Papers by Agordzo K. George
Biomedical signal processing and control, Oct 1, 2024

Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems
In today’s digital age, log files are crucial. However, the conversion of text log files into ima... more In today’s digital age, log files are crucial. However, the conversion of text log files into images has only recently been developed. The security of log files is a major source of concern, and the security of the systems in which the logs are stored determines the safety of the log file in process mining. This calls for the first conversion of a text log file into an image file. Thus, this research aims to convert the log files into images in a mugshot database and detect illegal activity and criminals from the converted images employing a novel Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The developed model has three stages: pre-processing, feature extraction, and detection and matching. The pre-processing was performed by min-max normalization, and in feature extraction, the deep learning method was used. Moreover, in the detection phase, CNN is employed for detecting illegal activities, and the matching process is performed for detecting illegal activities from converted images and cri...
2023 25th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT)

The integration of Internet Protocol and Embedded Systems can enhance the communication platform.... more The integration of Internet Protocol and Embedded Systems can enhance the communication platform. This paper describes the emerging smart technologies based on Internet of Things (IOT) and internet protocols along with embedded systems for monitoring and controlling smart devices with the help of Wi-Fi technology and web applications. The internet protocol (IP) address has been assigned to the things to control and operate the devices via remote network that facilitates the interoperability and end-to-end communication among various devices c,onnected over a network. The HTTP POST and HTTP GET command that supports the RESTful service have been used to ensure the transmission and reception of packets between the IOT Gateway and Cloud Database. The emerging smart technologies based on the Internet of Things (IoT) facilitated features like automation, controllability, interconnectivity, reliability which in turn turn paved the way for a wide range of acceptance amongst the masses. The...

Multi-variable time series (MTS) information is a typical type of data inference in the real worl... more Multi-variable time series (MTS) information is a typical type of data inference in the real world. Every instance of MTS is produced via a hybrid dynamical scheme, the dynamics of which are often unknown. The hybrid species of this dynamical service are the outcome of high-frequency and low-frequency external impacts, as well as global and local spatial impacts. These influences impact MTS’s future growth; hence, they must be incorporated into time series forecasts. Two types of normalization modules, temporal and spatial normalization, are recommended to accomplish this. Each boosts the original data’s local and high-frequency processes distinctly. In addition, all components are easily incorporated into well-known deep learning techniques, such as Wavenet and Transformer. However, existing methodologies have inherent limitations when it comes to isolating the variables produced by each sort of influence from the real data. Consequently, the study encompasses conventional neural n...
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience
2022 IEEE World AI IoT Congress (AIIoT)
2022 IEEE Delhi Section Conference (DELCON)
Transactions on Edutainment XVI, 2020
Road scene segmentation has always been regarded as a pixel-wise task in computer vision studies.... more Road scene segmentation has always been regarded as a pixel-wise task in computer vision studies. In this paper, we introduce a practical and new features fusion structure named “Dual Path Network” for road semantic segmentation. This form aims to reduce the gap between low-level and high-level information, thereby improving features fusion. The Dual Path consists of two subpaths: Context Path and Spatial Path. In the Context Path, we select a pre-trained ResNet-101 model as the backbone and use multi-scale convolution blocks comprise the Spatial Path. Then, we create a fusion residual block and channel attention model to further optimize the network. The results of the experiment confirm a state-of-the-art mean intersection-over-union of 68.5% using the CamVid dataset.
2022 IEEE Delhi Section Conference (DELCON)
Every day in different countries, shopping is carried out by every category of persons. Currently... more Every day in different countries, shopping is carried out by every category of persons. Currently, people going shopping have to push around trolleys loaded with a lot of merchandise and this is so stressful and difficult to push around. We aim to solve the current problem stated above and also ease mobility during shopping as customers such as nursing mothers with more than one child to take care of find it stressful to shop. To overcome this, we plan on automating the current trolley system by controlling the robotic trolley with hand gestures. The transmission device interfaces with an Arduino ATMEGA microcontroller, which receives signals and propels the robot based on its user's hand gesture. It reduces the stress of pushing around a shopping cart and can be controlled by hand gestures.
2022 IEEE 12th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC), 2022

Modernization has paved way for many technological developments, leading to increased security de... more Modernization has paved way for many technological developments, leading to increased security dependency across the globe. People are cognizant of how crucial security is and how it must be embedded into every system they use. Therefore, researchers, scientists, and developers have carried out numerous studies to provide better solutions for challenges encountered in this field of study. Our paper discusses and analyses, an Arduino based device, designed to track and monitor in real-time, valuable items that a user prefers to keep within a range of 10meters at all times. A comparison of the physical and simulated design of the device is proposed to measure reliability, cost and speed. Unique to this design is the use of Bluetooth, which enables a connection between the user’s phone Bluetooth and the Arduino device. The experiment results prove that; (1) as soon as connection is lost, a call is made from the device to the user’s phone to signal a disconnection, and an alert message ...

Innovative Systems Design and Engineering, 2020
In statistics, Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) is a method of estimating the parameters of a ... more In statistics, Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) is a method of estimating the parameters of a particular statistical model, finding parameter values that maximize probability, observations, and the parameters are specified. The MLE can be seen as a special case of maximum post-positive estimation (MAP), which includes a uniform preventive distribution of parameters, or as a variant of the MAP that ignores the above and is therefore unregulated. Now let's look at an alternative to the MVU estimator, which is desirable in situations where the minimum variance unbiased (MVU) estimator does not exist or cannot be found, even if it exists. This estimator, which relies on the principle of maximum likelihood, is primarily the common method for obtaining a practical estimator. It has the clear advantage of being a crank turning procedure, which allows you to implement it for complicated estimation problems. A clear advantage of MLE is that it can be found numerically for a given dataset. The safest way to find the MLE is to search the grid, as long as the space between the searches are small enough, we are sure to find the MLE.

Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems, 2020
The reduction and filtering of the input components of an original signal in one or more frequenc... more The reduction and filtering of the input components of an original signal in one or more frequency bands using a finite impulse response, better known as FIR, is designed using a function of the Hamming window. Although there are various window functions such as the Blackman window function, the Hanning window function and the rectangular window functions that can be used as digital filters, the Hamming window function was used in this study for the reason of its minimum damping/decibel of the stopband with a reduced transition bandwidth. Among the other three widow functions that can be used, the Blackman window function is closest to the Hamming window function in terms of minimum bandstop attenuation/decibel, since both have a dB value greater than -50. However, in terms of transition bandwidth (Δω), the Hamming window has a narrower bandwidth than the Blackman window, making it more appropriate to use in this FIR filter design. This type of filter is important for analyzing the different types of signals that are essential in a world where digital filters play a major role in DSP applications. This research paper offers a Matlab-based low-pass FIR digital filter that uses Hamming window functions.

Innovative Systems Design and Engineering
In statistics, Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) is a method of estimating the parameters of a ... more In statistics, Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) is a method of estimating the parameters of a particular statistical model, finding parameter values that maximize probability, observations, and the parameters are specified. The MLE can be seen as a special case of maximum post-positive estimation (MAP), which includes a uniform preventive distribution of parameters, or as a variant of the MAP that ignores the above and is therefore unregulated. Now let's look at an alternative to the MVU estimator, which is desirable in situations where the minimum variance unbiased (MVU) estimator does not exist or cannot be found, even if it exists. This estimator, which relies on the principle of maximum likelihood, is primarily the common method for obtaining a practical estimator. It has the clear advantage of being a crank turning procedure, which allows you to implement it for complicated estimation problems. A clear advantage of MLE is that it can be found numerically for a given data-set. The safest way to find the MLE is to search the grid, as long as the space between the searches are small enough, we are sure to find the MLE. Keywords: Maximum Likelihood Estimation , minimum variance unbiased, Estimator, Probability Distribution Function. DOI: 10.7176/ISDE/11-3-05 Publication date: June 30 th 2020

Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development
Performance appraisals improve the work performance of employees by helping them realize their fu... more Performance appraisals improve the work performance of employees by helping them realize their full potentials in carrying out their firm's mission and also, to provide information to employees and managers for use in making work-related decisions. They, also, provide feedback to employees and thereby serve as a vehicle for personal and career development. Performance appraisals, however, are beset with difficulties as a result of their complex nature. The general objective of the study, therefore, was to evaluate the performance appraisal system and its effect on employee productivity (performance) at the Ghana Education Service (GES). The research design used in the study was the descriptive study because it was appropriate for the achievement of the research objectives. The population for the study was 153 and a sample size of 108 respondents was selected using the probability and non-probability sampling method. Interview and questionnaires were used as instruments for the study and out of 106 questionnaires distributed, all of them were retrieved from respondents and interview conducted for two respondents. The data was analyzed with tables, bar charts. Among the main findings of the study was that the GES only carried out performance appraisal when teachers were due for promotion. The finding indicated a negative relationship between performance appraisal and productivity of teachers. It means that performance appraisal has no link with the WASSCE results. The study recommends that the Ghana Education Service should adopt performance apprnaisal that is tailored to the job description and the job analysis, that is, there should be a clear cut policy on the conduct of performance appraisal in the GES in order to improve on its conduct. Keywords: High School, Productivity, Appraisal, Performance, Employee DOI: 10.7176/JESD/12-2-01 Publication date: January 31 st 2021

Modernization has paved way for many technological developments, leading to increased security de... more Modernization has paved way for many technological developments, leading to increased security dependency across the globe. People are cognizant of how crucial security is and how it must be embedded into every system they use. Therefore, researchers, scientists, and developers have carried out numerous studies to provide better solutions for challenges encountered in this field of study. Our paper discusses and analyses, an Arduino based device, designed to track and monitor in real-time, valuable items that a user prefers to keep within a range of 10meters at all times. A comparison of the physical and simulated design of the device is proposed to measure reliability, cost and speed. Unique to this design is the use of Bluetooth, which enables a connection between the user’s phone Bluetooth and the Arduino device. The experiment results prove that; (1) as soon as connection is lost, a call is made from the device to the user’s phone to signal a disconnection, and an alert message ...

Distributed computing is an evolving trends in computing where clients can access their applicati... more Distributed computing is an evolving trends in computing where clients can access their applications from anyplace through their internet enable gadgets where user friendly interface is developed to support the applications straightforward to clients. The applications lived in greatly versatile servers where resources can be progressively provided and shared to accomplish huge task of operations. A solid management results in close to zero administration costs when more IT assets are added to the cloud. The expansion and increasing of technological gadgets (smart phones and laptops and tablets), fast internet connectivity, has made the distributed computing model reasonable as well as decreased IT sophistication. Starting from the development of server and taking advantage of multi-nodal online information management and program handling execution. As organizations effectively seek after proficiency and cost decrease all through their frameworks and operational structure, the inborn...
Papers by Agordzo K. George