Papers by Akanksha Kumari

Crime has always been a puzzling problem, knocking the human community from immemorial time. Ther... more Crime has always been a puzzling problem, knocking the human community from immemorial time. Thereby it becomes a myth of forming crimeless society. There are various punishments in crime like compensation, life imprisonment, death sentence, reclusive custody and many more. Punishment depends on the gravity of offence. Reclusive custody is detention in which a prisoner is detached from all human contact and isolated in a single cell. This punishment requires high gravity of offence. Confinement can`t be implemented mannerly without prisons as it were established with the motive, to restrain criminal activities of an evil doer. In modern time, prisoner`s rights concept has been changed by the criminal justice system by utterly shifting from retaliatory to corrective approach. The long list of prisoner`s right has also owned by the judiciary, are bound on all authorities to follow. Still today, Indian jails are overcrowded. The NCRB record says that the occupancy ratio is 14% more tha...

East African Journal of Education Studies
The fiscal constraints of the government and the increasing demand for education from the masses ... more The fiscal constraints of the government and the increasing demand for education from the masses have led to finding out some alternative sources for funding education in general and higher education in particular. Education loans has become one of the alternatives for financing higher education all over the world. In India, since the announcement of the Model Education loans Scheme in 2011, commercial banks have come forward to finance higher education. Now, education loans has seen increasing relevance and hence the flow of education loans is increasing year by year. However, a look at the disbursal of education loans in India shows its skewed distribution among various states and regions. The South Indian States are found to be the major beneficiaries of the scheme, while bigger states like UP and Bihar are lagging behind. So, this uneven distribution of education loans vitiates the very purpose of this scheme. In this context, this article examines the growth of higher education...

Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer and Communication Technology
Recently in multimedia, web services contain a huge volume of geo-tagged photos. The users who up... more Recently in multimedia, web services contain a huge volume of geo-tagged photos. The users who upload these photos are sharing their travel experiences through them. Geo-tagged photos have crucial information imbibed within them, like location, time, tags and weather. Travel Recommendation methods that exist do not take into consideration user preferences and weather all at once. In this paper, a travel recommendation system is proposed for tourists in Mumbai according to their preferences, weather and live events. The preferences are obtained according to the prior travel history of user(s) and recommendations are suggested. Dataset is collected from the Flickr API and the technique is examined for Mumbai, an Indian metropolitan city. The effectiveness of the proposed method can be seen from the experimental results, which shows an average of 15% improvement in the accuracy with respect to the existing methods.

According to the thrifty (Barker's) phenotype hypothesis, poor nutrition in fetal and early infan... more According to the thrifty (Barker's) phenotype hypothesis, poor nutrition in fetal and early infancy plays a role in the development and function of the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans, which leads to the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Insulin resistance is due to decreased suppressive effect of insulin on hepatic glucose production. Thus, elevated insulin levels during perinatal life may predispose the infant to the development of diabetes mellitus in future life. Intrauterine undernutrition plays an important role in causing adult insulin resistance and diabetes but the exact cause is still unknown. Preterm infants born small for gestational age (SGA) show lower adrenocortical response to stimulation due to an immature hypothalamic-pituitary axis. Methods The cross-sectional study conducted at Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi from June 2020 to November 2021 included 216 newborns enrolled as per the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Maternal and neonatal details were collected at birth and recorded. Cord blood samples for measurement of serum insulin, glucose, and cortisol were collected from 84 preterm and 132 term neonates. Using this information, homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) was calculated using a mathematical formula. Insulin resistance was defined as HOMA-IR > 2.5. Based on birth weight and gestational age, they were further categorized into SGA, appropriate for gestational age (AGA), and large for gestational age (LGA). The parametric data were presented as means ± standard deviation (SD), and nonparametric data as medians (first quartile and third quartile). The Student's (independent samples) t-test and Mann-Whitney U test were used to compare mean differences between the two groups for parametric and nonparametric data, respectively. The Spearman correlation coefficient was used to determine the significant association between variables. Results Umbilical cord plasma glucose and serum insulin were high in preterm in comparison to term newborns. Serum cortisol levels were high in term than in preterm newborns. HOMA-IR showed a very strong positive correlation with serum insulin and a moderate positive correlation with serum glucose. HOMA-IR showed a strong negative correlation with gestational age and a moderate negative correlation with birth weight. Insulin resistance was seen in 34 preterm newborns and two term newborns. Insulin resistance was seen in 29.8% (n = 25) of SGA preterm babies, 7.1% (n = 6) of AGA preterm babies, and 1.5% (n = 2) of AGA term newborns. A total of 55.6% of newborns were below normal weight (48.1% had low birth weight, 4.6% had very low birth weight, and 2.8% had extremely low birth weight). Conclusion Our study suggests that preterm newborns are more insulin resistant at birth than term newborns. SGA preterm babies are having a higher incidence of insulin resistance compared to AGA preterm babies. It is clear that high insulin level is needed to overcome high insulin resistance in the very early gestational period. Serum cortisol increases as gestational age and birth weight increase. Thus, serum cortisol helps in the maturation of the fetus and neonatal adaptation at birth.

