Protozoa Entamoeba spp. is the causative agent of amoebiasis that can infect humans and livestock... more Protozoa Entamoeba spp. is the causative agent of amoebiasis that can infect humans and livestock. Several species that infect pigs are E. suis, E. polecki, E. histolytica, and E. coli. However, microscopic examination through morphological identification of parasites couldn't determine the genus and species level identity, leading to misdiagnosis. Therefore, molecular techniques are needed for accurate diagnosis with species-specific primers. In this study, 100 fecal samples were collected from pig farms in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. This study aims to identify, using molecular techniques, the presence of Entamoeba spp. with the SSUrRNA gene as a marker to determine the diversity of Entamoeba species in pigs and to detect co-infection with other gastrointestinal parasites in Kupang. The result was found: E. suis 98% (98/100), E. polecki 44% (44/100), E. polecki ST3 10% (10/100), and E. coli 20% (30/100) spread on pig farms in 8 villages in Kupang. Furthermore, E. polecki ST3 and E. coli finding show that pigs in several areas in Kupang are infected with potentially zoonotic species. In addition to finding various species of Entamoeba by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) amplification, based on microscopic examination, other gastrointestinal parasites were also found as co-infections, namely: Eimeria sp. (34%), Cystoisospora suis (30%), Strongyloides sp. (34%), Oesophagostomum sp. (51%), Metastrongylus sp. (18%), and Trichuris suis (8%). That is the first report concerning mixed infections with E. suis, E. polecki ST3, E. coli, and other gastrointestinal parasites in pigs in Kupang, Indonesia.
Gastrointestinal parasitic worm infection is one of the most common disease agents found in Bali ... more Gastrointestinal parasitic worm infection is one of the most common disease agents found in Bali cattle. The large number of eggs found, indicates the prevalence of nematodiasis in a region. This study aims to calculate the prevalence and analyze the relationship of the degree of infection with risk factors for the incidence of gastrointestinal nematodiasis in Bali cattle in Kupang Regency. This study uses across-sectional study with simple random sampling and the number of samples taken is 171 samples. Microscopic examination of faecal samples uses the McMaster method to identify gastrointestinal nematode eggs based on their type. Data analysis uses the Chi-Square test to determine the relationship ofthe significance of risk factors. Based on the results of research, Strongyle type nematodes have a prevalence value of 46.78%. Age and sex did not show an influence on infection risk.
East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) is one of the provincial livestock producer and breeder sector has also ... more East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) is one of the provincial livestock producer and breeder sector has also become one of the sectors that support the communities in the province of East Nusa Tenggara. In support of the program of cattle to be free of the disease, efforts to improve the beef cattle population is affected by several factors such as enclosure management and disease prevention. Diseases that can reduce productivity in cattle caused by bacteria, viruses, endoparasites and ectoparasites. One of the ectoparasites that act as vectors of disease that often occurs in cattle are flies. This study aims to look at the Variety type and abundance Flies On Cattle in Kupang located in two studies namely Cattle Farmers Group Noetnana, Village Fatukoa, District Maulafa, Kupang (farm I) and Cage Cattle SMK PP Kupang State (farm II). Fly collection is done by using two methods: the method of sweeping and manual methods.Flies sample processing is done by piercing flies (pinning) using pinning need...
Pengendalian yang strategis perlu mempertimbangkan data epidemiologi trematodosis itu sendiri. Pe... more Pengendalian yang strategis perlu mempertimbangkan data epidemiologi trematodosis itu sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui status prevalensi terkini (update) kasus trematodosis pada sapi bali di Kupang. Sebanyak 51 ekor sapi bali dewasa diambil sampel feses dan diperiksa dengan metode filtrasi bertingkat selama periode September 2019 hingga Januari 2020. Data diolah dan ditampilkan sebagai statistik deskriptif. Kajian ini mengungkap prevalensi trematodosis pada sapi bali di Kupang sebesar 25,49%, dengan diantaranya menderita fasciolosis sebesar 19,61% dan infeksi amphistome sebesar 9,80%.
Two years old and one and half years local intact female dogs from Kupang were submitted to Veter... more Two years old and one and half years local intact female dogs from Kupang were submitted to Veterinery Pathogy Laboratorium, Nusa Cendana University. These dogs showed symptomps: coughing, loss appetite, vomiting and diarrhea. Grossly, there was a smooth surface nodul on the distal of oesophagus with fistula in the middle of it where the worm came out. Microscopically, Spirocerca lupi was surrounded by proliferated spindle shape cells with round or ovoid nuclei as well as 12 mitotic figures over 10 non-overlapping high power fields (400X). These are characteristics of fibrosarcoma. This is the first official report of the existence of spirocercosis in Kabupaten Kupang.
