Papers by Alberto Peruzzi
Testo della relazione tenuta il 24 ottobre 2014 a Cagliari
Complexity in Society: From Indicators Construction to their Synthesis, 2017
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this p... more The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

Manuali – Umanistica, 2009
What is the structure of a scientific explanation? How many types of explanation are there? Does ... more What is the structure of a scientific explanation? How many types of explanation are there? Does science really offer explanations? From the traditional model, according to which "explaining" means "finding causes" we have moved on to the deductive-nomological model (D-N), introduced by Hempel and Oppenheim in 1948, according to which the explanation is a logical inference drawn from specific laws and conditions, without any reference to causes. The D-N model was then integrated by statistical-inductive explanations, but the objections made to Salmon's model over recent decades have stimulated proposals for alternatives, including the pragmatic and the "unificationist" models, through to the retrieval of the notion of cause by Salmon himself. This book analyses the epistemological problems relating to the explanation, arriving at the retrieval of the link between explanation and truth that the twentieth century sought to eliminate.
Manuali – Umanistica, 2004
What is meaning? The answer varies according to the methods of investigation and the applied phil... more What is meaning? The answer varies according to the methods of investigation and the applied philosophy. The book retraces the main stages of semantic research with an itinerary that is transversal to the disciplinary fields. The critical review progressively leaves room for theoretical considerations on the central themes of the language philosophy and the philosophy of mind. The path thus identifies the theses that build a systematic design: irreducibility of thought to language, rooting of semantic competence in kinaesthetic schemes, local holism, modularity recalibrated by lifting, emergence in terms of attractors, a beam model of the self, intertwined naturalism.
Annali del Dipartimento di Filosofia, 2012
Can epistemology be naturalized? The question has more than one sense. There are many forms of bo... more Can epistemology be naturalized? The question has more than one sense. There are many forms of both the naturalistic stance and its denial in relation to different topics and by means of different strategies. Only some of them are instantiated in the existing literature. After a taxonomy of the range of possible forms of naturalism and anti-naturalism, the paper suggests an emergentist view which shifts the issue from psychology to cosmology.

Studies in Universal Logic, 2016
The aim of the paper is to present the categorical notion of an adjoint functor as a key to forma... more The aim of the paper is to present the categorical notion of an adjoint functor as a key to formally capturing the philosophical notion of “universal” especially as it figures in relation to semantics and epistemology. In the first part (first section to seventh section) the relevance of category theory for the main topics of analytic philosophy is suggested, in opposition to a widespread conservative attitude towards the entrenched conjunction of logic and ∈-based set theory. In the second part (8th section to 16th section) the concept of an adjunction is introduced and shown to provide the framework of some fundamental examples of universality. The paper is of an introductory character, because it is addressed to a broad philosophical audience, in particular to philosophically-oriented logicians and logically-educated philosophers with no previous knowledge of category theory.
Annali Del Dipartimento Di Filosofia, Oct 1, 2005
The main motivation of the paper lies in an argument which shows the relevance of the topological... more The main motivation of the paper lies in an argument which shows the relevance of the topological notion of lifting for semantic theory. After a brief examination of aspects of knowledge which are described by means of concepts of algebraic geometry, the development of a functorial ...
Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica, 2003
Iride Filosofia e discussione pubblica ISSN : 1122-7893. Numero: 1, aprile 2003, Indice. DOI: 10.... more Iride Filosofia e discussione pubblica ISSN : 1122-7893. Numero: 1, aprile 2003, Indice. DOI: 10.1414/8728. Lo spirito positivo, ovvero le regole del "bon ton" epistemologico Alberto Peruzzi, pp. 117-124 7 [pdf 413K ...
Rivista Di Storia Della Filosofia, 1995
Annali Del Dipartimento Di Filosofia, 2011
The present paper, written on the occasion of 50 years since its publication, deals with its firs... more The present paper, written on the occasion of 50 years since its publication, deals with its first chapter, in which the extraction of basic ideas of logical empiricism, pragmatism and historical materialism leads to a Program for a democratic culture pivoting on the role of scientific education. The main tenets of this Program are listed and the resulting role of philosophy, as "philosophy of culture", is analysed and discussed.
The Review of Modern Logic, 2004

