Enuresis refers to the involuntary excretion of urine that occurs during urination which is expec... more Enuresis refers to the involuntary excretion of urine that occurs during urination which is expected to have already been attained. Enuresis is divided into nocturnal enuresis and diurnal enuresis. Nocturnal enuresis (sleep wetting) is enuresis which occurs at night while enuresis diurnal (awake wetting) is enuresis which occurs during the day. The presence of leukocytes in urine that exceeds the normal value is called leukocyturia which is a sign of inflammation of the urinary tract (kidneys, ureter, bladder, and urethra). This study aimed to obtain the relationship between leukocyturia and enuresis among primary school students aged 5-10 years in SDN 4 and SDN 8 Wawalintouan Tondano. This was an observational analytical study with a cross sectional approach. Samples were obtained by using purposive sampling method. There were 60 urine samples of children of SDN 4 and SDN 8 Wawalintouan, Tondano. The results showed that of the 60 students, there were 34 males (56.7%) and 26 females (43.3%). Based on gender, there were 29 males (61.7%) with negative leukocyturia and 5 males (38.5%) with positive leukocyturia; among females there were 18 females (38.3%) with negative leukocyturia and 8 females (61,5%) with positive leukocyturia Based on enuresis, the distribution of leukocyturia showed 7 students (53,8%) with enuresis and positive leukocyturia, meanwhile of those without enuresis there were 6 students (46,2%) with positive leukocyturia. Conclusion: There was no relationship between the incidence of enuresis and leukocyturia among primary school students aged 5-10 years in SDN 4 and SDN 8 Wawalintouan Tondano.
Background: Breastfeeding without other food can meet the growing needs of a baby up to six month... more Background: Breastfeeding without other food can meet the growing needs of a baby up to six months of age. The achievement of exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia has not satisfactory. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors correlated with exclusive breastfeeding. Methode: This research is a quantitative study using an analytical survey method and a cross sectional approach from November 2018 to March 2019 in the Teling Atas Community Health Center in Manado, involving 140 mothers as a sample. The research variables were measured using a questionnaire and then analyzed using chi square and multiple regression test. Result: This study showed that there was a significant relationship between maternal occupation (p 0,006) and exclusive breastfeeding, while maternal education, maternal knowledge, family support and motivation of health workers had no significant relationship with exclusive breastfeeding (p>0,05). The results of multivariate analysis showed that matern...
Improvement of health services is needed to provide patient satisfaction. Good service quality ar... more Improvement of health services is needed to provide patient satisfaction. Good service quality arises from the perception of patients who expect the received services are in accordance with their expectations. This study aimed to determine the factors that influenced the satisfaction level of inpatients at Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital, Manado. This was an observational and analytical study with a cross sectional design. The population study were all patients hospitalized at Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital, Manado, during the period October 2022 to November 2022 with a total sample of 419 respondents. Data were collected using a questionnaire already tested for its validity and reliability, and then were analyzed using univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis with the logistic regression test. The results indicated that there were significant effects of the variables, as follows: tangible (p=0.000), reliability (p=0.000), responsiveness (p=0.000), assurance (p=0.000), and empathy (p=0.000) with patient satisfaction. Based on the results of multivariate analysis, it was found that reliability was the most influential variable on patient satisfaction (Exp value(B) = 365.221, p=0.002). In conclusion, tangible, reliability, responsivenesss, assurance, and empathy have significant effects on inpatient satisfaction at Prof.
