longer applicable. The present research represents a first attempt at implementing and evaluating TCATA Fading, and suggests that it is a useful variant of the TCATA method. Many avenues for methodological refinement are identified.

Food Research International, Dec 1, 2015
Temporal Check-All-That-Apply (TCATA) has been recently introduced as a method for temporal senso... more Temporal Check-All-That-Apply (TCATA) has been recently introduced as a method for temporal sensory product characterization. Building on the standard Check-All-That-Apply (CATA) question format, assessors select all the terms they consider applicable for describing the sensations they perceive, and they do so at each moment of the evaluation process. This research further investigates the TCATA method, through its application to products of varying complexity (yogurt, salami, cheese, orange juice, French bread, and marinated mussels) using consumers and trained panellists as assessors. More importantly, to deliver new methodological insights we compare TCATA to Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS). This comparison will aid researchers to select the temporal method best suited to their needs. Across three countries, six studies were conducted. Within-subjects experimental designs were used in Studies 1-3 and involved trained panellists using both TCATA and TDS on the same set of products. In Studies 4-6, between-subjects experimental designs were used, and the assessors, who were consumers, evaluated samples using either TCATA or TDS. The results confirmed that TCATA is suitable for measuring the temporal sensory characteristics of products. By enabling identification of several sensory characteristics that are concurrently perceived in products, the results from this research also suggest that TCATA may provide a more detailed description of the dynamics of the sensory characteristics of products. The TDS concept of dominance appears to decrease detailed description and discrimination of attributes that are simultaneously perceived, particularly when dealing with multiple sensory modalities. The practical implications of these differences are discussed.

Rabbits allow through changes in diet, get changes in the lipid profile of meat. Different strate... more Rabbits allow through changes in diet, get changes in the lipid profile of meat. Different strategies are used to achieve an improvement in the content of omega 3 fatty acids and the omega-6/3 ratio (use of flax, chia, fish oil) modifying its physical, chemical and sensory quality. The aim of this study was to evaluate sensory and physical quality of rabbit loin using different periods of supplying a diet with fish oil to modify the lipid profile. Thirty (30) rabbits (NZxC,45 days age) were bred for 30 days (10animals/treatment). Two diets were used, commercial feed and the same diet with addition of fish oil (1.8%). Treatments were: control (C) commercial feed; initial fish (IF), fish oil dietprovided from 45 to 60 days of age + C diet from 60 to 75 days age, and final fish treatment (FF) conversely to previous. After slaughtering (24h) loin muscle were used to determinate pH (Testo230), color (CIELAB system, MinoltaCR300) and fatty acid composition. Loins were cooked in a double contact grill (71ºC±1ºC in the centre of the sample). Samples were analyzed by an analytical panel of 8 trained assessors. The following descriptors were evaluated: overall color; intensity and typicity of odor/flavor; fat taste and juiciness, using an unstructured linear scale of 10cm. Statistical analysis was performed using the Proc Mixed of SAS (2004) for unvariete ANOVA. Differences between treatments were analyzed by Tukey test (p<0.05). No differences were found for productive parameter,slaughter weight and carcass yield (%), nor pH and color parameters (p>0.05). Sensory results were similar for color, odor, off-odor and characteristic odor, but smell-taste variables like characteristic flavor and off-flavor were influenced by diets. Control diet had higher 'rabbit flavor', followed by IF but they were not different on off-flavor parameter (p>0.05). FF had more off-flavor and less characteristic flavor.

Food Quality and Preference, Jul 1, 2017
Temporal Check-All-That-Apply (TCATA) Fading is a variant of TCATA where selected terms gradually... more Temporal Check-All-That-Apply (TCATA) Fading is a variant of TCATA where selected terms gradually and automatically become unselected over a predefined period of time and assessors are asked to re-select the terms if they still apply. Gaps in the temporal profile for a TCATA term may arise if assessors do not immediately re-select a fully faded term, making it difficult to ascertain whether a term did apply continuously over a broken interval or if it did not apply for a period of time. In this context, the aim of the present work was to evaluate the influence of using data imputation to fill the gaps on results from TCATA fading. Eight studies were conducted with consumers or trained assessors using different product categories. Gaps were identified in all of the studies, lasting 0.1-72.2 s and representing 1-9% of the raw data. Imputation of gaps from an unselected to a selected state occurred in two ways: imputation of 75% of the gaps with the shortest duration, or imputation of all gaps. Compared to the analysis of the raw data, data imputation provided smoother TCATA curves and slightly increased the duration of the significant differences among samples. Furthermore, the results were more coherent from a sensory point of view, as the evolution of the sensory characteristics during the evaluation period fitted expectations. The present work suggests that data imputation should be considered in the analysis of TCATA Fading data, but further research is required to optimise imputation approaches.

