Cowpea, an important grain legume in the tropics and sub-tropics; serves as a source of protein i... more Cowpea, an important grain legume in the tropics and sub-tropics; serves as a source of protein in the diets of the people with tremendous ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen for soil improvement. Ten (10) genotypes of cowpea were grown during the rainy season of 2013 to study the interrelationship among quantitative traits. Estimates of phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variation, broad sense heritability, and genetic advance as percent of mean and correlations were performed on 20 quantitative traits. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications at the Research Field of the
Cowpea is very important in the tropical and sub-tropical regions of Africa where it serves as a&... more Cowpea is very important in the tropical and sub-tropical regions of Africa where it serves as a<br> source of protein for the local population coupled with its ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen. Induced mutation has<br> been successful in many crop species but least applied in legumes like cowpea. Experiment was conducted on<br> colchicine induced variations in cowpea by exposing the apical shoots of seedlings of two cowpea accessions<br> (NG07 and NG08) to 0.2% colchicine in semi-solid agar. Semi-solid agar proved to be an effective medium of<br> applying colchicine to apical shoots of cowpea seedlings. Traits like plant height, number of pods per plant and<br> seeds per pod were reduced by colchicine treatment compared to control. Terminal leaflet length and number of<br> nodes were enhanced by colchicine treatment compared to control and seed weight was significantly enhanced in<br> both accessions compared to the control. There ...
The effects of 0.2% aqueous solution of colchicine on the survival rate and morphological feature... more The effects of 0.2% aqueous solution of colchicine on the survival rate and morphological features of fi ve accessions of Dioscorea alata were investigated. Sprouting buds of two month old plants were treated with 0.2% colchicine and their performances were monitored until maturity. Survival of buds was lower in all the treated plants (ranging between 6.25% and 8.75%) compared to controls (between 13.25% and 15.25%). However, colchicine treated vines had higher survival rates when exposed to drought (13.8% -24%) compared to controls (7.2% -16.69%). Higher number of leaves, larger leaf width and fewer numbers of stomata were observed among the treated plants. The survival of buds between the treated plants and control plants was signifi cantly different at P ≤ 0.05. The treated and non-treated plants were also signifi cantly different at P ≤ 0.05 for leaf width in accessions TDa02/00246, TDa98/00116 and TDa99/00240, and for stomata number in accessions TDa02/00151 and TDa02/00246. Our results suggest that colchicine can be used to induce mutagenic changes in yam which may be of agronomic importance in the production of the crop.
Cowpea is very important in the tropical and subtropical regions of Africa where it serves as a s... more Cowpea is very important in the tropical and subtropical regions of Africa where it serves as a source of protein for the local population coupled with its ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen. Induced mutation has been successful in many crop species but least applied in legumes like cowpea. Experiment was conducted on colchicine induced variations in cowpea by exposing the apical shoots of seedlings of two cowpea accessions (NG07 and NG08) to 0.2% colchicine in semi-solid agar. Semi-solid agar proved to be an effective medium of applying colchicine to apical shoots of cowpea seedlings. Traits like plant height, number of pods per plant and seeds per pod were reduced by colchicine treatment compared to control. Terminal leaflet length and number of nodes were enhanced by colchicine treatment compared to control and seed weight was significantly enhanced in both accessions compared to the control. There were contradictory responses to colchicine treatment between the two accessions for peduncle length, number of primary branches and pod length, indicating response to be genotype specific within a species. Colchicine caused noticeable differences in qualitative traits like twining tendency, plant pigmentation, testa texture and leaf colour for both accessions. The range of variations observed from this study indicates a better possibility of genetic breeding through this approach.
