Papers by Albina Kayumova

Russian Foundation for Basic Research Journal. Humanities and social sciences
The research uses the methods of triadic scaffold protocol, case study, survey, interviewing, and... more The research uses the methods of triadic scaffold protocol, case study, survey, interviewing, and observation. The researchers created and tested the first ever model for the development of Russian speaking skills and social and cultural competences in children aged 3 to 8 living in the multilingual regions of Russia and abroad using digital educational tools, as well as the general principles for the integration of digital tools into preschool speech development programs. Rapid digitization of education and society in general make this work extremely important. Research findings can be recommended for consideration by methodologists, teachers, and parents interested in the development of competencies related to understanding early bilingual development mechanisms, the peculiarities of the generation of digital natives, the criteria for assessing digital resources for preschool and elementary school children’s speech development, scenarios of digital resource integration into family...
INTED proceedings, Mar 1, 2022

The multicultural realities of modern society require an effective system to support the developm... more The multicultural realities of modern society require an effective system to support the development and preservation of the heritage language of children growing and developing outside of their heritage culture. Digital technologies may come at hand to parents and educators who strive to create such a system for their bi/multilingual children. This paper reports on the mixed methods research study that documented and analyzed attitude to and the usage of digital technologies by Russian-speaking parents raising bi-/multilingual children outside of Russia. Thirty-four participants from 12 countries completed an online questionnaire. Three native Russian mothers raising young Russian heritage language learners were also engaged into a case study. The study revealed that parenting efforts could include speech development learning activities with traditional and digital learning tools. Participants expressed their favorable view on the educational value of digital (computer, mobile, onl...
INTED2019 Proceedings, 2019
Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2020
Исследуется «поведение» фразеологических единиц в устно-письменной речи на таком принципиально но... more Исследуется «поведение» фразеологических единиц в устно-письменной речи на таком принципиально новом материале, как онлайн-комментарий к электронной газете («The Guardian» и «The Sun»). Установлено, что жанровое своеобразие интернет-комментария (его эмоциональность и спонтанность) обусловливает особое употребление фразеологических единиц авторами комментариев. Около половины фразеологических единиц употреблено в трансформированной форме, однако случаи сложных трансформаций, таких как каламбур и расширенная метафора, единичны. Ключевые слова: фразеологическая единица; онлайн-комментарий; электронная газета; устно-письменная речь.

Lenguas Modernas, Oct 22, 2021
Nowadays, parents and educators see the exponential growth of digital resources that target very ... more Nowadays, parents and educators see the exponential growth of digital resources that target very young language learners including emerging bi-and multilinguals. Little do we know, however, about how educators use digital resources in the classroom. This study aimed at examining educational practices of early childhood educators working on speech development of bilingual children aged 3 to 7. Thirty-four educators working in bilingual kindergartens and preschools in Russia were recruited to complete a questionnaire. The study results demonstrated educators' positive view over the digital resources as tools for emergent bilinguals. Multimodal and interactive features of digital tools were assessed as the most effective. Common patterns among study participants were found in the teaching practices employed. While most educators showed readiness to let children work with digital technology independently, they still saw electronic resources as tools that simply amplify educator-child interaction leaving the crucial role of knowledge mediators to the educator.
INTED2022 Proceedings, 2022

Astra Salvensis, 2019
The phraseological fund of a language reflects the features of the world view, mentality, customs... more The phraseological fund of a language reflects the features of the world view, mentality, customs and traditions of people. With the development of anthropocentric phraseology, the interest of scholars is increasingly drawn to gender studies. The subject of this article study was gendermarked phraseological units in Tatar language relating to males. The sources of factual material for the study were the "Tatar-Russian phraseological dictionary" by S.F. Safiullina. and "Educational thematic Russian-Tatar dictionary" by Bayramova L.K., from which they selected gender-marked phraseological units related to males. The classification of the collected material was carried out according to the following parameters: related relations, age characteristics, social status, occupation, military and public service. Among the gender-labeled phraseological units relating to males, there are phraseological units with positive and negative connotations. Thus, masculinity, courage...
EDULEARN Proceedings, 2018

Research in Applied Linguistics, 2019
This article discusses current problems and trends in the field of phraseodidactics (the art of t... more This article discusses current problems and trends in the field of phraseodidactics (the art of teaching phraseology). Phraseodidactics is an evolving field of research in the Russian Federation. Most of studies have been undertaken by European linguists, phraseologists and educators. However, a substantial part of research lacks unanimity of opinions and systematization; there is some dispute on the necessity of introducing phraseological units to foreign language students as well as on the volume of phraseological optimum, a set of phraseological units to be studied by students. Therefore, there is a need to carry out a review of the literature on phraseodidactics. Fifteen papers addressing phraseodidactics and phraseological competence have been selected and analyzed. The purpose and contribution of this paper is to offer a clearer picture of the modern state of affairs in the field of phraseodidactics, to identify current trends and problems, and to offer possible solutions.
The article, firstly, presents the typology of modifications of phraseological units (PUs). Secon... more The article, firstly, presents the typology of modifications of phraseological units (PUs). Secondly, it outlines the main steps that have been taken by linguists to identify adequate ways of translating PU modifications from one language into another. Thirdly, it aims at analyzing functional equivalents of contextually modified PUs taken from the novel of Salman Rushdie Haroun and the Sea of Stories. The modifications under analysis are phraseological pun, extended phraseological metaphor and phraseological saturation of discourse. (Arsenteva E.F., Kayumova A.R. Complex modifications of phraseological units and the ways of their

