This research aims to investigate the prejudice experienced by young Muslims in the United States... more This research aims to investigate the prejudice experienced by young Muslims in the United States and examine their responses as portrayed in Saadia Faruqi’s Yusuf Azeem is not a Hero (2021). The writers use close textual analysis in analyzing the primary text to examine the prejudice and responses portrayed by the young Muslims in the novel. In doing so, the writers employ Gordon Allport's theory of prejudice to comprehend the prejudice experienced by young Muslims and Simpson & Yinger's theory of response to prejudice to examine the responses of young Muslims. The results of the analysis reveal that young Muslim-Americans experience prejudice in various forms, which affects their social lives and shapes their identities. Their responses to this prejudice also vary, depending on the specific situation, their personal experiences, and their understanding of the 9/11 tragedy. Thus, responses were seen in the form of resistance and negotiation of their identities. This study reveals that the 9/11 tragedy significantly impacted the Muslim community, especially Muslim youth who did not experience the tragedy but being subjected to discrimination and physical violence.
Keywords: Contemporary Muslimah Literature, Negotiating Identity, Post 9/11, Responses and Resistance, Young Muslim-Americans.
This study investigates the influence of tennis on the social mobility of an African-American fam... more This study investigates the influence of tennis on the social mobility of an African-American family and how it shapes their pursuit of the American Dream. Employing qualitative research methods, this study utilizes elements of miseen-scène in film analysis and social mobility theory to comprehensively explore how an African-American family uses tennis as a means to achieve their American Dream. The research reveals that Richard Williams' journey as a Black man determined to guide his daughters, Venus and Serena, to become world tennis champions, challenged deeprooted racial barriers within American society. Furthermore, motivation, education, and achievement were significant factors influencing the upward social mobility of the Williams family. Despite not coming from a high social status background, the Williams family used tennis as a pathway to achieve their American Dream. This research argues that tennis broke societal boundaries and cemented the Williams family's legacy as a living embodiment of the American Dream. Their story stands as a testament to the boundless possibilities that determination and resilience through sports can offer, even when confronted with significant racial challenges and social disparities.
International Journal of Media and Information Literacy, 2022
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) which first appeared at the end of 2019 has become a pandemic and ... more Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) which first appeared at the end of 2019 has become a pandemic and instantly changed the way people interact. Not only because this virus has claimed many victims, but also because of policies to limit physical activity. These conditions have contributed to the emergence of solidarity in the form of online fundraising in society. Therefore, this research, intends to look at two online fundraisings; first, which was initiated by the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia (MPR RI), and second, which was initiated by Narasi Tv. In addition, this research looks at fundraising within the framework of a theatrical event which consists of various elements, tries to unveil the ideology that operates behind the events, and describes the audience's response as a result of their interpreting process towards the online fundraisings. Since the phenomenon being analyzed is online activity, this research uses netnography as a method to observe textual communication and multimedia communication which is the data in this research. The researchers argue that these two-fundraising had different characteristics of initiator, stage, and actor, so that each had different ideological implications as well. The different characteristics also produce different responses as the interpretation of the audience.
Proceedings of the 2nd Internasional Conference on Culture and Language in Southeast Asia (ICCLAS 2018)
The aim of this research is to see the religious and cultural context, or more precisely Islam an... more The aim of this research is to see the religious and cultural context, or more precisely Islam and local faith within Buginese society, of Faisal Oddang's Tiba Sebelum Berangkat through literary frames. Regarding the period of DI/TII (Islamic State/Indonesian Islamic Army) rebellion and the present, this novel depicted a fictional representation of the indigenous community and long way Islamization of South Sulawesi. The primary data of this research were taken from Oddang's novel that was published in 2018. In order to support the analysis, the researchers also elaborate secondary data from articles, journal, and books which were related with the issue in this research. By using qualitative method, this research investigated the religious and cultural context which was portrayed within the novel by elaborating Homi K. Bhabha's notion of hybridity. The research finding showed that the contradiction between Islam and local faith was viewed as forces that collided each other. As the novel suggested, Buginese societies' daily life practices, sacred rituals, and even their political attitudes, in response to rebellious movement that used Islam as the basis of ideology, were determined as hybrid.
