Papers by Mohd Rozi Ahmad

Nanofibres have gained attention for their highly porous structure, narrow pore size, and high sp... more Nanofibres have gained attention for their highly porous structure, narrow pore size, and high specific surface area. One of the most efficient techniques for producing nanofibres is electrospinning. These fibres are used in various fields, including water filtration. Although they possess the ability to filter various components, the fibres generally have low mechanical strength, which can mitigate their performance over time. To address this, studies have focused on enhancing nanofibre membrane strength for water filtration. Previous analyses show that the mechanical properties of nanofibre mats can be improved through solvent vapour treatment, thermal treatment, and chemical crosslinking. These treatments promote interfibre bonding, leading to the improvement of mechanical strength. However, excessive treatment alters nanofibre behaviour. Excessive heat exposure reduces interfibre bonding, while too much solvent vapour decreases pore size and mechanical strength. Thus, a comprehe...
The effect of stitching patterns on the puncture resistance of mult iple layers of Twaron fabric ... more The effect of stitching patterns on the puncture resistance of mult iple layers of Twaron fabric was investigated. Fabric samples of t wo to four fabric layers were stitched with nylon threads using vertical, d iagonal, square and diamond patterns. A conical shape probe was used in the puncture resistance tests. The load and extension needed to puncture the fabric samples were recorded. Fro m the results, the puncture loads and extensions increased as the fabric layers increased. It was found that the 4-layer diamond stitched pattern fabric gave slightly higher puncture load and extension in comparisons with other types of stitching patterns. Nevertheless, it can be said that there were no significant difference in the puncture load and extension among the different types of stitching patterns.

Natural dyes comprise of colorants that are obtained from animals or vegetable matters without an... more Natural dyes comprise of colorants that are obtained from animals or vegetable matters without any chemical processing. Natural dyes can substitute synthetic dye and promotes green technology initiatives in the field of textile dyeing. This study was carried out by extracting dyes from pineapple leaves (Ananas Comosus) using three stage mordanting methods using different mordants namely premordanting, post-mordanting and simultaneous dyeing-mordanting. The mordants used were aluminium potassium sulphate, white vinegar and sodium chloride (NaCl). Wool fabrics were used for dyeing. The strength of colour and K/S values of the dyed fabrics were measured before and after washing. The colourfastness to washing, rubbing and light fastness of the fabrics were conducted to investigate the performance of the dye and mordants. The results indicate that the washing, rubbing and light fastness properties of dyed samples were between good to excellent grades.
International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2019
An experimental study have been performed to investigate the uniaxial tensile stress-strain respo... more An experimental study have been performed to investigate the uniaxial tensile stress-strain response on the 3D angle interlock (3DAI) woven fabric composite. The tensile analysis were examined based on different woven fabric set-up parameter of draw-in plan ; pointed (DRW 1), broken (DRW 2), broken mirror (DRW 3), and straight (DRW 4). Meanwhile, the woven fabric composite were produced based on 22 and 25 of weft densities. The outcomes produced shown that woven composite sample with 25 on DRW 4 projected the highest stress response, 113 MPa. Extensive review indicated that DRW 1 and 4 gave better tensile stress-strain response than the other counterpart.Â

International journal of engineering and technology, 2019
This paper mainly discusses on the effectiveness of multiple plain-woven fabric towards electroma... more This paper mainly discusses on the effectiveness of multiple plain-woven fabric towards electromagnetic shielding (EMS). The measurement includes the effect of fabric distance from the transmitter antennas in the shielded enclosure test. The conductive fabric consists of copper cover hybrid yarns produced using hollow spindle spinning machine. The electromagnetic shielding test was performed according to IEEE-299 specification at 2000MHz. The range was selected to reflect mobile phones, wireless fidelity, Bluetooth and GPS transmission range frequencies. Four samples of conductive fabrics were used in the work, as 0°/0°, 90°/90°, 0°/90° and 90°/0, respectively. The fabric sample with 0°/90° alignment was found to give the best electromagnetic shielding at -65.79dBM. The initial results also show that the hybrid conductive fabrics have large potential to be utilized for shielding electromagnetic radiation (EMR).

