In my essay I pursue the line of inquiry which has recently been proposed by scholars who have re... more In my essay I pursue the line of inquiry which has recently been proposed by scholars who have reconstructed the historical context of Wollstonecraft’s feminism to bring into sharper focus what can be seen as consistent motives of her thought. Starting out from the thesis of Barbara Taylor that Wollstonecraft’s feminism was deeply rooted in the egalitarian theology of Radical Protestantism (Barbara Taylor, Mary Wollstonecraft and the feminist imagination Cambridge University Press, 2003) I will argue that her brief career shows how, in her analysis of the hierarchy of the cognitive faculties, first she redefined reason by ascribing to it the power of intuitive apprehension, and eventually she replaced reason with imagination as the distinctive attribute of the human mind. Positioning herself—through Price’s theology and moral philosophy—in the Platonic and pagan as well as Christian Neo-Platonic traditions, she arrived several years before Wordsworth or Coleridge not only at an intu...
In my essay I pursue the line of inquiry which has recently been proposed by scholars who have re... more In my essay I pursue the line of inquiry which has recently been proposed by scholars who have reconstructed the historical context of Wollstonecraft's feminism to bring into sharper focus what can be seen as consistent motives of her thought. Starting out from the thesis of Barbara Taylor that Wollstonecraft's feminism was deeply rooted in the egalitarian theology of Radical Protestantism (Barbara Taylor, Mary Wollstonecraft and the feminist imagination Cambridge University Press, 2003) I will argue that her brief career shows how, in her analysis of the hierarchy of the cognitive faculties, first she redefined reason by ascribing to it the power of intuitive apprehension, and eventually she replaced reason with imagination as the distinctive attribute of the human mind. Positioning herself-through Price's theology and moral philosophy-in the Platonic and pagan as well as Christian Neo-Platonic traditions, she arrived several years before Wordsworth or Coleridge not only at an intuition of the creativity of human thinking but at a definition of the imagination as the supreme mental faculty. As a result, in some emotionally highly charged passages of her Letters Written During a Short Residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark (1796), she constructed her own version of early Romanticism in England. These passages can be read side by side with passages of epiphany in Wordsworth's 1805 Prelude as the most powerful examples of the imagination leading through an investment in the quotidian to an apprehension of immortality.
Marinovich Sarolta emléke előtti tisztelgésként a tanulmányban Wordsworth önéletrajzi regényével ... more Marinovich Sarolta emléke előtti tisztelgésként a tanulmányban Wordsworth önéletrajzi regényével (ThePrelude) összevetve az Aurora Leigh-t – ezt a számára igen kedves verses regényt – elemzem. Tizennégy éves korában Elizabeth Barrrett kijelentette: „Ma egy nő is bejárhatja Pegazusán Parnasszus birodalmait anélkül, hogy a legkétesebb értékű jelzőt akasztanák rá, vagyis hogy tudós hölgynek neveznék”. Ezt a gyermeki optimizmust pályája nem igazolta. Igaz, hogy jelentős pozíciót jelölt ki számára a korabeli kritika a viktoriánus értékrendben, hogy felismerték, ő az egyike azon szerzőknek, akiknek hatása meghatározó volt a korszellem kialakulására, élete végéig kénytelen volt elviselni a leereszkedő beszédmódot, melyet a hivatalos kritika a nőírók megítélésére használt. Saját kritikai írásai rendkívül éleslátásról tanúskodnak a századelő költői hagyományainak megítélésében, a verses regénye pedig igazolja, hogy erkölcsi integritása megingathatatlan, költői érzékenysége és látásmódja pedi...
