Papers by Ahmet Şamil GÜRER

The Journal of Middle East and Central Asian Studies Volume III,, 2020
Pan-Islamism, German Colonialism and The Ottoman Delegation Dispatched to China During The Boxer ... more Pan-Islamism, German Colonialism and The Ottoman Delegation Dispatched to China During The Boxer Rebellion
Ahmet Şamil Gürer
Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Ankara University
This paper focuses on an Ottoman (Turkish) embassy delegation sent to China during the Boxer uprising. The delegation in question was dispatched upon Kaiser Wilhelm II’s request from Sultan Abdulhamid II, The Ottoman Emperor. The German Empire emerged as a new power in Europe in the third quarter of the nineteenth century. Kaiser Wilhelm considered the Ottoman Empire and Pan-Islamism as an important instrument of his foreign policy in his rivalry with England, Russia and France. On the other hand, Sultan Abdulhamid II, abandoned by Britain and France in his struggle against Russia saw the German Empire as an element of balance in his foreign policy. The cooperation between two empires was strengthened by two official visits of Kaiser Wilhelm to Turkey. The offer that Kaiser thinks would be easier to suppress the Boxer uprising in China was brought up in this atmosphere. This research analyses the background of this Ottoman delegation sent to China in 1901 within the framework of Pan-Islamism, Ottoman-German relations, and German colonialism in China.
Keywords: Boxer rebellion, Abdulhamid II, Kaiser Wilhelm II, Ottoman Empire, Chinese Muslims, Pan-Islamism, Kansu Braves.

Öz Makale Bilgisi Article Info Gönderildiği tarih: Kabul edildiği tarih: Yayınlanma tarihi: ANKAR... more Öz Makale Bilgisi Article Info Gönderildiği tarih: Kabul edildiği tarih: Yayınlanma tarihi: ANKARA ÜNİVERSİTESİ DERGİSİ ANKARA UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES SOSYAL BİLİMLER 5 The sedentarization of the semi-nomadic population, in other words, the issue of their resettlement, has remained on the agenda of the Ottoman Empire from its foundation until its collapse. The rst planned settlement policies were implemented to support the conquests in the Balkans especially during the establishment and development periods. After the defeat of Vienna in 1683, the Empire tried to resettle some of the nomadic tribes in some parts of Anatolia and North of Syria to provide security, increase tax revenues and open vacant lands for agriculture. The settlement practices continued in the 19th century were carried out in a more comprehensive and planned manner during the Tanzimat period. The settlement works of this period should be considered as a part of the general reform program whose principles determined by the Tanzimat Edict, such as tax, public order, military service and establishment of the central authority. In other words, the settlements which were carried out in Central Anatolia and in South East Mediterranean part of Anatolia during this period should be considered as the application of the general reform program on the nomadic population. Konar-göçer ahalinin yerleşik hayata geçirilmesi, diğer bir deyişle iskânı meselesi Osmanlı Devleti'nin kuruluşundan yıkılışına kadar sürekli gündeminde kalmış olan bir meseledir. İlk planlı iskân politikaları kuruluş ve gelişme dönemlerinde özellikle Balkanlar'da gerçekleştirilen fetihleri desteklemek amacıyla uygulanmıştır. 1683 Viyana yenilgisini müteakiben Devlet, güvenliği sağlamak, vergi gelirlerini artırmak ve boş arazileri tarıma açmak için Anadolu'daki bazı konar-göçer aşiretleri Anadolu ve Suriye'nin kuzeyinde yerleşik hayata geçirmeye çalışmıştır. 19. yüzyılda da devam eden iskân çalışmaları Tanzimat döneminde daha kapsamlı ve planlı bir şekilde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu dönemdeki iskân çalışmalarını prensipleri Gülhâne Hatt-ı Hümayûnu ile belirlenen genel reform programının, vergi, asayiş ve askerlik ve merkezi otoritenin tesisi gibi hususlarının bir parçası olarak görmek gerekir. Diğer bir deyişle, bu dönemde Orta Anadolu ve Güney Doğu Akdeniz'de gerçekleştirilen iskânlar genel reform programının konar-göçer ahali üzerindeki tatbiki olarak değerlendirilmelidir. Anahtar sözcükler İskân, yerleşik hayat, tanzimat, konar-göçer, aşiretler, osmanlı imparatorluğu Keywords S e t t l e m e n t , s e d e n t a r i z a t i o n , tanzimat, semi-nomadic, tribes, ottoman empire 29

Öz Cumhuriyet dönemi Türk reformları, İslâm modernleşme düşüncesinin öncülerinden Muhammed İkbal'... more Öz Cumhuriyet dönemi Türk reformları, İslâm modernleşme düşüncesinin öncülerinden Muhammed İkbal'in İslam dünyasındaki modernleşme hareketleri bağlamında değer-lendirdiği konulardan biridir. M. İkbal'in Türk modernleşmesine ilişkin kanaatleri istik-rarlı bir bakış açısını yansıtmaz. Bu çalışmada, onun söz konusu meseleye karşı paradok-sal yaklaşımı ve bunun muhtemel sebepleri incelenmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler Muhammed İkbal, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, Reform, İnkılâp, Atatürk, İçtihat, Nehru MOHAMMAD IQBAL'S PERSPECTIVE ON THE TURKISH MODERNISATION Abstract The Turkish reforms of the Republican Era are one of the subjects that was evaluated by Muham-mad Iqbal who was one of the pioneers of Islamic modernization thought, in the context of moderni-sation movements in the Islamic world. Iqbalʹs views on Turkish modernisation do not reflect a stable perspective. In this article, his paradoxical approach towards the subject and its probable causes are discussed.

