Orientation: This article describes the new work culture values in Indonesia using the modified t... more Orientation: This article describes the new work culture values in Indonesia using the modified theory of planned behaviour (TPB).Research purpose: The researcher modifies the TPB by replacing the variables of perceived behavioural control with organisational culture, subjective norms with peer references and attitude with spirituality. The modification is then used to predict the work behaviour of religious organisations based on work culture values in the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.Motivation for the study: The TPB has been considerably modified and expanded to predict various types of organizational behaviour in different fields. However, the modifications did not reduce or change the substance and have not yet been applied to religious organizations. In contrast to previous studies, this article modifies the TPB from its original form and applies it to religious organizations in Indonesia.Research approach/design and method: This article employs a...
The Crusade taking place during two centuries (10951291 AD) was the beginning of largescale con... more The Crusade taking place during two centuries (10951291 AD) was the beginning of largescale confrontation between Islam and Western Christianity. Although the Crusades ended eight centuries ago, but it still lingers in the mind of Western Christians and some Muslims. The subsequent conflcts between both sides have been always linked to the Crusades. For example, colonialism and imprealism of Western to the East during the 18th, 19th, and 20th century is considered as a continuation of the Crusades. In addition, the war against terrorism that the United States campaigned for the post September 11, 2001 propagated as the 2nd Crusades. Similarly, the invasion of the United States and its allies against Iraq and Afghanistan is refering the arrogances of West against Islam. These facts indicate that a huge trauma caused by the Crusades still entrenched in the minds of most of the psychohistorical Western and Muslim. Therefore, to promote a harmonious relationship between the West and ...
Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kemenkominfo) mulai memblokir situs in... more Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kemenkominfo) mulai memblokir situs internet yang terindikasi memuat konten terkait terorisme. Langkah ini patut diapresiasi mengingat penyebaran paham terorisme, termasuk propaganda Negara Islam Irak dan Suriah (ISIS), banyak memanfaatkan jaringan di dunia maya.
This research is intended to find out the picture of social conflict between the Badawi Arabs and... more This research is intended to find out the picture of social conflict between the Badawi Arabs and Muslim Arabs in the poem of Majnun Laila. The poem was written at about the end of the seventh century until the early of eighth century of Hijriya during the reign of the Umayyah dynasty, which is by historians regarded as a transitional period from Badawi Arabs life to become Muslim. This research is based on the mimetic view that considers the literature or letters as a reflection of social life. Therefore, the sociology of literature approach is used to answer the questioned problem of the research. The theory of sociology of literature used in this research is Swingewood’s theory. In this case, then the author chooses the type of sociology of literature; the research is started by analyzing the factors of specific social environmental (extrinsic) and then followed by studying the contained elements of the text literary (intrinsic). The research begins, based on the method above, by describing the background of the Arabs socio-cultural life since the pre-Islamic era, Islamic period, until the Umayyah dynasty. Then it’s continued by the discussion of the intrinsic elements of Arabic poem such as the wazan (rhythm), qafiyah (poetry), fikrah (idea), and khayal (imagination) and the socio-cultural function of the Arab poem since pre-Islamic, Islamic period, until the Umayyah dynasty was also discussed. Both aspects in turn were used as a framework to understand the intrinsic and extrinsic elements that forms together the writing process of Majnun Laila poem. The next step is to find the relevance of the intrinsic elements that form the poem of Majnun Laila relates to the social life condition of Badawi Arabs and its relation to the Muslim Arabs. After in-depth analysis’s done, it is known that the poem is not only a romance poetic between men (Majnun) and women (Laila), but also loaded by social criticism. There are at least four forms of Badawi Arabs criticism found that against the power of Islam Arabs as mentioned implicitly in the poem. First, criticism toward the life style of urban Muslims in the Umayyah era that lived in the luxuries life, while the Badawi people still try to live in the simplicity life as the live of herdsmen in the desert. Second, criticism of the restraint in the expression freedom of literature that in the time was limited by Islam. Through the genre of Ghazal 'Udzri poem, Majnun wanted to revive the genres of pre-Islamic poem. Third, criticism againsts the Islamic political centralization. Through his poem, Majnun would like to reaffirm the past triumph of his homeland "Najd" as a proud region because of the authenticity of its language and the purity of its descendants. Fourth, criticism toward the Islamic norms that curb the freedom of Badawi Arabs. The four criticisms above illustrate a sharp social conflict between the Badawi Arabs and Muslim Arabs. This conflict was increasingly emphasized by the Majnun "madness". This madness was actually not caused by his love of Laila's nor as a mental and physical illnesses, but it was a form of his protest against the Islamic establishment. Because of his obsession for Laila and Najd, Majnun actually dreamed the prior freedom, independence, and autonomy of Badawi tribe from Muslim rule as it was previously in pre-Islam before Islam came. At that time no any one managed to subdue the people of Badawi.
