Thesis Chapters by Akhmad Yusuf

Since the beginning of 17th century, Batavia which was known as Sunda Kelapa then Jaya... more ABSTRACT
Since the beginning of 17th century, Batavia which was known as Sunda Kelapa then Jayakarta then Batavia, had been a trading city which many kinds of trading activities were there. Batavia was a centre of dutch east indies government since 1619-1942. Along the colonial history, administration and statistic data of colonial government categorized their people based on their nations and, specifically, separated the Chinese and Arabs from the natives.
Batavia had a strategic geography area located close to Sundanese Trait Batavia which was one of the main connecting areas of Indian Ocean and South China Sea. Since located in those strategic area, Batavia was the best site for economic activites in Asia. Not only as a site for ships to anchor, Batavia was also functioning as one of the main port towns in Asia trading network.
Depend on historical records the Chinese and Arabs kept entering the Nusantara and assimilated theirselves with the natives as ‘offspring’ or descendants who were born in Nusantara, however the government forced them to be separated with reason to protect the natives. Especially the traders, which the other political and economic reasons were included as well. Majority of the traders created trader cycles or networks which were consolidated within the community. Since a long time ago the Arabs left their hometowns in the dry Hadhramaut (South Yemen), including to Nusantara to make livings. They went overseas diasporically. They did trading and teaching religions to natives. Study of this trading network of the Arabs become the main focus of this research.
In fact, the main reason of the existence of Batavia was because of its potensial of becoming port town and a center of trade. Thus, this research focuses on the role of Batavia in the trading network of Arabs in the beginning of 20th century which explores more on its physical building, social-economy dynamics, trading network of Arabs and the influence of the network on multi-aspects of life in Batavia.
Key Words: Arabs, Hadhramaut, Networking Economy, Trade, Batavia, 1900-1942.
Papers by Akhmad Yusuf
Journal of Energy Storage

Bali has a great tradition or culture in various aspects of life that make up the local wisdom of... more Bali has a great tradition or culture in various aspects of life that make up the local wisdom of the local community. Local wisdom is the main factor of life tolerance of Balinese people. Although Bali is known as an island populated by Hindu majority, there are also Muslim communities who have inhabited Bali since the 15 th century and live side by side. This was a qualitative research that aimed to describe and analyze local wisdom and religious tolerance in Bali. The data acquired in this research included primary and secondary data collected through library study technique and filed research covering focus group discussion and interview with key informants. The process of data analysis started by examining all the data obtained from various sources related with the themes and were viewed from the perspective local wisdom and tolerance. The study revealed Muslims in Bali had their own color to plural society life. They were not completely deprived of their culture, because they still adopted a local culture that was not against Islamic fundamental values. The harmonious life was the result of a long process of assimilation so that it gave a birth to a life order that run side by side. In the social order, the people of Bali are familiar with the concept of Brahma, which means the bond of brotherhood as a way to reach happiness and harmony. Local wisdom in Bali includes values, norms, ethics, beliefs, customary laws, and specific rules integrated into people's lives. Local wisdom formed a harmonious relationship between man and man, man with nature and man with knowledge. Therefore, local wisdom for both Muslim or non-Muslim community in Bali created a tolerant society life.
The existence of civilization cannot be separated from the existence of human beings. Mesopotamia... more The existence of civilization cannot be separated from the existence of human beings. Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt were the centers of the oldest civilization in the world. Both Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt had typical characteristics. Mesopotamian civilization was more non-physical compared to Egypt. Sciences were emphasized more in Mesopotamia, while Egypt emphasized religious aspects. Political systems in both areas were almost the same, that is, absolutism and considered the king as god. Mesopotamia was more humanist than Egypt. The effectiveness of both civilizations was determined much by political power and economy.
El-HARAKAH, 2011
The existence of civilization cannot be separated from the existence of human beings. Mesopotamia... more The existence of civilization cannot be separated from the existence of human beings. Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt were the centers of the oldest civilization in the world. Both Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt had typical characteristics. Mesopotamian civilization was more non-physical compared to Egypt. Sciences were emphasized more in Mesopotamia, while Egypt emphasized religious aspects. Political systems in both areas were almost the same, that is, absolutism and considered the king as god. Mesopotamia was more humanist than Egypt. The effectiveness of both civilizations was determined much by political power and economy.