One of the most prolific literary figures of the interwar period in Hungary, scholar, critic, nov... more One of the most prolific literary figures of the interwar period in Hungary, scholar, critic, novelist, Antal SZERB, wanted to visit Spain in 1936. He had never been to Spain before. However, by the time he managed to find funding for the trip, he realized that "in that most frightful summer of her history, Spain was not a hospitable country. In a voice of varying intensity the two competing radio channels relentlessly blared into the ears of the world news of the destruction of those things that one is likely to want to go to Spain for, " he writes in his journal. 1 Prompted by his premonitions, he decided to go to Italy until there was time. On his return, the diary was published, and today it is seen as the record of a journey towards self-definition as well as the definition of the spirit of Europe in a period when both were seriously threatened by violence and disintegration. It is a document of his desperate search for inner harmony-that he calls "serenity"-as a protecting shield against the horrors anticipated by the political events in Europe. In 1936, Italy was already Mussolini's country: the noisy presence of the mob penetrates into the body of the text again and again. In the terms of his sentimental and intellectual response to Europe's cultural monuments, Szerb opens up mental spaces that hide his suppressed anxieties. He is interested in the great topic of the Romantics: how memory obliterates, and preserves, in ever altered forms, the relics of the past. Like Byron a century before, he is struck by the discrepancy between past and present: "Is this, " he asks, "what used to be the people Milton in the Hungarian Cultural Memory • 1 • Research for this essay was supported by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, OTKA (Grant No. 71770). 1 "Spanyolország, történetének ezen a legszörnyűbb nyarán, nem mutatkozott vendégszerető országnak, és két ellentmondó rádiója váltakozó buzgalommal süvítette a világba azoknak a dolgoknak a pusztulását, amelyekért az ember Spanyolországba szeretne menni" (SZERB 1981, 647). Unless indicated otherwise, all translations are mine.
A tamogatas ket PhD hallgatot juttatott stabil jovedelemhez egyenkent masfel even at, amikor is b... more A tamogatas ket PhD hallgatot juttatott stabil jovedelemhez egyenkent masfel even at, amikor is be tudtak fejezni es meg tudtak vedeni PhD disszertaciojukat. 8 fiatal kutatonak tudtuk kifizetni rovid kutatoutra, illetve konferencian valo reszvetelre a koltsegeit. 2009-ben a projekt temajabol konferenciat rendeztunk ot egyetem kutatoinak reszvetelevel, 2010-ben pedig egy nemzetkozi konferenciat hivtunk ossze a temaban kiemelkedő eredmenyekkel rendelkező meghivott előadoval (Davidhazi Peter az MTA lev. tagja, ELTE; Elinor Shaffer akademikus, Univesity of London; Prof. Richard Cronin, University of Glasgow; Prof. John Drakakis, University of Stirling; Prof. Ronald Soetaert, University of Ghent; Dr. Alistair Davies, University of Sussex) es 28 tovabbi resztvevővel. Mind a ket konferencianak megjelent szigoru valogatasi es szerkesztesi procedura alapjan kialakult anyaga. Szabadon kutathato digitalis adatbazist hoztunk letre az angol-magyar kulturalis kapcsolatok torteneteről az 1800 es 1...
The Anachronist 1995 is intended as an antidote to the ~oom created by the many pessimists whose ... more The Anachronist 1995 is intended as an antidote to the ~oom created by the many pessimists whose vision is ~ircumscribed ~y factors subject to change. It 1s a volume of essays that signals the commg-of-age of • students who, in the course oftheir unaergraduate or postgraduate studies, have nurtured a passionate intellectual interest in topics as diverse as theconventions of mediaeval poetry, the feminist thoug}:it of Anne Sexton, the philosophy of the Renaissance, the Metaphysicals and Shelley, the religious experience of Milton, Blake and T.S.Eliot, the aesthetics of the Pre-Raphaelites and Greenaway, and the narrative techniques of Steme, Hardy, Joyce, Virginia Woolf and Burgess. In the followmg papers attitudes vary, approaches differ, but the voice remains _personal, the research reliable, and the touch of originality undeniable. With so many economic forces at work destructive of what has traditionally been called a universiry education, it is vital for us to create an intellectual ambiance within our department; an ambiance that would encourage a spirit of adventure, a tolerance for the unorthodox, and a hunger for the new, while preserving a respect for the more traditional scholarly practices still worthy of our attention. Fot it is certain that only intellectual strength, courage, and discipline will have the persuasive power in the lean years ahead. Heartfelt thanks is due to those teachers who have spared neither time nor energy in encouraging and guidin~ students. We can only hope that The Anachronist 1995 will be followed bf The Anachronist 1996, and that this collection of student essays wil become a watchword for renewal, continuity, and relevance.
