Papers by Akshay Kumar Rathod

Aim: To compare Transanal suture rectopexy with Open hemorrhoidectomy in patients of hemorrhoids.... more Aim: To compare Transanal suture rectopexy with Open hemorrhoidectomy in patients of hemorrhoids. MATERIALS AND METHOD: After obtaining institutional ethics committee clearance, a prospective comparative study was done involving 60 patients with hemorrhoids undergoing either Transanal suture rectopexy [TR] or Open hemorrhoidectomy [OH]. With simple random sampling, the patients who t into the criteria was randomized in to two groups A for Transanal suture rectopexy and group B Open hemorrhoidectomy Both the procedures were compared RESULTS: with respect to mean operating time, intra-operative & post-operative bleeding, postoperative pain & use of analgesia, duration of hospital stay along with six months of post operative complications in which we observed that Transanal suture rectopexy is better in terms of intraoperative bleeding, postoperative pain, duration of hospital stay and postoperative recurrence as compared to Open hemorrhoidectomy. Suture hemorrhoidopexy can be conside...

BACKGROUND: Pancreatic pseudocysts (PPs), common sequelae of acute or chronic pancreatitis and tr... more BACKGROUND: Pancreatic pseudocysts (PPs), common sequelae of acute or chronic pancreatitis and trauma, are uid collections arising in or adjacent to the pancreas enclosed by a wall of brous granulation tissue, but lacking a true epithelial lining. It is the most common complication of pancreatitis. Hence, accurate diagnosis and timely management is important. Spontaneous resolution occurs in more than 80% cases. In case of persistence or specic indications, endoscopic intervention and surgical management is considered. Spontaneous rupture is a very rare and serious complication of pseudocyst of pancreas and should be managed carefully whenever encountered as it can cause severe peritonitis and requires emergent surgical exploration. We describe a case of a 42-year-old, alcoholic male patient who came to casualty with complaints of pain over abdomen since 4 days and was diagnosed with acute on chronic pancreatitis with pseudocyst of pancreas who developed spontaneous rupture of ps...

2020 URSI Regional Conference on Radio Science ( URSI-RCRS), 2020
In Industries there is presence of huge tanks working at extreme conditions of temperature and pr... more In Industries there is presence of huge tanks working at extreme conditions of temperature and pressure. Accurate measurement of level is important in these applications. Radar based level probes are advantageous since they are non-contact. Many alternatives in level measurement work in contact with the liquid. These do not work in long term since reactions happen if the liquid is corrosive and the instrument get corroded. When using radar for level measurement, the tank being metallic enclosure lead to presence of multipath signals in the spectrum. This makes target detection difficult. Attenuation of the multipath signals become important while level measurement.In this paper, level measurement in tank filled with water using X band FMCW radar in multipath scenario is shown. Empty tank spectrum subtraction from the measured spectrum is done along with bin limiting to improve target detection. These results in the reduction of multipath signals from the measured spectrum and improve the SNR of the signals.
2018 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Materials Engineering & Nano-Technology (IEMENTech), 2018
Information of the water wave properties is very important in a near shore region, in a ship, for... more Information of the water wave properties is very important in a near shore region, in a ship, for level measurement in a tank, or for sea keeping and manoeuvring. In this work, we present a method based on X band radar using Linear Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar backscatter to estimate the various parameters of the wave like wave height, Doppler frequency, wave velocity, wave period, wind direction and possible way to detect breaking waves. Radar is developed at Society for Applied Microwave Electronic Engineering and Research (SAMEER) IIT BOMBAY campus. A wave tank has been used for experimentation in which probes generate water waves, The experiments are conducted at Hydraulics lab, Ocean Engineering department IIT Bombay.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, 2021
international journal of research in computer application & management, 2016
Diamond and Related Materials, 2021

The Pharma Innovation Journal, 2019
Background: Teaching is a familiar relationship between teacher and students, a well-developed pe... more Background: Teaching is a familiar relationship between teacher and students, a well-developed personality and student is less developed personality. In the process of education, teacher guide to the student to develop his personality. There is much different kind of teaching methods. The students come from different background and have varied experiences and abilities. Good teaching is not only dependent on teaching methods it is depending on individual needs and adequacy of the content. There are a many kinds of teaching strategies that can use to make better learning of the students. It is of appreciable importance to choose suitable teaching strategies in nursing education to create the training extra attractive and create successful. Selection of teaching strategy is a initial part of instructional design. The objects is help students activities or details more deeply, which permit them to relate latest details to existing ideas or experiences. Conclusion: It can therefore be concluded that majority of students are acceptable the power point presentation is the most acceptable method of teaching.

2018 Second International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies (ICICCT), 2018
In today's fast paced lifestyle nutritional balance of the body is of utmost importance. The ... more In today's fast paced lifestyle nutritional balance of the body is of utmost importance. The essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals are the powerhouses of the body. The nutritional value of vitamins and minerals has resulted in the need to maintain optimum levels of vitamins and minerals. So as to facilitate people's health, it is crucial to maintain their balanced levels in the body. Deficiency of the vitamins and minerals can be determined in the early stages itself using science field of artificial intelligence through expert systems. In the same way by knowing the exact symptoms we can determine which vitamins and minerals are deficient or excess in the body. Based on testing performed it can be proved that the expert system built is able to diagnose the deficiency of vitamins and minerals with a value of more than 60 percent accuracy, the truth. By knowing alterations the levels of minerals and vitamins, prevention can be done in a timely fashion. As well as by know...