North Sulawesi Province is included in the category with the highest cases of dengue hemorrhagic ... more North Sulawesi Province is included in the category with the highest cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) in Indonesia. This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between knowledge, attitude, and preventive measures against DHF in the community. Thia was an analytical and descriptive study with a cross sectional design. Respondents were people who lived in Puskesmas (primary health center) Kelurahan Sario Kotabaru Kota Manado area. There were 89 respondents in this study obtained by using incidental sampling technique. The results showed that DHF occurred in 5 respondents (5.6%). The majority of respondents had moderate knowledge (52.8%), agreeable attitude (70.8%), and moderate preventive measures (55.1%). Bivariate analysis resulted in significant relationship between knowledge and the occurrence of DHF (p=0.020); attitude and the occurrence of DHF (p=0.001); and preventive measures and the occurrence of DHF (p=0.016). Multivariate analysis using linear regression showed that attitude was the most related factor to DHF occurrence (Exp B=-0.034, regression coefficient =-0.140, p= 0.002). In conclusion, there is a relationship between knowledge, attitude, and preventive measures with DHF occurrence. Attitude
This study was aimed to Determinant Factors in the Use of Contraception in Women Age ASFR (Age Sp... more This study was aimed to Determinant Factors in the Use of Contraception in Women Age ASFR (Age Specific Fertility Rate) in the Province of North Sulawesi. The population is all women aged in ASFR in North Sulawesi. Sampling based on raw data SKAP adjusted to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Analysis with Chi Square test and Logistic regression. The results of the study found a relationship between education, family planning counseling service and family planning service, while the number of children, residential areas and the mass media were not. Based on multivariate results, family planning counseling service have a large role which is obtained OR value of 25.078 (95% CI = 3.089-203.625). Conclusion, education, family planning services counseling and family planning services have a significant relationship, while the number of children, residential areas and the mass media were not.
Abstract: Diarhea is an abnormal condition of feces expultsion, characterized by raising volume, ... more Abstract: Diarhea is an abnormal condition of feces expultsion, characterized by raising volume, liquid and frequency of more than 3 times a day and for neonatus is more than 4 times a day with or without mucus. One of the factor that influence diarrhea is formula milk. Giving ASI is one of the principal strategy to fulfill an adequate nutrition, prohibit disease (diarhea) since the beginning of life. The prupose of this research is to know the comparison in giving exclusive ASI and formula milk in occurrence of diarrhea toward baby of ages 6-12 months old at Puskesmas Ranotana Weru. This research was designed by using observational analytical method with retrospective approach. Sample technique was used minimal sum of sample in this research with total 60 respondent. The instrument of this research was used questioner. The data was analyzed by using Mann Whitney test in 95% of confidence rate (a<0,05). The result of this research showed score P=0.010. The conclusion of the diffe...
:Psychological support of parents potentially affect the health status of the child as if the chi... more :Psychological support of parents potentially affect the health status of the child as if the child support system is less then the child will be prone to anxiety. Objective: Unknown Parents support relationship with anxiety in children of school age at the time will be the installation of a drip. Methods: observational analytic method, do is cross sectional approach. Population is the research object or object under study. The number of children treated in the Emergency Room of the Child in September 2016 was 151 children. The sample is part of a whole object under study and are considered representative of the entire population. So the sample: in this study is 45 parents and children who are being treated at Children's Emergency Room. Results Based on the results using a statistical test Chi-Square, the value p value = 0,010. The p-value is less than the value α (α = 0.05) Conclusion : that there is a relationship between anxiety support parents with school-age children. Sugge...
ABSTRAK Posyandu merupakan salah satu bentuk pendekatan partisipasi masyarakat di bidang kesehata... more ABSTRAK Posyandu merupakan salah satu bentuk pendekatan partisipasi masyarakat di bidang kesehatan yang dikelola h kader Posyandu yang telah mendapatkan pendidikan dan pelatihan dari Puskesmas (Simanjuntak, 2012). Revitalisasi posyandu sedang giat-giatnya dilakukan oleh pemerintah. Hal ini disebabkan banyak posyandu di Indonesia yang mulai tidak aktif. Ketidak aktifan ini disebabkan oleh banyak faktor, baik faktor dari dalam maupun dari luar posyandu. Faktor yang berasal dari luar posyandu diantaranya tingkat pendidikan masyarakat sekitar, keadaan sosial dan ekonomi masyarakat sekitar serta jumlah balita di daerah sekitar, sedangkan faktor yang berasal dari dalam posyandu itu sendiri diantaranya dana, kader dan sarana prasarana (Suwandono, 2006). Kader ikut berperan dalam tumbuh kembang anak dan kesehatan ibu, sebab melalui kader para ibu mendapatkan informasi kesehatan lebih dulu. (Andira, 2012). Kader Posyandu mempunyai peran yang penting karena merupakan pelayan kesehatan (health...