This essay is focused on some temperamental and conceptual relations between Blake’s vision and L... more This essay is focused on some temperamental and conceptual relations between Blake’s vision and Ludwig Zinzendorf’s theology and practice, and hopes to contribute, however modestly, to the clarification of the question of how much Blake’s hypothetical contacts with the Moravian Church may alter his position among artists and thinkers concerned with the “limits” of the Enlightenment.
In Heidegger's view "wir sind bislang in das eigene Wesen des Denken nicht eingegangen,... more In Heidegger's view "wir sind bislang in das eigene Wesen des Denken nicht eingegangen, un darin zu wohnen": we have not yet entered the intrinsic essence of thinking so as to dwell there because "die Wesensherkunft des Seins des Seienden ist ungedacht": no thinking has been done about the essence-origin of the Being of the essent. ~ All through his
In two patients of meningeal leukemia, the changes of CSF cell pattern following intrathecal meth... more In two patients of meningeal leukemia, the changes of CSF cell pattern following intrathecal methotrexate (MTX) therapy were serially examined by light microscopy. The first case reacted well to cytostatic treatment. 72 h after the first intrathecal MTX injection, an alteration of the chromatin structure could be observed in the nucleus of CSF blast cells; there was a condensation of
The CSF of a female patient with temporal epilepsy contained up to 38% eosinophil ... more The CSF of a female patient with temporal epilepsy contained up to 38% eosinophil cells, 3–4% plasma cells, a ‘mulberry cell’ among them. Agar-gel electrophoresis of the cerebrospinal fluid indicated a greatly increased γ-globulin content (48.4%), containing four subfractions, of which the γ2-fraction dominated (22.3%). There were palpable nodules under the skin and the muscles. X-ray pictures showed innumerable calcified
This paper presents a review of the current state of the art of real time control (RTC) of urban ... more This paper presents a review of the current state of the art of real time control (RTC) of urban wastewater systems. Control options not only of the sewer system, but also of the wastewater treatment plant and of receiving water bodies are considered. One section of the paper provides concise definitions of terms frequently used in the literature. Recent developments in the field of RTC include the consideration of the urban wastewater system in its entirety. This allows information from all parts of the wastewater system to be used for control decisions and can lead to a significant improvement of the performance of the wastewater system. Some fundamental concepts of this approach are outlined. Particular emphasis in this paper is laid on methodologies of how to derive a control procedure for a given system. As an example of an RTC system operational in practice, the Québec Urban Community global predictive RTC system is presented. The paper concludes with an outlook into current and future developments in the area of real time control.
The temperature dependence of the photorefractive effect in undoped and Ga-doped Bi 12 GeO 20 ͑BG... more The temperature dependence of the photorefractive effect in undoped and Ga-doped Bi 12 GeO 20 ͑BGO͒ crystals was measured over the temperature range from 40 to 300 K. From comparison of the decay curves of the laser-induced grating with thermally stimulated current and photoconductivity curves, we conclude that the major decay step between, ϳ100 and ϳ160 K, is due to the thermal release of trapped electrons from a distribution of traps centered near 0.3 eV, in both types of BGO sample. Additional thermal decay steps, between ϳ200 and ϳ300 K, correlate with other electron traps, in the energy range from ϳ0.4 to ϳ0.7 eV.
