Papers by Albert B Collver
In order to understand better how Luther understood original sin in the Smalcald Articles, this p... more In order to understand better how Luther understood original sin in the Smalcald Articles, this paper will compare SA with two other Luther writings, one contemporary with its composition and one from his earlier writings. Since Luther adopted the term original sin, it will be useful to briefly examine the events that led to the coinage of the term by Augustine in addition to examining a few patristic sources in order to see how the idea of original sin was expressed formerly. Finally, Luther\u27s confession of original sin in SA will be addressed to current issues such as the decay of original sin and the reemergence of Pelagianism
This work is divided into two parts: Part 1 outlines the historical development of the term real ... more This work is divided into two parts: Part 1 outlines the historical development of the term real presence, Part 2 provides a systematic analysis of the term
A brief update on the state of worldwide Lutheranism at the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.... more A brief update on the state of worldwide Lutheranism at the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.
Logia XXVII-3 PRINT pages 3, 5 - 14; Trinity 2018
Collver, Albert B. “A Mighty Fortress.” Lutheran Witness. Saint Louis, Missouri, October 2017.
Collver, Albert B. “Closing Remarks ILC World Seminaries Conference.” Journal of Lutheran Mission... more Collver, Albert B. “Closing Remarks ILC World Seminaries Conference.” Journal of Lutheran Missions 4, no. 2 (2017): 59–60.
Collver, Albert B. “Who Is Man? Image and Likeness in Irenaeus.” Concordia Student Journal 22, no... more Collver, Albert B. “Who Is Man? Image and Likeness in Irenaeus.” Concordia Student Journal 22, no. 1 (1999): 27–36.
Collver, Albert B. “Satis Est: AC VII as the Hermenutical Key to the Augsburg Confession.” Concor... more Collver, Albert B. “Satis Est: AC VII as the Hermenutical Key to the Augsburg Confession.” Concordia Theological Quarterly 80, no. 3–4 (2016): 217–29.
The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) published a document on the Lutheran Self-Understanding of Co... more The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) published a document on the Lutheran Self-Understanding of Communion. This paper critiques the LWF document.
Collver, Albert B. “A Review and Comment of the Self-Understanding of the Lutheran Communion.” Journal of Lutheran Mission 3, no. 2 (September 2016): 46–54.

Collver, Albert B. “Loehe: Mission Societies, The Church in Motion, and Missio Dei.” In Wilhelm L... more Collver, Albert B. “Loehe: Mission Societies, The Church in Motion, and Missio Dei.” In Wilhelm Löhe Und Bildung / Wilhelm Loehe and Christian Formation, edited by Dietrich Blaufuß and Jacob Corzine, 171–182. Nürnberg: International Loehe Society, 2016.
Throughout his life, Wilhelm Löhe maintained a deep interest in both mission and education. He utilized education to further mission. He formed a mission
society. In some ways Löhe seems to be the product of his times, a man following the Zeitgeist. Yet, unlike some of his contemporaries, Löhe remained firmly grounded in the concept of mission being central to the church. The
church itself is to be engaged in mission. The church is to carry out its mission at home among its own people and abroad to those who have not heard the Gospel. Löhe greatly resists the temptation to separate mission from the
church. He resists the temptation to form practical unions of different confessions, rather insisting upon mission by a particular church. He resists individualism which drives people to share their personal faith apart from their
vocation and apart from the Church. Observing the boundaries or poles that Löhe avoids is still helpful and instructive in guiding the mission effort of the church today.
Book Review and Commentary: The Reformation Coin and Medal Collection of Concordia Historical Ins... more Book Review and Commentary: The Reformation Coin and Medal Collection of Concordia Historical Institute by Daniel Harmelink (St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 2016)
Reformation coins and medals served as a visual witness and confession of faith.
Collver, Albert B. “Book Review and Commentary: The Reformation Coin and Medal Collection of Concordia Historical Institute.” Journal of Lutheran Mission 3, no. 1 (April 2016): 55–56.
The effects of theological education on the development of church bodies and the advancement of c... more The effects of theological education on the development of church bodies and the advancement of church relations between two churches is explored. In particular, this paper examines how the Global Seminary Initiative has provided theological education in the Global South and some of the effects of that work. The single most effective way to affect partners is through theological education.
Collver, Albert B. “Theological Education and the Global Seminary Initiative — A Review and Look to the Future.” Journal of Lutheran Mission 3, no. 1 (April 2016): 10–17.
Sermon preached about St. Michael and All Angels at the World Conference of the International Lut... more Sermon preached about St. Michael and All Angels at the World Conference of the International Lutheran Council held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in September 2015. Text Luke 10:20. Published in Collver, Albert B. “Sermon on St. Michael and All Angels (Sept. 24, 2015).” Journal of Lutheran Mission 2, no. 5 (December 2015): 20–21.
Book Review and Commentary on Chemnitz's Church Order for Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel, Concordia Pu... more Book Review and Commentary on Chemnitz's Church Order for Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel, Concordia Publishing House
Different ways of interpreting "satis est" in AC VII has resulted in different conceptions of the... more Different ways of interpreting "satis est" in AC VII has resulted in different conceptions of the church and this has implications for fellowship.
A book review and commentary on Alan Hirsch's The Forgotten Ways and the Permanent Revolution.
C... more A book review and commentary on Alan Hirsch's The Forgotten Ways and the Permanent Revolution.
Collver, Albert B. “Book Review and Commentary: The Forgotten Ways and The Permanent Revolution.” Journal of Lutheran Mission 2, no. 5 (2015): 105–111.
A review and comment of A Lutheran Primer for Preaching.