Kesehatan ternak merupakan faktor penting dalam suatu peternakan. Salah satu kendala yang dihadap... more Kesehatan ternak merupakan faktor penting dalam suatu peternakan. Salah satu kendala yang dihadapi peternak sapi di dusun V Tanaloko, Desa Oenesu, Kecamatan Kupang Barat, Kabupaten Kupang adalah penyakit dapat menyebabkan kerugian ekonomi akibat kematian ternaknya. Pelayanan kesehatan ternak ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan status kesehatan ternak sapi melalui pemberian vitamin dan obat cacing serta pengobatan penyakit pada ternak sapi. Jumlah ternak sapi yang mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan adalah sebagai berikut: 48 ekor atau sebesar 66,67% diberikan vitamin; 24 ekor atau sebesar 33,33% diberikan obat cacing, dan sebanyak 6 ekor atau sebesar 8,3% diberikan perawatan luka dengan antibiotik dan disemprot dengan antiseptik. Peternak sangat mengapresiasi kegiatan pengabdian ini dan diharapkan ada keberlanjutan karena sudah merasakan manfaatnya. Kata kunci : pelayanan kesehatan, sapi Bali, vitamin, obat cacing
Pigs are important livestock commodities of the community in the East Nusa Tenggara. Pigs in East... more Pigs are important livestock commodities of the community in the East Nusa Tenggara. Pigs in East Nusa Tenggara sussceptible to endoparasite disease because of traditionally maintained. One of worm parasites that attack the pigs are Ascaris suum. The purpose of this study to determine the prevalence and morphological characteristic in 10 pigs local races and 10 landrace race. The results showed from 12 pigs local races only 1 had infected of Ascaris suum with prevalence of 8,3%. Of the 142 pigs landrace race are found 10 pigs had infected of Ascaris suum with prevalence of 7,04%. According to worm count, the value of Ascaris suum infection in race lokal pigs relatively higher with burden parasitism 72 worm per pig compared to landrace pig races with infection load average of 1,5 worm per pig. Morphological examination of Ascaris suum in pigs local race shows the length and diameter of female worms 25,25(±3,23) cm and 3,37(±0,91) mm and the length and diameter of the male worms 29,13...
Wabah African Swine Fever yang sangat merugikan bagi peternakan babi telah menyebar ke hampir sel... more Wabah African Swine Fever yang sangat merugikan bagi peternakan babi telah menyebar ke hampir seluruh dunia. Indonesia semakin terancam masuknya penyakit eksotis tersebut setelah diketahui Timor Leste telah terjadi wabah. Provinsi NTT dengan populasi babi terbesar di Indonesia dan berbatasan darat langsung dengan Timor Leste harus waspada. Artikel ini berusaha mengulas potensi ancaman dan tantangan dan upaya pencegahan masuknya ASF ke Indonesia melalui Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Jalur ptensial masuknya ASF ke Indonesia dari Timor Leste dapat melalui beberapa aktivitas mobilitas darat, laut dan udara. Pengawasan lalu lintas perbatasan harus diperketat diikuti dengan penerapan biosekuriti dapat mengurangi risiko masuknya ASF dari Timor Leste ke Indonesia, meskipun ada rute penyebaran yang sulit dibatasi dan dikendalikan seperti kontak ternak babi liar di hutan perbatasan. Sosialisasi dan penyadaran warga sangat penting untuk menunjang kesiapsiagaan menghadapi wabah ASF.
Semi - arid region of West Timor has a good potential of livestock farming, including goat farmin... more Semi - arid region of West Timor has a good potential of livestock farming, including goat farming. Small scale goat farms in West Timor raise their animals in semi - intensive system by rearing their animals in pasture or rice field. There are a high demand of goat in the local market especially prior to Kurban Fiest. Despite high population growth of goat, there are some reasons causing low productivity, such as parasite infections. Taeniid cestodes infect carnivores (as well as human) as the definitive host and involve a wide range of intermediate host where they present as metacestode cyst. 1 Cysticercosis or infection of cestode larval stages (metacestode) may appear vary from subclinical to severe clinical signs. 1 Cysticercus infection lead to productivity losses 2 even mortality in livestock. 3 They are responsible for economic losses due to partial or total condemnation of carcass and offal. 1, 3 Cysticercosis also pose a risk of public health. 3 The zoonosis risk even high...
INTRODUCTION Semi-arid region of West Timor has a good potential of livestock farming, including ... more INTRODUCTION Semi-arid region of West Timor has a good potential of livestock farming, including goat farming. Small scale goat farms in West Timor raise their animals in semi-intensive system by rearing their animals in pasture or rice field. There are a high demand of goat in the local market especially prior to Kurban Fiest. Despite high population growth of goat, there are some reasons causing low productivity, such as parasite infections. Taeniid cestodes infect carnivores (as well as human) as the definitive host and involve a wide range of intermediate host where they present as metacestode cyst.1 Cysticercosis or infection of cestode larval stages (metacestode) may appear vary from subclinical to severe clinical signs.1 Cysticercus infection lead to productivity losses2 even mortality in livestock.3 They are responsible for economic losses due to partial or total condemnation of carcass and offal.1, 3 Cysticercosis also pose a risk of public health.3 The zoonosis risk even h...
Kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menyelesaikan masalah uta... more Kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menyelesaikan masalah utama di Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, Universitas Nusa Cendana pada era pandemik COVID-19. Metode yang digunakan dalam menentukan masalah yang menjadi prioritas utama adalah metode APKL yaitu Aktual, Problematika, Khalayak dan Layak. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dengan metode APKL, masalah yang menjadi prioritas utama di Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Nusa Cendana adalah pembelajaran digital pada era pandemi COVID-19 belum optimal. Jika masalah tersebut dibiarkan maka kualitas institusi akan menurun. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan kegiatan pengabdian untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Ada tiga kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan. Yang pertama adalah penetapan masalah yang menjadi prioritas utama, kedua adalah pengoptimalan e-learning Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Nusa Cendana dan ketiga adalah pengoptimalan media pembelajaran google classroom. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian berda...
Dog helmintiasis is generally caused by nematodes. The most destructive worm from nematode class ... more Dog helmintiasis is generally caused by nematodes. The most destructive worm from nematode class is Toxocara canis. Toxocara canis causes worst thing for dog healthy. An adult worm infestation can cause less nutrition absorbtion in small intestine that leads to lose some weight. This research aims to have body weight gain in naturally infected local breed puppies by Toxocara canis after pyrantel pamoat administration in Kupang. Samples were taken from 24 domestic puppies at an early age of 1-2 month old which have positively infected by Toxocara canis. They were devided in to two groups. Groups 1: comprised of 20 puppies, they were feeding pyrantel pamoate on first day, the eight and the fifteen by the dose of 5 mg/kg weight on the contrary for the controlled groups there were four puppies. The parameter which had observed in this research were every egg per gram (EPG), weight gain (WG) and body condition scoring (BCS). The result showed that pyrantel pamoat medicine had good effect...
This study aims to determine the effect of season on the prevalence of gastrointestinal nematode ... more This study aims to determine the effect of season on the prevalence of gastrointestinal nematode infections in beef cattle in Bojonegoro Regency. The study was conducted in the coverage area of the Sekolah Peternakan Rakyat (SPR) Mega Jaya, Kasiman District, Bojonegoro Regency. Fecal samples were taken from 263 heads cattle in the dry season and 270 headsin the rainy season. The local climatic data obtained from the One Stop Service Office of the Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG). Results showed significant differences in the prevalence of nematodosis between the dry season to the rainy season. Prevalence of nematodosis in the dry season by 50.98%, significantly lower than the prevalence in the rainy season, which reached 67.78%.
A cross-sectional studie was conducted to determine prevalence and risk factors of trichurosis in... more A cross-sectional studie was conducted to determine prevalence and risk factors of trichurosis in beef cattle in Kasiman Subdistrict, the regency of Bojonegoro. A total of 263 and 270 head of local beef cattle with various age were taken for fecal sample during dry season (August-October 2014) and wet season (February-March 2014), respectively. Feces were processed for McMaster’s method. The prevalences of trichurosis were 7.22% and 5.19% in the dry season and rainy season, respectively. Seasonal factors did not significantly affect the prevalence (p=0329). During the dry season and the rainy season, the prevalence between age groups and between the sexes did not show significant differences (p>0.05). However, young cattle had a tendency to be more susceptible than older age. Cattle of age >6-12 months were more likely four times get trichurosis than adult cows (> 2 years).
Rabies has been a serious public health threat in Flores Island, Indonesia since it was introduce... more Rabies has been a serious public health threat in Flores Island, Indonesia since it was introduced by Buton Island fisherman in 1997. The first case of canine rabies was officially confirmed in 1998 in Tanjung Bunga, East Flores regency. The virus spread to other regencies in the island, including Sikka regency. To control the disease, a routine vaccination program has been applied since 2000, however, this program has not yet been successful in eliminating canine rabies from Flores. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of canine rabies vaccination in Magepanda, Sikka. Total 32 dog’s serum samples with age range around 6-12 months were collected in the 14th day post rabies vaccination. Then, those serum samples were examined using ELISA test to measure its antibody titer. The test showed that 78,125% of the samples presented protective antibody titers. Chi-square analysis results show that, no significant relationship between age and the dog with the results of the...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menduga tingkat prevalensi dan derajat infeksi nematoda gastrointe... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menduga tingkat prevalensi dan derajat infeksi nematoda gastrointestinal pada kambing kacang di Kota Kupang selama musim kemarau. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan September 2019 di peternakan kambing tradisional di Kota Kupang. Sebanyak 30 ekor kambing dari delapan peternakan diambil sampel fecesnya. Pengamatan parasit di dalam feses dilakukan melalui metode kuantitatif McMaster dengan larutan pengapung gula jenuh. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan statsitik deskriptif. Kambing kacang di Kota Kupang terinfeksi nematoda kelompok strongil, genus Strongyloides, dan genus Trichuris. Prevalensi infeksi strongil 33.33% dengan derajat infeksi ringan hingga sedang, prevalensi strongyloidosis sebesar 63.33% dengan derajat infeksi ringan hingga berat, dan prevalensi trichurosis sebesar 30.00%.dengan derajat infeksi ringan hingga sedang. Faktor musim berpengaruh pada tingkat prevalensi dan derajat infeksi masing-masing kelompok cacing.
