Papers by Ahmad ibnu abbas Abbas

Milkiyah: Jurnal Hukum Ekonomi Syariah
Understanding issues raised in academic literature is a critical step in developing scholarly wor... more Understanding issues raised in academic literature is a critical step in developing scholarly works in the field of Islamic economic law. This study aims to explore the topics and trends in the field of Islamic economic law in the last three decades, from 1992–2021. The data used in this study were online published articles from 1992 to 2021. Harzing’s Publish or Perish (PoP), VOSViewer, and Open Knowledge Maps were tools utilized for processing and analyzing the data. 169 articles were retrieved by applying the keyword and title word "Islamic Economic Law" in the Google Scholar database. The result of the study shows an increasing trend in the publication of scholarly works for the past thirty years, with 645 citations. As a result of the visualization, the topic of Islamic economic law tends to be designed in the context of theory, implementation through a case study approach, perspectives, a paper review elaborating the contract, and research in the field of Islamic law...

Digital media tends to be used to deliver literacy regarding radicalism that can develop on campu... more Digital media tends to be used to deliver literacy regarding radicalism that can develop on campus. Students in Islamic Higher Education are considered as important subjects in using digital literacy.The purpose of this research is to demonstrate religious digital literacy perceived by students in Islamic Higher Education. The type of this research was qualitative using a phenomenological approach. Research objects were Islamic Higher Education in South Sulawesi consisting of IAIN Parepare, UM Parepare, as well as STAI DDI in Parepare, Pinrang and Sidrap. The informants were students from the Students Executive Board and Da’wah Units. An ambassador of Digital Literacy in the Library and Archives Office of South Sulawesi also became an informant in this research. The result demonstrates that religious digital literacy held in Islamic Higher Education in South Sulawesi greatly contributes to the student’s perspective change in comprehending information disruption and radicalism. Campu...

Jurnal PkM Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
As one of the educational institutions under the Ministry of Religion Indonesia established in 20... more As one of the educational institutions under the Ministry of Religion Indonesia established in 2016, STAIN Majene is led to conduct the optimization of a performance-based budgetary control system through costing standards. This development activity was designed using Participatory Action Research (PAR). The model of development of the product used 4D model (Define, Design, Development, and Dissemination) adopted from the model of Thiagarajan et al. (1974). Afterward, users of budgeting were taught so they were proficient at using the product of Internal Cost Standard (SBI). The result of this activity discloses that the SBI book is successful to be produced in the form of a digital known as the SBI e-pocketbook to budgetary users in STAIN Majene. It is a costing unit acting as the guidance of internally budgetary calculation of STAIN Majene and a necessary instrument in making budgetary allocations so that SBI product contributes to budgetary users in STAIN Majene.

Al-Kharaj : Jurnal Ekonomi, Keuangan & Bisnis Syariah, 2021
Economic needs sometimes become one of the sources of problems in household life, but they can be... more Economic needs sometimes become one of the sources of problems in household life, but they can be solved if the family is built by good financial management. This research aims to demonstrate practices of household accounting by studying the life of muslim family. The type of this research is qualitative using a case study approach. Informants of this research were household units of muslim family. Data analysis in this research used reductions, displays, and inferences. The result of this research discloses that the conceptual framework of household accounting Islamic is found in muslim families under the method of recording cash basis. The practice of household accounting can be built in accounting cycles starting from transaction documents, recorded into general journals, conducted the posting into ledgers, prepared adjusting journals, and financial statements including activity, and financial position statements. Informants of muslim family in this research recognize the expendi...

Wartawan merupakan istilah profesi yang biasa dipakai bagi orang yang bekerja di media massa, bai... more Wartawan merupakan istilah profesi yang biasa dipakai bagi orang yang bekerja di media massa, baik itu cetak, elektronik dan internet. Tugas dari wartawan itu sendiri dalam Undang-Undang Pers No.40 Tahun 1990, Bab I Pasal I dinyatakan bahwa wartawan adalah orang yang secara teratur melaksanakan kegiatan jurnalistik. Fenomena positif dan negatif dalam profesi wartawan adalah suatu realitas yang dapat terjadi dan selalu ada. Karenanya, di tengah perkembangan dunia jurnalistik seperti sekarang ini, perhatian dan selektivitas masyarakat terhadap profesi wartawan perlu diprioritaskan. Dari sinilah peneliti mencoba untuk mencari tahu persepsi Dosen Jurnalistik Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, terhadap Etika Jurnalistik Islam.Rumusan masalah yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini yaitu:Bagaimana pandangan Dosen Jurnalistik jurusan Komunikasi Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Sunan Ampel tentang etika jurnalistik islam. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini peneliti menggunakan...