Turkish Studies -International Periodical For The Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, 2014
Bu araştırmada Tanzimat döneminde yaşamış olan bir Osmanlı âliminin batılaşma karşıtı eylem ve dü... more Bu araştırmada Tanzimat döneminde yaşamış olan bir Osmanlı âliminin batılaşma karşıtı eylem ve düşünceleri incelenmiştir. Sarıyerli Sâdık Efendi, İstanbul’da vaaz verdiği camide dönemin hükümetinin icraatlarını eleştirmesi sebebi ve Yeni Osmanlılar Cemiyeti’ne mensup olduğu şüphesiyle mahkemesi yapılmadan 1869 yılında sürgüne gönderilmiştir. Dönemin Osmanlı muhalif basını ve Fransız gazeteleri Sâdık Efendi’yi destekleyerek olayı kendi siyasi cephelerinden değerlendirmişlerdir. Geniş bir taraftar kitlesinin olduğu anlaşılan Sâdık Efendi camide verdiği derslerde Yeni Osmanlılar’ın düşüncelerini savunduğu gerekçesiyle bizzat dönemin Zaptiye Nâzırı tarafından sorgulanmış ve akabinde tutuklanarak taraftarlarıyla birlikte Akka’ya sürgüne gönderilmiştir. Yargılama yapılmadığından Sâdık Efendi’nin hangi delillere istinaden sürüldüğüne ilişkin elimizde bilgi yoktur. Yeni Osmanlılar Cemiyeti’nin yayın organı Hürriyet gazetesi Sâdık Efendi vakasının Şeyhülislâm Hayrullah Efendi’nin bir komplosu olduğunu savunmuş ve olayı düşünce özgürlüğünün engellenmesi olarak değerlendirmiştir. Fransız basını ise bunu Osmanlı ülkesindeki bir halk devriminin işareti olarak görmüştür. Elimizdeki bilgiler Sâdık Efendi’nin Yeni Osmanlılar Cemiyeti ile örgütsel bir bağının olduğunu kesin olarak ortaya koyabilecek yeterlilikte değildir. Bununla birlikte onun en azından sempatizanlık düzeyinde Yeni Osmanlılar’ın fikirlerine ilgi duyduğu söylenebilir. Sâdık Efendi sürgün döneminde kaleme aldığı Tanzîr-i Telemak adlı eserinde dinin ve din adamlarının uygarlığın koruyucusu olduğu; dini temellerden yoksun batı uygarlığının ve onu taklit ettiği müddetçe Osmanlı devletinin yıkılacağı düşüncesini savunmaktadır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Sâdık Efendi, Ulemâ, Tanzimat, Batılılaşma, Tanzir-i Telemak, Yeni Osmanlılar
Folklor Edebiyat, 2011
Ottoman Hippodrome and Hamidian Company in the
1893 Chicago World’s Fair
The topic of Ottoman hip... more Ottoman Hippodrome and Hamidian Company in the
1893 Chicago World’s Fair
The topic of Ottoman hippodrome which was a part of Ottoman exposition in the1893 Chicago World’s Fair is tried to be researched in this article. The Company whichorganised the Ottoman hippodrome was established by Maronite entrepreneurs fromSyria and was supported officially by Sultan Abdulhamid II and Ottoman government. Although the shows, performed by Arabian horses in the Ottoman hippodrome attracted a great attention, the company went bancrup because of organisation faults and financial poblems.