Journal of Indo Pacific Academy of Forensic Odontology.
Background: When the body has been mutilated or fragmented in case of mass destruction and disast... more Background: When the body has been mutilated or fragmented in case of mass destruction and disasters, it is common to have head or extremities to get separated from the trunk. In relation with forensic odontology, an estimate must have been made to correlate osteometry along with odontometry in determining gender and race. Aim: To investigate the relationship between stature of a person with the diameter of the skull, the circumference of the skull, combined mesio-distal width of the maxillary anterior teeth, the length of the maxillary central incisor as well as with the length of foot using minimum and easily available armamentarium . Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in 100 subjects (50 males and 50 females) who visited the department of Oral Medicine and Radiology of from June, 2019 to August, 2019 for diagnostic and treatment purposes. Hundred model casts of patients were made to measure the width of the maxillary anterior teeth and the length of the maxillary cent...
A simple, mild, and metal-free cascade reaction has been developed for the construction of highly... more A simple, mild, and metal-free cascade reaction has been developed for the construction of highly functionalized olefins. The approach relies on the initial formation of [3+2]-cycloadducts from a pyridinium ylide generated in situ from polymer-bound DMAP (PS-DMAP) with an N-substituted maleimide or an α,β-unsaturated β-keto ester. The cycloadduct decomposes to regenerate supported DMAP and yield a functionalized itaconimide or olefin. The method has a broad substrate scope. The alkene product has been further transformed into trisubstituted furan. PS-DMAP could be reused for five cycles.
Journal of Pharmacy And Bioallied Sciences
Journal of Pharmacy And Bioallied Sciences
Journal of Pharmacy And Bioallied Sciences

The duration of carrying a developing foetus inside the body is called 'pregnancy' and th... more The duration of carrying a developing foetus inside the body is called 'pregnancy' and the women carrying her child inside the body is called pregnant women. There are some factors that affects physical and mental health of women during pregnancy, they are: Socioeconomic status, nutritional assessment and anxiety level. Nutrients are essential for daily functioning and growth of body, during pregnancy its demand gradually increases. Anxiety is intense, excessive and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations. The present study was undertaken to assess the differences between nutritional assessment and anxiety level (based on the causes) among working and non-working women during pregnancy. 70 respondents were selected through purposive sampling method in which 35 were working pregnant women and 35 were non-working pregnant women from the areas of Kurji and Bailey road. The finding shows that working pregnant women had high socio-economical status than non-working pr...

