Papers by Alcides Pissinatti
Saude Ambiente Em Revista, Jan 20, 2009
Page 1. SaĆŗde & Ambiente em Revista, Duque de Caxias, v.2, n.1, p.50-67, jan-jun 2007 HISTOLO... more Page 1. SaĆŗde & Ambiente em Revista, Duque de Caxias, v.2, n.1, p.50-67, jan-jun 2007 HISTOLOGIA DO TEGUMENTO EM CEBUS ROBUSTUS (SILVA JR., 2001) E CEBUS XANTHOSTERNOS (WIED-NEUWIED, 1826): CATIVOS, CEBIDAE - PRIMATES ...

Retrovirology, 2015
While simian foamy viruses have co-evolved with their primate hosts for millennia, most scientifi... more While simian foamy viruses have co-evolved with their primate hosts for millennia, most scientific studies have focused on understanding infection in Old World primates with little knowledge available on the epidemiology and natural history of SFV infection in New World primates (NWPs). To better understand the geographic and species distribution and evolutionary history of SFV in NWPs we extend our previous studies in Brazil by screening 15 genera consisting of 29 NWP species (140 monkeys total), including five genera (Brachyteles, Cacajao, Callimico, Mico, and Pithecia) not previously analyzed. Monkey blood specimens were tested using a combination of both serology and PCR to more accurately estimate prevalence and investigate transmission patterns. Sequences were phylogenetically analyzed to infer SFV and host evolutionary histories. The overall serologic and molecular prevalences were 42.8 and 33.6Ā %, respectively, with a combined assay prevalence of 55.8Ā %. Discordant serology and PCR results were observed for 28.5Ā % of the samples, indicating that both methods are currently necessary for estimating NWP SFV prevalence. SFV prevalence in sexually mature NWPs with a positive result in any of the WB or PCR assays was 51/107 (47.7Ā %) compared to 20/33 (61Ā %) for immature animals. Epidemiological analyses revealed an increase in SFV prevalence with age in captive Cebus monkeys. Phylogenetic analysis identified novel SFVs in Cacajao, Leontopithecus, and Chiropotes species that had 6-37Ā % nucleotide divergence to other NWP SFV. Comparison of host and SFV phylogenies showed an overall cospeciation evolutionary history with rare ancient and contemporaneous host-switching for Saimiri and Leontopithecus and Cebus xanthosternos, respectively. We identified novel SFV in four neotropical monkey genera in Brazil and demonstrate that SFV prevalence increases with age in Cebus monkeys. Importantly, our test results suggest that both molecular and serological screening are currently required to accurately determine infection with NWP SFV. Our study significantly expands knowledge of the epidemiology and natural history of NWP SFVs. The tools and information provided in our study will facilitate further investigation of SFV in NWPs and the potential for zoonotic infection with these viruses.