OPTIMIZATION OF LEARNING QUALITY BASED ON INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 4.0 IN THE STUDY PROGRAM OF ANIMA... more OPTIMIZATION OF LEARNING QUALITY BASED ON INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 4.0 IN THE STUDY PROGRAM OF ANIMAL MEDICINE UNIVERSITY OF NUSA CENDANA. Innovation activities carried out aim to find out the main issues that become problems at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Nusa Cendana. The method used in determining the main principle is the Urgency, Seriousness, Growth method. Based on this analysis, the most appropriate contemporary issue to be raised is that the optimization of learning based on the industrial revolution 4.0 is not yet optimal within the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. If the issue is left then the quality of the institution will decrease. Therefore, innovation activities are needed to overcome these issues. There are four innovation activities carried out. The first is the determination of the main issues, the second is to provide assistance for lecturers regarding digitalization of teaching materials, assisted by the quality assurance group of the Faculty of...
A cross-sectional studie was conducted to determine prevalence and risk factors of trichurosis in... more A cross-sectional studie was conducted to determine prevalence and risk factors of trichurosis in beef cattle in Kasiman Subdistrict, the regency of Bojonegoro. A total of 263 and 270 head of local beef cattle with various age were taken for fecal sample during dry season (August-October 2014) and wet season (February-March 2014), respectively. Feces were processed for McMaster’s method. The prevalences of trichurosis were 7.22% and 5.19% in the dry season and rainy season, respectively. Seasonal factors did not significantly affect the prevalence (p=0329). During the dry season and the rainy season, the prevalence between age groups and between the sexes did not show significant differences (p>0.05). However, young cattle had a tendency to be more susceptible than older age. Cattle of age >6-12 months were more likely four times get trichurosis than adult cows (> 2 years).
Protozoa Entamoeba spp. is the causative agent of amoebiasis that can infect humans and livestock... more Protozoa Entamoeba spp. is the causative agent of amoebiasis that can infect humans and livestock. Several species that infect pigs are E. suis, E. polecki, E. histolytica, and E. coli. However, microscopic examination through morphological identification of parasites couldn't determine the genus and species level identity, leading to misdiagnosis. Therefore, molecular techniques are needed for accurate diagnosis with species-specific primers. In this study, 100 fecal samples were collected from pig farms in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. This study aims to identify, using molecular techniques, the presence of Entamoeba spp. with the SSUrRNA gene as a marker to determine the diversity of Entamoeba species in pigs and to detect co-infection with other gastrointestinal parasites in Kupang. The result was found: E. suis 98% (98/100), E. polecki 44% (44/100), E. polecki ST3 10% (10/100), and E. coli 20% (30/100) spread on pig farms in 8 villages in Kupang. Furthermore, E. polecki ST3 and E. coli finding show that pigs in several areas in Kupang are infected with potentially zoonotic species. In addition to finding various species of Entamoeba by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) amplification, based on microscopic examination, other gastrointestinal parasites were also found as co-infections, namely: Eimeria sp. (34%), Cystoisospora suis (30%), Strongyloides sp. (34%), Oesophagostomum sp. (51%), Metastrongylus sp. (18%), and Trichuris suis (8%). That is the first report concerning mixed infections with E. suis, E. polecki ST3, E. coli, and other gastrointestinal parasites in pigs in Kupang, Indonesia.
Gastrointestinal parasitic worm infection is one of the most common disease agents found in Bali ... more Gastrointestinal parasitic worm infection is one of the most common disease agents found in Bali cattle. The large number of eggs found, indicates the prevalence of nematodiasis in a region. This study aims to calculate the prevalence and analyze the relationship of the degree of infection with risk factors for the incidence of gastrointestinal nematodiasis in Bali cattle in Kupang Regency. This study uses across-sectional study with simple random sampling and the number of samples taken is 171 samples. Microscopic examination of faecal samples uses the McMaster method to identify gastrointestinal nematode eggs based on their type. Data analysis uses the Chi-Square test to determine the relationship ofthe significance of risk factors. Based on the results of research, Strongyle type nematodes have a prevalence value of 46.78%. Age and sex did not show an influence on infection risk.
East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) is one of the provincial livestock producer and breeder sector has also ... more East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) is one of the provincial livestock producer and breeder sector has also become one of the sectors that support the communities in the province of East Nusa Tenggara. In support of the program of cattle to be free of the disease, efforts to improve the beef cattle population is affected by several factors such as enclosure management and disease prevention. Diseases that can reduce productivity in cattle caused by bacteria, viruses, endoparasites and ectoparasites. One of the ectoparasites that act as vectors of disease that often occurs in cattle are flies. This study aims to look at the Variety type and abundance Flies On Cattle in Kupang located in two studies namely Cattle Farmers Group Noetnana, Village Fatukoa, District Maulafa, Kupang (farm I) and Cage Cattle SMK PP Kupang State (farm II). Fly collection is done by using two methods: the method of sweeping and manual methods.Flies sample processing is done by piercing flies (pinning) using pinning need...