Jurnal SMART (Studi Masyarakat, Religi, dan Tradisi), 2021
The phenomenon of polygamy by the kiai of the Pesantren in Madura is rooted in the religious teac... more The phenomenon of polygamy by the kiai of the Pesantren in Madura is rooted in the religious teachings that are intertwined with the legitimacy of the patriarchal socio-cultural structure. The research aims to reveal the motives, construction, and apparent justice in polygamy practices still widely practiced by people in Madura, especially by kiai as central figures in Pesantren. This research includes field research by conducting interviews and observations in two Pesantrens in Madura led by kiai, who practice polygamy. By using the descriptive-analytical method, this article discovers some of the kiai's polygamy motives, among others, as an outlet for the tradition of matchmaking in his family environment, the desire to have many children, especially sons, and to minimize the concentration of conflict between the first and second wives by presenting a next wife. The practice of polygamy by kiai is framed in religious discourse and the socio-cultural structure of the Madurese c...
Sufism (tasawwuf) states strongly the equity of human beings: men and women. Existinggender diffe... more Sufism (tasawwuf) states strongly the equity of human beings: men and women. Existinggender differences do not hinder the spiritual achievement of men and women because spirituality connotes universal meaning free from any particular gender identity. Spirituality concerns eternal life and values, whereas gender identity is a profane affairs and consituting a wordly life. In this light, although men and women assume different gender role in their worldly life, both of them have same potency to achieve the highest spiritual experience and gain ascetic happiness. Sufis doctrine celebrates oneness without any individuality. The history of sufism witnessed the effifacy of women to the top highest state of spirituality. Rabi'ah Al-Adawiyah was the phenomenal example of one who initiated the concept of mahabbatullah in its holistic meaning. Through her concept of hubb (love) Rabi'ah reached the highest spiritual maqam (state) in sufis ranks, higher than other sufis could reach at h...
TEPAT pada Sabtu 26 September 2015 lalu U1N Sunan Kalijaga (Suka) memperingati hari lahir ke-64. ... more TEPAT pada Sabtu 26 September 2015 lalu U1N Sunan Kalijaga (Suka) memperingati hari lahir ke-64. UIN Suka adalah perguruan tinggi Islam ~egeri tertua yang cikal bakalnya berasal dari Perguruan TinggiAgama Islam Negeri (PTAIN) yang diresmikan 26 September 1951 M atau 24 Zulhijjah 1370 H di Yogyakarta oleh Menteri Agama RIA Wahid Hasyim. Seti4aknya ada dua tujuan utama pendirian PTAIN. Pertama, kesadaran tertinggalnya masyarakat Islam yang menyebabkan mereka tera1ienasi dalam mencapai agenda nasional (melawan kolonialisme). Kedua, perlunya perubahan pemahaman keagamaan dari yang konservatif dan dogmatis ke pemahaman yang progresif, inklusif, empiris dan historis (Jabali danJamhari, eds., 2002:5).