BMC Genetics, 2015
The methyl-CpG Binding Protein two gene (MECP2) encodes a multifunctional protein comprising two ... more The methyl-CpG Binding Protein two gene (MECP2) encodes a multifunctional protein comprising two isoforms involved in nuclear organization and regulation of splicing and mRNA template activity. This gene is normally expressed in all tissues, with a higher expression level in the brain during neuronal maturation. Loss of MECP2 function is the primary cause of Rett syndrome (RTT) in humans, a dominant, X-linked disorder dramatically affecting neural and motor development. We investigated the molecular evolution of MECP2 in several primate taxa including 36 species in 16 genera of neotropical (platyrrhine) primates. The coding region of the MECP2_e2 isoform showed a high level of evolutionary conservation among humans and other primates, with amino acid substitutions in 14 codons and one in-frame insertion of a single serine codon, between codons 357 and 358, in Ateles paniscus. Most substitutions occurred in noncritical regions of MECP2 and the majority of the algorithms used for analyzing selection did not provide evidence of positive selection. Conversely, we found 48 sites under negative selection in different regions, 23 of which were consistently found by three different algorithms. Similar to an inverted Alu insert found previously in a lesser ape at a parallel location, one Alu insertion of approximately 300Ā bp in Cebus and Sapajus was found in intron 3. Phylogenetic reconstruction of the intron 3 data provided a topology that was coincident with the consensus arrangement of the primate taxa. RNAseq data in the neotropical primate Callimico goeldii revealed a novel transcript consisting of a noncontinuous region of the human-homologous intron 2 in this species; this transcript accounted for two putative polypeptides. Despite the remarkable evolutionary conservation of MECP2, one in-frameĀ codon insertion was observed in A. paniscus, and one region of intron 3 was affected by a trans-specificĀ Alu retrotransposition in two neotropical primate genera. Moreover, identification of novel MECP2 transcripts in Callimico suggests that part of a homologous human intronic region might be expressed, and that the potential open reading frame in this region might be a subject of interest in RTT patients who carry an apparently normal MECP2 sequence.
Revista Brasileira de CiĆŖncia VeterinĆ”ria, 1997
Studies on liver morphology and stereology are relevant to the comparative anatomical and patholo... more Studies on liver morphology and stereology are relevant to the comparative anatomical and pathological research. They also facilitate the use of nonhuman primates in basic research, which has substantially supported studies in human medicine. Quantitative studies of liver structures have also been more extensive in Old World primates and other vertebrates. Twenty-three livers of adult lion tamarins were studied (06
CiĆŖncia & SaĆŗde Coletiva, 2011
As inter-relaƧƵes entre o homem e o meio ambiente estĆ£o entre os principais temas debatidos no co... more As inter-relaƧƵes entre o homem e o meio ambiente estĆ£o entre os principais temas debatidos no contexto atual da saĆŗde pĆŗblica brasileira. Neste horizonte se inscrevem as questƵes atinentes Ć molĆ©stia de Chagas especialmente no Ć¢mbito das aƧƵes de controle dirigidas aos triatomĆneos, a luta antivetorial , a qual permanece, mesmo apĆ³s quase um sĆ©culo de sua descriĆ§Ć£o por Carlos Chagas, como uma condiĆ§Ć£o de grande impacto epidemiolĆ³gico na AmĆ©rica Latina. Com base nestas consideraƧƵes, o presente artigo buscarĆ” discutir os principais aspectos ecolĆ³gicos relacionados Ć tripanossomĆase americana em um esforƧo de delimitaĆ§Ć£o da questĆ£o, muito mais do que proposiĆ§Ć£o de respostas , enfatizando-se o controle da transmissĆ£o vetorial, repensada em termos da ecologia profunda.
Fowler/Biology, 2001
25 Order Primates (Primates) Anthony B. Rylands Claudio Valladares-Padua Roberto da Rocha e Silva... more 25 Order Primates (Primates) Anthony B. Rylands Claudio Valladares-Padua Roberto da Rocha e Silva Vanner Boere Jose Luiz Catao-Dias Alcides Pissinatti Marcelo Alcindo de Barros Vaz Guimaraes BIOLOGY OF THE CEBIDAE Anthony B. Rylands New World primates belong ...

PLoS ONE, 2013
Foamy viruses naturally infect a wide range of mammals, including Old World (OWP) and New World p... more Foamy viruses naturally infect a wide range of mammals, including Old World (OWP) and New World primates (NWP), which are collectively called simian foamy viruses (SFV). While NWP species in Central and South America are highly diverse, only SFV from captive marmoset, spider monkey, and squirrel monkey have been genetically characterized and the molecular epidemiology of SFV infection in NWPs remains unknown. We tested a large collection of genomic DNA (n = 332) comprising 14 genera of NWP species for the presence of SFV polymerase (pol) sequences using generic PCR primers. Further molecular characterization of positive samples was carried out by LTR-gag and larger pol sequence analysis. We identified novel SFVs infecting nine NWP genera. Prevalence rates varied between 14-30% in different species for which at least 10 specimens were tested. High SFV genetic diversity among NWP up to 50% in LTR-gag and 40% in pol was revealed by intragenus and intrafamilial comparisons. Two different SFV strains infecting two captive yellow-breasted capuchins did not group in species-specific lineages but rather clustered with SFVs from marmoset and spider monkeys, indicating independent cross-species transmission events. We describe the first SFV epidemiology study of NWP, and the first evidence of SFV infection in wild NWPs. We also document a wide distribution of distinct SFVs in 14 NWP genera, including two novel co-speciating SFVs in capuchins and howler monkeys, suggestive of an ancient evolutionary history in NWPs for at least 28 million years. A high SFV genetic diversity was seen among NWP, yet these viruses seem able to jump between NWP species and even genera. Our results raise concerns for the risk of zoonotic transmission of NWP SFV to humans as these primates are regularly hunted for food or kept as pets in forest regions of South America.
Journal of Medical Primatology, 2011
UniversitĆ” rio Serra dos Ć rgĆ£ os (UNIFESO), TeresĆ³ polis, RJ, Brazil Keywords Brachyteles spp. -... more UniversitĆ” rio Serra dos Ć rgĆ£ os (UNIFESO), TeresĆ³ polis, RJ, Brazil Keywords Brachyteles spp. -diet -hemosiderosisiron -morphometry -muriqui -Prussian Blue Correspondence Abstract

Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina VeterinƔria e Zootecnia, 2011
ABSTRACT ComunicaĆ§Ć£o [Communication] Helmintos oxiuridae parasitos de Iguana iguana (Squamata, La... more ABSTRACT ComunicaĆ§Ć£o [Communication] Helmintos oxiuridae parasitos de Iguana iguana (Squamata, Lacertilia, Iguanidae) procedentes do Brasil [Oxiuridae helminths parasites of Iguana iguana (Squamata, Lacertilia, Iguanidae) in Brazil] O lacertĆdeo Iguana iguana (Linnaeus, 1758) ocorre do MĆ©xico ao sul do TrĆ³pico de CapricĆ³rnio no Paraguai, e foi introduzido no sul da FlĆ³rida e no HavaĆ (Conant e Collins, 1998). No Brasil, a espĆ©cie distribui-se pela regiĆ£o AmazĆ“nica, parte da regiĆ£o Centro-oeste, Pantanal e na Caatinga (Ćvila-Pires, 1995). O parasitismo gastrointestinal Ć© bem frequente na clĆnica veterinĆ”ria reptiliana, embora a presenƧa de sinais clĆnicos e a mortalidade dependam do estado de saĆŗde do animal, da espĆ©cie e da quantidade de parasitos (Mader, 2006; Loukopoulus et al., 2007). Entretanto, no que diz respeito ao I. iguana, hĆ” uma carĆŖncia de estudos sobre sua fauna helmintolĆ³gica. Os poucos trabalhos publicados sobre helmintos parasitos desse hospedeiro, tanto de vida livre como de cativeiro, relatam comumente a presenƧa de oxiurĆdeos, cuja intensidade de infecĆ§Ć£o Ć© geralmente alta e pode chegar a 5.244 espĆ©cimes (Pereira, 1935; Petter, 1969; Werther et al., 2000; Lopes e Silva, 2007).

RECORDS OF Callithrix aurita (PRIMATES, CALLITRICHIDAE) AND ITS HYBRIDS IN THE ITATIAIA NATIONAL ... more RECORDS OF Callithrix aurita (PRIMATES, CALLITRICHIDAE) AND ITS HYBRIDS IN THE ITATIAIA NATIONAL PARK The occurrence of the Buffy-tufted-ear Marmoset Callithrix aurita in the Itatiaia National Park (INP) is considered rare. For over 50 years, there were no new records of the species within the PNI. In this study, after three years of surveys in the PNI (432h), no record of this species was obtained. Two other species were observed: Black-horned capuchin Sapajus nigritus (n=10) and Black-fronted Titi Monkey Callicebus nigrifrons (n=12). However, in 2015, when the surveys were already completed, I obtained two occasional records of C. aurita. The first as obtained in May in the surroundings of the PNI. In addition, a hybrid between C. aurita and C. penicillata (alien species) was photographed on a private property inside a forest area. Local residents confirmed the occurrence of the two species (native and hybrid) at the site and also reported rarity of native. The second record of C. aurita was carried out in October inside the PNI, at about 1100m a.s.l. In this occasion, I identified three individuals on an exotic pine tree. These new records of C. aurita, which is an endangered species in Brazil, reveal the importance of the PNI and surrounding areas for the species conservation and the need for specific studies mapping the native populations of C. aurita as well as of alien species. Knowledge about the ecology of alien Callithrix species is crucial to conservation actions for their control or eradication. Educational activities should also be carried out with residents of the surrounding PNI, with the objectives of preventing further releases of alien and participation of local people on control actions.
Brazilian Journal of ā¦, Sep 1, 1994
... STUDY OF LACTATE DEHYDROGENASE IN FIFTEEN GENERA OF NEW WORLD MONKEYS Maria Paula Cruz Schnei... more ... STUDY OF LACTATE DEHYDROGENASE IN FIFTEEN GENERA OF NEW WORLD MONKEYS Maria Paula Cruz Schneider , Maria Iracilda da Cunha ... This research was supported by special funds from UFPA (Universidade Federal do ParĆ”), FINEP (Financiadora de Estudos e ...