Abstract: Independence in children is generally associated with the ability to do everything your... more Abstract: Independence in children is generally associated with the ability to do everything yourself, can measure the time of its own activities .The key to the success of a child’s independence is the pattern of parental care, parenting patterns affect the formation of child’s character. Parenting pattern of perents is divied into three, democratic parenting pattern, permissivea parenting and authoritarian parenting. This studi aims to determine the relationship of democratic parenting with the independence of children, the relationshipof permissive parenting with the independence of children and the relationship of parental authoritarian parenting with the independence of preschoolers. The design of this study using Cross Sectional approach, sampling techniques by total sampling is 58 childern. Instruments in this study from of questionnaires an analyzed using Chi-Squaretest statistic with a significance level of 95%.: α = 0,05. Chi Square test results with a significance level o...
Parenting is a pattern of interaction between parents and children. Children and snack foods are ... more Parenting is a pattern of interaction between parents and children. Children and snack foods are two things that are difficult to resolve because children have a penchant for more food, especially children of primary school age. The Purpose of this study is to find out the relationship between parenting and school children's snacking behavior aged 9-12 years at SD GMIM Sendangan. The Method of this study uses cross-sectional study design, using the chi-square test, with total sampel taken amounted to 64 people. The Conclusions based on the results of the analysis using the Chi-Square test show that there is the relationship of Parenting with Snacking behavior in Children's schools aged 9-12 years at SD GMIM Sendangan Sonder with a significant value = 0.007 less than α 0.05.
Abstrak: Infeksi saluran kencing (ISK)masih sering ditemukan pada anak-anak dan berperan dalam ti... more Abstrak: Infeksi saluran kencing (ISK)masih sering ditemukan pada anak-anak dan berperan dalam tingginya jumlah pasien yang dirawat di rumah sakit. Oleh karena itudibutuhkan diagnosis dan penanganan dini terhadap pasien ISK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan profil klinik dan laboratorik ISK pada pasien yang dirawat di Bagian Anak RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado. Jenis penelitian ini ialah retrospektif menggunakan data pasien dari Desember 2009 sampai Desember 2014. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan 65 pasien terdiagnosis ISK berusia 0-15 tahun terdiri dari 37 berjenis kelamin perempuan dan 27 berjenis kelamin laki-laki. Data rekam medik mengenai gambaran klinis dan hasil laboratorium memperlihatkan persentae tertinggi ialah demam (76,6%) diikuti mual dan muntah (26,6%), nyeri perut(17,2%), and diare (14,0%). Pada hasil urinalisisdidapatkan pH urin <6,5 (62,5%) dan pH urin 6,5-8,0 (27,5%). Kuman tersering dari hasil kultur urin ialah Proteus sp. (32,8%), Staphylococcus aure...
Acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis (APSGN) is a part of acute nephritic syndrome charact... more Acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis (APSGN) is a part of acute nephritic syndrome characterized by gross hematuria, edema, hypertension, and renal insufficiency. This APSGN is common in children, caused by infection of Streptococcus β-hemoliticus group A nephritogenic strain, and 97% of cases were in developing countries including Indonesia. This study was aimed to obtain the risk factors of APSGN and their association with APSGN. This was a retrospective descriptive study with a cross sectional design. Samples were medical record data of Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital Manado during the period of January 2013-October 2017. There were 67 samples in this study consisted of 48 (71.6%) cases of APSGN and 19 (25.3%) cases without APSGN. The bivariate analysis found five variables related to APSGN incidence, as followed: male gender (P =0.005), age ≥5 years (P=0.000), low socioeconomic status (P=0.000), good nutrition (P =0.000), and rainy season (P=0.005). Parents' education was not related to APSGN incidence. Conclusion: The risk factors of APSGN in children were male gender, age ≥5 years, low socioeconomic status, good nutritional status, and rainy season.