EDULEARN19 Proceedings, 2019
The multicultural and multilingual development of an individual is a matter of national and globa... more The multicultural and multilingual development of an individual is a matter of national and global security. The system of education in the Russian Federation functions within the all-European trend: multilingual educational institutions design curriculum for children of different nationalities speaking different languages. This paper outlines the educational model which places digital learning resources in the center of bilingual and multilingual education integrated of preschool and primary school age children who learn Russian as a state language, second language or heritage language. The construct is based on the empirical data collected in 2018 for the research study funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. The study was conducted in four state-funded and one private kindergartens, as well as in homeschooling environment, and involved bilingual young learners aged 4-6 and their educators. The experiment was carried out within the framework of Vygotskian sociocultura...

Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict, 2016
INTRODUCTIONRecently we have witnessed a wave of interest in online collaborative learning, which... more INTRODUCTIONRecently we have witnessed a wave of interest in online collaborative learning, which reflects current trends in globalized and highly networked and interconnected world. Numerous research studies provide insights into how to structure and teach collaborative groups online as well as how to research and analyze these online processes (see, for example, Koschmann, 2002; Garrison, 2011; Shear et at., 2010). As schools and universities embrace the concept of internationalization, the questions of cross-cultural online learning and intercultural online communication also attract much scholarly attention (Sadykova, 2014; Starke-Meyerring & Wilson, 2008).This exploratory case study examines students' learning experiences in collaborative online intercultural (cross-cultural) learning (COIL). Particularly, the research focuses on the students' perspectives on the value of such international projects that involve groups of students from different learning programs and di...
Language, individual & society, 2015
In this article, firstly, the rules of using the dash in English and Russian punctuation systems ... more In this article, firstly, the rules of using the dash in English and Russian punctuation systems are outlined. Secondly, the article describes errors students have made during an experiment focused on the usage of the dash. Analyzing the errors can offer insights into the challenges in acquiring English punctuation. The results of the experiment show that a comparative research of Russian and English punctuation marks is urgent due to significant differences between the two punctuation systems. More attention should be paid to teaching punctuation for second language learners.

Abstract. Gender studies represent an intensively developing field of knowledge. Gender means a s... more Abstract. Gender studies represent an intensively developing field of knowledge. Gender means a set of concepts and norms of behavior, usually associated with persons of male and female gender. Gender issues are at the center of a new interdisciplinary field of human sciences, called “gender studies”. The main concept of the categorical apparatus of this direction is “gender” (sociocultural sex), which involves the study of male and female behavior, thinking, and communication. Gender has an all-pervasive ability, which determines its arrangement in the collective and individual consciousness. Phraseological units are a vivid example of the embodiment in the language of characterological features of the worldview of representatives of a particular linguistic community and the means of historical translation of the cultural attitudes of the native speaker of a language. Being stereotypes of the people's consciousness, they serve as a valuable source of information about the peopl...
INTED2019 Proceedings, 2019

Given that from half to two-thirds of the world's population are bilingual or multilingual, m... more Given that from half to two-thirds of the world's population are bilingual or multilingual, meeting the needs of this target audience is important. Moreover, this study is relevant due to the current situation when a foreign language begins to be mastered already in pre-school age; the early development of foreign language literacy is particularly popular. A problem that requires deep and comprehensive consideration is the search for an effective method of teaching bilingual children, trilinguals, or multilinguals to read at an early age in a natural or artificial multilingual environment. The number of works devoted to methods of teaching foreign languages to children in a multilingual environment is small. The most effective methods of teaching children to read in a purely multilingual environment are also poorly understood. The purpose of the work is to investigate the method of guided reading in teaching a foreign language to preschool children in a multilingual environmen...

EDULEARN19 Proceedings, 2019
The affordability and pervasiveness of mobile devices (e.g. smart phones or tablets) have drastic... more The affordability and pervasiveness of mobile devices (e.g. smart phones or tablets) have drastically changed the way young children spend their time. Children 8 and younger spend an average of 48 minutes a day staring at screens of their mobile devices; 42% of children have their own tablets [1]. Despite the fact that parents are concerned about children’s overexposure to mobile devices, they are positive about the use of mobile resources for learning [1], [2]. Indeed, the number of educational mobile applications has skyrocketed; some of the resources specifically focus on developing language skills of young children learning their first, second, or foreign language. Researchers have investigated the effectiveness of mobile-assisted language learning for primary school children and conducted evaluation studies [3]. However, the vast majority of research focuses on mobile applications that teach widespread languages, mostly English, and there is a gap in research that studies mobil...
Papers by Albina Kayumova