International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2019
Controlling sliver evenness is very important since this parameter can affect the quality of the ... more Controlling sliver evenness is very important since this parameter can affect the quality of the yarn produced. In kenaf sliver production, kenaf fibres alone could not form a good sliver. Thus, fibres such as polyester are needed to blend with kenaf to improve fibre cohesiveness and form a better sliver. The aim of this study is to identify the optimum ratio of kenaf that can be used for sliver production. The heart of the process for the production of kenaf/polyester slivers is carding. The weight percentage of kenaf used for the kenaf/polyester sliver production was 50%, 60% and 70%. After sliver formation, the waste percentage, diameter and size were determined. The sliver images were analysed under video analyser and captured by digital SLR camera to observe the fibre blending. The research showed that lower percentage of kenaf offered better waste percentage and sliver diameter. Whereas, sliver size showed some decrement with an increment of kenaf fibre percentage. The presenc...
The Malaysian pineapple leaf fibre (PALF) from Yankee type was converted to fabric through fibre ... more The Malaysian pineapple leaf fibre (PALF) from Yankee type was converted to fabric through fibre scrapping, hand spinning and hand loom weaving. It was scoured and bleached to remove impurities and turn to natural white colour. The project was to reduce pineapple leaves waste in plantation but a lot of works needs to be carried out to speed up the process of conversion to fibre, yarns and fabric. Process of conversion can be much faster and in larger volume by using suitable machineries and trained workers.
![Research paper thumbnail of Inovasi struktur tenunan dalam penghasilan kain tenun Pahang Diraja / Habibah Abdul Jabbar ... [et al.]](
Penyelidikan ini dijalankan untuk meningkatkan minat serta pemahaman murid Tahun Tiga dalam mata ... more Penyelidikan ini dijalankan untuk meningkatkan minat serta pemahaman murid Tahun Tiga dalam mata pelajaran sains melalui penggunaan bahan bantu mengajar (BBM) berasaskan teknologi papan pelbagai sentuh di sekolah rendah di Pulau Pinang. Temubual telah dijalankan di beberapa buah sekolah rendah di sekitar Pulau Pinang iaitu di Sekolah Kebangsaan Sungai Batu dan Sekolah Kebangsaan Teluk Kumbar dan didapati bahawa kebanyakan guru yang mengajar mata pelajaran Sains Tahun Tiga tidak pernah menggunakan Bahan Bantu Mengajar (BBM) di dalam kelas sewaktu sesi pembelajaran, tetapi hanya menggunakan buku teks sahaja. Keputusan temubual terhadap beberapa orang murid Tahun Tiga di sekolah-sekolah tersebut mendapati bahawa mereka lebih berminat untuk belajar mata pelajaran sains dengan menggunakan teknologi dan alatan terkini yang mempunyai unsur interaktif dan bukan hanya belajar dengan menggunakan cara lama iaitu sekadar membaca buku sahaja. Kata kunci: Sains, alat bahan bantu mengajar, teknologi, papan pelbagai sentuh, murid tahun tiga PENGENALAN Bahan bantu mengajar (BBM) merupakan antara kaedah alternatif yang digunakan oleh pengajar untuk membantu sewaktu sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Bahan bantu mengajar amat penting untuk digunakan dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran kerana kaedah ini dapat membantu dalam menyalurkan maklumat yang berkaitan dengan mata pelajaran yang diajar dengan lebih jelas dan berkesan. Menurut Norzainariah Bt. Abu Hassan di dalam penulisannya yang berjudul

International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 2020
This paper presents a study on the performance of self-manufactured electro-textile (SME-T) anten... more This paper presents a study on the performance of self-manufactured electro-textile (SME-T) antenna that was designed at 1.575 GHz based on the allocated spectrum for Global Positioning System (GPS) application. However, due to its known low-conductivity characteristic, the ability of the newly developed material to perform as a good antenna shall be verified. Therefore, the performance of the antennas are compared and studied with respect to established materials such as adhesive copper tape and commercial conductive fabric named SHIELDIT TM as the radiating elements. Here, four e-textile antennas having approximately the same size are fabricated and tested. The performance of all antennas, in terms of return loss, radiation pattern, gain, and efficiency; manufactured by using different radiating elements, such as copper, SHIELDIT TM and SME-T fabricated on polyester fabric as the substrate are analyzed. The measured return loss and radiation pattern of SME-T antenna has proven that the antenna is well suited for wearable application. The measured antenna gain and efficiency of 0.61 dB and 25.95% are obtained and it is proven that the fabricated SME-T antenna can act as a receiving antenna designed for GPS applications which requires low gain antenna for passive monitoring.