The purpose of this study is to observe and investigate the use of Facebook among college student... more The purpose of this study is to observe and investigate the use of Facebook among college students in a cross-cultural collaboration project between Indonesia and Japan, and focuses specifically on Indonesia students’ improvement in writing and their perceptions on Indonesia- Japan cross culture Facebook writing program. In the project, students from University of Muhammadiyah Tangerang and Japan Students posted images and descriptions of international relations concepts in any topics provided every week. By recognizing that others around the world attribute different but sometimes similar meanings to these concepts and topics, students broadened their own understandings and gained a greater awareness of the diversity in the study of international relations. This study explores questionnaires to get information related to the using of Facebook writing program, the questions are: (1) how much did you enjoy the Facebook activity? (2) how much do you think your English improved because of Facebook activity? (3) does this experience in return affect students’ social life on Facebook? The results indicate that Facebook is a feasible platform for educational purposes, and can improve Indonesia students’ writing skill in English. However, it requires individual efforts to maintain the friendship after the project ended.
Keywords: Social media, Facebook, cross culture, writing skill.
IJLECR (International Journal of Language Education and Cultural Review), 2020
The current trend towards the use of technologies for learning focuses on the web 2.0 associated ... more The current trend towards the use of technologies for learning focuses on the web 2.0 associated applications, which encourage young children to social interaction, as well as to knowing words and short sentences in English as a foreign language. The profusion and easy access to tools and channels for video production and sharing, such as YouTube Kids Channel, emerge as an example of such applications. The study aims to know the effect of Kids YouTube channels in building English communication skills in children. Using qualitative and quantitative methods, the researchers used one-shot survey design as the instrument given to the participants. Based on the questionnaires of parents' beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors towards YouTube Kids Channel, it is known that the selected channel can improve young children's communication skills, particularly in enriching their English vocabulary. YouTube is believed to be an effective medium that can improve young children's communication skills despite the control of parents. The audiovisual aspects of the YouTube channel have a significant role in it. During the preschool years, children acquire the language and communication skills necessary to express their needs, thoughts, and feelings in social interactions, and they learn to respond appropriately to others. Through effective communication, they also learn to be socially competent individuals, building respectful, positive interactions and relationships with others.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, Volume 349, 2019
This research investigates the use of social media, particularly Twitter, as a part of the conver... more This research investigates the use of social media, particularly Twitter, as a part of the conversations of Indonesians in the virtual world. The roles of the @MuhammadiyahGL and @NUgarislucu accounts will be seen as objects that play a significant role in responding to political and religious issues on Twitter. As we know, Islamic community organizations, such as Muhammadiyah and Nahdhatul Ulama, are considered to have strategic roles, both in political and religious issues. This situation is increasingly relevant when in 2019, Indonesia has just completed a presidential election. The process of political contestation has now involved social media as a campaign tool, including the presidential election itself. This research shows how the @MuhammadiyahGL and @Nugarislucu Twitter accounts respond to political and religious issues in Indonesia in a comical way. In this way, both accounts are indirectly reducing the tension that occurs in Indonesian society triggered by political and religious issues.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2019
The aim of this research is to see the religious and cultural context, or more precisely Islam an... more The aim of this research is to see the religious and cultural context, or more precisely Islam and local faith within Buginese society, of Faisal Oddang’s Tiba Sebelum Berangkat through literary frames. Regarding the period of DI/TII (Islamic State/Indonesian Islamic Army) rebellion and the present, this novel depicted a fictional representation of the indigenous community and long way Islamization of South Sulawesi. The primary data of this research were taken from Oddang’s novel that was published in 2018. In order to support the analysis, the researchers also elaborate secondary data from articles, journal, and books which were related with the issue in this research. By using qualitative method, this research investigated the religious and cultural context which was portrayed within the novel by elaborating Homi K. Bhabha’s notion of hybridity. The research finding showed that the contradiction between Islam and local faith was viewed as forces that collided each other. As the novel suggested, Buginese societies' daily life practices, sacred rituals, and even their political attitudes, in response to rebellious movement that used Islam as the basis of ideology, were determined as hybrid.
Keywords: Islam, local culture/community, hybrid identity, Bugisnese
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2018
This study examines the role of Muhammadiyah Regional Board of Banten in preventing Islamic radic... more This study examines the role of Muhammadiyah Regional Board of Banten in preventing Islamic radicalism. Banten province is a place where Islamic radicalism has a long history, from NII (Indonesia Islamic Nation), a mastermind in a bomb attack, and even the executant in a suicide bombing. It shows Banten has a great potential in producing any Islamic radicalism movement, and the responsibility on this potential not only in government hand but also in a social community or Islamic community organizations. The study argues that Muhammadiyah, as one of largest Islamic mass organizations in Indonesia has a significant contribution in preventing Islamic radicalism by doing moderation ways as PWM (Muhammadiyah Regional Board) of Banten has been doing in Banten. Muhammadiyah in Banten has been preventing radicalism, among others by way of educational institutions under this organization and da’wah activities. These activities show that Muhammadiyah, particularly in Banten, not only has done their job in protecting the society from any Islamic radicalism movements, but also made a new discourse about how to face radicalism.