E3S Web of Conferences, 2021
This research seeks to find the effect of environmental compliances on profitability in the agric... more This research seeks to find the effect of environmental compliances on profitability in the agricultural business sector. This research is quantitative by testing the nexus between environmental compliances (environmental cost and reputational incentive) and agricultural profitability. The sample of this study identified agricultural public firms in Indonesia including five sub-sectors consisting of farming, fisheries, livestock, plantation, and forestry. Financial statements and annual reports in terms of the environment were utilized in this research. Final samples were 12 public agricultural companies. The research model was analysed using the regression with common, fixed and random effect models and were checked the robustness using Generalized Method of Moment (GMM). The result of this research found no effects on the nexus between environmental cost and profitability. It indicates that the environmental cost spent by agricultural firms doesn’t reduce the profitability. The em...

Asian People Journal (APJ), 2021
The tenet of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) positions the environment as logocentrism so t... more The tenet of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) positions the environment as logocentrism so that almost all firms increasingly desire to appear “green”. An expanding number of firms are going green and are made public through corporate social reports. Green CSR is a philosophy for describing the environmental aspect of CSR. In Indonesia, it however lacks the discussion and the response after the government applies the law and regulation. This paper highlights the Indonesian government role of attracting firms to be involved in carrying out the environmental performance. The tenet of legitimacy theory is reviewed to elaborate environmental CSR practice. The aim of this paper is to provide critical perspective of understanding the environmental responsibility. It posits that environmental CSR practice in Indonesia is only addressed to legitimize the business. Firms are more involved in carrying out the environmental performance due to the mandate from dominant rules and rating val...

AHKAM:Jurnal Ilmu Syariah, 2014
Abstrak: Syariat Islam di Era Otonomi Daerah di Indonesia. Perkembangan Hukum Islam di Indonesia ... more Abstrak: Syariat Islam di Era Otonomi Daerah di Indonesia. Perkembangan Hukum Islam di Indonesia telah berlangsung sejak berdirinya kerajaan-kerajaan Islam di Nusantara sebelum datangnya masa penjajahan Belanda yang kemudian hari menguasai Nusantara selama lebih kurang 350 tahun. Pemberlakuan Hukum Islam itu sendiri berjalan dalam lima fase dengan mengalami pelbagai keadaan sebagai peluang sekaligus tantangan dari pihak penjajah yang bertujuan “devide at impera”, memecah belah dan mengadu domba, untuk tetap terus menjajah. Seperti siasat Snouck Hurgronje, dia mencetuskan gagasan teori Receptie dalam rangka memandulkan Hukum Islam, yang oleh Hazairin disebut “teori Iblis”. Perjalanan Hukum Islam pada fase menjelang kemerdekaan dan sesudahnya tetap eksis walau harus diperhadapkan dengan hukum Adat dan hukum Hindia Belanda. Sebagai bukti eksistensi Hukum Islam maka pengundangan Undang-undang No.1 Tahun 1974 Tentang Perkawinan menjadi pedoman bagi umat Islam Indonesia saat ini.Kata Kunc...

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh manajemen laba terhadap nilai perusahaan perbanka... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh manajemen laba terhadap nilai perusahaan perbankan, corporate governance terhadap nilai perusahaan perbankan, dan pengaruh corporate governance terhadap hubungan antara manajemen laba dan nilai perusahaan perbankan. Sampel penelitian yang digunakan adalah perusahaan perbankan go public yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) periode 2007-2010. Dengan metode purposive sampling, maka diperoleh 26 bank yang menjadi sampel. Metode analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan regresi berganda dengan uji interaksi. Sebelum melakukan analisis data, terlebih dahulu manajemen laba dideteksi dengan proksi discretionary accrual dari model Beaver and Engel, nilai perusahaan diproksi dengan model Tobin's Q, dan corporate governance diproksi dengan dewan komisaris dan komite audit. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa manajemen laba berpengaruh positif terhadap nilai perusahaan yang artinya manajemen laba dapat meningkatkan nilai perusahaan perbankan, corporate governance tidak berpengaruh terhadap nilai perusahaan perbankan, dan corporate governance berpengaruh negatif terhadap hubungan antara manajemen laba dan nilai perusahaan perbankan yang artinya peran corporate governance berpengaruh signifikan dalam meminimalkan kemampuan manajemen bank untuk melakukan praktik manajemen laba yang akhirnya mempengaruhi nilai perusahaan. Kata Kunci: Manajemen Laba, Corporate Governance, Nilai Perusahaan

