Papers by Ahmet Fatih Aydemir

Bu calismanin amaci, Erzurum iline bagli Ispir ilcesinde yetistirilen Ispir kuru fasulyesinin ure... more Bu calismanin amaci, Erzurum iline bagli Ispir ilcesinde yetistirilen Ispir kuru fasulyesinin uretim ve piyasaya arz sureclerinde karsilasilan sorunlari belirlemek ve bu sorunlara uygun cozum onerileri gelistirmektir. Calismada 2014-2015 uretim sezonunda kuru fasulye uretimi yapan ve Ispir’i temsilen secilmis koyler baz alinarak tam sayim yontemi ile belirlenen 188 uretici ile anket yapilmistir. Calisma sonuclarina gore kuru fasulyenin uretim ve piyasa arz asamasinda modern degil, daha cok geleneksel kalindigi belirlenmistir. Anahtar Kelimler: Ispir Kuru Fasulye, Uretim, Piyasaya Arz Abstract: The aim of this study is to determine the problems encountered during the production process of Ispir dried beans that isproduced in Ispir, a province of Erzurum, and placing it on the market, and to develop reasonable solutions for these issues. In the study, a questionnaire has been carried out with 188 producers determined by complete inventory method basing on selected villages representin...
Ulkelerin ekonomik buyume ve kalkinma surecinde enerji kullanimin rolu artik yadsinamaz hale gelm... more Ulkelerin ekonomik buyume ve kalkinma surecinde enerji kullanimin rolu artik yadsinamaz hale gelmistir. Bugun her alanda enerji kullanilmakta olup, nufus artisina ve sanayilesmeye bagli olarak enerji kullanimina duyulan ihtiyac artmaktadir. Dolayisiyla enerji uretiminin yetersiz oldugu durumda ulkeler enerji tuketimini karsilamak icin enerji ithal etmektedir. Bu bakimdan politika yapicilar ve arastirmacilar enerji tuketimi ve ekonomik buyume iliskisi tartismalarinin kaynagini cogu ulkelerin enerji kullaniminda disa bagimli bir enerji politikasi izlemesine dayandirmaktadir. Bu calisma N11 ulkelerinde enerji kullaniminin ekonomik buyume uzerine etkisi ekonometrik tahminlerle arastirilmaktadir. Elde edilen sonuclar, ulkelerin enerji kullanimi ile ilgili gelecegi goz ardi etmeyen, saglikli ve kararli politikalar uretmesi gerektigini ortaya koymaktadir.

1979’dan itibaren ozellikle dis ticarete dayali politikalarda radikal donusume giden Cin ekonomis... more 1979’dan itibaren ozellikle dis ticarete dayali politikalarda radikal donusume giden Cin ekonomisi, o tarihten bu yana yuksek buyume performansi sergilemesiyle dikkatleri uzerine cekmistir. Bu yuksek buyume performansinin belirleyicilerini, yuksek tasarruf, yabanci sermaye yatirimlari, dis satim ve kirsaldaki is gucu deposuna dayandiran literatur, Cin’in bu buyume performansinin surdurulmezligine atifta bulunmaktadir. Ancak, yuksek buyumenin surdurulebilirligi emek yogun uretimden sermaye yogun uretime gecmeyle es anlamli oldugu genel kabul gormektedir. Sermaye yogun uretime yonelimin belirleyicisi olarak ta yuksek teknolojik mal ihracatinin toplam ihracattaki payinda artisla temsil edilmesi mumkundur. Cin ihracatinda yuksek teknolojik mal ihracatinin artis trendi izlendigi goruldugunden, buyume surecinin surdurulebilir nitelik tasidigi soylenebilir. Bu cercevede yuksek teknolojik mal ihracatinin belirleyicilerinin inceleme konusu yapildigi calismada, dogrudan yabanci sermaye yatiri...

International Conference on Eurasian Economies 2017, Oct 1, 2017
Per capita income and income distribution are defined as classical Kuznets curve. From this view,... more Per capita income and income distribution are defined as classical Kuznets curve. From this view, the relationship between per capita income and income distribution is controlled variables and studies that take environmental pollution, financial depth, or trade volume into account are widely seen in the literature according to the study objectives. Respectively, these applications can be named first as environmental Kuznets and secondly as financial Kuznets. As parallel to this view, the studies that emphasize the relationship between export and income distribution are common in the literature, representing economic liberalization. It is also worth noting that political liberalization whether political rights or civil liberties, supports the trend that emerges like the Kuznets' curve, according to the level of development of the countries. In this study, when the level of national development is taken into consideration, the relationships between per capita income and economic and political liberalization practices have been tested with econometric tests, whether they follow a classical, environmental, commercial or financial Kuznets-like situation. In addition to the classical, environmental, commercial and financial Kuznets, the existence of the "political liberalization practices" will be discussed in the literature in order to overlap the theoretical expectations and the results of this study. In the analysis of the 2012 horizontal cross-section of the country group with the highest Gini coefficient, Kuznets' "inverse U" view is reflected in both commercial and political liberalization dimensions.

