Setiap kesakitan adalah pengalaman. Rasakan dan pelajari, karena itu adalah rahasia untuk menemuk... more Setiap kesakitan adalah pengalaman. Rasakan dan pelajari, karena itu adalah rahasia untuk menemukan kebahagiaan yang sesungguhnya. Apapun impianmu, yakini saja bahwa kamu bisa mewujudkannya. Keraguan hanya akan melemahkanmu. Syukurilah kesulitan. Karena terkadang kesulitan mengantar kita pada hasil yang lebih baik dari apa yang kita bayangkan. Jangan pernah takut membuat kesalahan, karena selain itu, tidak ada cara lain untuk belajar bagaimana untuk hidup! Orang sukses adalah mereka yang selalu berusaha mewujudkan mimpi-mimpinya. Mereka yang melakukan kesalahan, namun tak pernah menyerah. Sukses adalah perjalanan dari satu kegagalan menuju kegagalan lain, tanpa kehilangan semangat. Sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan, bagi orang yang mau bersungguh-sungguh.
Using synthetic dyes for textile can be harmful human health and can cause environmental pollutio... more Using synthetic dyes for textile can be harmful human health and can cause environmental pollution. So, it needs a safe and environmental friendly to substitute of textile dye that is natural dyes. The advantage of natural dyes is a relatively low pollution and non-toxic. In addition, the use of natural dyes is in smoothness and softness of the color. This product is highly appreciated and maintained, because of its beauty, prestige, cultural structure that cannot replaced by synthetic dyes. One of organic waste and potential as a natural dyes for textile is a dragon fruit peel, because the dragon fruit peel was contained a lot of betacyanine pigment. It is required to substitute of safe and environmentally friendly textile dye that is natural dyes. This study was carried out to determine the effect of mass quantity of raw material, time extraction and different type of solvent to obtain an absorbance value. The mass of raw materials used is 1, 2 and 3 grams with the extraction time...
The use of bleaching agent has increased as the result of increasing of paper consumption. The co... more The use of bleaching agent has increased as the result of increasing of paper consumption. The conventional bleaching agent that commonly used is material containing of chlorine. This material is not environmentally friendly and should be replaced by environmentally benign chemical, such as H 2 O 2. About 40 gram of dry Akasia pulp was mixed with 600 ml of distilled water was put into plastic bag heated in a water bath. When the temperature reached 63 0 C, a solution of 4 % of H 2 O 2 and distilled water was added to obtain 5 % consistency. This mixture was put into water bath and was heated for 2 hours. The same procedure was conducted with various concentration of H 2 O 2 , time and pH. At the end of the process, the pulp was dewatered and washed. The filtrate obtained from the initial dewatering was used to determine the residual of H 2 O 2. The pulp was analyzed to determine brightness, fiber strength and kappa number. The maximum achievement of brightness was 62,1 % ISO, 6.86 of kappa number and 1.02 kg/15 mm of fiber strength, which are reached at16 % of the use of H 2 O 2 , pH 11 and 5 hours of bleaching time. This achievement is similar to bleaching result by the additional of 4% H 2 O 2. Inefficient usage of H 2 O 2 was caused by some metal ions in the pulp which facilitate the decomposition of H 2 O 2 to produce oxygen and water which has not effect on increasing the brightness. To improve the bleach ability of H 2 O 2 , initial treatment to remove metal ions from pulp should be done.
Setiap kesakitan adalah pengalaman. Rasakan dan pelajari, karena itu adalah rahasia untuk menemuk... more Setiap kesakitan adalah pengalaman. Rasakan dan pelajari, karena itu adalah rahasia untuk menemukan kebahagiaan yang sesungguhnya. Apapun impianmu, yakini saja bahwa kamu bisa mewujudkannya. Keraguan hanya akan melemahkanmu. Syukurilah kesulitan. Karena terkadang kesulitan mengantar kita pada hasil yang lebih baik dari apa yang kita bayangkan. Jangan pernah takut membuat kesalahan, karena selain itu, tidak ada cara lain untuk belajar bagaimana untuk hidup! Orang sukses adalah mereka yang selalu berusaha mewujudkan mimpi-mimpinya. Mereka yang melakukan kesalahan, namun tak pernah menyerah. Sukses adalah perjalanan dari satu kegagalan menuju kegagalan lain, tanpa kehilangan semangat. Sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan, bagi orang yang mau bersungguh-sungguh.
Using synthetic dyes for textile can be harmful human health and can cause environmental pollutio... more Using synthetic dyes for textile can be harmful human health and can cause environmental pollution. So, it needs a safe and environmental friendly to substitute of textile dye that is natural dyes. The advantage of natural dyes is a relatively low pollution and non-toxic. In addition, the use of natural dyes is in smoothness and softness of the color. This product is highly appreciated and maintained, because of its beauty, prestige, cultural structure that cannot replaced by synthetic dyes. One of organic waste and potential as a natural dyes for textile is a dragon fruit peel, because the dragon fruit peel was contained a lot of betacyanine pigment. It is required to substitute of safe and environmentally friendly textile dye that is natural dyes. This study was carried out to determine the effect of mass quantity of raw material, time extraction and different type of solvent to obtain an absorbance value. The mass of raw materials used is 1, 2 and 3 grams with the extraction time...
The use of bleaching agent has increased as the result of increasing of paper consumption. The co... more The use of bleaching agent has increased as the result of increasing of paper consumption. The conventional bleaching agent that commonly used is material containing of chlorine. This material is not environmentally friendly and should be replaced by environmentally benign chemical, such as H 2 O 2. About 40 gram of dry Akasia pulp was mixed with 600 ml of distilled water was put into plastic bag heated in a water bath. When the temperature reached 63 0 C, a solution of 4 % of H 2 O 2 and distilled water was added to obtain 5 % consistency. This mixture was put into water bath and was heated for 2 hours. The same procedure was conducted with various concentration of H 2 O 2 , time and pH. At the end of the process, the pulp was dewatered and washed. The filtrate obtained from the initial dewatering was used to determine the residual of H 2 O 2. The pulp was analyzed to determine brightness, fiber strength and kappa number. The maximum achievement of brightness was 62,1 % ISO, 6.86 of kappa number and 1.02 kg/15 mm of fiber strength, which are reached at16 % of the use of H 2 O 2 , pH 11 and 5 hours of bleaching time. This achievement is similar to bleaching result by the additional of 4% H 2 O 2. Inefficient usage of H 2 O 2 was caused by some metal ions in the pulp which facilitate the decomposition of H 2 O 2 to produce oxygen and water which has not effect on increasing the brightness. To improve the bleach ability of H 2 O 2 , initial treatment to remove metal ions from pulp should be done.
Papers by Ahmad M Fuadi