SPIE Proceedings, 2012
We propose Terahertz (THz) plasmonic devices based on linearly integrated FETs (LFETs) on Graphen... more We propose Terahertz (THz) plasmonic devices based on linearly integrated FETs (LFETs) on Graphene. LFET structures are advantageous for (THz) detection since the coupling between the THz radiation and the plasma wave is strongly enhanced over the single gate devices and accordingly higher-order plasma resonances become possible. AlGaN/GaN heterostructure LFETs with their high sheet carrier concentration and high electron mobility are promising for plasmonic THz detection. Nevertheless, our numerical studies show that room temperature resonant absorption of THz radiation by the plasmons in AlGaN/GaN LFETs is very weak even if the integration density is sufficiently large. Our simulations also demonstrate that similar LFETs on Graphene, which has very large electron mobility, can resonantly absorb THz radiation up to 5th harmonic at room temperature. Additionally, we investigated LFETs with integrated cavities on Graphene. Such Periodic Cavity LFETs substantially enhance the quality factor of the resonant modes.
Nano Research, 2014
changes to the manuscript text and/or graphics which may affect the content, and all legal discla... more changes to the manuscript text and/or graphics which may affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain. In no event shall TUP be held responsible for errors or consequences arising from the use of any information contained in these "Just Accepted" manuscripts. To cite this manuscript please use its Digital Object Identifier (DOI®), which is identical for all formats of publication.

Nano Letters, 2011
R ecently, two-dimensional (2D) layered materials beyond graphene have attracted huge amounts of ... more R ecently, two-dimensional (2D) layered materials beyond graphene have attracted huge amounts of attention especially for those transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) with formula of MX 2 (M = Mo, W; X = S, Se). 1À4 Such TMDCs are also layered materials like graphene coupled by weak van der Waals forces between adjacent layers. But more than that, each TMDC layer contains three covalent bonded XÀMÀX atomic layers. Besides the unique structure, these materials exhibit interesting properties when the thickness goes down to monolayer or few-layers, 2,5À7 making them good candidates for advanced electronics, 8À11 optoelectronic devices, 12À15 energy storage devices, 16 and electrocatalysts. 17 So far, myriad research efforts have been devoted to these materials focusing on material synthesis, 2,18À23 characterization, 24,25 fundamental property studies, 4,26À28 and applications. 11À15,29,30 Among those four materials (MoS 2 , MoSe 2 , WS 2 , and WSe 2), MoS 2 is the most heavily studied one. On the other
Journal of Chromatography A, 1993
The optical waveguide properties of fused-silica capillaries enable greater illuminated sample vo... more The optical waveguide properties of fused-silica capillaries enable greater illuminated sample volume by axial illumination, as compared to cross capillary illu.

Journal of Chromatography A, 1995
Simultaneous measurements of absorbance and fluorescence are possible with axial-illuminated flow... more Simultaneous measurements of absorbance and fluorescence are possible with axial-illuminated flow cells, fashioned with a unique bend geometry. The optical properties of these flow cells have been studied. Effects of variations in lumen refractive index, capillary wall thickness and physical pathlength have been examined. A theoretical understanding of the various light propagation modes and of light intensity distributions in these modes, based upon lumen refractive index, has been attained. Of more practical significance, optical pathlengths from < 1 cm to 6 cm are simply attained by positioning the inlet optical fiber along the capillary axis with respect to the bend. The flow cell volumes obtained with different combinations of capillary I.D. and optical pathlength make the flow cell and resulting detector compatible with conventional HPLC and microscale separations. Also, studies have been performed to determine the effects of increased optical pathlength on overall analytical separation efficiency and detectability in the analysis of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons using laser-induced fluorescence micro-LC.