Five accessions of soybean Glycine max(L) Merrill were grown during the rainy season of 2012 to s... more Five accessions of soybean Glycine max(L) Merrill were grown during the rainy season of 2012 to study the interrelationship among quantitative characters namely, days to 50% flowering, plant height, seed dry weight, number of pods per plant, number of branches per plant, days to maturity, seed yield, number of seed per plant and 100-seed weight. Seed yield per plant had highest estimate of PCV (215.41) and GCV (213.97) followed by seed dry weight PCV (204.68) and GCV (201.76), then, number of seed per plant PCV (73.10) and GCV (57.02). Heritability was highest in five characters, that is, days to maturity, days to 50% flowering, seed yield, seed dry weight and 100-seed weight. Plant height showed significant and positive correlation with number of branches, number of pods per plant, number of seed per plant, seed dry weight and seed yield.
Cowpea, an important grain legume in the tropics and sub-tropics; serves as a source of protein i... more Cowpea, an important grain legume in the tropics and sub-tropics; serves as a source of protein in the diets of the people with tremendous ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen for soil improvement. Ten (10) genotypes of cowpea were grown during the rainy season of 2013 to study the interrelationship among quantitative traits. Estimates of phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variation, broad sense heritability, and genetic advance as percent of mean and correlations were performed on 20 quantitative traits. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications at the Research Field of the. Genotypes differed significantly at (P ≤ 0.01) for all traits studied which showed the existence of sufficient genetic variability among the tested genotypes. High broad sense heritability values for all traits studied except for plant height (moderate) shows that these traits are less influenced by environmental effects; which make them effectively transmitted to the progeny. The high positive genotypic and phenotypic correlations between numbers of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, number of seeds per plant and seed weight indicates that selection for these will result in increase in yield. Keywords Broad sense heritability, Genetic advance as percent of mean, Cowpea, Genotypic coefficient of variation, Phenotypic coefficient of variation
The genetic variability among 10 accessions of cowpea, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp was studied by... more The genetic variability among 10 accessions of cowpea, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp was studied by the use of 13 qualitative and 13 quantitative traits. From the results on qualitative traits, dendrogram grouped the 10 accessions into two major clusters, 1 and 2.Cluster 1 had 3 accessions and cluster 2 had 2 sub-clusters (I and II), having 2 accessions in sub-cluster I and 5 accessions in sub-cluster II. The dendrogram revealed two major clusters, 1 and 2, for quantitative data, for the 10 accessions. At distance of 4 and 6, cluster 1 had two sub-clusters (I and II), with sub-cluster I having 5 accessions, sub-cluster II having 4 accessions while cluster 2 had only 1 accession. This study made the observation that identification of the right agro-morphological traits of high discriminating capacity is essential, before embarking on any genetic diversity; as it was revealed that some traits discriminated more efficiently among the accessions than others. A group of accessions, which are NGSA1, NGSA2, NGSA3, NGSA4, NGSA7, NGSA9 and NGSA10, was identified as being different from the others for number of seeds per pod, pod length, plant height, peduncle length, seed weight and number of pods per plant. These accessions may be good for cowpea improvement programs.
Agriculture is one of the most important sectors in Malaysia. The country continues to train huma... more Agriculture is one of the most important sectors in Malaysia. The country continues to train human resources in this sector. In the last five years, the number of female students enrolling in higher institution has increased in all fields including agriculture. The field is generally dominated by men because it is technical field of study. Literature reviews show that employers preferred male employees in technical fields and female employees in the non-technical fields. However, statistics show that more women are venturing into the male dominated fields. Holland (1985) stated that the individual career interest must be identified to ensure the congruence of interest with the type of careers they are involved in. The purpose of the study was to identify career interest and career awareness among higher institution students in the field of agriculture. The specific objective of the study is to identify difference in career interest and career awareness based on gender. Data were collected through the survey method using career interest test and questionnaire. The population of the study was all agriculture students at public higher institutions in Peninsular Malaysia. The sample of the study was 389 students from various agriculture programmes. The data were analyzed using SPSS. Stratified random sampling method was used to obtain the survey sample. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. Findings indicated that most of the agricultural students are female but the agriculture programs were not their first choice when they applied to further their study in the higher institutions. A significant difference was also found in career interest and career awareness among gender. This study proposes that teachers, counselors and parents should encourage children to choose agriculture as their field of career.