International Conference on Eurasian Economies 2015, Sep 1, 2015
As economic growth is very important for the development of individuals and the society, the impo... more As economic growth is very important for the development of individuals and the society, the importance of capital stocks and labor force for the economic growth of countries cannot be neglected. Additionally, the human capital component and especially the role of competitiveness increases on the growth process have been extensively discussed over the last two decades. This paper examines the impact of competitiveness increases on economic growth of selected middle-income countries including Turkey for the period of 1997-2012 using a balanced panel data analysis, which was relatively less studied in the literature. According to analysis results, an increase on the competitiveness index of countries in the panel, which were obtained from the data set of the International Institute for Management Development (IMD), positively increases per capita income level. This result may be interpreted as several factors that increase competitiveness including infrastructure, economic structure, business world and regulations and investments that ensure public efficiency may have a positive impact on economic growth. Therefore, this study suggests that future policies that concentrate on extensive growth instead of intensive dimension may contribute to efficient and sustainable growth.

International Conference on Eurasian Economies 2016, Aug 1, 2016
The effects of the military expenditure on the economic growth and consequently on the employment... more The effects of the military expenditure on the economic growth and consequently on the employment has been the primary topic of the discussing in the literature of economics. Considering that the military expenditures generally emerge as a sub-item of the public spending, it has been asserted by the liberal approach that the principle of the non-productiveness of the public sector would be even more applicable in the military expenditures. None the less, using the military spending as a tool to lead an economy that feature underemployment constitutes the positive aspect of the views to the military expenditure and this is also the case of the prediction of the Keynesian economy. In this study, the effects of the military expenditure on the unemployment, which is a reflection of the effects of the economic growth, are analyzed as the subject matter. The findings revealed that the military spending has positive effects on the unemployment in some G20 states while it also has negative effects in some and has neutral effects in others. In addition, it is further indicated that the positive effects are experienced in relatively advanced economies, the negative effects emerge in relatively less developed economies, and the countries with abundant natural resources experience neutral effects.

International Conference on Eurasian Economies 2018, Jun 1, 2018
It cannot be said that military expenditure and economic growth relationship have reached a conse... more It cannot be said that military expenditure and economic growth relationship have reached a consensus both theoretically and empirically. The basic argument of the claim that military spending will increase national income is that if the economy is unemployed, the increase in spending, including military spending, will increase national income by expanding demand. Whereas, the argument that military spending will have a negative impact on the national income is claimed due to causing the inefficiency of the resources in the economy and thus to suppress the growth by causing resource mobility from productive sectors to the non-productive sectors. On the purpose of determining which of these two opposing ideas whether committed in Turkey's economy, military expenditures have been added to Solow growth model and econometric analyzes have involved the period of 1980-2016. In the light of findings, it is revealed that second type of hypothesis is valid that military spending has a negative effect on economic growth.

International Conference on Eurasian Economies 2012, Oct 1, 2012
In the early 1990s, with the fall of communism and the dissolution of USSR, the so-called transit... more In the early 1990s, with the fall of communism and the dissolution of USSR, the so-called transition economies have emerged in Eastern Europe and the former USSR. Within this transition period from planned to market economies, fiscal and monetary discipline has not been adequately emphasized while the crucial aim of these economies is to realize price liberalization, privatization and economic stabilization. Hence, the problems of income distribution and growth have not been able to be solved. In this paper, we analyze the relations between economic growth and fiscal and monetary discipline in the economies of Central Asia and Caucasia since their independence. We use WDI-2010 data of the World Bank in order to develop a model including fiscal and monetary variables, which aims to represent the growth experiences of the aforementioned countries.
Ataturk Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu Dergisi, 2005
Çalışmada ilk olarak NUTS-II düzeyinde bölgesel dengesizlik sorunsalının genelde Doğu Anadolu Böl... more Çalışmada ilk olarak NUTS-II düzeyinde bölgesel dengesizlik sorunsalının genelde Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi ve özelde de Ağrı, Van ve Erzurum alt bölgelerinde daha derin olduğu temel istatistiki verilerle ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Daha sonraki kısımda ise kalkınma-sanayileşme ifadelerine eş-anlı bakış açısından hareketle, Erzurum alt bölgesine AB tarafından KOBİ'lere yönelik uygulanacak programlar hakkında mevcut KOBİ'lerin bilinç düzeyi saha araştırmasıyla gösterilmeye çalışılmıştır. Ayrıca KOBİ'lerin mevcut imkanları kullanabilme yetenekleri ortaya konulmaya çalışılmış ve girişimci algılamaları ile gelişme ilişkileri farklı bir boyutta değerlendirilmiştir.
Papers by Ahmet Fatih Aydemir