Papers by Aisha N A N A Adamu

Sahel Medical Journal, 2018
Background: Health-care workers have the potential to acquire or transmit infections during the c... more Background: Health-care workers have the potential to acquire or transmit infections during the course of their work. There is, therefore, a need to assess the pattern of their health-seeking behavior. This study aimed to determine the pattern of health-seeking behavior of health workers in a tertiary hospital in Northwest Nigeria. Materials and Methods: It was a cross-sectional descriptive study where multistage sampling technique was used to select 160 health workers, including doctors, nurses, and laboratory scientists. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect data which were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.0 and Microsoft Excel 2010. Results: The mean age of the respondents was 34.57 ± 7.2 years, with males slightly more represented (54.4%) than females (45.6%). Nearly 43% were doctors, 47.0% were nurses, and 9.7% were laboratory scientists. Almost all the respondents (99.3%) felt that periodic medical checkups were important and 65.8% of them have had one before. Up to 75.2% of them often sought the attention of a doctor whenever they fell sick. Majority (75.2.%) of them practiced self-medication, with various forms of antimalarials, antibiotics, and analgesics being the commonly used drugs. The major factor preventing the respondents from going for voluntary medical checkup was the fear of the outcome of investigation (P = 0.012). Conclusion: The perception of respondents regarding periodic medical checkup was generally good. Self-medication was found to be high among respondents. Age, gender, profession, and duration of practice were found to affect both preventive and curative health-seeking behaviors.

Nigerian Postgraduate Medical Journal, 2021
Background: Uterine fibroid is the most common benign tumour of the uterus and the exact cause is... more Background: Uterine fibroid is the most common benign tumour of the uterus and the exact cause is unknown. Vitamin D has been found to inhibit cell proliferation and enhance apoptosis in vitro. Aim: The aim of this study is to compare the plasma level of Vitamin D among women with uterine fibroids and those without uterine fibroids. Materials and Methods: This was an analytical cross-sectional study conducted among women with uterine fibroids and those without uterine fibroids. An interviewer-administered questionnaire was used to obtain relevant information. Five millilitres of venous blood was obtained for plasma Vitamin D assay. Data analysis was performed using the SPSS version 22. Level of significance was set at P < 0.05. Results: There were 100 participants recruited for the study. The mean age of the participants with uterine fibroid was 35.06 ± 6.6 years and that of controls was 33.28 ± 7 years. The mean plasma level of Vitamin D for all the participants was 12.47 ± 7.53 ng/ml. The mean plasma level of Vitamin D in those with uterine fibroids was significantly lower than in those without uterine fibroid (10.16 ± 7.78 vs. 14.35 ± 6.8; t = 2.517, P = 0.014). It also shows that 1 unit increase in Vitamin D level will reduce the risk of developing uterine fibroids by 8% (odds ratio = 0.92, 95% confidence interval = 0.86–0.99). Conclusion: The predictors of uterine fibroids were fewer hours spent outdoors, middle social class and low Vitamin D levels.

Avicenna Journal of Medicine
Background Preeclampsia (PE) is among the five main causes of maternal mortality in low resource ... more Background Preeclampsia (PE) is among the five main causes of maternal mortality in low resource countries. This study was designed to assess PE awareness and its socioeconomic determinants among antenatal clinic attendees in northwestern Nigeria. Methods Two hundred twenty-one antenatal clinic attendees in northwestern Nigeria were selected through systematic random sampling for this quantitative study. Women who were 9 months pregnant and had consented to participate were included; those with chronic illnesses such as diabetes mellitus were excluded. Data on respondents' sociodemographic variables, and PE awareness were collected using a validated questionnaire. Associations between variables were tested using chi-square test and multiple regression analysis. Results Ninety-one percent of respondents were aged 20 to 40 years, 53.9% were multiparous, 27% had no or low level of formal education, and 52% had attended antenatal care (ANC) at least four times in the index pregnancy...

Annals of Basic and Medical Sciences, Dec 31, 2022
Background: Unplanned pregnancy is a major public health issue of global concern that is often as... more Background: Unplanned pregnancy is a major public health issue of global concern that is often associated with negative socio-medical problems for both mother and child; estimates have shown that up to 80 million unplanned pregnancies occur worldwide each year. This study determined the prevalence and predictors of unplanned pregnancies among married women in Sokoto metropolis, Sokoto, Nigeria. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out among 324 married women who were selected via multistage sampling technique. Data was collected using structured questionnaire and analysis was done using IBM SPSS version 26. Results: The age of respondents in this study ranged from 15 to 45 years, with mean age of 30.9± 7.2 years. Most of the respondents were of the Hausa tribe [233(73.7%)] and majority were Muslims [306(96.8%)]. Prevalence of unplanned pregnancy among the respondents was 32.5% (n=103), out of which 34(32.7%) had experienced it between 2-4 times. Among those that had unplanned pregnancy, 79(76.4%) said they carried the pregnancy to term, 17(16.7%) had miscarriage while 7(6.9%) said they aborted it. Significant predictors of unplanned pregnancy were duration of marriage between 5-10 years (p=0.026; OR=0.403; 95% CI= 0.181-0.895), parity (p<0.001; OR=2.981; 95% CI=1.829-4.860) and being in a monogamous relationship (p=0.019; OR=1.911; 95% CI=1.113-3.280). Conclusion: Prevalence of unplanned pregnancy was quite high among married women in Sokoto metropolis. Significant predictors of having unplanned pregnancy include duration of marriage, parity and type of marriage. There is need for women to be educated on the various ways they can prevent having pregnancies that they do not intend to have.