Cowpea, an important grain legume in the tropics and sub-tropics; serves as a source of protein i... more Cowpea, an important grain legume in the tropics and sub-tropics; serves as a source of protein in the diets of the people with tremendous ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen for soil improvement. Ten (10) genotypes of cowpea were grown during the rainy season of 2013 to study the interrelationship among quantitative traits. Estimates of phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variation, broad sense heritability, and genetic advance as percent of mean and correlations were performed on 20 quantitative traits. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications at the Research Field of the
Cowpea is very important in the tropical and sub-tropical regions of Africa where it serves as a&... more Cowpea is very important in the tropical and sub-tropical regions of Africa where it serves as a<br> source of protein for the local population coupled with its ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen. Induced mutation has<br> been successful in many crop species but least applied in legumes like cowpea. Experiment was conducted on<br> colchicine induced variations in cowpea by exposing the apical shoots of seedlings of two cowpea accessions<br> (NG07 and NG08) to 0.2% colchicine in semi-solid agar. Semi-solid agar proved to be an effective medium of<br> applying colchicine to apical shoots of cowpea seedlings. Traits like plant height, number of pods per plant and<br> seeds per pod were reduced by colchicine treatment compared to control. Terminal leaflet length and number of<br> nodes were enhanced by colchicine treatment compared to control and seed weight was significantly enhanced in<br> both accessions compared to the control. There ...
The effects of 0.2% aqueous solution of colchicine on the survival rate and morphological feature... more The effects of 0.2% aqueous solution of colchicine on the survival rate and morphological features of fi ve accessions of Dioscorea alata were investigated. Sprouting buds of two month old plants were treated with 0.2% colchicine and their performances were monitored until maturity. Survival of buds was lower in all the treated plants (ranging between 6.25% and 8.75%) compared to controls (between 13.25% and 15.25%). However, colchicine treated vines had higher survival rates when exposed to drought (13.8% -24%) compared to controls (7.2% -16.69%). Higher number of leaves, larger leaf width and fewer numbers of stomata were observed among the treated plants. The survival of buds between the treated plants and control plants was signifi cantly different at P ≤ 0.05. The treated and non-treated plants were also signifi cantly different at P ≤ 0.05 for leaf width in accessions TDa02/00246, TDa98/00116 and TDa99/00240, and for stomata number in accessions TDa02/00151 and TDa02/00246. Our results suggest that colchicine can be used to induce mutagenic changes in yam which may be of agronomic importance in the production of the crop.
Cowpea is very important in the tropical and subtropical regions of Africa where it serves as a s... more Cowpea is very important in the tropical and subtropical regions of Africa where it serves as a source of protein for the local population coupled with its ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen. Induced mutation has been successful in many crop species but least applied in legumes like cowpea. Experiment was conducted on colchicine induced variations in cowpea by exposing the apical shoots of seedlings of two cowpea accessions (NG07 and NG08) to 0.2% colchicine in semi-solid agar. Semi-solid agar proved to be an effective medium of applying colchicine to apical shoots of cowpea seedlings. Traits like plant height, number of pods per plant and seeds per pod were reduced by colchicine treatment compared to control. Terminal leaflet length and number of nodes were enhanced by colchicine treatment compared to control and seed weight was significantly enhanced in both accessions compared to the control. There were contradictory responses to colchicine treatment between the two accessions for peduncle length, number of primary branches and pod length, indicating response to be genotype specific within a species. Colchicine caused noticeable differences in qualitative traits like twining tendency, plant pigmentation, testa texture and leaf colour for both accessions. The range of variations observed from this study indicates a better possibility of genetic breeding through this approach.