Toddler is one of the nutritional vulnerable population groups that easily suffer from health pro... more Toddler is one of the nutritional vulnerable population groups that easily suffer from health problems and malnutrition. In this age group, children are in growth and development cycle that requires nutrients in larger amounts than any other age groups. To overcome the problem of malnutrition in this age group, they should be supported with supplementary food. Pemberian makanan tambahan (PMT) is a program of intervention to infants suffering from malnutrition with a goal to improve the nutritional status as well as the nutritional needs of children to achieve the nutritional status and condition of good nutrition in accordance with the children's age. PMT for children aged 0-59 months is as an addition and not as a substitute of main daily meals. This study was aimed to determine the relationship of supplementary feeding to changes in the nutritional status of children under 5 years with malnutrition at health centers in Manado. This was an analytical retrospective study. Subjects were 70 children under 5 years with malnutrition fed with rice, biscuits, green beans, and milk for 90 days. The results showed that there was a very significant relationship between PMT and the changes in nutritional status of children under 5 years with malnutrition at health centers in Manado.
Blood pressure is the force that is necessary for blood to flow in blood vessels and circulation ... more Blood pressure is the force that is necessary for blood to flow in blood vessels and circulation to all parts of the human body. The air pressure in the mountains is lower than at the beach, this causes increased erythrocyte production, which results in increased viscocity and resistance. This study aimed to determine the difference in blood pressure among children who live in the mountains and at the seaside. This was an observational survey with a cross sectional design. Samples taken to represent the two major populations were elementary students Wulurmaatus Modoinding, South Minahasa (mountain area) and elementary students Inpres 12/79 Wangurer, Madidir Bitung (beach area). In the target population sampling is done by simple random sampling and at affordable population sampling conducted consecutive sampling. Found as many as 28 boys in the mountains and 24 boys on the beach with an average TDS respectively 90.3 mmHg and 94.1 mmHg (ρ = 0.126) and the average TDD respectively 62, 1 mmHg and 64.7 mmHg (ρ = 0.146). And as many as 25 girls in the mountains and 28 girls on the beach with an average TDS respectively 88.7 mmHg and 93.5 mmHg (ρ = 0.065) and the average TDD found respectively 63.7 mmHg and 66 mmHg (ρ = 0.139). From the results obtained it can be concluded that there was no difference in blood pressure (systolic and diastolic) in children who live in the mountains and at the seaside.
Hepatitis is the process of inflammation and or necrosis of liver tissue that can be caused by in... more Hepatitis is the process of inflammation and or necrosis of liver tissue that can be caused by infections, drugs, toxins, metabolic disorders, and autoimmune disorders. Hepatitis is a world problem as it attacks billion of people, especially in developing countries. Based on Indonesia's Health Profile, the coverage of hepatitis B immunization in Indonesia is around 59.19%, but the incidence of hepatitis B in various areas is still growing every year. WHO states that, Indonesia is included in a group with moderate and severe epidemic. Wiharta and friends reports that in Jakarta, there is 1 in 20 pregnant women that has positive HBsAg and the sufferer has high infectiousness. It requires proper knowledge of public health from the officers such as doctors, nurses, and co-ass to reduce the number of mortality due to these diseases. The purpose of this study is to acknowledge the comprehension description of health officers and it's relation to education, training, and work experience at Prof. R. D. Kandou hospital, Manado. Methods: This study is conducted using a cross sectional design with observational approach, in this case it is done by observation and questionnaires. Data analysis used in this study is univariate analysis. Samples of 60 people. Results: In the results obtained from 60 health officers, there are 56 people of them have good knowledge on hepatitis B. As for the other health officers with sufficient knowledge on Hepatitis B consists of 4 people. Conclusion: Health officers at Prof. R D Kandou hospital have a good knowledge on hepatitis B.
Enuresis is one health problem that often occurs but rarely perceived as a problem for the parent... more Enuresis is one health problem that often occurs but rarely perceived as a problem for the parents. Enuresis should be suspected urinary tract infection, often wet perineum predisposes to infection, the boys that are not circumcised have a higher risk of suffering for UTI. The purpose of the research it want to determine the relation of enuresis with UTI in children aged 6-8 years in the elementary school Malalayang. This research is an observational analytic cross-sectional that approach to students in elementary school Malalayang with sample of 30 children that have enuresis and 30 children without enuresis, aged 6-8 years. The results obtained, that from children who have an enuresis, found 5 children that positive UTI and from children who did not get an enuresis, found 3 children that have positive UTI. Research subjects confirmed the suffer of UTI by urinalysis examination, in which the leukocytes are found as significant if > 10 per field of view and a positive nitrite. Based on the results obtained with the test Test fisher's excact obtained value p = 0.353> 0.05 so we get no association between enuresis with UTI in children aged 6-8 years in the elementary school Malalayang.
