Papers by Alberto Domingo Cabo
<u>IV Congreso de la Asociación Científico-Tecnica del Hormigón Estructural - Congreso Internacional de Estructuras</u>, Valencia, 24-27.11.2008, 2008
Building Information Modeling (BIM) establishes a dramatic improvement over construction projects... more Building Information Modeling (BIM) establishes a dramatic improvement over construction projects, both for building and civil engineering. Its use is rapidly growing among professionals, especially for buildings. To prepare students as best as possible for their further professional career, this methodology must be included in civil engineering studies (both bachelor and master). However, there are only a few of them already including this topic. Valencian Civil Engineering School (ETSICCP) decided to include an optional subject in four studies related to civil engineering (two bachelors, two masters), starting in the academic year 2018/19. This paper develops the contents and teaching methodology for all four subjects, highlighting the opportunities and challenges, as well as the first results attained.
Journal- International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, 2009
The population growth and development in underdeveloped countries has led to a rise in the demand... more The population growth and development in underdeveloped countries has led to a rise in the demand for energy and the fact that conventional energy sources cause damage to the environment means that the sustainable future must be based on alternative energy sources. This paper describes an application of movable structures for alternative energy sources. We present the design of a movable structure-mechanism for an innovative two-axes solar tracker with a ratio between generated and consumed energy which is less than half the usual one for two-axes trackers. The device has minimum height (minimum environmental impact, easy assembly) and is strong and reliable.
Construction and Building Materials, Feb 1, 2017
Influence of ceramic recycled aggregates in the masonry mortars properties. Masonry mortars made ... more Influence of ceramic recycled aggregates in the masonry mortars properties. Masonry mortars made with 6 dosages of ceramic recycled aggregates (CRA). Strength of the mortar improves when the proportion of CRA is increased. The shrinkage of mortars reaches similar values with replacements up to 50%.

Construction and Building Materials, Feb 1, 2014
ABSTRACT This work assesses the influence of different curing conditions on the compressive stren... more ABSTRACT This work assesses the influence of different curing conditions on the compressive strength of recycled aggregate concrete. Two different qualities of recycled aggregate were used to make concrete with 0.65 water/cement rate. The recycled aggregates were added with their natural moisture and they replaced different percentages of the coarse aggregate (0%, 20%, 50% and 100%). The concrete specimens were exposed to two different environments (standard curing and open-air curing) for 28 days. The results showed that the 7-days strength increases with the percentage of replacement, being this behavior more evident for the standard curing environment. The 28-days compressive strengths of concretes with recycled aggregates were found similar to the ones obtained with natural aggregate when the standard curing environment was considered. However, the recycled aggregate concrete specimens lost up to the 20% of their compressive strength when they were cured in open-air conditions. This made evident the effect of the curing conditions on the resistance of recycled aggregate concrete.
International Journal of Space Structures, 2009
A nonlinear analysis of an elastic tube subjected to gravity forces and buoyancy pressure is carr... more A nonlinear analysis of an elastic tube subjected to gravity forces and buoyancy pressure is carried out. An update lagrangian formulation is used. The structural analysis efficiency in terms of computer time and accuracy, has been improved when load stiffness matrices have been introduced. In this way the follower forces characteristics such as their intensity and direction changes can be well represented. A sensitivity study of different involved variables on the final deformed pipeline shape is carried out.

Cubierta removible para recintos existentes.#La cubierta esta prevista para su aplicacion en reci... more Cubierta removible para recintos existentes.#La cubierta esta prevista para su aplicacion en recintos (1), para establecer un cerramiento superior de estos. Esta constituida por dos membranas (2), una superior y otra inferior, determinando entre ambas una camara neumatica de seccion aproximadamente eliptica lenticular. Cada membrana (2) va soportada por una pluralidad de cables radiales (3) u otros medios fijados a un anillo de compresion perimetral (4) fijado en el extremo superior de pilares (5) convenientemente sustentados. La cubierta se complementa con una estructura de anillo de rigidizacion perimetral (7) contra el viento, formado por un aro interior (7?), un aro exterior (7??) y diagonales (8), fijandose tal estructura (7) a la mamposteria (12), existente del propio recinto (1), mediante apoyos liberados segun la direccion radial, ya los pilares (5), garantizando siempre que el efecto de la cubierta sobre la edificacion existente sea totalmente admisible y quedando oculta e ...

Libro de Actas IN-RED 2019: V Congreso de Innovación Edicativa y Docencia en Red, 2019
La metodología Building Information Modeling (BIM) supone un importante avance cualitativo en el ... more La metodología Building Information Modeling (BIM) supone un importante avance cualitativo en el desarrollo de proyectos constructivos, tanto de edificación como de ingeniería civil. Esta metodología se está abriendo paso rápidamente en el ámbito profesional, especialmente en edificación.Con el fin de preparar lo mejor posible al alumnado de cara a su desarrollo profesional, se hace indispensable incluir esta metodología dentro de los estudios relacionados con la ingeniería civil. Sin embargo, son muy pocos los grados o másteres habilitantes relacionados que cubran estas necesidades. La ETSICCP tomó la decisión de incorporar cuatro asignaturas plenamente enfocadas al trabajo en BIM en cuatro titulaciones diferentes (tres de ellas habilitantes), impartiéndose por primera vez en el curso 2018/19.En esta comunicación se presenta el desarrollo de contenidos y metodología docente para estas cuatro asignaturas, destacando las oportunidades y dificultades en su implantación, así como los p...