Food Science and Technology International
Demand for fresh vegetables has led to development studies in postharvest area mainly focused on ... more Demand for fresh vegetables has led to development studies in postharvest area mainly focused on minimizing and look for alternatives to chemical additives for food preservation. The use of natural derived edible coatings emerges as a promising alternative for maintaining quality of vegetables. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of Aloe vera gel in minimally processed carrot during postharvest storage. Samples with different degrees of processing were immersed in Aloe vera gel, packaged polyolefin bags, and stored in refrigerated chambers at 5 °C for 12 days. Different organoleptic and quality parameters were evaluated. In general, the samples treated with Aloe vera gel showed less quality loss and a lower increment in the bleaching index. Moreover, sensory analysis allowed to establish that carrots processed in slices and shredded and coated with the gel had a more flavorful taste and higher moisture content. Aloe vera treatment did not influence the microbiolog...
Meat Science, Jul 1, 2008
This review deals with distinctive aspects of quality of Argentinean beef in terms of tenderness,... more This review deals with distinctive aspects of quality of Argentinean beef in terms of tenderness, flavour, colour, juiciness, taste, acceptability, lipid content and composition and its resultant nutraceutical characteristics. Differences are due to beef production systems based on temperate or tropical grasslands aimed at shortening the fattening phase as far as possible, with limited or null use of concentrates. However, the effect of limited supplemental feeding is also discussed as well as the responses arising from the use of beef cattle genotypes, including British, Continental, Dairy, Zebu breeds and their crosses, adapted to the various environments and systems found in the country.

Poultry Science, 2018
&NA; Meat from the Greater rhea (Rhea americana) could compete with traditional red meats, di... more &NA; Meat from the Greater rhea (Rhea americana) could compete with traditional red meats, diversifying the market of protein products of animal origin. The meat from 32 rheas was used to study quality aspects and this included ultimate pH (pHu), color, water‐holding capacity (WHC%), cooking loss (CL%) and tenderness. The muscles sampled were the Gastrocnemius pars externa, Iliofibularis and Obturatorius medialis from both sexes at multiple ages (10, 12, 14, 16 months). Age at slaughter affected WHC%, CL%, and color in raw meat and tenderness in cooked meat. Muscles under study showed differences in terms of pHu, raw meat color, and tenderness of cooked meat. Sex did not have a significant effect on any of the variables studied. According to our results, rhea meat from younger animals, between 10 to 14 months old, was tender and moderately juicy and the visual color was appreciated by the consumers.
Revista de la facultad …, 2005
Aplicaciones de calcio quelatado con L-a-aminoácidos fueron realizadas durante el crecimiento de ... more Aplicaciones de calcio quelatado con L-a-aminoácidos fueron realizadas durante el crecimiento de los frutos de duraznero (Prunus pérsica (L.) Batsch) del cultivar Tropic Snow con el objetivo de evaluar su efecto sobre la calidad de los frutos al momento de la cosecha y durante la poscosecha. Las aplicaciones se realizaron sobre hojas y frutos a los 29, 48, 84, 97 y 107 días después de plena floración (DDPF), con una concentración de 3,5 ml/1 de quelato de calcio. Frutos provenientes de árboles tratados con calcio presentaron un retraso en la madurez comparados con frutos provenientes de árboles control. Durante la poscosecha se obtuvo un menor porcentaje de frutos con ataques fúngicos y daños por frío. Palabras clave. Prunus pérsica (L.) Batsch, quelato de calcio, calidad de los frutos.

The quality of steer meat of different regions of Argentina has been partially characterized. The... more The quality of steer meat of different regions of Argentina has been partially characterized. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the influence of the production area of the Pampeana Region, and the ageing time (4 and 7 days) on sensory steer's meat quality. Ninety steers were sampled from different areas of the "Pampeana" region, slaughtered in two slaughter plants belonging to the same company, located in the provinces of Santa Fe (called Plant S) and Entre Ríos (called Plant E). After 72 h post-slaughters, samples of the Longissimus dorsi muscle (9°-13° rib) were taken. A sensory panel of eight trained assessors performed a quantitative descriptive analysis using a not structured 10 cm linear scale. 16 descriptors were considered: appearance (2), flavor (9) and texture (5). Data were analyzed statistically using the procGLM and Tukey's test (p < 0.05). Results showed influence of the slaughter plants on the sensory quality, and significant differences were observed (p < 0.01) for the following attributes: global color, intensity of odour, hardness, chews and whereas the descriptors: intensity and typical odor, tastes acid, salty and metallic, hardness, chewiness, number of chews and juiciness. When analyzing the ageing time influence, it could be observed that the attributes related to the smell (intensity and typical odor), taste (sweet, salty and metallic flavor), texture (chewiness number of chews, and fibrousness) were significantly affected in each slaughter plant. In conclusion, the area of origin of the meat of the Pampeana region, influenced the meat tenderness and chewiness, being "more tender" the meat from the plant located in Santa Fe.

