Papers by Alhassane Agali

In Niger (a fully Sahelian country), the use of climate information is one of the early warning s... more In Niger (a fully Sahelian country), the use of climate information is one of the early warning strategies (EWSs) for reducing socio-economic vulnerabilities in farmer communities. It helps farmers to better anticipate risks and choose timely alternative options that can allow them to generate more profit. This study assesses the impacts of the use of climate information and services that benefit end-users. Individual surveys and focus groups were conducted with a sample of 368 people in eight communes in Southwestern Niger. The survey was conducted within the framework of the ANADIA project implemented by the National Meteorological Direction (NMD) of Niger. The survey aims to identify different types of climate services received by communities and evaluates the major benefits gained from their use. Mostly, the communities received climate (73.6%) and weather (99%) information on rainfall, temperature, dust, wind, clouds, and air humidity. Few producers in the area (10%) received i...
Biosciences, Biotechnology Research Asia, 2016
The article studies the application of biologics in agriculture. Laboratory and field experiments... more The article studies the application of biologics in agriculture. Laboratory and field experiments were conducted on spring wheat. The effect of biologics on germination and biomass accumulation of wheat was studied. Also, laboratory and field experiments were conducted with "Baisheshek" barley variety. Rating of winter wheat biometrics in soil salinity conditions was conducted as well. The effect of biologics on germination and yield of wheat was studied.

Project co-funded by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme (2002-2006) Dis... more Project co-funded by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme (2002-2006) Dissemination Level PU Public X PP Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services) RE Restricted to a group specifies by the consortium (including the Commission Services) CO Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) D 3.1 gf " Farmers yield variability assessment and validation of crop model to predict "average regional" farmers yield for the main cropped varieties of millet, sorghum and maize " PLAN Résumé i Summary iv Résumé Ce livrable complète le livrable D3.1.d (« Farmers millet yields variability assessment, millet yield gap analysis (climatic/non climatic factors) and validation of crop model to predict "average regional" farmers millet yield in Senegal and Niger ») qui rapportait des activités sur mil au Niger et au Sénégal. Ici nous présentons aussi les activités et résultats obtenus sur mil au Mali et au Burkina Faso, et ceux obtenus pour les deux autres principales céréales alimentaires d"Afrique de l"Ouest : le sorgho et le maïs. Le travail présenté a été réalisé en réseau, dans le cadre des projets AMMA et AMMA-TTC (et soutien financier AMMA-API) sous la coordination conjointe du CIRAD (WP leader) et de l"Aghrymet, sur 4 pays d"Afrique de l"Ouest, Burkina Faso (INERA), Mali (IER, ONG AMEDD), Niger (INRAN, AGRHYMET) et Sénégal (CERAAS, ISRA), en s"efforçant de suivre les mêmes méthodologies.
Un champ de cultures vivrières au Sénégal.

Capacities of key stakeholders (Meteo service staff, researchers, NGOs and extension staff) wer... more Capacities of key stakeholders (Meteo service staff, researchers, NGOs and extension staff) were strengthened in how to prepare and implement PICSA, especially in a) generating and understanding user-friendly climate information and b) how to support and empower farmers to identify and plan farming and other livelihood activities appropriate to farmer's contexts; In addition to directly enabling farmers to better cope with and adapt to climate variability and change, the PICSA approach enables stakeholders to work collaboratively, work towards common goals, enables them to play complimentary roles in supporting farmers and leads to improved understanding of farmer's requirements and how to meet them; The new knowledge and skills acquired by key stakeholders can set the foundation for deploying improved climate services and agricultural extension approaches and Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) in future projects or programs in the region.