In my essay I pursue the line of inquiry which has recently been proposed by scholars who have re... more In my essay I pursue the line of inquiry which has recently been proposed by scholars who have reconstructed the historical context of Wollstonecraft’s feminism to bring into sharper focus what can be seen as consistent motives of her thought. Starting out from the thesis of Barbara Taylor that Wollstonecraft’s feminism was deeply rooted in the egalitarian theology of Radical Protestantism (Barbara Taylor, Mary Wollstonecraft and the feminist imagination Cambridge University Press, 2003) I will argue that her brief career shows how, in her analysis of the hierarchy of the cognitive faculties, first she redefined reason by ascribing to it the power of intuitive apprehension, and eventually she replaced reason with imagination as the distinctive attribute of the human mind. Positioning herself—through Price’s theology and moral philosophy—in the Platonic and pagan as well as Christian Neo-Platonic traditions, she arrived several years before Wordsworth or Coleridge not only at an intu...
In my essay I pursue the line of inquiry which has recently been proposed by scholars who have re... more In my essay I pursue the line of inquiry which has recently been proposed by scholars who have reconstructed the historical context of Wollstonecraft's feminism to bring into sharper focus what can be seen as consistent motives of her thought. Starting out from the thesis of Barbara Taylor that Wollstonecraft's feminism was deeply rooted in the egalitarian theology of Radical Protestantism (Barbara Taylor, Mary Wollstonecraft and the feminist imagination Cambridge University Press, 2003) I will argue that her brief career shows how, in her analysis of the hierarchy of the cognitive faculties, first she redefined reason by ascribing to it the power of intuitive apprehension, and eventually she replaced reason with imagination as the distinctive attribute of the human mind. Positioning herself-through Price's theology and moral philosophy-in the Platonic and pagan as well as Christian Neo-Platonic traditions, she arrived several years before Wordsworth or Coleridge not only at an intuition of the creativity of human thinking but at a definition of the imagination as the supreme mental faculty. As a result, in some emotionally highly charged passages of her Letters Written During a Short Residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark (1796), she constructed her own version of early Romanticism in England. These passages can be read side by side with passages of epiphany in Wordsworth's 1805 Prelude as the most powerful examples of the imagination leading through an investment in the quotidian to an apprehension of immortality.
Marinovich Sarolta emléke előtti tisztelgésként a tanulmányban Wordsworth önéletrajzi regényével ... more Marinovich Sarolta emléke előtti tisztelgésként a tanulmányban Wordsworth önéletrajzi regényével (ThePrelude) összevetve az Aurora Leigh-t – ezt a számára igen kedves verses regényt – elemzem. Tizennégy éves korában Elizabeth Barrrett kijelentette: „Ma egy nő is bejárhatja Pegazusán Parnasszus birodalmait anélkül, hogy a legkétesebb értékű jelzőt akasztanák rá, vagyis hogy tudós hölgynek neveznék”. Ezt a gyermeki optimizmust pályája nem igazolta. Igaz, hogy jelentős pozíciót jelölt ki számára a korabeli kritika a viktoriánus értékrendben, hogy felismerték, ő az egyike azon szerzőknek, akiknek hatása meghatározó volt a korszellem kialakulására, élete végéig kénytelen volt elviselni a leereszkedő beszédmódot, melyet a hivatalos kritika a nőírók megítélésére használt. Saját kritikai írásai rendkívül éleslátásról tanúskodnak a századelő költői hagyományainak megítélésében, a verses regénye pedig igazolja, hogy erkölcsi integritása megingathatatlan, költői érzékenysége és látásmódja pedi...