Secara teologis, agama dan politik (baca: kekuasaan) tidak dapat dipisahkan. Menurut pemahaman Is... more Secara teologis, agama dan politik (baca: kekuasaan) tidak dapat dipisahkan. Menurut pemahaman Islam, Al-Qur’an memperlakukan kehidupan manusia sebagai suatu keseluruhan yang organik. Artinya, semua bidang kehidupan manusia harus dibimbing oleh petunjuk-petunjuk yang bersumber dari Al-Qur’an2, termasuk di dalamnya adalah kehidupan politik. Karena itu perkembangan politik di Indonesia tidak bisa dilepaskan dari pergulatan politik Islam di Indonesia. Secara historis, politik Islam di Indonesia mengalami pasang dan surut. Di awal Orde Baru sampai akhir tahun 1980-an bisa dikatakan politik Islam berada di luar arena kekuasaan, sehingga seorang ahli Indonesia dari Barat yang bernama Ruth T. McVey pernah menulis sebuah artikel yang berjudul Faith as the Outsider: Islam in Indonesian Politics3. Hal yang sama diungkapkan oleh Wertheim bahwa kaum Muslim di Indonesia adalah kaum majority with a minority mentality.4
Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies, 2021
There are three theories of human intelligence, namely Intellectual Quotient (IQ), Emotional Quot... more There are three theories of human intelligence, namely Intellectual Quotient (IQ), Emotional Quotient (EQ), and Spiritual Quotient (SQ). In its subsequent development, following the SQ era that considered the God Spot in the human brain as a source of intelligence, the concept of the Heart’s Code (HC) indicates that the source of intelligence lies in the heart, not the brain. The SQ model proposed by Zohar-Marshall and the HC model suggested by Pearsall only touched the biological and psychological realms, namely the material brain and the material heart. Both have yet to touch upon the transcendental level of divinity i.e. the spiritual brain and the spiritual heart. Using Thomas Kuhn’s scientific revolution approach, the current article intends to prove that the source of intelligence is not the brain but the ruh (the soul). When God has perfected the creation of man by blowing ruh in him, the sense of hearing subsequently radiates through the ears, sight through the eyes, smell t...
Karya sastra tidak hadir dalam ruang kosong. Ia merupakan cerminan dari realitas yang melingkupin... more Karya sastra tidak hadir dalam ruang kosong. Ia merupakan cerminan dari realitas yang melingkupinya. Peristiswa Arab Spring (Musim Semi Arab) yang berawal dari tahun 2011 di Tunisia lalu menjalar ke sejumlah negara di kawasan Timur Tengah tidak luput dari sorotan para sastrawan Arab dalam karya mereka. Tulisan ini mendeskripsikan bagaimana ekspresi dan representasi Arab Spring yang terekam dalam literatur sastra Arab. Dari kajian ini ditemukan sejumlah karya sastra Arab berupa novel, puisi, memoar, dan komik yang merepresentasikan aspek-aspek tematik tertentu (waktu, ruang, dan karakter) dari narasi Arab Spring. Selain itu, muncul genre baru dalam sastra Arab, yaitu sastra digital dalam bentuk klip video sastra yang mengekspresikan tahap baru dalam evolusi sastra Arab. Arab Spring telah menandai munculnya babak baru dalam kehidupan di dunia Arab yang selama ini dikekang oleh rezim diktator, yaitu keberanian untuk menyuarakan dan melawan ketidakadilan, penindasan, dan pelanggaran hak-hak asasi manusia yang terjadi di negerinya.
Kata kunci: Arab Spring, Sastra Arab, sastra digital, klip video sastra
Al-Irfan : Journal of Arabic Literature and Islamic Studies
Karya sastra tidak hadir dalam ruang kosong. Ia merupakan cerminan dari realitas yang melingkupin... more Karya sastra tidak hadir dalam ruang kosong. Ia merupakan cerminan dari realitas yang melingkupinya. Peristiswa Arab Spring (Musim Semi Arab) yang berawal dari tahun 2011 di Tunisia lalu menjalar ke sejumlah negara di kawasan Timur Tengah tidak luput dari sorotan para sastrawan Arab dalam karya mereka. Tulisan ini mendeskripsikan bagaimana ekspresi dan representasi Arab Spring yang terekam dalam literatur sastra Arab. Dari kajian ini ditemukan sejumlah karya sastra Arab berupa novel, puisi, memoar, dan komik yang merepresentasikan aspek-aspek tematik tertentu (waktu, ruang, dan karakter) dari narasi Arab Spring. Selain itu, muncul genre baru dalam sastra Arab, yaitu sastra digital dalam bentuk klip video sastra yang mengekspresikan tahap baru dalam evolusi sastra Arab. Arab Spring telah menandai munculnya babak baru dalam kehidupan di dunia Arab yang selama ini dikekang oleh rezim diktator, yaitu keberanian untuk menyuarakan dan melawan ketidakadilan, penindasan, dan pelanggaran hak...