European Scientific Journal ESJ, 2018
In Niger, Bambara groundnut is mainly grown by women in pure culture on small areas and without i... more In Niger, Bambara groundnut is mainly grown by women in pure culture on small areas and without improved technics. However, improving the production of this crop can help to ensure food security. Knowledge of Bambara groundnut's diversity will allow its use in breeding programs. This study concerns the agro-morphological characterization in the Sahelian agroclimatic zone of fourteen (14) morphotypes of Bambara groundnut identified in the Nigerien accessions collection. The data used are collected through an agronomic test using a complete random block design, with four repetitions. Twelve (12) characters including 01 phenological, 08 morphological and 03 related to the yield components at harvest were evaluated. Descriptive statistical analysis showed that the coefficients of variation ranged from 10.3% (early flowering) to 72% (seeds weight per plant). Significantly high values (CV> 20%) were observed for 07 characters out of 12 analyzed. Agromorphological characterization revealed significant differences between the 09 parameters of the morphotypes. It was found that the Ne-10 and Ne-14 morphotypes are more efficient in grain yield, with 10.8 and 9.6 g / plant, respectively. Late-flowering morphotype (Ne-01) had the lowest yield. Strong correlations were observed in the morphological parameters, with r = Ne-07 Rouge clair Un peu partout, en mélange et en quantité faible Ne-08 Marron clair Un peu partout, en mélange et en quantité faible Ne-09 Jaune tacheté de noir avec oeil en forme de papillon, coloré en marron Un peu partout, en mélange et en quantité faible Ne-10 Jaune avec petits points marron sur le tégument, oeil marron Rare, toujours en mélange et en petite quantité, facilement rencontré dans le Manga Ne-11 Jaune avec un ou deux traits marron et oeil noir Un peu partout, en mélange et en quantité faible Ne-12 Grosses graines et rouge claire Rare et se trouve en petite quantité Ne-13 Jaune fortement coloré en noir avec oeil marron Un peu partout, en mélange et en quantité faible Ne-14 Grise tachetée à oeil bronzé Un peu partout, en mélange et en quantité faible
La Météorologie, 2012
Un champ de cultures vivrières au Sénégal.
Capacitating key stakeholders on assessing the smartness of projects and programs, climate inform... more Capacitating key stakeholders on assessing the smartness of projects and programs, climate information generation and utilization, coverage and quality, participatory action research, modeling for crop yield predictions, delivery of climate information services were effective to develop local expertise that is likely to sustain the actions beyond the project lifespan. ◼ Building dynamic and active partnerships was instrumental for integrated actions on the ground by the various actors. ◼ The new knowledge and skills acquired by key stakeholders can set the foundation for Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) mainstreaming into future projects or programs.
Handbook of Climate Change and Agroecosystems, 2015

Environmental and Resource Economics, 2011
In the Sudano-Sahelian region, which includes South Niger, the inter-annual variability of the ra... more In the Sudano-Sahelian region, which includes South Niger, the inter-annual variability of the rainy season is high and irrigation is limited. As a consequence, bad rainy seasons have a massive impact on crop yield and regularly result in food crises. Traditional insurance policies based on crop damage assessment are not available because of asymmetric information and high transaction costs compared to the value of production. We assess the risk mitigation capacity of an alternative form of insurance which has been implemented at a large scale in India since 2003: insurance based on a weather index. We compare the efficiency of various weather indices to increase the expected utility of a representative risk-averse farmer. We show the importance of using plot-level yield data rather than village averages, which bias results due to the presence of idiosyncratic shocks. We also illustrate the need for out-of-sample estimations in order to avoid overfitting. Even with the appropriate i...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Dec 12, 2016
La Météorologie, 2012
Un champ de cultures vivrières au Sénégal.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Dec 27, 2016
Although global food demand is expected to increase 60% by 2050 compared with 2005/2007, the rise... more Although global food demand is expected to increase 60% by 2050 compared with 2005/2007, the rise will be much greater in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Indeed, SSA is the region at greatest food security risk because by 2050 its population will increase 2.5-fold and demand for cereals approximately triple, whereas current levels of cereal consumption already depend on substantial imports. At issue is whether SSA can meet this vast increase in cereal demand without greater reliance on cereal imports or major expansion of agricultural area and associated biodiversity loss and greenhouse gas emissions. Recent studies indicate that the global increase in food demand by 2050 can be met through closing the gap between current farm yield and yield potential on existing cropland. Here, however, we estimate it will not be feasible to meet future SSA cereal demand on existing production area by yield gap closure alone. Our agronomically robust yield gap analysis for 10 countries in SSA using loca...

