Papers by Ainagul Ismagulova

Вестник КазНУ. Серия филологическая, Oct 19, 2015
Авторская сказка: особенности и проблемы перевода В данной статье рассматривается авторская сказк... more Авторская сказка: особенности и проблемы перевода В данной статье рассматривается авторская сказка как отдельный жанр литературы, ее структурные, семантические, стилистические особенности. Автор дает краткое описание развития и особенностей художественного текста на примере английской и казахской сказок, специфику восприятия художественного текста, а также делает попытку выявить основные проблемы и трудности перевода, которые переводчику необходимо решить при переводе художественного произведения, в частности авторской сказки. Автор отмечает, что при переводе авторской сказки необходимо учитывать и синтезировать лингвистические, экстралингвистические и литературоведческие характеристики текста оригинала для обеспечения адекватного перевода. Одной из основных трудностей при переводе является национально-культурная адаптация, что объясняется тем, что при переводе происходит не только сопоставление языковых систем, но и сопоставление разных культур. Ключевые слова: авторская сказка, адекватный перевод, художественный текст, национально-культурные особенности, трудности перевода. А. Е. Исмагулова Автор ертегісі: аударма ерекшеліктері мен мәселелері Бұл мақалада авторлық ертегі әдебиеттің жеке бір жанры ретінде қарастырылып, оның құрылымдық, семантикалық,стилистикалық ерекшелігі баяндалады. Автор мысал ретінде ағылшын және қазақ ертегілеріндегі көркем мәтін ерекшелігін және дамуын қысқаша сипаттайды, сонымен қатар көркем мәтінді қабылдау ерекшелігін және көркем шығарманы, соның ішінде авторлық ертегіні аударудағы негізгі мәселелер мен қиындықтарды анықтауға талпыныс жасайды. Мақалада автор етегілері оның құрылымдық, семантикалық, стилистикалық ерекшеліктері; жеке бір әдебиет жанры болып қарастырылады. Автор ағылшын, қазақ ертегілері негізінде көркем мәтіннің ерекшелігі мен дамуына қысқаша сипаттама береді. Көркем мәтінді қабылдау ерекшелігі, сонымен қатар негізгі мәселесін анықтап және аударма мәселесінің қиыншылықтары көрсетіліп, оны шешу жолдары айтылған. Автор аударма сапалы шығу үшін линвгостилистикалық, экстралингвистикалық және әдебиеттанужағын есепке алып, түпнұсқаға жақын мазмұнды аударма ету қажет. Аудармада ұлттық-мәдени бейімділік жағы қиындық тудырады, өйткені аударма кезіндетілдік жүйені салыстырумен қатар мәдениеттері де салыстыруды қажет етеді. Түйін сөздер: авторлық ертегі, шынайы аударма, көркем мәтін, ұлттық-мәдени ерекшелік, аударманың қиындығы. А. Е. Исмагулова A Tale: Peculiarities and Difficulties of Translation The article describes the characteristics of a tale as an independent genre of literature, its structural, semantic, and stylistic peculiarities. The author gives a brief description of the development and characteristics of Kazakh and English tales, the peculiarities of its perception. The author also makes an attempt to define the main problems and difficulties of translation. The author states that in the process of translating a tale the translator should consider and synthesize linguistic and literary characteristics of the original in order to provide adequate translation. One of the principal difficulties in translation is national cultural adaptation, as the translator has to contrast both languages and different cultures.
KazNU Bulletin. Philology series. №4-5 (150-151). 2014 99 А.Е. Ис ма гу ло ва УДК 81'37 А.Е. Ис м... more KazNU Bulletin. Philology series. №4-5 (150-151). 2014 99 А.Е. Ис ма гу ло ва УДК 81'37 А.Е. Ис ма гу ло ва, к. ф. н. до цент Кок ше таус ко го го су да рст вен но го уни вер си те та им. Ш. Уали ха но ва, г. Кок ше тау, Ка за хс тан,

Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science
The article examines the influence of the traditional culture of the Kazakh people and Western et... more The article examines the influence of the traditional culture of the Kazakh people and Western ethical theories on the development of research ethics in modern Kazakhstan. A review of Western ethical theories and ethical traditions of Turkic nomads made it possible to identify the correspondence of the principles of modern Western research ethics with the ethical principles and values of traditional Kazakh culture. The authors explored connections between modern research ethics and early ethical thinking of Kazakhs through the theory of principlism, based on the principles of respect for autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice. All the principles of Western ethics are embodied in traditional Kazakh culture, historically established as national values. The principle of autonomy occupies a special place due to its own national and cultural specifics and it, to a certain extent, is opposed to international standards. The article emphasizes the importance of supporting ethical research in the context of the globalization of education in Kazakhstan.