Dental caries is caused by email and dentin demineralization. In general, school age children hav... more Dental caries is caused by email and dentin demineralization. In general, school age children have a high caries risk because they like to consume cariogenic foods. This was a descriptive analytical study with a cross sectional approach. This study aimed to obtain the relationship between cariogenic food consumption and dental caries status among students of SMP Negeri 1 Tareran.The whole study population as many as 258 students were used as samples. Primary data consisted of the dental caries examination to obtain the number of dental caries status (DMF-T) and of the questionnaire by using Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) to obtain the consumption of cariogenic foods. The results showed that cariogenic food consumption of the majority of students in SMP Negeri 1 Tareran was categorized as occasionally which meant several times weekly. Dental caries status of the students belonged to the low category with an average DMF-T 1,82 which meant each student had two caries teeth. The statistical test showed that there was a relationship between consumption of cariogenic food and dental caries status.
Abstrak: Infeksi saluran kemih (ISK) pada anak merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan yang paling... more Abstrak: Infeksi saluran kemih (ISK) pada anak merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan yang paling sering terjadi, dengan angka kejadian yang hanya sedikit lebih rendah dibandingkan ISPA dan infeksi digestif. Salah satu keadaan penting yang perlu diperhatikan pada gejala ISK adalah bakteriuria. Bakteriuria adalah suatu keadaan dimana bakteri dapat ditemukan didalam urin, tetapi keadaan ini tidak selalu berarti ISK. Bakteri gram negatif, khususnya Eschericia coli merupakan penyebab utama ISK (85-90%). Survei awal yang dilakukan peneliti di kelurahan Sindulang 1, kecamatan Tuminting, kota Manado, menduga bahwa sungai Tondano di daerah tersebut tercemar E.coli. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik observasional dengan pendekatan potong lintang (cross sectional). Penelitian dilakukan di kelurahan Sindulang 1, kecamatan Tuminting, kota Manado, selama bulan November sampai Desember 2012, dengan sampel adalah 60 anak yang berusia antara 5-12 tahun. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, t...
Background Tuberculosis (TB) in is children different from TB in adults in terms of the difficult... more Background Tuberculosis (TB) in is children different from TB in adults in terms of the difficulty in making prompt diagnosis, the more progressive course of disease and the high-risk for the occurrence of disseminated TB. Transmission of TB in children mostly originates from adults, which the biggest risk is the index case with positive sputum smear.Objective To find out the incidence of TB in children who have close contact with adult TB patients and to determine some risk factors for the development of childhood TB.Method This cross-sectional study was conducted between March to July 2009. We studied children aged less than 5 years old with close contact, living in the same house with adult TB patients. The diagnosis of TB was made based on National TB scoring system for children.Results Of the 50 children, we obtained 17 (34%) positive children with TB after going through with national TB scoring system for children. There was a significant relationship between AFB positive sput...
Background Infections affecting the urinary tract are commonly found in children and responsible ... more Background Infections affecting the urinary tract are commonly found in children and responsible as the second cause of morbidity after respiratory tract infections.Objective To detennine the association between pyuria and positive urine culture in children with suspected urinary tract infection (UTI).Methods We reviewed all patients who suffered from suspected UTI with pyuria, aged 1 month to 13 years at the Department of Child Health, Manado Central General Hospital from January 1999 until December 2001.Results Of the 45 patients who suffered from suspected UTI with pyuria, 33 (73%) were proved to have UTI (12 males and 21 females). There was significant association between pyuria of more than 20 white cells per high power field visualized and the incidence of UTI (P <0.05), but no association was found between sex and the incidence of UTI. In patients aged 1 year and older, the rate of UTI was higher in female than male, namely 61 % of females and 30% of males had UTI. The mai...