2021 6th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), 2021
In chemical industries, there are huge tanks filled with hazardous chemicals. These are present a... more In chemical industries, there are huge tanks filled with hazardous chemicals. These are present at extreme conditions of temperature and pressure. Measurement of the level in tanks is very important but difficult. Conventional methods to measure the level of the liquid in tank fails in such extreme conditions. It is because many times the conventional level sensors which are in contact with liquid gets corroded or have reaction with the chemical thereby contaminating the chemical and even damaging the level sensor. Hence non-contact level sensor finds its importance. A Level sensor developed at SAMEER, Mumbai in monostatic X band radar. Calibration plays very important role in removing offset and delays which are inherent in radars. In this paper, calibration method for this Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) based Radar level probe (RLP) is illustrated. The Calibration process involves setting parameters of front end transceiver, Radar experiments like ranging, analog and digital range resolution measurements etc. As calibration targets, flat plates and corner reflectors are used. The corrections are made accordingly after the testing which make the system response stable and linear. The calibration experiment was conducted on bench and in prototype water tank. Along with this, the mapping algorithm of liquid level to 4-20mA current is also shown. Index Terms―FMCW Radar, Level Sensor, Radar Level Probe, Radar Calibration. Calibration plays very important role in removing offset and delays which are inherent in radars. In this paper, calibration method for this Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) based Radar level probe (RLP) is illustrated. The Calibration process involves setting parameters of front end transceiver, Radar experiments like ranging, analog and digital range resolution measurements etc. As calibration targets, flat plates and corner reflectors are used. The corrections are made accordingly after the testing which make the system response stable and linear. The calibration experiment was conducted on bench and in prototype water tank. Along with this, the mapping algorithm of liquid level to 4-20mA current is also shown.

International Surgery Journal, 2021
Pyogenic liver abscess was first reported in the writings of Hippocrates, which was based on the ... more Pyogenic liver abscess was first reported in the writings of Hippocrates, which was based on the type of fluid recovered from the abscess related to a high mortality rate ranging between 15% and 19% at that time. However in 1938, Ochsner and De Bakey described the recommended surgical treatment as the primary treatment modality. Surgery remained the therapy of choice until the mid-1980s, when percutaneous drainage was shown to be a safer alternative in many cases. Spontaneous rupture of liver abscess may occur free in the peritoneal cavity or in neighbouring organs, an event which is generally considered as a surgical emergency, while localized rupture can be managed with drainage, either percutaneous or surgical/minimal invasive techniques and addition of appropriate antibiotic treatment. In cases where there is uneventful rupture of abscess and localized to the neighbouring organs and tissues can be successfully treated by a combination of broad-spectrum antibiotics and percutaneo...

Carbon, 2019
The origin of magnetism in RF magnetron sputtered deposited carbon thin films is reported. Three ... more The origin of magnetism in RF magnetron sputtered deposited carbon thin films is reported. Three different carbon thin films were deposited using RF magnetron sputtering of carbon target by Ar ions at RF power of 50 W, 100 W and 150 W, respectively. Microstructural characterization of films using Raman spectroscopy confirms the presence of graphitic crystallites in all three films and the crystallite edges are terminated with the sp 3 bonding. However, increasing RF power results in an increase in graphitic crystallite size as well as the sp 2 /sp 3 hybridization ratio, while the average density of the films decreases. The observed magnetization (measured using SQUID-VSM) in all the three-carbon films has a contribution from both superparamagnetic (SPM) particles (due to the interaction between unpaired spins) and the paramagnetic term due to isolated unpaired spins distributed throughout the film. The origin of experimentally observed magnetization in the carbon thin films and their correlation with the change in density and sp 2 /sp 3 hybridization ratio due to variation in RF power is discussed.

Journal of Oceanography, 2007
A new algorithm is proposed, called the stream function method (SFM) for producing vector current... more A new algorithm is proposed, called the stream function method (SFM) for producing vector current maps from radial data measured by dual-site high frequency surface wave radar (HFSWR). In SFM, a scalar stream function is constructed under some oceanographic assumptions. The function describes the two-dimensional (2-D) ocean surface water motion and is used to obtain the distribution of vector currents. The performance of SFM is evaluated using simulated radial data, which demonstrates that SFM has advantages over typical vectorial combination methods (VCM) both in error acceptance and robustness, and excels another method based on least-squares fitting (LSF) in recovering the complicated current models. Furthermore, SFM is capable of providing the total currents based on radials from single-site radar. We also test the assumptions of horizontal non-divergence in the simulation. The new algorithm is applied to the field experiment data of Wuhan University's ocean state measuring and analyzing radar (OSMAR), collected in the coastal East China Sea during April 11-17, 2004. Quantitative comparisons are given between radar results by three current algorithms and in-situ current meter measurements. Preliminary analysis of the vertical current shear is given based on the current meter measurements.
Papers by Akshay Kumar Rathod