Archivos Latinoamericanos de Producción Animal, Apr 8, 2013
The objective of this research was to analyze the effect of storage (90 and 180 d at -20°C) on th... more The objective of this research was to analyze the effect of storage (90 and 180 d at -20°C) on the sensory profile of vacuum-packed ripened (45 d) ewe’s milk cheeses. Fat content, total protein and moisture of the cheese were determined before freezing and after 90 d of frozen storage. A panel of trained sensory assessors evaluated 15 sensory descriptors: sheep odor, dry fruit odor, salty and sour tastes, flavor intensity, buttery flavor, sheep flavor, piquant, persistence, elasticity, hardness, friability, solubility, adhesiveness and creaminess, using an intensity scale of seven points by quantitative descriptive analysis. Storage at -20°C produced significant differences (P 0.05) were found in the chemical variables analyzed after three months storage. In conclusion, frozen storage for three months had minimal effects on the sensory attributes of the cheeses, with most of the defects occurring after six months of storage. Therefore, vacuum-packed ewe’s milk cheese ripened 45 d can be safely stored for three months at -20°C.
Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria, 2012
Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Agrarias, 2010
Resumen es: El polvo de ajo (Allium sativum L.) es una alternativa para conservar en el tiempo su... more Resumen es: El polvo de ajo (Allium sativum L.) es una alternativa para conservar en el tiempo sus propiedades sensoriales y prolongar su vida util como alim...

Rabbits allow through changes in diet, get changes in the lipid profile of meat. Different strate... more Rabbits allow through changes in diet, get changes in the lipid profile of meat. Different strategies are used to achieve an improvement in the content of omega 3 fatty acids and the omega-6/3 ratio (use of flax, chia, fish oil) modifying its physical, chemical and sensory quality. The aim of this study was to evaluate sensory and physical quality of rabbit loin using different periods of supplying a diet with fish oil to modify the lipid profile. Thirty (30) rabbits (NZxC,45 days age) were bred for 30 days (10animals/treatment). Two diets were used, commercial feed and the same diet with addition of fish oil (1.8%). Treatments were: control (C) commercial feed; initial fish (IF), fish oil dietprovided from 45 to 60 days of age + C diet from 60 to 75 days age, and final fish treatment (FF) conversely to previous. After slaughtering (24h) loin muscle were used to determinate pH (Testo230), color (CIELAB system, MinoltaCR300) and fatty acid composition. Loins were cooked in a double c...
Archivos Latinoamericanos de Producción Animal, 2014

The objective of the present study was to determine the influence of a long storage time on the p... more The objective of the present study was to determine the influence of a long storage time on the physicchemical, nutritive and sensorial qualitative properties of pork according to the breed model. Fifty eight animals were randomly distributed in 3 treatments: O+P:pigs in outdoor conditions on pasture; O:outdoor without implanted pasture; I:indoor conditions. After slaughter (112kg), samples of Longissimus muscle were obtained from 36 pigs. Chilled slices without bone, with or without vacuum packed (Multivax) were analyzed fresh (1 day at 4°C±1; 18 pigs) and after 9 month of storage (9M, Freezer -21oC±1; 18 pigs). In each time (1d or 9M after thawing) the meat was evaluated at 0, 3 and 9 days of store in commercial refrigerator at 4°C±1. It was determined: intramuscular fatty acids (gas chromatography), lipid oxidation (Tbar’sindex), color (CIELABSystem), pH and toughness (WB shear force). Samples were also analyzed by an analytical panel of 8 trained assessors for overall color, bri...

The objective of this research was to analyze the effect of storage (90 and 180 d at -20°C) on th... more The objective of this research was to analyze the effect of storage (90 and 180 d at -20°C) on the sensory profile of vacuum-packed ripened (45 d) ewe's milk cheeses. Fat content, total protein and moisture of the cheese were determined before freezing and after 90 d of frozen storage. A panel of trained sensory assessors evaluated 15 sensory descriptors: sheep odor, dry fruit odor, salty and sour tastes, flavor intensity, buttery flavor, sheep flavor, piquant, persistence, elasticity, hardness, friability, solubility, adhesiveness and creaminess, using an intensity scale of seven points by quantitative descriptive analysis. Storage at -20°C produced significant differences (P 0.05) were found in the chemical variables analyzed after three months storage. In conclusion, frozen storage for three months had minimal effects on the sensory attributes of the cheeses, with most of the defects occurring after six months of storage. Therefore, vacuum-packed ewe's milk cheese ripened...
Papers by Alejandra Picallo