Studi Sulla Formazione, 2012
Poco tempo fa ho ritrovato una serie di 'voci' che avevo scritto per il pamphlet intitolato "comm... more Poco tempo fa ho ritrovato una serie di 'voci' che avevo scritto per il pamphlet intitolato "commiato dal Commiato", messo in rete nel 1998 e tuttora accessibile su e Mi fu detto che il testo era già lungo a sufficienza e non era il caso di aggiungere altre voci. Così, questa serie restò fuori. Avrei potuto aggiungerla in seguito, se il pamphlet avesse stimolato un dibattito. Le cose andarono diversamente: non ci fu la minima reazione, neanche da parte di coloro i quali erano direttamente o indirettamente coinvolti nella polemica cui il pamphlet si riferiva, che era quella tra (filosofi) "analitici" e "continentali". Il silenzio fu probabilmente aiutato dall'irritante sarcasmo che da cima a fondo attraversava il pamphlet e in particolare fu aiutato dal fatto che esso ripagava con la stessa moneta (di erudita saccenteria) i contendenti: se si poteva dare per scontata "la" lezione tratta da una lunga lista di "autori", allora potevo farlo anch'io traendo una diversa lezione da una diversa lista, ma invece di ricorrere alla forma accademica del saggio critico, poteva bastare un elenco di voci, liberamente componibili dal lettore. Non c'era solo sarcasmo, però: c'erano anche argomenti, seppur affidati a paradossi e accostamenti irrituali, i quali proprio perché imbarazzanti avrebbero dovuto far sentire l'urgenza di chiedersi se per caso in tutto quel polverone non ci si fosse dimenticati di qualcosa d'importante. Invece successe che fui io a dimenticarmi di queste voci aggiuntive. Per completare il pamphlet, anche se con qualche anno di ritardo, le metto a disposizione oggi. Nel frattempo, alcuni dei punti di riferimento della contesa sono venuti a mancare (in senso letterale oltre che figurato) e l'aria che si respira negli studi filosofici è cambiata. Così, curiosamente, questa coda al piccolo commiato dal Grande Commiato finisce per acquistare un senso imprevisto: fa capire almeno alcune delle ragioni per le quali un dibattito che sembrava essere decisivo è stato tranquillamente messo da parte. I problemi, irrisolti, sono stati (ancora una volta) sostituiti con altri che poi subiranno la stessa sorte. È triste che la discussione filosofica vada avanti così. Ma non è detto che la nostra unica chance sia piegarci al fato. Possiamo opporci facendo un po' di conti
in margine alle lezioni sulla semantica (Il significato inesistente, Firenze University Press 200... more in margine alle lezioni sulla semantica (Il significato inesistente, Firenze University Press 2004) per studenti intraprendenti, laureandi disorientandi, ideogeografi in erba, esattori di aggiornamenti, coloni dello spirito di geometrica finezza, ribelli contro la seriosità delle Vestali del Pensiero e per tutti i partecipanti a un'avventura filosofica non votata al naufragio o al volo notturno

Diogène, 2006
On rencontre souvent, dans le domaine des études philosophiques, une bipolarité entre deux orient... more On rencontre souvent, dans le domaine des études philosophiques, une bipolarité entre deux orientations, deux lignes programmatiques, deux traditions, deux styles qu'exprime la distinction entre auteurs « analytiques » et auteurs « continentaux ». Pour le dire d'une manière fort sommaire, nous retrouvons du côté analytique et de ses contaminations plus récentes les logiciens et les philosophes de la science, les philosophes du langage qui se consacrent à l'analyse des structures sémantiques, les auteurs qui s'appuient sur les développements des neurosciences et de l'intelligence artificielle, les philosophes de la morale d'inspiration kantienne, les utilitaristes, les néo-contractualistes ainsi que certains défenseurs d'une nouvelle « philosophie pratique » d'ascendance aristotélicienne. Côté continental, nous trouvons des philosophes de la culture et de l'histoire, des auteurs qui se réclament de la tradition de Nietzsche ou de Heidegger, des partisans de l'herméneutique, des théoriciens du postmodernisme, des tenants de l'historicisme minimal ou encore des amis de la « pensée faible ». Les Continentaux accusent les Analytiques d'être scientistes, réductionnistes, partisans d'une technicisation à outrance de la philosophie ; ils leur font le reproche de se perdre dans de vaines subtilités, d'être incapables de voir la forêt qui se cache derrière les arbres, d'en être restés à des Lumières tardives, de vouer un culte dogmatique à la « modernité », aveuglés tantôt par le projet métaphysique d'une subjectivité cohérente et universelle, tantôt par celui, tout aussi universel, d'un aplatissement du moi et des valeurs par rapport aux choses. Les Analytiques, eux, accusent les Continentaux d'obscurantisme prétentieux, d'incompétence logique, de faire appel à l'émotion et au discours allusif plutôt qu'avoir recours à une argumentation rationnelle.
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 1988
An excursus is carried out through the principal steps in the development of the theory of descri... more An excursus is carried out through the principal steps in the development of the theory of descriptions (TD) from B. Russell until now, and its most important advantages and disadvantages are sketched. TD is studied in the context of model theory (in A. Robinson's style), taking preservation and classification theorems based on normal forms into consideration. Finally, the categorical formulation of TD in topos theory, starting from M. Fourman and D. Scott, is presented with reference to sheaves.
Papers by Alberto Peruzzi