Pengendalian yang strategis perlu mempertimbangkan data epidemiologi trematodosis itu sendiri. Pe... more Pengendalian yang strategis perlu mempertimbangkan data epidemiologi trematodosis itu sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui status prevalensi terkini (update) kasus trematodosis pada sapi bali di Kupang. Sebanyak 51 ekor sapi bali dewasa diambil sampel feses dan diperiksa dengan metode filtrasi bertingkat selama periode September 2019 hingga Januari 2020. Data diolah dan ditampilkan sebagai statistik deskriptif. Kajian ini mengungkap prevalensi trematodosis pada sapi bali di Kupang sebesar 25,49%, dengan diantaranya menderita fasciolosis sebesar 19,61% dan infeksi amphistome sebesar 9,80%.
Two years old and one and half years local intact female dogs from Kupang were submitted to Veter... more Two years old and one and half years local intact female dogs from Kupang were submitted to Veterinery Pathogy Laboratorium, Nusa Cendana University. These dogs showed symptomps: coughing, loss appetite, vomiting and diarrhea. Grossly, there was a smooth surface nodul on the distal of oesophagus with fistula in the middle of it where the worm came out. Microscopically, Spirocerca lupi was surrounded by proliferated spindle shape cells with round or ovoid nuclei as well as 12 mitotic figures over 10 non-overlapping high power fields (400X). These are characteristics of fibrosarcoma. This is the first official report of the existence of spirocercosis in Kabupaten Kupang.
Kesehatan ternak merupakan faktor penting dalam suatu peternakan. Salah satu kendala yang dihadap... more Kesehatan ternak merupakan faktor penting dalam suatu peternakan. Salah satu kendala yang dihadapi peternak sapi di dusun V Tanaloko, Desa Oenesu, Kecamatan Kupang Barat, Kabupaten Kupang adalah penyakit dapat menyebabkan kerugian ekonomi akibat kematian ternaknya. Pelayanan kesehatan ternak ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan status kesehatan ternak sapi melalui pemberian vitamin dan obat cacing serta pengobatan penyakit pada ternak sapi. Jumlah ternak sapi yang mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan adalah sebagai berikut: 48 ekor atau sebesar 66,67% diberikan vitamin; 24 ekor atau sebesar 33,33% diberikan obat cacing, dan sebanyak 6 ekor atau sebesar 8,3% diberikan perawatan luka dengan antibiotik dan disemprot dengan antiseptik. Peternak sangat mengapresiasi kegiatan pengabdian ini dan diharapkan ada keberlanjutan karena sudah merasakan manfaatnya. Kata kunci : pelayanan kesehatan, sapi Bali, vitamin, obat cacing
Pigs are important livestock commodities of the community in the East Nusa Tenggara. Pigs in East... more Pigs are important livestock commodities of the community in the East Nusa Tenggara. Pigs in East Nusa Tenggara sussceptible to endoparasite disease because of traditionally maintained. One of worm parasites that attack the pigs are Ascaris suum. The purpose of this study to determine the prevalence and morphological characteristic in 10 pigs local races and 10 landrace race. The results showed from 12 pigs local races only 1 had infected of Ascaris suum with prevalence of 8,3%. Of the 142 pigs landrace race are found 10 pigs had infected of Ascaris suum with prevalence of 7,04%. According to worm count, the value of Ascaris suum infection in race lokal pigs relatively higher with burden parasitism 72 worm per pig compared to landrace pig races with infection load average of 1,5 worm per pig. Morphological examination of Ascaris suum in pigs local race shows the length and diameter of female worms 25,25(±3,23) cm and 3,37(±0,91) mm and the length and diameter of the male worms 29,13...
Wabah African Swine Fever yang sangat merugikan bagi peternakan babi telah menyebar ke hampir sel... more Wabah African Swine Fever yang sangat merugikan bagi peternakan babi telah menyebar ke hampir seluruh dunia. Indonesia semakin terancam masuknya penyakit eksotis tersebut setelah diketahui Timor Leste telah terjadi wabah. Provinsi NTT dengan populasi babi terbesar di Indonesia dan berbatasan darat langsung dengan Timor Leste harus waspada. Artikel ini berusaha mengulas potensi ancaman dan tantangan dan upaya pencegahan masuknya ASF ke Indonesia melalui Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Jalur ptensial masuknya ASF ke Indonesia dari Timor Leste dapat melalui beberapa aktivitas mobilitas darat, laut dan udara. Pengawasan lalu lintas perbatasan harus diperketat diikuti dengan penerapan biosekuriti dapat mengurangi risiko masuknya ASF dari Timor Leste ke Indonesia, meskipun ada rute penyebaran yang sulit dibatasi dan dikendalikan seperti kontak ternak babi liar di hutan perbatasan. Sosialisasi dan penyadaran warga sangat penting untuk menunjang kesiapsiagaan menghadapi wabah ASF.