African Journal of Reproductive Health, Sep 1, 2021
Primary umbilical endometriosis (PUE) is a rare condition affecting 0.5-1% of all extragenital en... more Primary umbilical endometriosis (PUE) is a rare condition affecting 0.5-1% of all extragenital endometriosis cases. We reviewed the data of five women with umbilical endometriosis retrospectively. The age range was 29-46 years, and they were all nulligravid at presentation. Common clinical presentation was umbilical pain and masses, dysmenorrhea, and primary infertility. Radical umbilical excision was performed to remove the nodule as a definitive treatment. Diagnostic laparoscopy was performed, followed by varying degrees of operative laparoscopic procedures. They all had endometriosis in the pelvis. Three out of five women operated became pregnant and had live births. Complete resolution of clinical symptoms with a reduction in umbilical and menstrual pain scores occurred. In resource-constrained settings, diagnosis, and treatment of PUE may be challenging. Clinical suspicion and appropriate case management are critical for good reproductive outcomes and quality of life.

Context / Objectives: Eclampsia is a common obstetric emergency in Sokoto. The objectives of this... more Context / Objectives: Eclampsia is a common obstetric emergency in Sokoto. The objectives of this study were to determine the feto-maternal outcome and document any seasonal variation in it's occurrence. Methodology: A retrospective study of eclamptic patients managed at LIDUTH, Sokoto, from January 1995 to August 2004. Information and data were extracted from patients' case notes, nurses report bools and labour room registers and analysis was by EPI - INFO version 3.2 of 2004. Results: Within the lO-year study period, 627 eclamptics were managed among 14,373 total deliveries, giving an incidence of 4 in 1000 deliveries. Further analysis was limited to the 593 patients with'complete data, of whom 455 (95%) were unbooked. Primigravidae accounted for 455 (77%) of cases while 268 45%) were teenagers. Antepartum, intrapartum and postpartum eclampsia were 159 (27%), 366 (62%) and 68 (ll%) respectively. Vaginal delivery was achieved in 483 (73%) patients. Case fatality rate wa...
World Journal of Innovative Research

Objective: To outline the indications for surgery, types of procedures conducted, and patient out... more Objective: To outline the indications for surgery, types of procedures conducted, and patient outcome in 13 consecutive cases managed from May to July, 2012. Subjects: Fourteen patients deemed suitable for laparoscopic surgery were counselled. Thirteen consenting patients had laparoscopic surgery. Material and method: Data from a prospectively updated laparoscopic surgery register and the case notes of patients were extracted and analysed. Findings were presented as frequency distributions and percentages. Results: There were 12 females (92.3%) and male (7.7%) patients. Their age range was 16 – 36 years and mean age was 26.8 years. The indications for surgery were hysterosalpingography (HSG) for reported tubal blockage in 46.2% (N = 6), polycystic ovary disease in 23.0% (N = 3), and appendicitis in 15.4% (N = 2). Others were chronic pelvic pain in 7.7% (N = 1) and missing Lippes loop in 7.7% (N = 1). The procedures performed were laparoscopy and dye test in 38.5% (N = 5), Ovarian dr...

Background: Manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) is one of the most common gynaecological procedures in... more Background: Manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) is one of the most common gynaecological procedures in clinical practice. Objectives: To determine the indications and complications associated with Manual Vacuum Aspiration at UDUTH, Sokoto. Materials and Method: A descriptive retrospective study of cases of manual vacuum aspiration performed from 1st January 2004 to 31st December 2007. There were 573 cases but 541 case files were retrieved with complete information for analysis. Relevant data extracted were analysed using Epi-Info (version 6) computer package. Results: Five hundred and forty one (541) cases were analysed within the study period. Three hundred and eighty four (71%) of the patients were aged 20 – 34 years; 540 (98%) were married and 114 (21.4%) were grandmultiparous women. MVA was performed mainly for incomplete abortion (N=409; 75.8%). Three hundred and fifty two (72.8%) of the procedures were done by resident doctors and 140 (26%) by house-officers. Four hundred and sixty...
Nigerian journal of clinical practice
The occurrence of eclampsia in an extra uterine pregnancy is a very rare entity. We report a case... more The occurrence of eclampsia in an extra uterine pregnancy is a very rare entity. We report a case of a patient with eclampsia and advanced extra-uterine pregnancy. The fits were controlled with diazepam and the patient had laparotomy for the evacuation of the fetus from the abdominal cavity. She had an uneventful post operative recovery and was discharged home in good health after 10 days.