One of the most prolific literary figures of the interwar period in Hungary, scholar, critic, nov... more One of the most prolific literary figures of the interwar period in Hungary, scholar, critic, novelist, Antal SZERB, wanted to visit Spain in 1936. He had never been to Spain before. However, by the time he managed to find funding for the trip, he realized that "in that most frightful summer of her history, Spain was not a hospitable country. In a voice of varying intensity the two competing radio channels relentlessly blared into the ears of the world news of the destruction of those things that one is likely to want to go to Spain for, " he writes in his journal. 1 Prompted by his premonitions, he decided to go to Italy until there was time. On his return, the diary was published, and today it is seen as the record of a journey towards self-definition as well as the definition of the spirit of Europe in a period when both were seriously threatened by violence and disintegration. It is a document of his desperate search for inner harmony-that he calls "serenity"-as a protecting shield against the horrors anticipated by the political events in Europe. In 1936, Italy was already Mussolini's country: the noisy presence of the mob penetrates into the body of the text again and again. In the terms of his sentimental and intellectual response to Europe's cultural monuments, Szerb opens up mental spaces that hide his suppressed anxieties. He is interested in the great topic of the Romantics: how memory obliterates, and preserves, in ever altered forms, the relics of the past. Like Byron a century before, he is struck by the discrepancy between past and present: "Is this, " he asks, "what used to be the people Milton in the Hungarian Cultural Memory • 1 • Research for this essay was supported by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, OTKA (Grant No. 71770). 1 "Spanyolország, történetének ezen a legszörnyűbb nyarán, nem mutatkozott vendégszerető országnak, és két ellentmondó rádiója váltakozó buzgalommal süvítette a világba azoknak a dolgoknak a pusztulását, amelyekért az ember Spanyolországba szeretne menni" (SZERB 1981, 647). Unless indicated otherwise, all translations are mine.
A tamogatas ket PhD hallgatot juttatott stabil jovedelemhez egyenkent masfel even at, amikor is b... more A tamogatas ket PhD hallgatot juttatott stabil jovedelemhez egyenkent masfel even at, amikor is be tudtak fejezni es meg tudtak vedeni PhD disszertaciojukat. 8 fiatal kutatonak tudtuk kifizetni rovid kutatoutra, illetve konferencian valo reszvetelre a koltsegeit. 2009-ben a projekt temajabol konferenciat rendeztunk ot egyetem kutatoinak reszvetelevel, 2010-ben pedig egy nemzetkozi konferenciat hivtunk ossze a temaban kiemelkedő eredmenyekkel rendelkező meghivott előadoval (Davidhazi Peter az MTA lev. tagja, ELTE; Elinor Shaffer akademikus, Univesity of London; Prof. Richard Cronin, University of Glasgow; Prof. John Drakakis, University of Stirling; Prof. Ronald Soetaert, University of Ghent; Dr. Alistair Davies, University of Sussex) es 28 tovabbi resztvevővel. Mind a ket konferencianak megjelent szigoru valogatasi es szerkesztesi procedura alapjan kialakult anyaga. Szabadon kutathato digitalis adatbazist hoztunk letre az angol-magyar kulturalis kapcsolatok torteneteről az 1800 es 1...
The Anachronist 1995 is intended as an antidote to the ~oom created by the many pessimists whose ... more The Anachronist 1995 is intended as an antidote to the ~oom created by the many pessimists whose vision is ~ircumscribed ~y factors subject to change. It 1s a volume of essays that signals the commg-of-age of • students who, in the course oftheir unaergraduate or postgraduate studies, have nurtured a passionate intellectual interest in topics as diverse as theconventions of mediaeval poetry, the feminist thoug}:it of Anne Sexton, the philosophy of the Renaissance, the Metaphysicals and Shelley, the religious experience of Milton, Blake and T.S.Eliot, the aesthetics of the Pre-Raphaelites and Greenaway, and the narrative techniques of Steme, Hardy, Joyce, Virginia Woolf and Burgess. In the followmg papers attitudes vary, approaches differ, but the voice remains _personal, the research reliable, and the touch of originality undeniable. With so many economic forces at work destructive of what has traditionally been called a universiry education, it is vital for us to create an intellectual ambiance within our department; an ambiance that would encourage a spirit of adventure, a tolerance for the unorthodox, and a hunger for the new, while preserving a respect for the more traditional scholarly practices still worthy of our attention. Fot it is certain that only intellectual strength, courage, and discipline will have the persuasive power in the lean years ahead. Heartfelt thanks is due to those teachers who have spared neither time nor energy in encouraging and guidin~ students. We can only hope that The Anachronist 1995 will be followed bf The Anachronist 1996, and that this collection of student essays wil become a watchword for renewal, continuity, and relevance.