Keywords: islamic radicalism, muhammadiyah, banten, discourse.
In recent years, more focus has been put on the role of students in the language learning process... more In recent years, more focus has been put on the role of students in the language learning process, provided that language learning is predominantly a learning practice. The wishes and desires of students should also be taken into account in order to ensure successful language learning and teaching. Reading can be found in a major field where the interests of students affect their learning. In any formal or higher learning background, reading is viewed as the most important academic language skills for both second-and foreign-language students. It is by reading that these students learn new knowledge and become capable of synthesizing, analyzing and understanding in order to learn more about their subject matter. Effective reading is necessary for the progress of the learning of a foreign language. Students could read a wide variety of textbooks and associated content at the tertiary level. The lack of sufficient reading habit is also bound to obstruct students’ development towards mastery of a foreign language. The aim of this paper was to examine the reading habits of students, to see what reading benefits can offer to an attitude of individual, and to explore the effect of time on reading on the screen. Through a comprehensive analysis of available literature as well as a mixed-method approach, the researchers surveyed 59 students and was able to better understand reading in our current “digital age”. This research concluded that reading is indeed useful, that it is on the decline, and that time on the screen is on the rise. In addition, this research has found trends that can help educators to embrace this growing imbalance, such as establishing screen-time limits, developing a so-called “book-consciousness” in the classroom, and promoting access to the online library and a more varied collection for students to pick books from. Keywords: Reading habits, Indonesian college students, Reading habits and attitude, Digital Age.
This research aims to investigate the prejudice experienced by young Muslims in the United States... more This research aims to investigate the prejudice experienced by young Muslims in the United States and examine their responses as portrayed in Saadia Faruqi’s Yusuf Azeem is not a Hero (2021). The writers use close textual analysis in analyzing the primary text to examine the prejudice and responses portrayed by the young Muslims in the novel. In doing so, the writers employ Gordon Allport's theory of prejudice to comprehend the prejudice experienced by young Muslims and Simpson & Yinger's theory of response to prejudice to examine the responses of young Muslims. The results of the analysis reveal that young Muslim-Americans experience prejudice in various forms, which affects their social lives and shapes their identities. Their responses to this prejudice also vary, depending on the specific situation, their personal experiences, and their understanding of the 9/11 tragedy. Thus, responses were seen in the form of resistance and negotiation of their identities. This study reveals that the 9/11 tragedy significantly impacted the Muslim community, especially Muslim youth who did not experience the tragedy but being subjected to discrimination and physical violence.
Keywords: Contemporary Muslimah Literature, Negotiating Identity, Post 9/11, Responses and Resistance, Young Muslim-Americans.
This study investigates the influence of tennis on the social mobility of an African-American fam... more This study investigates the influence of tennis on the social mobility of an African-American family and how it shapes their pursuit of the American Dream. Employing qualitative research methods, this study utilizes elements of miseen-scène in film analysis and social mobility theory to comprehensively explore how an African-American family uses tennis as a means to achieve their American Dream. The research reveals that Richard Williams' journey as a Black man determined to guide his daughters, Venus and Serena, to become world tennis champions, challenged deeprooted racial barriers within American society. Furthermore, motivation, education, and achievement were significant factors influencing the upward social mobility of the Williams family. Despite not coming from a high social status background, the Williams family used tennis as a pathway to achieve their American Dream. This research argues that tennis broke societal boundaries and cemented the Williams family's legacy as a living embodiment of the American Dream. Their story stands as a testament to the boundless possibilities that determination and resilience through sports can offer, even when confronted with significant racial challenges and social disparities.
International Journal of Media and Information Literacy, 2022
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) which first appeared at the end of 2019 has become a pandemic and ... more Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) which first appeared at the end of 2019 has become a pandemic and instantly changed the way people interact. Not only because this virus has claimed many victims, but also because of policies to limit physical activity. These conditions have contributed to the emergence of solidarity in the form of online fundraising in society. Therefore, this research, intends to look at two online fundraisings; first, which was initiated by the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia (MPR RI), and second, which was initiated by Narasi Tv. In addition, this research looks at fundraising within the framework of a theatrical event which consists of various elements, tries to unveil the ideology that operates behind the events, and describes the audience's response as a result of their interpreting process towards the online fundraisings. Since the phenomenon being analyzed is online activity, this research uses netnography as a method to observe textual communication and multimedia communication which is the data in this research. The researchers argue that these two-fundraising had different characteristics of initiator, stage, and actor, so that each had different ideological implications as well. The different characteristics also produce different responses as the interpretation of the audience.
