Papers by Agnieszka Stetkiewicz-Lewandowicz

Scientific Reports, Oct 3, 2023
The concept of healthy ageing, i.e. maintaining health in late life, is closely connected with th... more The concept of healthy ageing, i.e. maintaining health in late life, is closely connected with the role of health behavior. Although health behavior is determined by personal factors, little is known about its relationships with wisdom and positive orientation. Therefore, the aim of the study was to establish relationships between sociodemographic and health factors, personal resources (wisdom and positive orientation) and health-related behavior in late life. The study included 353 Polish seniors aged 60-99 (M = 71.95; SD = 1.45). The respondents completed the Health-Related Questionnaire for Seniors, Three Dimensional Wisdom Scale, Positive Orientation Scale and a sociodemographic survey. Wisdom and positive orientation were associated with general health behavior and all of its factors. Among the sociodemographic variables, attendance in nonformal education courses had the strongest predictive role for health behavior. A hierarchical regression model demonstrated that personal resources significantly determined healthy lifestyle, after controlling for sociodemographic factors. Additionally, mediational analyses revealed that positive orientation acted as a partial mediator between wisdom and health behavior. Our findings extend knowledge about the factors enhancing healthy lifestyle in older adults, indicating that both wisdom and positive orientation may represent valuable personal resources for health-related behavior. Recent years have seen increasing attention being paid to the search for factors ensuring identifying people who are aging well. Following the first World Report on Aging and Health prepared by WHO 1 , the construct of healthy aging is becoming currently widespread used. The definition of healthy aging by the WHO refers to "more than just the absence of disease; it is the process of developing and maintaining the functional ability that enables well-being in older age". Functional ability comprises a number of health-related attributes, viz. the intrinsic capacity of the individual, the characteristics of the environment and the interactions between them. In this sense, intrinsic capacity refers to genotype, sociodemographic and personal traits, and health characteristics, including health-related behavior, physiological changes, risk factors and diseases. Health behavior is understood as any activity undertaken by individuals for the purpose of maintaining, enhancing, or protecting their health 2,3. Health behavior typically includes physical activity, dietary habits, substance avoidance, positive health practices, and preventive behavior. These modifiable behavioral factors appear to have a direct association with the maintenance of objective and subjective health outcomes and life expectancy 4-7. However, in the late-life period, health behavior may change in response to deteriorating health, loss of physical strength and specific developmental tasks. Older adults demonstrate different health behaviors to other life stages, being more extensively focused on medical treatment, attitudes to intellectual and mental health 8. According to theoretical approaches to health behavior determinants, personal traits, self-control abilities, knowledge and beliefs can help foster healthier behavioral adjustments 2,9. These include sociodemographic variables such as age, sex, former and current education, marital, financial and health status; all of which can affect the level of health behavior 10,11. A particularly important group of health behavior predictors comprises personal resources. Research has found typical health behavior in older adults to be determined by personal attributes, such as resiliency, spirituality, optimism, and developmental task attainment 12-14. In later life, personal traits may also affect health behavior by enhancing well-being 12,13 .
Medical Science and Technology, Nov 15, 2010

Mental crisis exerts a negative effect on personal, vocational and social activity. Mental diseas... more Mental crisis exerts a negative effect on personal, vocational and social activity. Mental disease is often accompanied by factors reducing the quality of life of patients. Another problem is deeply rooted stereotypes and prejudices functioning in the public opinion, according to which people who suffer from mental disorder should be considered insane and often dangerous for society. In Poland, thanks to, amongst others, the EFS funds, it is possible to finance and implement research concerning quality of life of people who have experienced a mental crisis. The aim of the study was to evaluate the quality of life of people suffering from mental disorders from the Lodz region on the basis of eight points scale assessing their personal, occupational, and social functioning. The study included a group of 101 patients with mental disorders. Participants were selected randomly from mental health institutions functioning in the region of Lodz. To evaluate the quality of life in the group ...
American Heart Journal, 2000
Medical Science and Technology, 2012
![Research paper thumbnail of [Social exclusion and discrimination of chronically mentally ill people in the Lodz region]](
Polski merkuriusz lekarski : organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego, 2013
Mental crisis exerts a negative effect on somatic, psychological and social functioning of a ment... more Mental crisis exerts a negative effect on somatic, psychological and social functioning of a mentally ill person. Mental disease is often accompanied by factors increasing the social exclusion and discrimination of patients. Another problem is deeply rooted stereotypes and prejudices functioning in the public opinion, according to which people who suffer from mental disorder are considered insane and often dangerous for society. In Poland, thanks to, amongst others, the ESF (The European Social Fund) funds, it is possible to finance and implement research concerning social exclusion and discrimination of people who have experienced a mental crisis. The aim of the study was to evaluate the level of social exclusion and discrimination of people suffering from mental disorders from the Lodz region on the basis of seven points scale assessing their personal, occupational, and social functioning. MATERIAL AND METHODS; The study included a group of 101 patients with mental disorders. Part...