Objectives: To determine the feto-maternal outcome in patients with eclampsia. Materials: The stu... more Objectives: To determine the feto-maternal outcome in patients with eclampsia. Materials: The study was conducted at the maternity unit of Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital Sokoto, Nigeria; 1027 women who had been managed for eclampsia over a 10-year period were studied. Methods: It was a retrospective study. Patients' clinical data were extracted from their records and analysed using Epi- info computer package. Test of significance between proportions was done using chi square. A p-value less than 0.05 was considered significant Results: 23,266 deliveries were conducted and 1027 cases of eclampsia were managed within the 10-yr period giving an incidence of 4.4%. Patients were mainly primigravidae (76%, N = 778) with no antenatal care (93.4%, N = 959); mean age was 21 years. Intrapartum eclampsia accounted for 62.6%, (N = 643). About 45% (N=643) delivered spontaneously, 28.7% (N = 277) had instrumental delivery while 19.6% (N =189) had caesarean section. Of the 621 m...

African journal of medicine and medical sciences, 2012
Eclampsia is a major cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. The objectives of t... more Eclampsia is a major cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. The objectives of this study were to determine pregnancy outcome in women with eclampsia especially the maternal and perinatal deaths and the various contributory factors. A retrospective analysis of demographic and clinical data of patients with eclampsia over a ten-year period (2000-2009) with particular reference to fetal and maternal outcome. Statistical analysis was by Epi- info computer package while test of significance between proportions was done using chi square. Ap value less than 0.05 was considered significant. 23,266 deliveries were conducted and 1027 cases of eclampsia were managed within the 10-yr period giving an incidence of 4.4%. The patients were mainly primigravidae (76%, N=778) with no antenatal care (93.4%, N=959); mean age was 21 years. Intrapartum eclampsia accounted for 62.6%, (N=643). About 45% (N=643) delivered spontaneously, 28.7% (N=277) had instrumental delivery while 19.6% (...
Journal of Women's Health Care, 2013

Gynecology & Obstetrics, 2014
Introduction: Eclampsia is a major cause of maternal mortality especially in low resource setting... more Introduction: Eclampsia is a major cause of maternal mortality especially in low resource setting. Limited data exists on the perception of the cause of this condition among relations of patients who suffered from it. The information may be relevant in reducing the overall burden of eclampsia and any measure or investigation that would assist in reducing the incidence would be worthwhile. Objectives: To determine what the relations of patients with eclampsia perceived as the cause of the disease and to 00 the 'first aid' treatment given to patients with eclampsia at home before hospital care. Method: A prospective study conducted at the eclampsia ward of a tertiary hospital. Relations of patients admitted with eclampsia were interviewed within 24-48 hours of arrival using a semi-structured interview guide. Analysis was by the EPI INFO computer package. Results: One hundred and fifty nine (159) relations of 56 patients with eclampsia were interviewed, mean age was 43 years. Most of the relations had no formal education (80%; 127), 59% (N=75) attributed eclampsia to 'iskoki' (evil spirit) while 20% (N=32) had no idea of the cause of eclampsia. Only 6% correctly related eclampsia to elevated blood pressure. Of the 56 patients with eclampsia, 71% of (N=40 received 'first aid' treatment in the form of 'rubutu' holy water; 'hayaki' and herbs orally. The case fatality in this study was 23%. There was no association between the use of home first aid treatment and maternal deaths (p>0.05). Conclusion: Poor understanding of the aetiology of eclampsia exists among patients' relations and this may have implication on the immediate care given to the patient. Public enlightenment campaigns to educate people on the cause and complications of eclampsia are necessary.

Annals of African Medicine, 2012
Background/Objectives: Menarche, the first menstrual period, is influenced by many factors includ... more Background/Objectives: Menarche, the first menstrual period, is influenced by many factors including socioeconomic status and rural or urban dwelling. The aims of the study were to compare the age at menarche between rural and urban girls and evaluate the anthropometric indices at menarche. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study of rural secondary school girls and urban school girls. A structured questionnaire was used to obtain information on their age at menarche and other relevant data. Their weights and heights were measured using computerized scales and calibrated walls. Results: Two hundred and twenty eight (228) rural girls and four hundred and eighty (480) urban girls that had attained menarche within a year were studied. Mean age at menarche for all the girls was 15.26 years. Mean menarcheal age for the rural and urban girls were 15.32 years and 15.20 years, respectively. Mean weight and height were 47.6 kg and 156.76 cm, respectively for the rural girls and 48.12 kg and 156.8 cm, respectively for the urban girls. There was no significance difference in age of menarche among the groups (P > 0.05). Conclusion: The mean age at menarche for the school girls is 15.26 years. There was no difference in menarcheal age between the rural and urban school girls. Further longitudinal studies to compare rural school girls and urban school girls in private schools are required
Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice, 2012
Cancer of the cervix is the leading cause of cancer-related death among women, especially in deve... more Cancer of the cervix is the leading cause of cancer-related death among women, especially in developing countries. [1] Coupled with its high incidence, late presentation is a usual occurrence. [2] Different groups of women have been studied in the past to assess knowledge and practice of routine screening, and some have reported a reasonable level of knowledge, relative to the kind of community, but
Papers by Aisha N A N A Adamu