IJASOS- International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences, 2019
This article is aimed at making a cross-linguistic analysis of evidentials and their meaning in G... more This article is aimed at making a cross-linguistic analysis of evidentials and their meaning in German and Kazakh argumentative discourse. It provides an overview of similarities and differences of expression of evidentials in two typologically different languages. The comparative analysis of the argumentation in the cognitive-intercultural aspect using the example of typologically different languages makes it possible to find out the peculiarities of expressive means of this category in the discourse. In the present paper, we made an attempt to define the types of grammatical means of evidentials that determine the source of information since they contribute greatly to the development of cognitive-pragmatic functions in the discourse. Evidentiality expresses a source of information and reflects the subjective opinion of the speaker, the degree of the speaker"s knowledge of the objective situation and his/her beliefs, assumptions, and attitudes to objective reality in the argumentative discourse. The conducted linguistic analysis in two typologically different languages helped to identify two basic types of information that determine the subjective character of argumentative discoursereliable and indirect information. Argumentation is based on reliable information known to the subject due to his/her personal experience or observations. On the indirect information, the subject cannot pass a reliable judgment without making certain logical conclusions. The cross-linguistic analysis of evidentials and their meaning in German and Kazakh argumentative discourse showed that the speaker"s degree of awareness and nature of knowledge, and the degree of subjective confidence in the reliability of the things said are reflected in the semantics of modal words.

Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2016
The article is devoted to the actual problem of the modern linguistics-study of the peculiarities... more The article is devoted to the actual problem of the modern linguistics-study of the peculiarities of perception and organization of language material by bilinguals. The aim of the investigation is to classify and describe speech strategies of communicators in the context of natural and artificial bilingual situation. The authors analyze speech and behavioral strategies of bilinguals, which they choose in this or that language or definite language units to describe certain situations and use of expressions according to the norms of a language and also conscious and unconscious use of code switching. The following methods of investigation were used in the article: observation, generalization, semantic and pragmatic interpretation that constitute a part of descriptive and analytical method. The results of the classification and description of speech strategies of communicators confirm that recording of bilinguals' language behavior is of a great interest for the modern language paradigm as it fully reflects the linguistic reality in natural and artificial bilingualism. Research perspectives lie in the further investigation of speech behavior of communicators of different ages and ethnic groups in various spheres: business, economy etc. and in polylingual community as well.

IJASOS- International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences, 2019
This article is written in the framework of modern linguistic trends and is devoted to the analys... more This article is written in the framework of modern linguistic trends and is devoted to the analysis of theoretical and practical peculiarities and difficulties in translating the folklore of over a hundred ethnicities living in Kazakhstan (on the basis of Kazakh, Russian, Tatar, Ukrainian, Polish, Ingush, Armenian and German tales). The main objective is to identify and analyze the ways of translating national cultural peculiarities in folk tales of the ethnicities of Kazakhstan into English. The relevance of this study is determined by the growing interest in folklore, the identification of national and cultural specifics within the modern anthropological paradigm, disclose us the features of linguocognitive content, connection and correlation with the objective world and culture of the ethnos, with the character and national and cultural specifics of the linguistic picture of the world. The article deals with the study of language and culture, which gives possibility to study the link of the language and the language consciousness among representatives of different ethnic groups. The genre of fairy tales in the era of globalization, the spread of mass culture, universal modernization preserves the national and cultural worldview and cultural values of the people. The scientific novelty of this study is displayed through the analysis of the practical experience of translating fairy tales of the Kazakhstani ethnicities into English, which is based on certain theoretical provisions for the translation of the folklore text. The article reveals the results of the ethnic folklore translation into English. The research priority of this study is conceptology, which studies current issues of modern reality, problems of translation, reflecting specific requirements for translating folklore.
Papers by Ainagul Ismagulova