Scientific Research Journal, 2019
The production ofparticle composites using agricultural waste materials is an area ofsignificant ... more The production ofparticle composites using agricultural waste materials is an area ofsignificant research interest. 1ngeneral the properties ofagricultural waste particle composites are considered to be inferior to those ofcommercial particleboards. In this study, the inclusion of woven colton fabric has been used to overcome this drawback. Particle composites were manufacturesfrom coconut shell- and rubberwood-particles using urea formaldehyde as a binder andcombinedwith woven cotton fabric to reinforce the material. Thefabricated agricultural waste particle composites were then evaluated with respect to the effect ofthe number offabric layers in the composite structure and the inherent effect on the mechanical (flexural and impact strength) and physical (water absorption and thickness swelling) properties. Agricultural waste particle composites without any reinforcement were used as control samples in this study. The test results indicate that theflexural and impactproperties ofpa...
Research Management Institute (RMI), 2013

International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2019
The aim of this study was to investigate impact resistance of 3D woven composites, impacted by th... more The aim of this study was to investigate impact resistance of 3D woven composites, impacted by three different impactor shapes. An experimental study was carried out to compare the impact resistance on four types of 3D woven fiberglass composites. Impact resistance test will be performed using standard method ASTM D2444, with a set up initial impact energy is 20 J, velocity of 3.4901 m/s, height of 0.6163m and mass applied is 3.29 kg. Three different impactor shapes which are hemispherical, conical and ogival were used for testing woven fabric composite impact test. Hand lay-up technique was used to fabricate the composites. From results, 4 float Layer-to-layer Interlock (4L) gave the highest impact resistance for all impactor shapes with 6258.0 N for hemispherical impactor, 4000.1 N for conical impactor and 3750.7 N for ogival impactor. Ogival impactor tends to penetrate the woven composite samples better compared to conical and hemispherical impactors.Â

Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, 2019
Researchers have long been interested in understanding young consumers' purchasing behaviour, esp... more Researchers have long been interested in understanding young consumers' purchasing behaviour, especially in terms of their purchasing preferences and decision-making styles. Zooming to hijab preferences, different angles of hijab have been studied. Out of 32.4 million of total population, Islam is the most widely professed religion in Malaysia. Thus, this research aims to obtain young consumer preferences of hijab. It was conducted through focus group interviews in one of the public university located in Selangor, Malaysia. The focus group interviews were audio taped and transcribed. There were 13 Malaysian female respondents; students of aged 20 to 25 years old. The findings thus far revealed that young consumer's selection of hijab to wear and attend lectures is highly influenced by easiness to wear hijab, boost confidence as well as their moods and face shape. These factors make them feel more comfortable to move around with their active lifestyle as university students. Limitations and recommendations for future studies are discussed.

2012 IEEE Business, Engineering & Industrial Applications Colloquium (BEIAC), 2012
This paper reports on the utilization of Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) wire as a conductive element in... more This paper reports on the utilization of Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) wire as a conductive element in core-sheath friction yarn. The yarns were spun using DREF 3000 spinning machine. The yarn consisted of three layers with the SMA wire at the core and 100% cotton fibers at the second layer and as the sheath producing a yarn called SMA Friction Spun Yarn (SMA FSY). Three different core-sheath ratios and spinning drum speeds were used in the spinning process. The objectives were to compare the SMA FSY yarn tensile properties and to understand the influence of the machine process parameters towards the actuating performance under stress-free condition. Results showed that the SMA FSY with 60% core and highest spinning drum speed gave better tensile strength. Additionally, this yarn also gave the fastest initiating deformation below 100 seconds. It can be concluded that the changes in the machine process parameters influenced the tensile and actuating performance of SMA FSY.

Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile Research, 2014
In this study, activated carbon produced from coconut (Co) and oil palm (Op) shells has been appl... more In this study, activated carbon produced from coconut (Co) and oil palm (Op) shells has been applied in different percentages (5, 10 and 15%) on polyester and cotton fabrics through coating and pigment printing techniques. Two types of odour measurements are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the anti-odour activated carbon, namely through the human olfactory tests and by using a device called portable electronic nose 3 (PEN 3). Prior to the tests, the treated and control fabric samples are exposed to onion odour simulating to body odour. The results show that fabrics containing activated carbon are able to reduce odour. The coated activated carbon fabrics show a better result than the printed activated carbon fabrics. The higher the concentration of activated carbons on the fabrics, the lower it generates odour intensity and odour annoyance, which also lower the odour of onion on the fabrics.

Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, 2018
This paper presents the performance of microstrip patch antenna integrated with textile as a subs... more This paper presents the performance of microstrip patch antenna integrated with textile as a substrate, designed for wearable application. Comparative study between cotton fabric as a substrate with copper tape as radiating element and FR-4 as a substrate with E-textile as a radiating element is performed to evaluate the performance of antennas. The antennas integrated in the proposed structures operate at resonant frequency of 5 GHz. Parameters such as fabric thickness and dielectric permittivity are determined through laboratory measurement prior to simulation to ensure accurate analysis and to take into account non-ideal conditions. Preliminary analysis is performed to observe and investigate the characteristics and electromagnetic performance of the antennas when different types of textile are used as the substrate. Antenna prototypes with two different compositions has been fabricated and tested for validation. The fabricated prototypes give good return loss performance which i...

Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile Research, 2013
This paper reports study on the determination of the actuation performance of shape memory alloy ... more This paper reports study on the determination of the actuation performance of shape memory alloy (SMA) friction-spun yarns (SMA FSY). Thin SMA actuator wire has been spun with 100% cotton fibres into the core of the friction spun yarn structure using DREF 3000 friction spinning. The delivery speed (m/min) and suction pressure (rpm) are varied, while the spinning drum speed as well as the core-sheath ratio are kept constant during production. The SMA FSY has been electrically heated using a customized instrument and the results are reported as the work done (potential energy) and output power (Watt) needed to lift the load (constant weight) from staticcondition. The actuation performances of the SMA FSY are compared with SMA wires actuation performance without sheath. The changes in spinning parameters show different actuation performance of SMA FSY, which is measured as the height to lift the load and the time taken for the SMA core to return to the pre-determined shape. The cohesio...

IEEE Access, 2019
Designing and analyzing a textile-based antenna requires precise representation of the material i... more Designing and analyzing a textile-based antenna requires precise representation of the material in electromagnetic solver. Due to its complex and inhomogeneous thread structure, the exact crosssectional structure of the conductive textile segment was very difficult to be modeled, and thus the representation was simplified to bulk conductivity characteristic. Incorrect conductivity value will cause significant deterioration in antenna impedance and radiation performance. Therefore, the conductivity for an electro-textile material used for a wearable antenna design shall be accurately measured. Previously, a transmission line technique was proposed, however, the reliability of the method in correlation to operational frequency and other test conditions were not clarified. Furthermore, the practicality of that technique and the proposed equation for an actual electro-textile sample was not demonstrated. In this paper, the validity of the method over wide range of frequencies from 500 MHz to 5GHz was validated through a more practical and simplified equation derived from the two-port transmission line concept. The accuracy of the proposed technique and equation was demonstrated through comprehensive electromagnetic simulation, measurement and analysis. For validation, strip line samples that consist of an off-the shelf conductive fabric called SHIELDIT were fabricated on two low-loss substrates with slightly different dielectric characteristics; Rogers RO5880 and Chukoh CGP-500A at 500 MHz, 2.45 GHz, 3.5 GHz and 5 GHz. For comparison, the applicability of the technique for other samples such as pure laminated copper and self-manufactured electro-textile was also tested as reference. Through analysis, the reliability of the technique for different material's loss characteristics, material's conductivity range and operational frequencies was compared through simulation and measurement. The threshold level for conductivity of the test sample was found to be less than 10 7 S/m, which has been validated from 0.5 GHz until up to 5 GHz as shown by the measurement results in this paper. INDEX TERMS Conductive textile, electro-textile, textile antenna, wearable technology.
A biodegradable organic alkaline salt (trisodium nitrilotriacetate) was used in the batch process... more A biodegradable organic alkaline salt (trisodium nitrilotriacetate) was used in the batch process of dyeing cotton fabrics with fiber-reactive dyes replacing the conventionally used inorganic salt, sodium chloride, and inorganic alkali, sodium carbonate. The comparative dyeing results were evaluated for color yield, colorfastness, and total dissolved substances (TDS) content of the effluent. Variables affecting dyeing results such as salt/alkali concentration, dye fixation temperature and time were studied. The color yield and colorfastness of the dyed fabrics using trisodium nitrilotriacetate were very similar to those obtained using inorganic salt and inorganic alkali. The reduction in TDS content of the dyeing effluent, when using trisodium nitrilotriacetate, finally supported the aim of the work.

2012 IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science and Engineering (CHUSER), 2012
The electrospun PVA nanofibres are highly soluble in water. Hence, an improvement to stabilize th... more The electrospun PVA nanofibres are highly soluble in water. Hence, an improvement to stabilize the nanofibres in water has been investigated in the study. The PVA nanofibres were crosslinked with Hexamethylene diisocyanate(HMDI), N, N-Dimethylformamide(DMF) and a mixture of HMDI and DMF. The structures and properties of crosslinked electrospun PVA nanofibres were characterized using the SEM and FTIR. Changes of the membrane area, thickness and membrane stability in water were also investigated. The results show that the PVA nanofibres insoluble in water after crosslinking. The presence of N-H and C=O groups give stable nanofibres in water. However, the structures of nanofibres vary depending upon chemicals used. The HMDI gives similar fibre structures to the uncrosslinked PVA nanofibres. However, the DMF and a mixture of HMDI and DMF change the PVA nanofibre structures. The HMDI is also found to form crosslinking network between the PVA fibres that could improve the fibre-to-fibre bonding in the PVA membrane. From the results, it shows that the HMDI is not only improved the solubility of PVA nanofibres, but it can be used as binding agent for random-oriented fibres.
Papers by Mohd Rozi Ahmad