European Scientific Journal December 2018 edition Vol.14, No.36 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431, 2018
In Niger, Bambara groundnut is mainly grown by women in pure culture on small areas and without i... more In Niger, Bambara groundnut is mainly grown by women in pure culture on small areas and without improved technics. However, improving the production of this crop can help to ensure food security. Knowledge of Bambara groundnut's diversity will allow its use in breeding programs. This study concerns the agro-morphological characterization in the Sahelian agro-climatic zone of fourteen (14) morphotypes of Bambara groundnut identified in the Nigerien accessions collection. The data used are collected through an agronomic test using a complete random block design, with four repetitions. Twelve (12) characters including 01 phenological, 08 morphological and 03 related to the yield components at harvest were evaluated. Descriptive statistical analysis showed that the coefficients of variation ranged from 10.3% (early flowering) to 72% (seeds weight per plant). Significantly high values (CV> 20%) were observed for 07 characters out of 12 analyzed. Agro-morphological characterization revealed significant differences between the 09 parameters of the morphotypes. It was found that the Ne-10 and Ne-14 morphotypes are more efficient in grain yield, with 10.8 and 9.6 g / plant, respectively. Late-flowering morphotype (Ne-01) had the lowest yield. Strong correlations were observed in the morphological parameters, with r =

Cameroon Journal of Biological and Biochemical Sciences 2018, 26, 06-15
Le mil est la plante la plus cultivée dans la zone sahélienne en général et au Niger en particuli... more Le mil est la plante la plus cultivée dans la zone sahélienne en général et au Niger en particulier. A l'instar des autres céréales pluviales, cette culture reste tributaire des conditions agro-climatiques et phytosanitaires très aléatoires dans la zone. Dans le but de proposer de bonnes techniques d'adaptation du mil face aux variabilités climatiques, les effets de la transplantation (précoce et tardive) de jeunes plants ont été testés sur la croissance et le développement de trois variétés de mil à savoir HKP (cycle de 90 jours), Sounna 3 (cycle de 105 jours) et Somno (photopériodique). Les résultats obtenus ont montré que la transplantation des plants, préalablement cultivés en pépinière, pendant environ un mois avant la date de début de la saison des pluies et transférés au champ dès la première pluie utile (≥ 15mm), a permis de réduire significativement la durée de la croissance végétative des plants au champ (notamment la durée du stade tallage). Elle a également permis d'augmenter les rendements en pailles et en grains des variétés à cycles courts (HKP et Sounna 3), par rapport au traitement témoin. Quant au traitement de la transplantation tardive de plants issus d'une pépinière mise en place le jour de la première pluie utile, elle a entrainé une réduction des rendements en pailles et en grains de toutes les variétés testées, sans avoir un effet significatif sur la durée des phases phénologiques. De par les résultats obtenus, on peut déduire que cette technique est assez prometteuse pour accroitre la production du mil dans le contexte de variabilités climatiques au Sahel. Abstract Pearl millet is the most widely grown food crop in the Sahel in general and in Niger in particular. Like other rainfed cereals crops, it remains dependent on the very unpredictable agro-climatic and phytosanitary conditions in the area. In order to propose good millet adaptation strategies to climatic variability, the effects of early and late transplantation of seedlings were tested on the growth and development of three millet varieties, namely HKP (cycle duration of 90 days), Sounna 3 (cycle duration of 105 days) and Somno (photoperiod sensitive). The results showed that, the transplantation of seedlings, initially grown in a nursery for about one month before the start date of the rainy season and transferred to the field after the first useful rainfall event (≥ 15 mm), significantly reduced the duration of vegetative growth period (in particular the duration of the tillering phase). It also increased straw and grain yields of short cycle varieties (HKP and Sounna 3) compared to the control. As for the treatment of late transplantation of seedlings from a nursery set up on the day of the first useful rain, it resulted in a reduction in straw and grain yields of all the varieties tested, without having a significant effect on the duration of the phenological phases. From these results, it can be deducted that, this technique is a promising strategy for adapting the millet to climate variability in the Sahel.
LAWALI et al. 2018 : transplantation du mil et amélioration de la production agricole dans un contexte de variabilité climatique au Niger.
Papers by Alhassane Agali
LAWALI et al. 2018 : transplantation du mil et amélioration de la production agricole dans un contexte de variabilité climatique au Niger.
LAWALI et al. 2018 : transplantation du mil et amélioration de la production agricole dans un contexte de variabilité climatique au Niger.