Papers by Ahmad Jamaludin

ADLIYA: Jurnal Hukum dan Kemanusiaan, 2021
The punishment policy in the form of chemical castration for perpetrators of sexual crimes is a c... more The punishment policy in the form of chemical castration for perpetrators of sexual crimes is a confusing policy when viewed from the perspective of a double-track system. The application of castration sanctions is contrary to the purpose of action sanctions in the double-track system because it does not aim to restore the perpetrators, but rather to provide a deterrent effect and retaliation. So that the chemical castration policy is wrong because it is not in accordance with following the principle of action sanctions in the double-track system. The research method used is normative juridical using primary and secondary data and then analyzed qualitatively. This study aims to find out about the double-track system and to determine the action of chemical castration in the perspective of the double-track system. The results of this study show, First in the double-track system, the criminal system is known in two ways, namely, through legal sanctions and witnesses of action, legal sa...

ADLIYA: Jurnal Hukum dan Kemanusiaan, 2021
Sexual crimes in Indonesia have become increasingly worrying, especially against children, effort... more Sexual crimes in Indonesia have become increasingly worrying, especially against children, efforts to protect child victims by the government with Perpu No.1 of 2016 which has been passed into Law Number 17 of 2017 concerning child protection. This Perpu provides for additional regulations with castration for sexual crimes against children. The making of this policy was tinged with pros and cons because it was not in accordance with the objectives of punishment and Islamic law. The research method used is normative juridical with quantitative analysis. The purpose of this research is to see the view of the purpose of the punishment of chemical castration which is released to perpetrators of sexual crimes and to see and explain the Islamic legal views of the act of castration. The results of this study are First, the implementation of castration is an act of violence and contrary to the 1945 Constitution, namely Article 28 G paragraph 2 and Article 33 paragraph 1 of Law No. 39 of 199...

JCIC : Jurnal CIC Lembaga Riset dan Konsultan Sosial
Child protection law is a state policy in guaranteeing the rights and obligations of the child it... more Child protection law is a state policy in guaranteeing the rights and obligations of the child itself, both regulated in private law and in public law and formal law in the sense of the process of enforcing the protection of the child. Child protection is an effort to maintain children's human rights so that they can continue to grow and develop into the hope and successor of the nation and state. Legal protection for victims is an obligation of the state and society that must be sought, be it government institutions, be it the police or child protection institutions or the community itself. This study aims to find out how to realize legal protection for child victims of sexual violence, to find out the obstacles faced in implementing legal protection and to find out what efforts are being made to overcome obstacles in the legal protection process for victims of child abuse so that justice and legal certainty fully implemented. This research was conducted using descriptive analy...
Papers by Ahmad Jamaludin