Orientation: This article describes the new work culture values in Indonesia using the modified t... more Orientation: This article describes the new work culture values in Indonesia using the modified theory of planned behaviour (TPB).Research purpose: The researcher modifies the TPB by replacing the variables of perceived behavioural control with organisational culture, subjective norms with peer references and attitude with spirituality. The modification is then used to predict the work behaviour of religious organisations based on work culture values in the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.Motivation for the study: The TPB has been considerably modified and expanded to predict various types of organizational behaviour in different fields. However, the modifications did not reduce or change the substance and have not yet been applied to religious organizations. In contrast to previous studies, this article modifies the TPB from its original form and applies it to religious organizations in Indonesia.Research approach/design and method: This article employs a...
The Crusade taking place during two centuries (10951291 AD) was the beginning of largescale con... more The Crusade taking place during two centuries (10951291 AD) was the beginning of largescale confrontation between Islam and Western Christianity. Although the Crusades ended eight centuries ago, but it still lingers in the mind of Western Christians and some Muslims. The subsequent conflcts between both sides have been always linked to the Crusades. For example, colonialism and imprealism of Western to the East during the 18th, 19th, and 20th century is considered as a continuation of the Crusades. In addition, the war against terrorism that the United States campaigned for the post September 11, 2001 propagated as the 2nd Crusades. Similarly, the invasion of the United States and its allies against Iraq and Afghanistan is refering the arrogances of West against Islam. These facts indicate that a huge trauma caused by the Crusades still entrenched in the minds of most of the psychohistorical Western and Muslim. Therefore, to promote a harmonious relationship between the West and ...
Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kemenkominfo) mulai memblokir situs in... more Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kemenkominfo) mulai memblokir situs internet yang terindikasi memuat konten terkait terorisme. Langkah ini patut diapresiasi mengingat penyebaran paham terorisme, termasuk propaganda Negara Islam Irak dan Suriah (ISIS), banyak memanfaatkan jaringan di dunia maya.
This research is intended to find out the picture of social conflict between the Badawi Arabs and... more This research is intended to find out the picture of social conflict between the Badawi Arabs and Muslim Arabs in the poem of Majnun Laila. The poem was written at about the end of the seventh century until the early of eighth century of Hijriya during the reign of the Umayyah dynasty, which is by historians regarded as a transitional period from Badawi Arabs life to become Muslim. This research is based on the mimetic view that considers the literature or letters as a reflection of social life. Therefore, the sociology of literature approach is used to answer the questioned problem of the research. The theory of sociology of literature used in this research is Swingewood’s theory. In this case, then the author chooses the type of sociology of literature; the research is started by analyzing the factors of specific social environmental (extrinsic) and then followed by studying the contained elements of the text literary (intrinsic). The research begins, based on the method above, by describing the background of the Arabs socio-cultural life since the pre-Islamic era, Islamic period, until the Umayyah dynasty. Then it’s continued by the discussion of the intrinsic elements of Arabic poem such as the wazan (rhythm), qafiyah (poetry), fikrah (idea), and khayal (imagination) and the socio-cultural function of the Arab poem since pre-Islamic, Islamic period, until the Umayyah dynasty was also discussed. Both aspects in turn were used as a framework to understand the intrinsic and extrinsic elements that forms together the writing process of Majnun Laila poem. The next step is to find the relevance of the intrinsic elements that form the poem of Majnun Laila relates to the social life condition of Badawi Arabs and its relation to the Muslim Arabs. After in-depth analysis’s done, it is known that the poem is not only a romance poetic between men (Majnun) and women (Laila), but also loaded by social criticism. There are at least four forms of Badawi Arabs criticism found that against the power of Islam Arabs as mentioned implicitly in the poem. First, criticism toward the life style of urban Muslims in the Umayyah era that lived in the luxuries life, while the Badawi people still try to live in the simplicity life as the live of herdsmen in the desert. Second, criticism of the restraint in the expression freedom of literature that in the time was limited by Islam. Through the genre of Ghazal 'Udzri poem, Majnun wanted to revive the genres of pre-Islamic poem. Third, criticism againsts the Islamic political centralization. Through his poem, Majnun would like to reaffirm the past triumph of his homeland "Najd" as a proud region because of the authenticity of its language and the purity of its descendants. Fourth, criticism toward the Islamic norms that curb the freedom of Badawi Arabs. The four criticisms above illustrate a sharp social conflict between the Badawi Arabs and Muslim Arabs. This conflict was increasingly emphasized by the Majnun "madness". This madness was actually not caused by his love of Laila's nor as a mental and physical illnesses, but it was a form of his protest against the Islamic establishment. Because of his obsession for Laila and Najd, Majnun actually dreamed the prior freedom, independence, and autonomy of Badawi tribe from Muslim rule as it was previously in pre-Islam before Islam came. At that time no any one managed to subdue the people of Badawi.