Collver, Albert B. “Book Review: A Luth... more A review and comment of A Lutheran Primer for Preaching.
Collver, Albert B. “Book Review: A Lutheran Primer for Preaching: A Theological and Practical Approach to Sermon Writing by Edward O. Grimenstein.” Journal of Lutheran Mission 2, no. 3 (June ): 68–69.
Papers by Albert B Collver
Logia XXVII-3 PRINT pages 3, 5 - 14; Trinity 2018
Collver, Albert B. “A Review and Comment of the Self-Understanding of the Lutheran Communion.” Journal of Lutheran Mission 3, no. 2 (September 2016): 46–54.
Throughout his life, Wilhelm Löhe maintained a deep interest in both mission and education. He utilized education to further mission. He formed a mission
society. In some ways Löhe seems to be the product of his times, a man following the Zeitgeist. Yet, unlike some of his contemporaries, Löhe remained firmly grounded in the concept of mission being central to the church. The
church itself is to be engaged in mission. The church is to carry out its mission at home among its own people and abroad to those who have not heard the Gospel. Löhe greatly resists the temptation to separate mission from the
church. He resists the temptation to form practical unions of different confessions, rather insisting upon mission by a particular church. He resists individualism which drives people to share their personal faith apart from their
vocation and apart from the Church. Observing the boundaries or poles that Löhe avoids is still helpful and instructive in guiding the mission effort of the church today.
Collver, Albert B. “Tribute to Ethiopian Theologian Gedion Adunga.” Journal of Lutheran Mission 3, no. 1 (April 2016): D.
Reformation coins and medals served as a visual witness and confession of faith.
Collver, Albert B. “Book Review and Commentary: The Reformation Coin and Medal Collection of Concordia Historical Institute.” Journal of Lutheran Mission 3, no. 1 (April 2016): 55–56.
Collver, Albert B. “Theological Education and the Global Seminary Initiative — A Review and Look to the Future.” Journal of Lutheran Mission 3, no. 1 (April 2016): 10–17.
of Communion in 2014 to allow churches who hold differing views
on homosexuality to remain in fellowship with one another. This paper explores how the churches in the Global South who do not accept homosexuality are considered "colonialistic" related to socio-ethical concerns.
Published in the Journal of Lutheran Mission
Collver, Albert B. “Colonialism in the Global South: The Imperialism of Western Sexual Ethics.” Journal of Lutheran Mission 3, no. 1 (April 2016): 34–39.
Collver, Albert B. “Book Review and Commentary: The Forgotten Ways and The Permanent Revolution.” Journal of Lutheran Mission 2, no. 5 (2015): 105–111.
Found in the Journal Of Lutheran Mission:
Collver, Albert B. “From Repentance to Rejoicing.” Journal of Lutheran Mission 2, no. 4 (September 2015): 80–84.
Collver, Albert B. “Book Review: A Lutheran Primer for Preaching: A Theological and Practical Approach to Sermon Writing by Edward O. Grimenstein.” Journal of Lutheran Mission 2, no. 3 (June ): 68–69.
Logia XXVII-3 PRINT pages 3, 5 - 14; Trinity 2018
Collver, Albert B. “A Review and Comment of the Self-Understanding of the Lutheran Communion.” Journal of Lutheran Mission 3, no. 2 (September 2016): 46–54.
Throughout his life, Wilhelm Löhe maintained a deep interest in both mission and education. He utilized education to further mission. He formed a mission
society. In some ways Löhe seems to be the product of his times, a man following the Zeitgeist. Yet, unlike some of his contemporaries, Löhe remained firmly grounded in the concept of mission being central to the church. The
church itself is to be engaged in mission. The church is to carry out its mission at home among its own people and abroad to those who have not heard the Gospel. Löhe greatly resists the temptation to separate mission from the
church. He resists the temptation to form practical unions of different confessions, rather insisting upon mission by a particular church. He resists individualism which drives people to share their personal faith apart from their
vocation and apart from the Church. Observing the boundaries or poles that Löhe avoids is still helpful and instructive in guiding the mission effort of the church today.
Collver, Albert B. “Tribute to Ethiopian Theologian Gedion Adunga.” Journal of Lutheran Mission 3, no. 1 (April 2016): D.
Reformation coins and medals served as a visual witness and confession of faith.
Collver, Albert B. “Book Review and Commentary: The Reformation Coin and Medal Collection of Concordia Historical Institute.” Journal of Lutheran Mission 3, no. 1 (April 2016): 55–56.
Collver, Albert B. “Theological Education and the Global Seminary Initiative — A Review and Look to the Future.” Journal of Lutheran Mission 3, no. 1 (April 2016): 10–17.
of Communion in 2014 to allow churches who hold differing views
on homosexuality to remain in fellowship with one another. This paper explores how the churches in the Global South who do not accept homosexuality are considered "colonialistic" related to socio-ethical concerns.
Published in the Journal of Lutheran Mission
Collver, Albert B. “Colonialism in the Global South: The Imperialism of Western Sexual Ethics.” Journal of Lutheran Mission 3, no. 1 (April 2016): 34–39.
Collver, Albert B. “Book Review and Commentary: The Forgotten Ways and The Permanent Revolution.” Journal of Lutheran Mission 2, no. 5 (2015): 105–111.
Found in the Journal Of Lutheran Mission:
Collver, Albert B. “From Repentance to Rejoicing.” Journal of Lutheran Mission 2, no. 4 (September 2015): 80–84.
Collver, Albert B. “Book Review: A Lutheran Primer for Preaching: A Theological and Practical Approach to Sermon Writing by Edward O. Grimenstein.” Journal of Lutheran Mission 2, no. 3 (June ): 68–69.