Papers by Aijaz Wani
Studies In Indian Politics, 2021
The common association of political trust, legitimacy and participation within democratic states ... more The common association of political trust, legitimacy and participation within democratic states has engaged scholars to answer questions like: what are the bases of trusting the state and its institutions? And how enculturing trust can strengthen democratic governance? In this direction, institutional trust, which is invariably linked to political legitimacy, is critical to measure the health of governance. This article reflects upon the state-centric approach to governance, by exploring the interplay of institutional trust and public legitimacy in Jammu and Kashmir. The study of the state of institutional trust, as reflected in the post-2002 empirical data, enriches the theoretical discourse on governance in a conflict region.
Serena Hussain (ed) Society and Politics of Jammu and Kashmir Palgrave Macmillan (2021), 2021
In August 2019, the Indian government revoked the autonomous status of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), p... more In August 2019, the Indian government revoked the autonomous status of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), protected by Articles 370 and 35A of the Indian constitution. The special provisions had been in place since October 1947, when its ruler acceded to India through a conditional Instrument of Accession. Although there has been significant media coverage of the abrogation and subsequent military siege in Kashmir, there remains scant awareness regarding the significance of the articles for Kashmiris. This chapter provides a historical account of how the articles came into existence and discusses why they were so highly contested. It allows the reader to appreciate better the implications of the abrogation of J&K’s special provisions and why such political fallout has come in its wake.
Rise of Saffron Power , 2018
Man & Development, 2015
Since independence Indian government launched number of schemes and programmes to ensure social d... more Since independence Indian government launched number of schemes and programmes to ensure social democracy and for the upliftment of poorer sections of the society from time to time. One such scheme launched by the central government is Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY) to provide shelter to the poor people of India. Like in other parts of India, the scheme was also launched in Jammu and Kashmir. The present paper is an attempt to analyse the impact of the scheme in the State with focus on Ganderbal district of the Kashmir division. The paper argues that while there are some loopholes in the implementation of the scheme, however, it has certainly created a positive impact on the lives of the poor sections of the society.
South Asian Journal, 2011
Economic and Political Weekly , 2019

Panchayat Elections-2011 and the Working of Panchayati Raj Institutions in Kashmir, 2014
Democratic decentralization has been recognized as an effective mechanism to give a sense of belo... more Democratic decentralization has been recognized as an effective mechanism to give a sense of belonging to the common people at the grassroots level as well as to mitigate the fear of total concentration of power in the hands of a few, especially in plural societies like India. Jammu and Kashmir is a mini-India as far as its plurality is concerned and, therefore, empowering people at the local level is a good means of mitigating their fears and maintaining the unity of the state. 2011elections to Panchayats offered an opportunity to review democratic process at the grass-roots level and to bring people at large into the democratic fold. However, Panchayats in Kashmir are beset with multiple problems, rendering them dysfunctional. There is an urgent need to take corrective measures on the part of government to save these institutions.
Politics and Poverty Alleviation Programmes: A Case of MGNREGA and IAY in District Ganderbal, 2014
Poverty is a universal problem that transcends geographical boundaries. It is a global issue whos... more Poverty is a universal problem that transcends geographical boundaries. It is a global issue whose eradication is considered integral to humanity's quest for sustainable development.
A working democratic set-up provides ample space to mitigate the tensions in a society to a large... more A working democratic set-up provides ample space to mitigate the tensions in a society to a large extent. Unfortunately, democracy could not work in Jammu and Kashmir the way it is expected to work in a free society. Denial of democracy and misgovernance became almost an accepted way of political life in the state, which became one of the main reasons of the rise of militancy in the state. The 2011 panchayat elections provide the best opportunity to restore the confidence of the people in the democratic set-up by empowering the elected representatives in a real sense and bringing more and more people into the democratic setup. It also poses a great challenge to the government as far as fulfilling the democratic aspirations of the common people who have whole heartedly participated in this democratic exercise at the local level.

The concept of regional and sub-regional identity as well as regional autonomy has captured the s... more The concept of regional and sub-regional identity as well as regional autonomy has captured the stage of Social Science. The regional autonomy aspirations and the sense of regional and sub-regional identity have offered a new dimension to the assertiveness of ethnic group. Regional identity demands in South and Southeast Asian societies have followed a uniform pattern. These regional autonomy demands evolved over a large span of time may be located in specific geographical and environmental spaces. At one level, these demands remained humane and inclusive, incorporating and reflecting broader human and universal values. At the other level, they acquired the traits of particularism which in the later stages of building multi-cultural and multiethnic nation states posed many problems. The plurality of politics is the hallmark of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) State, and this polarity is essentially the result of cultural diversities that criss-cross the geographical and cultural landscape of Kashmir. The J&K State is not only a conglomerate of three distinct regions -Jammu, Kashmir, and Ladakhbut there are also regions within regions marked off from one another by geography, culture, and history. The politics of regional and sub-regionalism based on region, religion, caste, ethnicity, and so on continues to be stubbornly informed by their respective histories and culturesthus the resistance against hegemony and the demand for sub-regional autonomies and Hill Development Councils. This article attempts at, looking into the dynamics of these assertions, its impact on the politics of the state, and to delineate the role of different socio-political and historical forces in shaping regional and sub-regional assertions in J&K without, however, suppressing the relative significance of different identity markers.
Books by Aijaz Wani
Youth in Conflict: Challenges and Prospects, 2016
Youth and violence -- India -- Jammu and Kashmir. Youth -- Political activity -- India -- Jammu a... more Youth and violence -- India -- Jammu and Kashmir. Youth -- Political activity -- India -- Jammu and Kashmir. Youth and violence. Youth bulge can be a challenge because it can lead to conflict and violence. It can also work as an opportunity, depending on the size and trajectory of the bulge and on a society?s reaction to it. This anthology lays out the underlying framework of youth bulges and discusses the ways in which such a demographic phenomenon can work to the advantage or disadvantage of a society. This book identifies key transitions experienced by youth and examines their perceptions and attitudes regarding the experiences in violent conflict situations in Kashmir and the possible role of the youth to improve collective understanding and capacity to work for peace and development.
Book Reviews by Aijaz Wani
Papers by Aijaz Wani
Books by Aijaz Wani
Book Reviews by Aijaz Wani