Enuresis refers to the involuntary excretion of urine that occurs during urination which is expec... more Enuresis refers to the involuntary excretion of urine that occurs during urination which is expected to have already been attained. Enuresis is divided into nocturnal enuresis and diurnal enuresis. Nocturnal enuresis (sleep wetting) is enuresis which occurs at night while enuresis diurnal (awake wetting) is enuresis which occurs during the day. The presence of leukocytes in urine that exceeds the normal value is called leukocyturia which is a sign of inflammation of the urinary tract (kidneys, ureter, bladder, and urethra). This study aimed to obtain the relationship between leukocyturia and enuresis among primary school students aged 5-10 years in SDN 4 and SDN 8 Wawalintouan Tondano. This was an observational analytical study with a cross sectional approach. Samples were obtained by using purposive sampling method. There were 60 urine samples of children of SDN 4 and SDN 8 Wawalintouan, Tondano. The results showed that of the 60 students, there were 34 males (56.7%) and 26 females (43.3%). Based on gender, there were 29 males (61.7%) with negative leukocyturia and 5 males (38.5%) with positive leukocyturia; among females there were 18 females (38.3%) with negative leukocyturia and 8 females (61,5%) with positive leukocyturia Based on enuresis, the distribution of leukocyturia showed 7 students (53,8%) with enuresis and positive leukocyturia, meanwhile of those without enuresis there were 6 students (46,2%) with positive leukocyturia. Conclusion: There was no relationship between the incidence of enuresis and leukocyturia among primary school students aged 5-10 years in SDN 4 and SDN 8 Wawalintouan Tondano.
Background: Breastfeeding without other food can meet the growing needs of a baby up to six month... more Background: Breastfeeding without other food can meet the growing needs of a baby up to six months of age. The achievement of exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia has not satisfactory. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors correlated with exclusive breastfeeding. Methode: This research is a quantitative study using an analytical survey method and a cross sectional approach from November 2018 to March 2019 in the Teling Atas Community Health Center in Manado, involving 140 mothers as a sample. The research variables were measured using a questionnaire and then analyzed using chi square and multiple regression test. Result: This study showed that there was a significant relationship between maternal occupation (p 0,006) and exclusive breastfeeding, while maternal education, maternal knowledge, family support and motivation of health workers had no significant relationship with exclusive breastfeeding (p>0,05). The results of multivariate analysis showed that matern...
Improvement of health services is needed to provide patient satisfaction. Good service quality ar... more Improvement of health services is needed to provide patient satisfaction. Good service quality arises from the perception of patients who expect the received services are in accordance with their expectations. This study aimed to determine the factors that influenced the satisfaction level of inpatients at Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital, Manado. This was an observational and analytical study with a cross sectional design. The population study were all patients hospitalized at Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital, Manado, during the period October 2022 to November 2022 with a total sample of 419 respondents. Data were collected using a questionnaire already tested for its validity and reliability, and then were analyzed using univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis with the logistic regression test. The results indicated that there were significant effects of the variables, as follows: tangible (p=0.000), reliability (p=0.000), responsiveness (p=0.000), assurance (p=0.000), and empathy (p=0.000) with patient satisfaction. Based on the results of multivariate analysis, it was found that reliability was the most influential variable on patient satisfaction (Exp value(B) = 365.221, p=0.002). In conclusion, tangible, reliability, responsivenesss, assurance, and empathy have significant effects on inpatient satisfaction at Prof.
North Sulawesi Province is included in the category with the highest cases of dengue hemorrhagic ... more North Sulawesi Province is included in the category with the highest cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) in Indonesia. This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between knowledge, attitude, and preventive measures against DHF in the community. Thia was an analytical and descriptive study with a cross sectional design. Respondents were people who lived in Puskesmas (primary health center) Kelurahan Sario Kotabaru Kota Manado area. There were 89 respondents in this study obtained by using incidental sampling technique. The results showed that DHF occurred in 5 respondents (5.6%). The majority of respondents had moderate knowledge (52.8%), agreeable attitude (70.8%), and moderate preventive measures (55.1%). Bivariate analysis resulted in significant relationship between knowledge and the occurrence of DHF (p=0.020); attitude and the occurrence of DHF (p=0.001); and preventive measures and the occurrence of DHF (p=0.016). Multivariate analysis using linear regression showed that attitude was the most related factor to DHF occurrence (Exp B=-0.034, regression coefficient =-0.140, p= 0.002). In conclusion, there is a relationship between knowledge, attitude, and preventive measures with DHF occurrence. Attitude
This study was aimed to Determinant Factors in the Use of Contraception in Women Age ASFR (Age Sp... more This study was aimed to Determinant Factors in the Use of Contraception in Women Age ASFR (Age Specific Fertility Rate) in the Province of North Sulawesi. The population is all women aged in ASFR in North Sulawesi. Sampling based on raw data SKAP adjusted to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Analysis with Chi Square test and Logistic regression. The results of the study found a relationship between education, family planning counseling service and family planning service, while the number of children, residential areas and the mass media were not. Based on multivariate results, family planning counseling service have a large role which is obtained OR value of 25.078 (95% CI = 3.089-203.625). Conclusion, education, family planning services counseling and family planning services have a significant relationship, while the number of children, residential areas and the mass media were not.