International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2015
In this paper, the post-critical behavior and buckling modes of single-walled carbon nanotubes ar... more In this paper, the post-critical behavior and buckling modes of single-walled carbon nanotubes are analyzed via a Molecular Mechanics model. The main target is to develop a general formulation for the model, which has been simplified under small strains assumption, and to implement a versatile tool for the structural analysis of carbon nanotubes in the framework of geometrical nonlinearity. For this purpose, a mechanical formulation able to reproduce any load configuration and supporting conditions has been derived by using an energy approach. Then, an incrementaliterative solution procedure has been implemented in order to trace several nonlinear equilibrium paths and to obtain the corresponding critical strains of clamped-clamped nanotubes under compressive, flexural and torsional loading distributions. The model shows a good numerical performance and results in agreement with previous atomistic works. Two interatomic potentials have been adopted in order to find out the influence of different constitutive relationships on the final nonlinear response. We have concluded that the choice of the potential function has no significant effect on the final buckling strains. Our results confirm that the final buckling response is strongly determined by geometrical imperfections in the nanotube, which can be well reproduced in the proposed model, but are much more difficult to handle in continuum models.
Construction and Building Materials, 2017
Influence of ceramic recycled aggregates in the masonry mortars properties. Masonry mortars made ... more Influence of ceramic recycled aggregates in the masonry mortars properties. Masonry mortars made with 6 dosages of ceramic recycled aggregates (CRA). Strength of the mortar improves when the proportion of CRA is increased. The shrinkage of mortars reaches similar values with replacements up to 50%.

International Journal of Space Structures, 2010
This paper describes the detailing and construction of a roof structure for a bullring in Xátiva ... more This paper describes the detailing and construction of a roof structure for a bullring in Xátiva (Spain). The roof has been built by means of a new version of the Pantadome system. The roof dome is spherical shaped with a 42 m diameter central opening and an exterior diameter of 101,6 m. It is supported on 44 columns distributed along a 86,4 m diameter circumference. The structural system is formed by radial truss lattices pinned to the columns and to the inner ring and supported by the action of an outer tension ring, radial tension members and tension (upper chord) and compression (lower chord) in the inner ring. The structure was built near the ground and lifted by shortening 44 radial strands with jacks attached to the inner ring. Strand forces have been transferred to permanent tension members at the end of the process. The kinematics of the deployment has been analyzed. Forces in the jacks have been obtained theoretically from the kinematics and compared with the measured values. Special details, developed for the attachment of the jacks and the force transfer are described. The development of the lifting process together with the results of the geometrical survey show that the new erection system allowed the construction of the dome in a quick and safe way.

Materials and Structures, 2009
The main aim of this work was to determine creep and shrinkage variations experienced in recycled... more The main aim of this work was to determine creep and shrinkage variations experienced in recycled concrete, made by replacing the main fraction of the natural aggregate with a recycled aggregate coming from waste concrete and comparing it to a control concrete. It was possible to state that the evolution of deformation by shrinkage and creep was similar to a conventional concrete, although the results after a period of 180 days showed the influence of the substitution percentage in the recycled aggregates present in the mixture. In the case when 100% coarse natural aggregate was replaced by recycled aggregate there was an increase in the deformations by creep of 51% and by shrinkage of 70% as compared to those experienced by the control concrete. The substitution percentages of coarse natural aggregate by coarse recycled aggregate were 20, 50 and 100%. Fine natural aggregate was used in all cases and the amount of cement and water-cement ratio remained constant in the mixture.
Construction and Building Materials, 2009
This paper presents the results of experimental research into concrete produced by replacing the ... more This paper presents the results of experimental research into concrete produced by replacing the natural aggregates with recycled aggregates coming from construction waste and concrete work demolitions. The main aim of this work was to determine creep and ...

Computers & Structures, 2013
A new general formulation for the mechanical behavior of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes is presen... more A new general formulation for the mechanical behavior of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes is presented. Carbon atoms are located at the nodes of an hexagonal honeycomb lattice wrapped into a cylinder. They are linked by covalent C -C bonds represented by a truss or spring element, and the three-body interaction among two neighboring covalent bonds is reproduced by a rotational spring. The main advantage of our approach is to allow general load conditions (and any chirality) with no need of specific formulation for each load case, in contrast with previous works [26], [27], . Four load configurations are adopted: tension, compression, bending and torsion of cantivelered SWCNTs. Calculations with our own codes for both AMBER and Morse potential functions have been carried out, aimed to compare their final results. Initial positions of the atoms (nodes) into nanotube cylindrical geometry has been reproduced in great detail by means of a conformal mapping from the planar graphene sheet. Therefore, the effect of initial SWCNTs curvature has been introduced explicitly through a system of initial stresses (prestressed state) which contribute to maintain their circular cross-section. Numerical results and deformed shapes for nanotubes with several diameters and chiralities under each load case are used to obtain their mechanical parameters with the only objective of checking the present formulation with previous works [28], [30], [20], . Also, the significance of the atomistic discrete simulations at the nano-scale size against other continuum models is underlined.
Papers by Alberto Domingo Cabo