This essay is focused on some temperamental and conceptual relations between Blake’s vision and L... more This essay is focused on some temperamental and conceptual relations between Blake’s vision and Ludwig Zinzendorf’s theology and practice, and hopes to contribute, however modestly, to the clarification of the question of how much Blake’s hypothetical contacts with the Moravian Church may alter his position among artists and thinkers concerned with the “limits” of the Enlightenment.
In Heidegger's view "wir sind bislang in das eigene Wesen des Denken nicht eingegangen,... more In Heidegger's view "wir sind bislang in das eigene Wesen des Denken nicht eingegangen, un darin zu wohnen": we have not yet entered the intrinsic essence of thinking so as to dwell there because "die Wesensherkunft des Seins des Seienden ist ungedacht": no thinking has been done about the essence-origin of the Being of the essent. ~ All through his
In two patients of meningeal leukemia, the changes of CSF cell pattern following intrathecal meth... more In two patients of meningeal leukemia, the changes of CSF cell pattern following intrathecal methotrexate (MTX) therapy were serially examined by light microscopy. The first case reacted well to cytostatic treatment. 72 h after the first intrathecal MTX injection, an alteration of the chromatin structure could be observed in the nucleus of CSF blast cells; there was a condensation of
The CSF of a female patient with temporal epilepsy contained up to 38% eosinophil ... more The CSF of a female patient with temporal epilepsy contained up to 38% eosinophil cells, 3–4% plasma cells, a ‘mulberry cell’ among them. Agar-gel electrophoresis of the cerebrospinal fluid indicated a greatly increased γ-globulin content (48.4%), containing four subfractions, of which the γ2-fraction dominated (22.3%). There were palpable nodules under the skin and the muscles. X-ray pictures showed innumerable calcified
This paper presents a review of the current state of the art of real time control (RTC) of urban ... more This paper presents a review of the current state of the art of real time control (RTC) of urban wastewater systems. Control options not only of the sewer system, but also of the wastewater treatment plant and of receiving water bodies are considered. One section of the paper provides concise definitions of terms frequently used in the literature. Recent developments in the field of RTC include the consideration of the urban wastewater system in its entirety. This allows information from all parts of the wastewater system to be used for control decisions and can lead to a significant improvement of the performance of the wastewater system. Some fundamental concepts of this approach are outlined. Particular emphasis in this paper is laid on methodologies of how to derive a control procedure for a given system. As an example of an RTC system operational in practice, the Québec Urban Community global predictive RTC system is presented. The paper concludes with an outlook into current and future developments in the area of real time control.
The temperature dependence of the photorefractive effect in undoped and Ga-doped Bi 12 GeO 20 ͑BG... more The temperature dependence of the photorefractive effect in undoped and Ga-doped Bi 12 GeO 20 ͑BGO͒ crystals was measured over the temperature range from 40 to 300 K. From comparison of the decay curves of the laser-induced grating with thermally stimulated current and photoconductivity curves, we conclude that the major decay step between, ϳ100 and ϳ160 K, is due to the thermal release of trapped electrons from a distribution of traps centered near 0.3 eV, in both types of BGO sample. Additional thermal decay steps, between ϳ200 and ϳ300 K, correlate with other electron traps, in the energy range from ϳ0.4 to ϳ0.7 eV.
Papers by Agnes Péter