Jurnal SMART (Studi Masyarakat, Religi, dan Tradisi), 2021
The phenomenon of polygamy by the kiai of the Pesantren in Madura is rooted in the religious teac... more The phenomenon of polygamy by the kiai of the Pesantren in Madura is rooted in the religious teachings that are intertwined with the legitimacy of the patriarchal socio-cultural structure. The research aims to reveal the motives, construction, and apparent justice in polygamy practices still widely practiced by people in Madura, especially by kiai as central figures in Pesantren. This research includes field research by conducting interviews and observations in two Pesantrens in Madura led by kiai, who practice polygamy. By using the descriptive-analytical method, this article discovers some of the kiai's polygamy motives, among others, as an outlet for the tradition of matchmaking in his family environment, the desire to have many children, especially sons, and to minimize the concentration of conflict between the first and second wives by presenting a next wife. The practice of polygamy by kiai is framed in religious discourse and the socio-cultural structure of the Madurese c...
Sufism (tasawwuf) states strongly the equity of human beings: men and women. Existinggender diffe... more Sufism (tasawwuf) states strongly the equity of human beings: men and women. Existinggender differences do not hinder the spiritual achievement of men and women because spirituality connotes universal meaning free from any particular gender identity. Spirituality concerns eternal life and values, whereas gender identity is a profane affairs and consituting a wordly life. In this light, although men and women assume different gender role in their worldly life, both of them have same potency to achieve the highest spiritual experience and gain ascetic happiness. Sufis doctrine celebrates oneness without any individuality. The history of sufism witnessed the effifacy of women to the top highest state of spirituality. Rabi'ah Al-Adawiyah was the phenomenal example of one who initiated the concept of mahabbatullah in its holistic meaning. Through her concept of hubb (love) Rabi'ah reached the highest spiritual maqam (state) in sufis ranks, higher than other sufis could reach at h...
TEPAT pada Sabtu 26 September 2015 lalu U1N Sunan Kalijaga (Suka) memperingati hari lahir ke-64. ... more TEPAT pada Sabtu 26 September 2015 lalu U1N Sunan Kalijaga (Suka) memperingati hari lahir ke-64. UIN Suka adalah perguruan tinggi Islam ~egeri tertua yang cikal bakalnya berasal dari Perguruan TinggiAgama Islam Negeri (PTAIN) yang diresmikan 26 September 1951 M atau 24 Zulhijjah 1370 H di Yogyakarta oleh Menteri Agama RIA Wahid Hasyim. Seti4aknya ada dua tujuan utama pendirian PTAIN. Pertama, kesadaran tertinggalnya masyarakat Islam yang menyebabkan mereka tera1ienasi dalam mencapai agenda nasional (melawan kolonialisme). Kedua, perlunya perubahan pemahaman keagamaan dari yang konservatif dan dogmatis ke pemahaman yang progresif, inklusif, empiris dan historis (Jabali danJamhari, eds., 2002:5).
