Papers by Agnieszka Wołowicz
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia de Cultura
Participation research as the answer to the assumptions of the social model of disability? The so... more Participation research as the answer to the assumptions of the social model of disability? The social model of disability, the requirement for the subjective treatment of participants in social research and the availability of research subjects to the research process, resulting from the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, put researchers before the need to seek new research strategies that grasp the world of meanings of the respondents. The model of participatory research, which seems also appropriate for capturing the intersectionality of the gender and disability, seems to meet these challenges. Key words: women with intellectual disabilities, qualitative research, inclusive research

W artykule prezentowane są wyniki badań dotyczących myślenia twórczego dzieci z zaburzeniami ze ... more W artykule prezentowane są wyniki badań dotyczących myślenia twórczego dzieci z zaburzeniami ze spektrum autyzmu. Analiza tego zagadnienia opiera się na dyferencjacji autystycznego spektrum zaburzeń. Rozróżnienie autyzmu wczesnodziecięcego, zespołu Aspergera oraz autyzmu wysokofunkcjonującego jest punktem wyjścia rozważań nad metodologicznymi trudnościami związanymi z prowadzeniem badań nad zdolnościami twórczymi w autyzmie. W artykule wskazano również możliwe kierunki dalszych prac w tym zakresie.
This paper presents the results of research on creative thinking in children with autism spectrum disorders. The analysis of this issue is based on the differentiation of autism spectrum disorders. The distinction between early infantile autism, Asperger syndrome and high-functioning autism is the starting point for the analysis of methodological difficulties in conducting research on creative abilities in autism. The article also identifies possible directions for further work in this area
Papers by Agnieszka Wołowicz
This paper presents the results of research on creative thinking in children with autism spectrum disorders. The analysis of this issue is based on the differentiation of autism spectrum disorders. The distinction between early infantile autism, Asperger syndrome and high-functioning autism is the starting point for the analysis of methodological difficulties in conducting research on creative abilities in autism. The article also identifies possible directions for further work in this area
This paper presents the results of research on creative thinking in children with autism spectrum disorders. The analysis of this issue is based on the differentiation of autism spectrum disorders. The distinction between early infantile autism, Asperger syndrome and high-functioning autism is the starting point for the analysis of methodological difficulties in conducting research on creative abilities in autism. The article also identifies possible directions for further work in this area