Semi - arid region of West Timor has a good potential of livestock farming, including goat farmin... more Semi - arid region of West Timor has a good potential of livestock farming, including goat farming. Small scale goat farms in West Timor raise their animals in semi - intensive system by rearing their animals in pasture or rice field. There are a high demand of goat in the local market especially prior to Kurban Fiest. Despite high population growth of goat, there are some reasons causing low productivity, such as parasite infections. Taeniid cestodes infect carnivores (as well as human) as the definitive host and involve a wide range of intermediate host where they present as metacestode cyst. 1 Cysticercosis or infection of cestode larval stages (metacestode) may appear vary from subclinical to severe clinical signs. 1 Cysticercus infection lead to productivity losses 2 even mortality in livestock. 3 They are responsible for economic losses due to partial or total condemnation of carcass and offal. 1, 3 Cysticercosis also pose a risk of public health. 3 The zoonosis risk even high...
INTRODUCTION Semi-arid region of West Timor has a good potential of livestock farming, including ... more INTRODUCTION Semi-arid region of West Timor has a good potential of livestock farming, including goat farming. Small scale goat farms in West Timor raise their animals in semi-intensive system by rearing their animals in pasture or rice field. There are a high demand of goat in the local market especially prior to Kurban Fiest. Despite high population growth of goat, there are some reasons causing low productivity, such as parasite infections. Taeniid cestodes infect carnivores (as well as human) as the definitive host and involve a wide range of intermediate host where they present as metacestode cyst.1 Cysticercosis or infection of cestode larval stages (metacestode) may appear vary from subclinical to severe clinical signs.1 Cysticercus infection lead to productivity losses2 even mortality in livestock.3 They are responsible for economic losses due to partial or total condemnation of carcass and offal.1, 3 Cysticercosis also pose a risk of public health.3 The zoonosis risk even h...
Kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menyelesaikan masalah uta... more Kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menyelesaikan masalah utama di Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, Universitas Nusa Cendana pada era pandemik COVID-19. Metode yang digunakan dalam menentukan masalah yang menjadi prioritas utama adalah metode APKL yaitu Aktual, Problematika, Khalayak dan Layak. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dengan metode APKL, masalah yang menjadi prioritas utama di Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Nusa Cendana adalah pembelajaran digital pada era pandemi COVID-19 belum optimal. Jika masalah tersebut dibiarkan maka kualitas institusi akan menurun. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan kegiatan pengabdian untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Ada tiga kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan. Yang pertama adalah penetapan masalah yang menjadi prioritas utama, kedua adalah pengoptimalan e-learning Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Nusa Cendana dan ketiga adalah pengoptimalan media pembelajaran google classroom. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian berda...
Dog helmintiasis is generally caused by nematodes. The most destructive worm from nematode class ... more Dog helmintiasis is generally caused by nematodes. The most destructive worm from nematode class is Toxocara canis. Toxocara canis causes worst thing for dog healthy. An adult worm infestation can cause less nutrition absorbtion in small intestine that leads to lose some weight. This research aims to have body weight gain in naturally infected local breed puppies by Toxocara canis after pyrantel pamoat administration in Kupang. Samples were taken from 24 domestic puppies at an early age of 1-2 month old which have positively infected by Toxocara canis. They were devided in to two groups. Groups 1: comprised of 20 puppies, they were feeding pyrantel pamoate on first day, the eight and the fifteen by the dose of 5 mg/kg weight on the contrary for the controlled groups there were four puppies. The parameter which had observed in this research were every egg per gram (EPG), weight gain (WG) and body condition scoring (BCS). The result showed that pyrantel pamoat medicine had good effect...
This study aims to determine the effect of season on the prevalence of gastrointestinal nematode ... more This study aims to determine the effect of season on the prevalence of gastrointestinal nematode infections in beef cattle in Bojonegoro Regency. The study was conducted in the coverage area of the Sekolah Peternakan Rakyat (SPR) Mega Jaya, Kasiman District, Bojonegoro Regency. Fecal samples were taken from 263 heads cattle in the dry season and 270 headsin the rainy season. The local climatic data obtained from the One Stop Service Office of the Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG). Results showed significant differences in the prevalence of nematodosis between the dry season to the rainy season. Prevalence of nematodosis in the dry season by 50.98%, significantly lower than the prevalence in the rainy season, which reached 67.78%.
A cross-sectional studie was conducted to determine prevalence and risk factors of trichurosis in... more A cross-sectional studie was conducted to determine prevalence and risk factors of trichurosis in beef cattle in Kasiman Subdistrict, the regency of Bojonegoro. A total of 263 and 270 head of local beef cattle with various age were taken for fecal sample during dry season (August-October 2014) and wet season (February-March 2014), respectively. Feces were processed for McMaster’s method. The prevalences of trichurosis were 7.22% and 5.19% in the dry season and rainy season, respectively. Seasonal factors did not significantly affect the prevalence (p=0329). During the dry season and the rainy season, the prevalence between age groups and between the sexes did not show significant differences (p>0.05). However, young cattle had a tendency to be more susceptible than older age. Cattle of age >6-12 months were more likely four times get trichurosis than adult cows (> 2 years).