Secara teologis, agama dan politik (baca: kekuasaan) tidak dapat dipisahkan. Menurut pemahaman Is... more Secara teologis, agama dan politik (baca: kekuasaan) tidak dapat dipisahkan. Menurut pemahaman Islam, Al-Qur’an memperlakukan kehidupan manusia sebagai suatu keseluruhan yang organik. Artinya, semua bidang kehidupan manusia harus dibimbing oleh petunjuk-petunjuk yang bersumber dari Al-Qur’an2, termasuk di dalamnya adalah kehidupan politik. Karena itu perkembangan politik di Indonesia tidak bisa dilepaskan dari pergulatan politik Islam di Indonesia. Secara historis, politik Islam di Indonesia mengalami pasang dan surut. Di awal Orde Baru sampai akhir tahun 1980-an bisa dikatakan politik Islam berada di luar arena kekuasaan, sehingga seorang ahli Indonesia dari Barat yang bernama Ruth T. McVey pernah menulis sebuah artikel yang berjudul Faith as the Outsider: Islam in Indonesian Politics3. Hal yang sama diungkapkan oleh Wertheim bahwa kaum Muslim di Indonesia adalah kaum majority with a minority mentality.4
Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies, 2021
There are three theories of human intelligence, namely Intellectual Quotient (IQ), Emotional Quot... more There are three theories of human intelligence, namely Intellectual Quotient (IQ), Emotional Quotient (EQ), and Spiritual Quotient (SQ). In its subsequent development, following the SQ era that considered the God Spot in the human brain as a source of intelligence, the concept of the Heart’s Code (HC) indicates that the source of intelligence lies in the heart, not the brain. The SQ model proposed by Zohar-Marshall and the HC model suggested by Pearsall only touched the biological and psychological realms, namely the material brain and the material heart. Both have yet to touch upon the transcendental level of divinity i.e. the spiritual brain and the spiritual heart. Using Thomas Kuhn’s scientific revolution approach, the current article intends to prove that the source of intelligence is not the brain but the ruh (the soul). When God has perfected the creation of man by blowing ruh in him, the sense of hearing subsequently radiates through the ears, sight through the eyes, smell t...
Karya sastra tidak hadir dalam ruang kosong. Ia merupakan cerminan dari realitas yang melingkupin... more Karya sastra tidak hadir dalam ruang kosong. Ia merupakan cerminan dari realitas yang melingkupinya. Peristiswa Arab Spring (Musim Semi Arab) yang berawal dari tahun 2011 di Tunisia lalu menjalar ke sejumlah negara di kawasan Timur Tengah tidak luput dari sorotan para sastrawan Arab dalam karya mereka. Tulisan ini mendeskripsikan bagaimana ekspresi dan representasi Arab Spring yang terekam dalam literatur sastra Arab. Dari kajian ini ditemukan sejumlah karya sastra Arab berupa novel, puisi, memoar, dan komik yang merepresentasikan aspek-aspek tematik tertentu (waktu, ruang, dan karakter) dari narasi Arab Spring. Selain itu, muncul genre baru dalam sastra Arab, yaitu sastra digital dalam bentuk klip video sastra yang mengekspresikan tahap baru dalam evolusi sastra Arab. Arab Spring telah menandai munculnya babak baru dalam kehidupan di dunia Arab yang selama ini dikekang oleh rezim diktator, yaitu keberanian untuk menyuarakan dan melawan ketidakadilan, penindasan, dan pelanggaran hak-hak asasi manusia yang terjadi di negerinya.
Kata kunci: Arab Spring, Sastra Arab, sastra digital, klip video sastra
Al-Irfan : Journal of Arabic Literature and Islamic Studies
Karya sastra tidak hadir dalam ruang kosong. Ia merupakan cerminan dari realitas yang melingkupin... more Karya sastra tidak hadir dalam ruang kosong. Ia merupakan cerminan dari realitas yang melingkupinya. Peristiswa Arab Spring (Musim Semi Arab) yang berawal dari tahun 2011 di Tunisia lalu menjalar ke sejumlah negara di kawasan Timur Tengah tidak luput dari sorotan para sastrawan Arab dalam karya mereka. Tulisan ini mendeskripsikan bagaimana ekspresi dan representasi Arab Spring yang terekam dalam literatur sastra Arab. Dari kajian ini ditemukan sejumlah karya sastra Arab berupa novel, puisi, memoar, dan komik yang merepresentasikan aspek-aspek tematik tertentu (waktu, ruang, dan karakter) dari narasi Arab Spring. Selain itu, muncul genre baru dalam sastra Arab, yaitu sastra digital dalam bentuk klip video sastra yang mengekspresikan tahap baru dalam evolusi sastra Arab. Arab Spring telah menandai munculnya babak baru dalam kehidupan di dunia Arab yang selama ini dikekang oleh rezim diktator, yaitu keberanian untuk menyuarakan dan melawan ketidakadilan, penindasan, dan pelanggaran hak...
Papers by Affan Hasyim
Kata kunci: Arab Spring, Sastra Arab, sastra digital, klip video sastra
Kata kunci: Arab Spring, Sastra Arab, sastra digital, klip video sastra