Journal of Turkish Studies
Comittee of Union and Progress' attempts for controlling Meshihat institution in the... more Comittee of Union and Progress' attempts for controlling Meshihat institution in the Ottoman second constitutional monarchy is held in this article. During the early days of second constitional period, the role which was played by the Meshihat in overcoming the cabinet crisis has ...
Books by Ahmet Şamil GÜRER
Papers by Ahmet Şamil GÜRER
Ahmet Şamil Gürer
Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Ankara University
This paper focuses on an Ottoman (Turkish) embassy delegation sent to China during the Boxer uprising. The delegation in question was dispatched upon Kaiser Wilhelm II’s request from Sultan Abdulhamid II, The Ottoman Emperor. The German Empire emerged as a new power in Europe in the third quarter of the nineteenth century. Kaiser Wilhelm considered the Ottoman Empire and Pan-Islamism as an important instrument of his foreign policy in his rivalry with England, Russia and France. On the other hand, Sultan Abdulhamid II, abandoned by Britain and France in his struggle against Russia saw the German Empire as an element of balance in his foreign policy. The cooperation between two empires was strengthened by two official visits of Kaiser Wilhelm to Turkey. The offer that Kaiser thinks would be easier to suppress the Boxer uprising in China was brought up in this atmosphere. This research analyses the background of this Ottoman delegation sent to China in 1901 within the framework of Pan-Islamism, Ottoman-German relations, and German colonialism in China.
Keywords: Boxer rebellion, Abdulhamid II, Kaiser Wilhelm II, Ottoman Empire, Chinese Muslims, Pan-Islamism, Kansu Braves.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Sâdık Efendi, Ulemâ, Tanzimat, Batılılaşma, Tanzir-i Telemak, Yeni Osmanlılar
1893 Chicago World’s Fair
The topic of Ottoman hippodrome which was a part of Ottoman exposition in the1893 Chicago World’s Fair is tried to be researched in this article. The Company whichorganised the Ottoman hippodrome was established by Maronite entrepreneurs fromSyria and was supported officially by Sultan Abdulhamid II and Ottoman government. Although the shows, performed by Arabian horses in the Ottoman hippodrome attracted a great attention, the company went bancrup because of organisation faults and financial poblems.
Books by Ahmet Şamil GÜRER
Ahmet Şamil Gürer
Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Ankara University
This paper focuses on an Ottoman (Turkish) embassy delegation sent to China during the Boxer uprising. The delegation in question was dispatched upon Kaiser Wilhelm II’s request from Sultan Abdulhamid II, The Ottoman Emperor. The German Empire emerged as a new power in Europe in the third quarter of the nineteenth century. Kaiser Wilhelm considered the Ottoman Empire and Pan-Islamism as an important instrument of his foreign policy in his rivalry with England, Russia and France. On the other hand, Sultan Abdulhamid II, abandoned by Britain and France in his struggle against Russia saw the German Empire as an element of balance in his foreign policy. The cooperation between two empires was strengthened by two official visits of Kaiser Wilhelm to Turkey. The offer that Kaiser thinks would be easier to suppress the Boxer uprising in China was brought up in this atmosphere. This research analyses the background of this Ottoman delegation sent to China in 1901 within the framework of Pan-Islamism, Ottoman-German relations, and German colonialism in China.
Keywords: Boxer rebellion, Abdulhamid II, Kaiser Wilhelm II, Ottoman Empire, Chinese Muslims, Pan-Islamism, Kansu Braves.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Sâdık Efendi, Ulemâ, Tanzimat, Batılılaşma, Tanzir-i Telemak, Yeni Osmanlılar
1893 Chicago World’s Fair
The topic of Ottoman hippodrome which was a part of Ottoman exposition in the1893 Chicago World’s Fair is tried to be researched in this article. The Company whichorganised the Ottoman hippodrome was established by Maronite entrepreneurs fromSyria and was supported officially by Sultan Abdulhamid II and Ottoman government. Although the shows, performed by Arabian horses in the Ottoman hippodrome attracted a great attention, the company went bancrup because of organisation faults and financial poblems.