Proceedings of the 2nd Internasional Conference on Culture and Language in Southeast Asia (ICCLAS 2018)
The aim of this research is to see the religious and cultural context, or more precisely Islam an... more The aim of this research is to see the religious and cultural context, or more precisely Islam and local faith within Buginese society, of Faisal Oddang's Tiba Sebelum Berangkat through literary frames. Regarding the period of DI/TII (Islamic State/Indonesian Islamic Army) rebellion and the present, this novel depicted a fictional representation of the indigenous community and long way Islamization of South Sulawesi. The primary data of this research were taken from Oddang's novel that was published in 2018. In order to support the analysis, the researchers also elaborate secondary data from articles, journal, and books which were related with the issue in this research. By using qualitative method, this research investigated the religious and cultural context which was portrayed within the novel by elaborating Homi K. Bhabha's notion of hybridity. The research finding showed that the contradiction between Islam and local faith was viewed as forces that collided each other. As the novel suggested, Buginese societies' daily life practices, sacred rituals, and even their political attitudes, in response to rebellious movement that used Islam as the basis of ideology, were determined as hybrid.
The purpose of this study is to observe and investigate the use of Facebook among college student... more The purpose of this study is to observe and investigate the use of Facebook among college students in a cross-cultural collaboration project between Indonesia and Japan, and focuses specifically on Indonesia students’ improvement in writing and their perceptions on Indonesia- Japan cross culture Facebook writing program. In the project, students from University of Muhammadiyah Tangerang and Japan Students posted images and descriptions of international relations concepts in any topics provided every week. By recognizing that others around the world attribute different but sometimes similar meanings to these concepts and topics, students broadened their own understandings and gained a greater awareness of the diversity in the study of international relations. This study explores questionnaires to get information related to the using of Facebook writing program, the questions are: (1) how much did you enjoy the Facebook activity? (2) how much do you think your English improved because of Facebook activity? (3) does this experience in return affect students’ social life on Facebook? The results indicate that Facebook is a feasible platform for educational purposes, and can improve Indonesia students’ writing skill in English. However, it requires individual efforts to maintain the friendship after the project ended.
Keywords: Social media, Facebook, cross culture, writing skill.
IJLECR (International Journal of Language Education and Cultural Review), 2020
The current trend towards the use of technologies for learning focuses on the web 2.0 associated ... more The current trend towards the use of technologies for learning focuses on the web 2.0 associated applications, which encourage young children to social interaction, as well as to knowing words and short sentences in English as a foreign language. The profusion and easy access to tools and channels for video production and sharing, such as YouTube Kids Channel, emerge as an example of such applications. The study aims to know the effect of Kids YouTube channels in building English communication skills in children. Using qualitative and quantitative methods, the researchers used one-shot survey design as the instrument given to the participants. Based on the questionnaires of parents' beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors towards YouTube Kids Channel, it is known that the selected channel can improve young children's communication skills, particularly in enriching their English vocabulary. YouTube is believed to be an effective medium that can improve young children's communication skills despite the control of parents. The audiovisual aspects of the YouTube channel have a significant role in it. During the preschool years, children acquire the language and communication skills necessary to express their needs, thoughts, and feelings in social interactions, and they learn to respond appropriately to others. Through effective communication, they also learn to be socially competent individuals, building respectful, positive interactions and relationships with others.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, Volume 349, 2019
This research investigates the use of social media, particularly Twitter, as a part of the conver... more This research investigates the use of social media, particularly Twitter, as a part of the conversations of Indonesians in the virtual world. The roles of the @MuhammadiyahGL and @NUgarislucu accounts will be seen as objects that play a significant role in responding to political and religious issues on Twitter. As we know, Islamic community organizations, such as Muhammadiyah and Nahdhatul Ulama, are considered to have strategic roles, both in political and religious issues. This situation is increasingly relevant when in 2019, Indonesia has just completed a presidential election. The process of political contestation has now involved social media as a campaign tool, including the presidential election itself. This research shows how the @MuhammadiyahGL and @Nugarislucu Twitter accounts respond to political and religious issues in Indonesia in a comical way. In this way, both accounts are indirectly reducing the tension that occurs in Indonesian society triggered by political and religious issues.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2019
The aim of this research is to see the religious and cultural context, or more precisely Islam an... more The aim of this research is to see the religious and cultural context, or more precisely Islam and local faith within Buginese society, of Faisal Oddang’s Tiba Sebelum Berangkat through literary frames. Regarding the period of DI/TII (Islamic State/Indonesian Islamic Army) rebellion and the present, this novel depicted a fictional representation of the indigenous community and long way Islamization of South Sulawesi. The primary data of this research were taken from Oddang’s novel that was published in 2018. In order to support the analysis, the researchers also elaborate secondary data from articles, journal, and books which were related with the issue in this research. By using qualitative method, this research investigated the religious and cultural context which was portrayed within the novel by elaborating Homi K. Bhabha’s notion of hybridity. The research finding showed that the contradiction between Islam and local faith was viewed as forces that collided each other. As the novel suggested, Buginese societies' daily life practices, sacred rituals, and even their political attitudes, in response to rebellious movement that used Islam as the basis of ideology, were determined as hybrid.