Społeczne konteksty chorób przewlekłych. Wybrane zagadnienia, 2013
Jakość życia osób przewlekle chorych psychicznie w województwie łódzkim 1 Z analizy dotychczas zr... more Jakość życia osób przewlekle chorych psychicznie w województwie łódzkim 1 Z analizy dotychczas zrealizowanych badań, przeglądu literatury przedmiotu oraz wypowiedzi specjalistów zajmujących się osobami chorującymi psychicznie wyłania się bardzo pesymistyczny obraz sytuacji tych pacjentów (Świtaj 2005). Kryzys psychiczny zawsze negatywnie wpływa na aktywność osobistą, zawodową i społeczną chorych, a niepełnosprawności psychicznej często towarzyszą czynniki obniżające jakość życia pacjentów. Zaburzenia wynikające z choroby psychicznej powodują ograniczenie zdolności adekwatnego pełnienia ról społecznych, przede wszystkim w zakresie rozumienia oraz postrzegania wymagań i oczekiwań związanych z tymi rolami (Kaszyński 2004). Stan taki ma miejsce w przypadku zaburzeń psychicznych, przy których mechanizmy umysłowe i objawy wiążą się z poważnym ograniczeniem kompetencji psychofizycznych, intelektualnych, emocjonalnych i społecznych. Przebieg choroby jest intensywny, objawy występują przewlekle lub nawracają, a dodatkowo dotyczą 1 Kierownik projektu: mgr Ewa Nowaczyńska. Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, podziałanie 7.2.1 Aktywizacja zawodowa i społeczna osób zagrożonych wykluczeniem społecznym, Program Operacyjny Kapitał Ludzki.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Neuropsychological tests in a group of patients with ischaemic heart disease]](
AIM Ischaemic heart disease (IHD) tops the list of sick and death rates all over the world. IHD b... more AIM Ischaemic heart disease (IHD) tops the list of sick and death rates all over the world. IHD brings the risk of central nervous system disturbances. On the other hand lower neuropsychological tests results enable to predict cardiac relapse. We assess the neuropsychological function such as working memory and executive functions, associated with prefrontal cortex activity, as well as direct and delayed verbal memory in patients with ischemic heart disease vs. healthy subjects. METHODS The following neuropsychological tests were applied in the study for evaluation of cognitive functions: the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) and the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT). RESULTS In the patients with IHD a significant intensification of cognitive dysfunctions (working memory and executive dysfunctions also immediate and delayed memory) was observed in comparison with the control group of healthy subjects. CONCLUSIONS Cognitive dysfunctions are widespread effect among IHD patien...

The problem of depression among patients with Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD) especially after myoca... more The problem of depression among patients with Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD) especially after myocardial infarction (MI) is well documented. Various levels of cognitive dysfunctions also constitute a frequent problem in the clinical picture of IHD. The association of the two can be especially dangerous for the process of treatment and rehabilitation. The study group consisted of 111 patients aged 41–65 years Cognitive functions were evaluated by means of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). The mental status was assessed by means of the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS). In the study group no elevated symptoms of depression were found, but subdepression could not be ruled out. The results of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WSCT) showed working memory dysfunction and executive functions impairment in the study group when compared with the control group. There was no statistically significant correlation between the depressive symptoms m...

Streszczenie Wprowadzenie i cel. Ortoreksja jest definiowana jako nadmierne zaabsorbowanie tematy... more Streszczenie Wprowadzenie i cel. Ortoreksja jest definiowana jako nadmierne zaabsorbowanie tematyką jedzenia, przygotowywanie posiłków według ściśle określonych zasad, podporządkowanie swojego życia restrykcyjnej diecie. Celem badania była ocena zagrożenia ortoreksją wśród studentów kierunku dietetyka, ocena związku pomiędzy realizowanymi studiami a tendencjami do prezentowania zachowań ortorektycznych. Kolejnym celem była próba znalezienia czynników predysponujących do występowania tego zaburzenia w grupie przyszłych dietetyków. Materiał i metoda. Badania przeprowadzono wśród 155 studentów kierunku dietetyka Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi. Do badania zastosowano ankietę personalną oraz dwa kwestionariusze, które posłużyły do diagnozy ortoreksji: test autorstwa Stevena Bratmana (BOT) oraz test ORTO-15. Wyniki. Co trzecia osoba badana spełniała kryteria diagnostyczne ortoreksji. 39% znalazło się w grupie podwyższonego ryzyka, a 28% badanych nie zgłaszało żadnych symptomów charaktery...
Postepy Psychiatrii i Neurologii
STRESZCZENIE Cel. Celem pracy była ocena wybranych funkcji poznawczych i nasilenia objawów depres... more STRESZCZENIE Cel. Celem pracy była ocena wybranych funkcji poznawczych i nasilenia objawów depresyjnych u pacjentów po udarze mózgu oraz prześledzenie zależności między zaburzeniami poznawczymi, a obniżonym nastrojem. Metoda. Badaniami objęto ...
Polski merkuriusz lekarski: organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego
Ischemic heart disease (IHD) is one of the main causes of death and disability worldwide. This si... more Ischemic heart disease (IHD) is one of the main causes of death and disability worldwide. This situation stimulates research of its ethiopathogenesis. The role of psychosocial factors like depression, stress is underlined. Also personality traits play an important role in this process. The aim of study was to assess temperament and character traits in a group of patients with IHD.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Health education from the perspective of contemporary challenges and threats]](
Polski merkuriusz lekarski : organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego, 2013
The latest socio-economical changes have had a great impact on the perception of health issues. T... more The latest socio-economical changes have had a great impact on the perception of health issues. The definition of health according to the WHO is often citied here as a kind of postulate of psychical, psychological and sociological well being. Health education takes an important part in propagating ideas of promoting and protecting health and also shaping life skills. Health education especially affects schools but it also has an impact on family and local community. Contemporary definitions of health education underline that it is also a process of learning how to take care of one's own health and that of others'. This attitude to health corresponds with the changing health problems affecting society. Despite implementing many programs and actions promoting health and preventing diseases on a world and European scale, there still exist many problems in this area. They are particularly due to disproportionate access to medical help and technological development resulting from...
Papers by Agnieszka Stetkiewicz-Lewandowicz