Iheringia SĆ©rie Zoologia
In the Atlantic forest of Rio de Janeiro, Callithrix aurita (Ć. Geoffroy in Humboldt, 1812) is a ... more In the Atlantic forest of Rio de Janeiro, Callithrix aurita (Ć. Geoffroy in Humboldt, 1812) is a native species vulnerable to extinction and C. jacchus (Linnaeus, 1758) and C. penicillata (Ć. Geoffroy, 1812) are invasive species. The major threats to the native species are habitat degradation and hybridization, although there are currently no genetic data about natural hybrids available. Previous studies have revealed that species of the Callithrix genus are extremely homogeneous in their karyotypes with the exceptions of the morphology and size of the Y chromosome and its nucleolar organizer region (NOR) banding pattern. Three male marmosets captured in the wild in Guapimirim municipality, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, considered as possible hybrids between C. aurita and C. jacchus or C. penicillata on the basis of pelage pattern, were cytogenetically studied. Metaphase chromosomes were obtained by using short-term lymphocyte cultures and Ag-NOR staining was performed. The hybrids karyot...
Journal of Medical Primatology
Toxoplasmosis led to the death of two Brachyteles arachnoides, an endangered atelid. The diagnosi... more Toxoplasmosis led to the death of two Brachyteles arachnoides, an endangered atelid. The diagnosis was established by necropsy, histopathological, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural changes. The analysis confirms the presence of Toxoplasma gondii. This report contributes to the development of protocols for health surveillance on maintenance and conservation of southern muriquis.

Elongation of t he baculum may have evolved , in part , in association wit h copulatory patterns ... more Elongation of t he baculum may have evolved , in part , in association wit h copulatory patterns which involve a prolonged intromission. However , t his hypot hesis has been disputed , for Nort h American carnivores. To test t he hypot h2 esis , we assembled data on baculum lengt h and body weight for a sample of 315 species , representing 144 genera of carni2 vores , bats and primates. A linear multiple regression (ANCOVA) was undertaken for 39 genera for which intromission durations are known , in addition to baculum lengt h and body size. This revealed a highly significant , positive association between baculum lengt h and intromission duration ( r 2 = 0165 , F = 40148 , P < 010001) . Subsequently , data were ana2 lyzed at species level ( n = 57) after controlling for p hylogenetic bias in t he dataset (using Comparative Analysis of Inde2 pendent Contrasts : CA IC) . This analysis confirmed a strong correlation between baculum lengt h and intromission duration ( r 2 = 0169 , F = 34123 , P < 01001) . Results of t his study support t he prolonged intromission hypot hesis for t he evolu2 tion of baculum lengt h [ A cta Zoologica S i nica 50 (4) : 490 -503 , 2004 ] .
New world primates Polymorphisms a b s t r a c t Integrin epitopes encoded by ITGA4 exons 5 and 6... more New world primates Polymorphisms a b s t r a c t Integrin epitopes encoded by ITGA4 exons 5 and 6 encompass the a4b7 binding site to natural ligands and HIV-1 gp120. Functional assays of a4 variants of new world primates (NWP) showed reduced binding of several ligands, including the HIV-1 envelope, probably accounting for restriction phenotypes conferring resistance to lentiviral infection . In this paper, we have analyzed, by cloning and sequencing, the a4 domain polymorphisms present in 10 NWP species and four old world primates (including human). Analyses of differential selection at codon sites and along evolutionary lineages were carried out. We identified codons under positive selection, including polymorphic variations at codon 201, presumably convergent during NWP radiation and significant positive selection leading to a single allele (SagVar2).
Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 2015
Veterinary Parasitology, 2015
Please cite this article in press as: Barbosa, A.d.S., et al., Isolation and maintenance of Balan... more Please cite this article in press as: Barbosa, A.d.S., et al., Isolation and maintenance of Balantidium coli (Malmsteim, 1857) cultured from fecal samples of pigs and non-human primates. Vet. Parasitol. (2015),

Cytobios, 2000
The neotropical primate genus Callithrix comprises two groups of species, jacchus and argentata, ... more The neotropical primate genus Callithrix comprises two groups of species, jacchus and argentata, which inhabit distinct geographical regions and manifest different fur coloration and constitutive heterochromatin (CH) markers in their karyotypes. In this investigation the CH of a representative of the jacchus group, Callithrix geoffroyi, was analysed using fluorochromes and restriction enzymes in situ. To clarify the source of the constitutive heterochromatin of both groups, the data obtained in the jacchus group were compared with those published in the argentata group obtained by the same techniques. The C-bands of C. geoffroyi (four specimens, 2n = 46) were centromeric in all chromosomes, and distally located in pairs 6 and 22. The Alu I, Hae III, Hin fI, Rsa I, Dde I, Mbo I, and Msp I restriction endonucleases and CMA3 and DAPI fluorochromes produced different bands, which allowed the characterization of four distinct types of constitutive heterochromatin in the C. geoffroyi geno...
Papers by Alcides Pissinatti