Five accessions of soybean Glycine max(L) Merrill were grown during the rainy season of 2012 to s... more Five accessions of soybean Glycine max(L) Merrill were grown during the rainy season of 2012 to study the interrelationship among quantitative characters namely, days to 50% flowering, plant height, seed dry weight, number of pods per plant, number of branches per plant, days to maturity, seed yield, number of seed per plant and 100-seed weight. Seed yield per plant had highest estimate of PCV (215.41) and GCV (213.97) followed by seed dry weight PCV (204.68) and GCV (201.76), then, number of seed per plant PCV (73.10) and GCV (57.02). Heritability was highest in five characters, that is, days to maturity, days to 50% flowering, seed yield, seed dry weight and 100-seed weight. Plant height showed significant and positive correlation with number of branches, number of pods per plant, number of seed per plant, seed dry weight and seed yield.
Cowpea, an important grain legume in the tropics and sub-tropics; serves as a source of protein i... more Cowpea, an important grain legume in the tropics and sub-tropics; serves as a source of protein in the diets of the people with tremendous ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen for soil improvement. Ten (10) genotypes of cowpea were grown during the rainy season of 2013 to study the interrelationship among quantitative traits. Estimates of phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variation, broad sense heritability, and genetic advance as percent of mean and correlations were performed on 20 quantitative traits. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications at the Research Field of the. Genotypes differed significantly at (P ≤ 0.01) for all traits studied which showed the existence of sufficient genetic variability among the tested genotypes. High broad sense heritability values for all traits studied except for plant height (moderate) shows that these traits are less influenced by environmental effects; which make them effectively transmitted to the progeny. The high positive genotypic and phenotypic correlations between numbers of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, number of seeds per plant and seed weight indicates that selection for these will result in increase in yield. Keywords Broad sense heritability, Genetic advance as percent of mean, Cowpea, Genotypic coefficient of variation, Phenotypic coefficient of variation
The genetic variability among 10 accessions of cowpea, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp was studied by... more The genetic variability among 10 accessions of cowpea, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp was studied by the use of 13 qualitative and 13 quantitative traits. From the results on qualitative traits, dendrogram grouped the 10 accessions into two major clusters, 1 and 2.Cluster 1 had 3 accessions and cluster 2 had 2 sub-clusters (I and II), having 2 accessions in sub-cluster I and 5 accessions in sub-cluster II. The dendrogram revealed two major clusters, 1 and 2, for quantitative data, for the 10 accessions. At distance of 4 and 6, cluster 1 had two sub-clusters (I and II), with sub-cluster I having 5 accessions, sub-cluster II having 4 accessions while cluster 2 had only 1 accession. This study made the observation that identification of the right agro-morphological traits of high discriminating capacity is essential, before embarking on any genetic diversity; as it was revealed that some traits discriminated more efficiently among the accessions than others. A group of accessions, which are NGSA1, NGSA2, NGSA3, NGSA4, NGSA7, NGSA9 and NGSA10, was identified as being different from the others for number of seeds per pod, pod length, plant height, peduncle length, seed weight and number of pods per plant. These accessions may be good for cowpea improvement programs.
Agriculture is one of the most important sectors in Malaysia. The country continues to train huma... more Agriculture is one of the most important sectors in Malaysia. The country continues to train human resources in this sector. In the last five years, the number of female students enrolling in higher institution has increased in all fields including agriculture. The field is generally dominated by men because it is technical field of study. Literature reviews show that employers preferred male employees in technical fields and female employees in the non-technical fields. However, statistics show that more women are venturing into the male dominated fields. Holland (1985) stated that the individual career interest must be identified to ensure the congruence of interest with the type of careers they are involved in. The purpose of the study was to identify career interest and career awareness among higher institution students in the field of agriculture. The specific objective of the study is to identify difference in career interest and career awareness based on gender. Data were collected through the survey method using career interest test and questionnaire. The population of the study was all agriculture students at public higher institutions in Peninsular Malaysia. The sample of the study was 389 students from various agriculture programmes. The data were analyzed using SPSS. Stratified random sampling method was used to obtain the survey sample. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. Findings indicated that most of the agricultural students are female but the agriculture programs were not their first choice when they applied to further their study in the higher institutions. A significant difference was also found in career interest and career awareness among gender. This study proposes that teachers, counselors and parents should encourage children to choose agriculture as their field of career.
Papers by Ajayi Abiola