Keywords: Islam, local culture/community, hybrid identity, Bugisnese
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2018
This study examines the role of Muhammadiyah Regional Board of Banten in preventing Islamic radic... more This study examines the role of Muhammadiyah Regional Board of Banten in preventing Islamic radicalism. Banten province is a place where Islamic radicalism has a long history, from NII (Indonesia Islamic Nation), a mastermind in a bomb attack, and even the executant in a suicide bombing. It shows Banten has a great potential in producing any Islamic radicalism movement, and the responsibility on this potential not only in government hand but also in a social community or Islamic community organizations. The study argues that Muhammadiyah, as one of largest Islamic mass organizations in Indonesia has a significant contribution in preventing Islamic radicalism by doing moderation ways as PWM (Muhammadiyah Regional Board) of Banten has been doing in Banten. Muhammadiyah in Banten has been preventing radicalism, among others by way of educational institutions under this organization and da’wah activities. These activities show that Muhammadiyah, particularly in Banten, not only has done their job in protecting the society from any Islamic radicalism movements, but also made a new discourse about how to face radicalism.
Keywords: islamic radicalism, muhammadiyah, banten, discourse.
In recent years, more focus has been put on the role of students in the language learning process... more In recent years, more focus has been put on the role of students in the language learning process, provided that language learning is predominantly a learning practice. The wishes and desires of students should also be taken into account in order to ensure successful language learning and teaching. Reading can be found in a major field where the interests of students affect their learning. In any formal or higher learning background, reading is viewed as the most important academic language skills for both second-and foreign-language students. It is by reading that these students learn new knowledge and become capable of synthesizing, analyzing and understanding in order to learn more about their subject matter. Effective reading is necessary for the progress of the learning of a foreign language. Students could read a wide variety of textbooks and associated content at the tertiary level. The lack of sufficient reading habit is also bound to obstruct students’ development towards mastery of a foreign language. The aim of this paper was to examine the reading habits of students, to see what reading benefits can offer to an attitude of individual, and to explore the effect of time on reading on the screen. Through a comprehensive analysis of available literature as well as a mixed-method approach, the researchers surveyed 59 students and was able to better understand reading in our current “digital age”. This research concluded that reading is indeed useful, that it is on the decline, and that time on the screen is on the rise. In addition, this research has found trends that can help educators to embrace this growing imbalance, such as establishing screen-time limits, developing a so-called “book-consciousness” in the classroom, and promoting access to the online library and a more varied collection for students to pick books from. Keywords: Reading habits, Indonesian college students, Reading habits and attitude, Digital Age.
Papers by Akhmad Zakky
Keywords: Contemporary Muslimah Literature, Negotiating Identity, Post 9/11, Responses and Resistance, Young Muslim-Americans.
Keywords: Social media, Facebook, cross culture, writing skill.
Keywords: Islam, local culture/community, hybrid identity, Bugisnese
Keywords: islamic radicalism, muhammadiyah, banten, discourse.
Books by Akhmad Zakky
Keywords: Reading habits, Indonesian college students, Reading habits and attitude, Digital Age.
Keywords: Contemporary Muslimah Literature, Negotiating Identity, Post 9/11, Responses and Resistance, Young Muslim-Americans.
Keywords: Social media, Facebook, cross culture, writing skill.
Keywords: Islam, local culture/community, hybrid identity, Bugisnese
Keywords: islamic radicalism, muhammadiyah, banten, discourse.
Keywords: Reading habits, Indonesian college students, Reading habits and attitude, Digital Age.