Computer Communications, 2013
ABSTRACT In multiple application scenarios, need arises to connect a set of disjoint nodes or seg... more ABSTRACT In multiple application scenarios, need arises to connect a set of disjoint nodes or segments. Examples include connecting a sparsely located data sources, repairing a partitioned network topology after failure, and federating a set of standalone networks to serve an emerging event. Contemporary solutions either deploy stationary relay nodes (RN) to form data paths or employ one or multiple mobile data carriers (MDCs) that pick packets from sources and transport them to destinations. In this paper we investigate the interconnection problem when the number of available RNs is insufficient for forming a stable topology and a mix of RNs and MDCs is to be used. We present a novel algorithm for determining where the RNs are to be placed and planning optimized travel paths for the MDCs so that the data delivery latency as well as the MDC motion overhead are minimized. The performance of the algorithm is validated through simulation.

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1975
Products of alkaline hydrolysis of N-substituted phthalimides are described. Five isomeric compou... more Products of alkaline hydrolysis of N-substituted phthalimides are described. Five isomeric compounds, 1,6-diketo-3,4,5,6-tetrahydro-1 H-2,5-benzoxazocine (1), 2-(o-carboxyphenyl)-Δ2 -oxazoline (7), 2-phthalimidoethanol (3), N-vinylphthalamic acid (8), and N-(o-carboxybenzoyl)-aziridine (9), are possible from the alkaline hydrolysis of 2-bromoethylphthalimide (2). Gabriel claimed in 1905 that 1 was formed on alkaline hydrolysis of 2 but later structure 7 was suggested for the product. The interest in the synthesis of 1 has led to a reinvestigation of this hydrolysis and structure 7 is confirmed for the initial product of the hydrolysis but it converts on warming during recrystallization into 1 which affords 3 on heating above melting point.Hydrolysis of 2-chloroethylphthalimide (4) and 2-phthalimidoethyl-p-toluenesulfonate (5) also afforded 7. Attempted preparation of 1 from intramolecular cyclization of 2-hydroxyethylphthalamic acid (11) was not successful and only 3 was obtained.Re...
Page 1. National Seminar Memperkasakan Sistem Pendidikan, Puteri Pan-Pacific, Johore bahru, 19-21... more Page 1. National Seminar Memperkasakan Sistem Pendidikan, Puteri Pan-Pacific, Johore bahru, 19-21 October 2003 PERMASALAHAN PEMBELAJARAN DALAM MATA PELAJARAN TEKNOLOGI KEJURUTERAAN: SATU ...

Analytica Chimica Acta, 1999
Absorbance, fluorescence and refractive index detection are simultaneously accomplished in a Micr... more Absorbance, fluorescence and refractive index detection are simultaneously accomplished in a Micro LC system. A unique double eccentric-bend fused silica capillary is employed with axial illumination to achieve a long path length, multisensing flow cell. Two different optical sources, one that excites fluorescence through absorption and one that is not absorbed by eluting analytes, are imaged into the bends with optical fibers, placed within the capillary lumen in separate legs of the device. Axially-propagating light exits at each bend where photodetectors simultaneously collect attenuated light, one signal based on absorption and the other signal based on refractive index. A nearby cylindrical lens, optical filter and photomultiplier tube collect fluorescence in the 'absorption' leg of the capillary. Thus, trifunctional detection is achieved in microscale liquid chromatography.
Almana : Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis, 2020
The job description established in organizational structure is the starting signal to know the fi... more The job description established in organizational structure is the starting signal to know the firm work environment. If it is operated through a complex job division, the performance quality will not run maximally. This research aims to analyze the work environment through the job description given by the firm. The type of this research is a qualitative under case study approach. This research was conducted in the logistic service firm, namely Sarana Citra Adicarya (SCAc). The data were obtained from the interview, observation, and documentation. The result of this research discloses that the work environment of Sarana Citra Adicarya is less well-integrated, not on time, as well as encourages procrastination so that the employees do not enjoy the job and cannot work for a long time.
Papers by Ahmad ibnu abbas Abbas