Ferroelectric materials are used in many applications, such as capacitor, sensors, actuators and ... more Ferroelectric materials are used in many applications, such as capacitor, sensors, actuators and transducers. Generally, lead based materials (PZT, PMN) have dominated in piezoelectric market because of their excellent dielectric, piezoelectric properties and flexibility in terms of compositional modifications. However, due to toxicity and environmental concerns, PZT is facing global restrictions in its usage in electronic equipment. Till date the properties of developed lead free piezoelectric are not comparable to that of PZT based compositions. The breakthrough made by Liu and Ren et al. in BaTiO3-based ceramics with co-dopants of Zr, and Ca (BCZT) has offered a significant impact on the development of lead-free piezo ceramics. It featured piezoelectric constants on the order of 560–620 pm/V, clearly exceeding values for competing lead-free compositions and even those for most PZT materials. Multilayered structure (alternate layers of piezoelectric wafers and electrodes) is prefe...

2020 IEEE 1st International Conference for Convergence in Engineering (ICCE), 2020
Vehicle accidents have become one of the major issues, which cause the death of many people aroun... more Vehicle accidents have become one of the major issues, which cause the death of many people around the globe. Presently India is in the top-ranked in death due to road accidents. This is a serious matter, which needs to be solved to save the life of many injured people due to accidents. To solve this problem many automobile companies have done different systems such as safety airbags, seat belts, camera sensors, etc. but still the cause and the effect of the accident cannot be reduced. One of the major solutions is to provide proper medical treatment to the victim on time. According to statistics whenever any kind of accident happens, the witness of the accident hesitates to help the victim due to the long procedure of reporting and inquiry to the police. Mostly the victim is not in a condition to ask for any sort of help from others in that situation. In such a situation, the life of the victim is in danger due to the lack of proper treatment and medical facility in time. To solve this problem there is an urgent requirement of a system that automatically detects the accident and based on that information it communicates about the accident and its location to the hospital and relative without any delay. In this work, an Arduino based Automatic Accident Detection and Location Communication System (AAADLCS) is developed that continuously tracks the location of the vehicle, when any kind of accident occurs. It automatically detects the accident and based on that information it sends that location to the hospital, relatives, and to the police quickly. The key benefit of this system is its low cost, easy to implement, easy to use, processing speed, high accuracy, and its self-reliance.

Voice Symptom Scale (VoiSS) (Wilson et al., 2004) is a self rating questionnaire for voice evalua... more Voice Symptom Scale (VoiSS) (Wilson et al., 2004) is a self rating questionnaire for voice evaluation. The objectives of the present study were to develop and standardize voice symptom scale (VoiSS) in Hindi and to measure its validity in clinical population along with test-retest reliability. This study was carried out in 30 participants with age range between 20 to 50 years. The study included translation of the English version of Voice symptom Scale in Hindi and then comparison of all the parameters of the new developed Hindi (VoiSS) to English Voice symptom scale (VoiSS), GRBAS scale, real voice analysis and voice quality estimates. The results revealed significant correlation between the Hindi and English Voice Symptom Scale (VoiSS) and significantly high correlation between the Hindi Voice Symptom Scale (VoiSS) in test-retest condition (3 weeks after the test condition) on all parameters: emotion, physical, impairment, and total scores. The present study led to the conclusion ...

Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications, 2021
After the hike of the Coronavirus from the country of China in the end of previous year, Novel Co... more After the hike of the Coronavirus from the country of China in the end of previous year, Novel Coronavirus, accounts for total of about 46million cases all around the world with death of more than1.28 million individuals & 31.8 million recoveries. Beside Its extraordinary infectivity & casualty rates, Corona Virus Disease has caused widespread panic, economic weight & budgetary misfortunes. Mass terror of CORONA VIRUS, named as 'corona phobia", has made an adequate mental indications in overall population. Along these lines, this audit has been embraced to characterize panic consequence of CORONA Virus. Quarantine can create extreme anger, nervousness, accumulating, psychological illness & sadness. Strengthened through an "infodemic" extent through various foundation in web-based broadcasting. Upheavals bigotry, defamation, & tolerance against specific networks remain additionally being broadly detailed. All things considered, bleeding edge medical services laborers are at higher-danger of getting the illness just as encountering unfriendly mental results in type of burnout, tension, fear of communicating contamination, sentiment of contrariness, wretchedness, & extended substance-reliance. Network based alleviation projects to battle corona virus will upset youngsters normal way of life & may cause flowery psychological depression. Networks remain pretentious by disease in several manners & want exceptional consideration.

Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2019
Presently, stock market is the most important part of economy of the country and acts as key driv... more Presently, stock market is the most important part of economy of the country and acts as key driver for its growth. Since gold is oldest form of currency, it drives more attention of people to invest in gold stock market. As we know stock market is volatile in nature and risk inevitable. To maximize profit, we need a model which predicts stock in upcoming future. A lot of data have to be dealt for precised prediction, and machine learning will be faultless. This paper uses artificial neural network (ANN) for predicting the fluctuation in gold price. It takes historical data and predicts the price for next day. The aim was to build a model which forecasts price with maximum precision and also helps user to maximize their profit. Model has achieved success but forecasting gold stock market prices is highly complicated and depends on series of events such as festival, political event, and marriage seasons. They also depend on other commodities like Sensex, Nifty, crude oil, and so on. ...

Decision feedback equalizers are widely used non-linear equalizers which are used to reduce the i... more Decision feedback equalizers are widely used non-linear equalizers which are used to reduce the inter symbol interference in the communication systems. Selection of proper weights for forward and feedback filters is very important for the designing of efficient decision feedback equalizers. Performance of the most of existing wireless communication systems degrades under higher PSK (Phase Shift Keying) sizes. But use of higher PSK size is essential to fulfill the demand of high speed broadband wireless communication. In this paper an efficient block based decision feedback equalizer is proposed in a training mode. It is proposed to model the multipath Rayleigh fading channel with normalized channel impulse response (CIR) and measured AWGN (Additive White Gaussian Noise). This significantly improves the performance of wireless communication systems with M-PSK modulation techniques for higher PSK size of 512 and 1024. In addition BER (Bit Error rate) performance of the wireless commun...

International Journal of Health Sciences and Research, 2016
VoiSS has been reported to be an important test for determining vocal handicap particularly in in... more VoiSS has been reported to be an important test for determining vocal handicap particularly in individuals with hyper functional voice disorders. With linguistic and cultural variability affecting VoiSS scores, it is pertinent to transadapt VoiSS in Indian languages. This study thus aimed to transadapt Voice Symptom Scale (VoiSS) in Bengali and explored self-perceived voice handicap in hyper functional voice patients using Bengali VoiSS. A total of 40 participants (mean age = 37.06 years, SD = ± 6.35) within the age range of 25 to 45 years participated in the study. The participants were further divided into two groups consisting of 20 males (mean age = 36.66 years, SD = ± 7.62) and 20 females (mean age = 35.93 years, SD = ± 5.82). Pearson’s correlation coefficient and “t” test were used to examine the variability between the parameters. The mean values of scores of the physical parameter of VoiSS in Bengali and English versions were found to be 7.2 (SD = ± 0.62) and 6.6 (SD = ± 1.0...

Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2020
Digital resources are often collectively owned and shared by small social groups (e.g., friends s... more Digital resources are often collectively owned and shared by small social groups (e.g., friends sharing Netflix accounts, roommates sharing game consoles, families sharing WhatsApp groups). Yet, little is known about (i) how these groups jointly navigate cybersecurity and privacy (S&P) decisions for shared resources, (ii) how shared experiences influence individual S&P attitudes and behaviors, and (iii) how well existing S&P controls map onto group needs. We conducted group interviews and a supplemental diary study with nine social groups (n=34) of varying relationship types. We identified why, how and what resources groups shared, their jointly construed threat models, and how these factors influenced group strategies for securing shared resources. We also identified missed opportunities for cooperation and stewardship among group members that could have led to improved S&P behaviors, and found that existing S&P controls often fail to meet the needs of these small social groups.
Papers by Akanksha Kumari