Rabies has been a serious public health threat in Flores Island, Indonesia since it was introduce... more Rabies has been a serious public health threat in Flores Island, Indonesia since it was introduced by Buton Island fisherman in 1997. The first case of canine rabies was officially confirmed in 1998 in Tanjung Bunga, East Flores regency. The virus spread to other regencies in the island, including Sikka regency. To control the disease, a routine vaccination program has been applied since 2000, however, this program has not yet been successful in eliminating canine rabies from Flores. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of canine rabies vaccination in Magepanda, Sikka. Total 32 dog’s serum samples with age range around 6-12 months were collected in the 14th day post rabies vaccination. Then, those serum samples were examined using ELISA test to measure its antibody titer. The test showed that 78,125% of the samples presented protective antibody titers. Chi-square analysis results show that, no significant relationship between age and the dog with the results of the...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menduga tingkat prevalensi dan derajat infeksi nematoda gastrointe... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menduga tingkat prevalensi dan derajat infeksi nematoda gastrointestinal pada kambing kacang di Kota Kupang selama musim kemarau. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan September 2019 di peternakan kambing tradisional di Kota Kupang. Sebanyak 30 ekor kambing dari delapan peternakan diambil sampel fecesnya. Pengamatan parasit di dalam feses dilakukan melalui metode kuantitatif McMaster dengan larutan pengapung gula jenuh. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan statsitik deskriptif. Kambing kacang di Kota Kupang terinfeksi nematoda kelompok strongil, genus Strongyloides, dan genus Trichuris. Prevalensi infeksi strongil 33.33% dengan derajat infeksi ringan hingga sedang, prevalensi strongyloidosis sebesar 63.33% dengan derajat infeksi ringan hingga berat, dan prevalensi trichurosis sebesar 30.00%.dengan derajat infeksi ringan hingga sedang. Faktor musim berpengaruh pada tingkat prevalensi dan derajat infeksi masing-masing kelompok cacing.
OPTIMIZATION OF LEARNING QUALITY BASED ON INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 4.0 IN THE STUDY PROGRAM OF ANIMA... more OPTIMIZATION OF LEARNING QUALITY BASED ON INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 4.0 IN THE STUDY PROGRAM OF ANIMAL MEDICINE UNIVERSITY OF NUSA CENDANA. Innovation activities carried out aim to find out the main issues that become problems at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Nusa Cendana. The method used in determining the main principle is the Urgency, Seriousness, Growth method. Based on this analysis, the most appropriate contemporary issue to be raised is that the optimization of learning based on the industrial revolution 4.0 is not yet optimal within the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. If the issue is left then the quality of the institution will decrease. Therefore, innovation activities are needed to overcome these issues. There are four innovation activities carried out. The first is the determination of the main issues, the second is to provide assistance for lecturers regarding digitalization of teaching materials, assisted by the quality assurance group of the Faculty of...
A cross-sectional studie was conducted to determine prevalence and risk factors of trichurosis in... more A cross-sectional studie was conducted to determine prevalence and risk factors of trichurosis in beef cattle in Kasiman Subdistrict, the regency of Bojonegoro. A total of 263 and 270 head of local beef cattle with various age were taken for fecal sample during dry season (August-October 2014) and wet season (February-March 2014), respectively. Feces were processed for McMaster’s method. The prevalences of trichurosis were 7.22% and 5.19% in the dry season and rainy season, respectively. Seasonal factors did not significantly affect the prevalence (p=0329). During the dry season and the rainy season, the prevalence between age groups and between the sexes did not show significant differences (p>0.05). However, young cattle had a tendency to be more susceptible than older age. Cattle of age >6-12 months were more likely four times get trichurosis than adult cows (> 2 years).
Segala puji bagi Tuhan Semesta Alam, berkat petunjuk dan karunia-Nya, tim penyusun... more KATA PENGANTAR Segala puji bagi Tuhan Semesta Alam, berkat petunjuk dan karunia-Nya, tim penyusun dapat menyelesaikan buku kecil ini. Buku ini disusun sebagai Bahan Ajar Mata Kuliah Pengantar Ilmu Kedokteran Hewan (PIKH). Sesuai judulnya “Peran Dokter Hewan dalam Konservasi Satwa Liar: Biawak Komodo” membahas perihal konservasi biawak Komodo serta bagaimana dokter hewan dapat berperan besar di dalamnya. Tim penyusun menyampaikan rasa terimakasih yang sebesar- besarnya kepada Universitas Nusa Cendana yang pada Tahun Anggaran 2024 melalui Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) telah mendanai penelitian tim penyusun (Nomor Kontrak 101/UN15.22/LT/2024). Tim penyusun juga menyampaikan terima kasih kepada segenap pimpinan dan staf Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK) yang melalui Direktorat Jenderal KSDAE dan Direktorat KKHSG serta Balai Taman Nasional Komodo telah memberikan ijin maupun dukungan dalam penelitian tersebut. Tim penyusun menyadari bahwa buku ini masih jauh dari kesempurnaan, sehingga guna penyempurnaannya, tim penyusun mengharapkan banyak sekali masukan dari para ahli, pembaca, dan mahasiswa/pengguna buku ini.
Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berkat karunia dan rahmatnya, buku dala... more Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berkat karunia dan rahmatnya, buku dalam bentuk book chapters ini dapat diterbitkan. Kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada ketua, pengurus dan anggota Asosiasi Parasitologi Veteriner Indonesia (APARVI) yang telah mempercayakan amanah mengelola karya para anggota ini. Buku ini sesuai judulnya memuat sekelumit informasi terkait penyakit parasiter pada hewan domestik. Dalam pembahasannya, setiap peyakit diuraikan dari segi epidemiologi, agen etiologi, biologi agen, pathogenesis, gejalaklinis, diagnosis, pengobatan, dan pengendalian. Apa yang disajikan dalam buku ini tentu belum memuat semua penyakit parasiter yang ada di Indonesia. Adapun ketidaksempurnaan buku ini, penyunting mengharapkan kritik, saran dan masukan. Penulis berharap buku ini dapat bermanfaat bagi praktisi, peneliti, dan mahasiswa, serta menambah khasanah keilmuan perguruan tinggi.
Praise be to God Almighty, thanks to his grace and mercy, this book in the form of book chapters ... more Praise be to God Almighty, thanks to his grace and mercy, this book in the form of book chapters can be published. We would like to thank the chairman, board and members of the Indonesian Veterinary Parasitology Association (APARVI) who have entrusted us with the mandate of managing the work of these members. This book, as the title suggests, Animal Parasites in Indonesia, contains a little information related to parasitic agents in animals in Indonesia. The chapters in this book attempt to present the introduction, taxonomy and morphological characteristics of parasite species, including their molecular features. What is presented in this book certainly does not include all parasitic diseases in Indonesia. As for the imperfections of this book, the editor expects criticism, suggestions and input. The author hopes that this book can be useful for practitioners, researchers, and students, and add to the scientific repertoire of higher education.
Papers by Aji Winarso
Segala puji bagi Tuhan Semesta Alam, berkat petunjuk dan karunia-Nya, tim penyusun dapat menyelesaikan buku kecil ini. Buku ini disusun sebagai Bahan Ajar Mata Kuliah Pengantar Ilmu Kedokteran Hewan (PIKH). Sesuai judulnya “Peran Dokter Hewan dalam Konservasi Satwa Liar: Biawak Komodo” membahas perihal konservasi biawak Komodo serta bagaimana dokter hewan dapat berperan besar di dalamnya.
Tim penyusun menyampaikan rasa terimakasih yang sebesar- besarnya kepada Universitas Nusa Cendana yang pada Tahun Anggaran 2024 melalui Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) telah mendanai penelitian tim penyusun (Nomor Kontrak 101/UN15.22/LT/2024). Tim penyusun juga menyampaikan terima kasih kepada segenap pimpinan dan staf Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK) yang melalui Direktorat Jenderal KSDAE dan Direktorat KKHSG serta Balai Taman Nasional Komodo telah memberikan ijin maupun dukungan dalam penelitian tersebut.
Tim penyusun menyadari bahwa buku ini masih jauh dari kesempurnaan, sehingga guna penyempurnaannya, tim penyusun mengharapkan banyak sekali masukan dari para ahli, pembaca, dan mahasiswa/pengguna buku ini.
Kupang, 17 Agustus 2024
Tim Penyusun
Buku ini sesuai judulnya memuat sekelumit informasi terkait penyakit parasiter pada hewan domestik. Dalam pembahasannya, setiap peyakit diuraikan dari segi epidemiologi, agen etiologi, biologi agen, pathogenesis, gejalaklinis, diagnosis, pengobatan, dan pengendalian. Apa yang disajikan dalam buku ini tentu belum memuat semua penyakit parasiter yang ada di Indonesia.
Adapun ketidaksempurnaan buku ini, penyunting mengharapkan kritik, saran dan masukan. Penulis berharap buku ini dapat bermanfaat bagi praktisi, peneliti, dan mahasiswa, serta menambah khasanah keilmuan perguruan tinggi.
This book, as the title suggests, Animal Parasites in Indonesia, contains a little information related to parasitic agents in animals in Indonesia. The chapters in this book attempt to present the introduction, taxonomy and morphological characteristics of parasite species, including their molecular features. What is presented in this book certainly does not include all parasitic diseases in Indonesia.
As for the imperfections of this book, the editor expects criticism, suggestions and input. The author hopes that this book can be useful for practitioners, researchers, and students, and add to the scientific repertoire of higher education.