Abstrak Sejak awal abad ke-17 Batavia yang dahulu dikenal dengan nama Sunda Kelapa lalu menjadi J... more Abstrak Sejak awal abad ke-17 Batavia yang dahulu dikenal dengan nama Sunda Kelapa lalu menjadi Jayakarta kemudian menjadi Batavia sudah berkembang menjadi sebuah pelabuhan dagang yang menjalankan aktivitas perniagaan. Batavia merupakan pusat kota pemerintahan Hindia Belanda sejak tahun 1619–1942. Sepanjang sejarah kolonial, administrasi dan daftar statistik pemerintah kolonial membagi-bagi penduduk menurut bangsanya dan secara khusus memisahkan masyarakat Cina dan Arab dari golongan pribumi.Batavia memiliki lokasi geografis sangat strategis, Batavia sangat cocok untuk dijadikan pusat kegiatan ekonomi di Asia. Selain sebagai tempat berkumpulnya kapal-kapal, Batavia selanjutnya juga berfungsi sebagai salah satu kota pelabuhan utama dalam jaringan perdagangan Asia. Dalam beberapa catatan sejarah bahwa golongan Arab dan Cina masuk wilayah Nusantara dan berasimilasi dengan masyarakat pribumi hingga menjadi 'peranakan' atau orang-orang keturunan yang lahir di Nusantara, namun ole...
Thesis Chapters by Akhmad Yusuf
Since the beginning of 17th century, Batavia which was known as Sunda Kelapa then Jayakarta then Batavia, had been a trading city which many kinds of trading activities were there. Batavia was a centre of dutch east indies government since 1619-1942. Along the colonial history, administration and statistic data of colonial government categorized their people based on their nations and, specifically, separated the Chinese and Arabs from the natives.
Batavia had a strategic geography area located close to Sundanese Trait Batavia which was one of the main connecting areas of Indian Ocean and South China Sea. Since located in those strategic area, Batavia was the best site for economic activites in Asia. Not only as a site for ships to anchor, Batavia was also functioning as one of the main port towns in Asia trading network.
Depend on historical records the Chinese and Arabs kept entering the Nusantara and assimilated theirselves with the natives as ‘offspring’ or descendants who were born in Nusantara, however the government forced them to be separated with reason to protect the natives. Especially the traders, which the other political and economic reasons were included as well. Majority of the traders created trader cycles or networks which were consolidated within the community. Since a long time ago the Arabs left their hometowns in the dry Hadhramaut (South Yemen), including to Nusantara to make livings. They went overseas diasporically. They did trading and teaching religions to natives. Study of this trading network of the Arabs become the main focus of this research.
In fact, the main reason of the existence of Batavia was because of its potensial of becoming port town and a center of trade. Thus, this research focuses on the role of Batavia in the trading network of Arabs in the beginning of 20th century which explores more on its physical building, social-economy dynamics, trading network of Arabs and the influence of the network on multi-aspects of life in Batavia.
Key Words: Arabs, Hadhramaut, Networking Economy, Trade, Batavia, 1900-1942.
Papers by Akhmad Yusuf
Since the beginning of 17th century, Batavia which was known as Sunda Kelapa then Jayakarta then Batavia, had been a trading city which many kinds of trading activities were there. Batavia was a centre of dutch east indies government since 1619-1942. Along the colonial history, administration and statistic data of colonial government categorized their people based on their nations and, specifically, separated the Chinese and Arabs from the natives.
Batavia had a strategic geography area located close to Sundanese Trait Batavia which was one of the main connecting areas of Indian Ocean and South China Sea. Since located in those strategic area, Batavia was the best site for economic activites in Asia. Not only as a site for ships to anchor, Batavia was also functioning as one of the main port towns in Asia trading network.
Depend on historical records the Chinese and Arabs kept entering the Nusantara and assimilated theirselves with the natives as ‘offspring’ or descendants who were born in Nusantara, however the government forced them to be separated with reason to protect the natives. Especially the traders, which the other political and economic reasons were included as well. Majority of the traders created trader cycles or networks which were consolidated within the community. Since a long time ago the Arabs left their hometowns in the dry Hadhramaut (South Yemen), including to Nusantara to make livings. They went overseas diasporically. They did trading and teaching religions to natives. Study of this trading network of the Arabs become the main focus of this research.
In fact, the main reason of the existence of Batavia was because of its potensial of becoming port town and a center of trade. Thus, this research focuses on the role of Batavia in the trading network of Arabs in the beginning of 20th century which explores more on its physical building, social-economy dynamics, trading network of Arabs and the influence of the network on multi-aspects of life in Batavia.
Key Words: Arabs, Hadhramaut, Networking Economy, Trade, Batavia, 1900-1942.