Abstract: Diarhea is an abnormal condition of feces expultsion, characterized by raising volume, ... more Abstract: Diarhea is an abnormal condition of feces expultsion, characterized by raising volume, liquid and frequency of more than 3 times a day and for neonatus is more than 4 times a day with or without mucus. One of the factor that influence diarrhea is formula milk. Giving ASI is one of the principal strategy to fulfill an adequate nutrition, prohibit disease (diarhea) since the beginning of life. The prupose of this research is to know the comparison in giving exclusive ASI and formula milk in occurrence of diarrhea toward baby of ages 6-12 months old at Puskesmas Ranotana Weru. This research was designed by using observational analytical method with retrospective approach. Sample technique was used minimal sum of sample in this research with total 60 respondent. The instrument of this research was used questioner. The data was analyzed by using Mann Whitney test in 95% of confidence rate (a<0,05). The result of this research showed score P=0.010. The conclusion of the diffe...
:Psychological support of parents potentially affect the health status of the child as if the chi... more :Psychological support of parents potentially affect the health status of the child as if the child support system is less then the child will be prone to anxiety. Objective: Unknown Parents support relationship with anxiety in children of school age at the time will be the installation of a drip. Methods: observational analytic method, do is cross sectional approach. Population is the research object or object under study. The number of children treated in the Emergency Room of the Child in September 2016 was 151 children. The sample is part of a whole object under study and are considered representative of the entire population. So the sample: in this study is 45 parents and children who are being treated at Children's Emergency Room. Results Based on the results using a statistical test Chi-Square, the value p value = 0,010. The p-value is less than the value α (α = 0.05) Conclusion : that there is a relationship between anxiety support parents with school-age children. Sugge...
ABSTRAK Posyandu merupakan salah satu bentuk pendekatan partisipasi masyarakat di bidang kesehata... more ABSTRAK Posyandu merupakan salah satu bentuk pendekatan partisipasi masyarakat di bidang kesehatan yang dikelola h kader Posyandu yang telah mendapatkan pendidikan dan pelatihan dari Puskesmas (Simanjuntak, 2012). Revitalisasi posyandu sedang giat-giatnya dilakukan oleh pemerintah. Hal ini disebabkan banyak posyandu di Indonesia yang mulai tidak aktif. Ketidak aktifan ini disebabkan oleh banyak faktor, baik faktor dari dalam maupun dari luar posyandu. Faktor yang berasal dari luar posyandu diantaranya tingkat pendidikan masyarakat sekitar, keadaan sosial dan ekonomi masyarakat sekitar serta jumlah balita di daerah sekitar, sedangkan faktor yang berasal dari dalam posyandu itu sendiri diantaranya dana, kader dan sarana prasarana (Suwandono, 2006). Kader ikut berperan dalam tumbuh kembang anak dan kesehatan ibu, sebab melalui kader para ibu mendapatkan informasi kesehatan lebih dulu. (Andira, 2012). Kader Posyandu mempunyai peran yang penting karena merupakan pelayan kesehatan (health...
Abstract: Independence in children is generally associated with the ability to do everything your... more Abstract: Independence in children is generally associated with the ability to do everything yourself, can measure the time of its own activities .The key to the success of a child’s independence is the pattern of parental care, parenting patterns affect the formation of child’s character. Parenting pattern of perents is divied into three, democratic parenting pattern, permissivea parenting and authoritarian parenting. This studi aims to determine the relationship of democratic parenting with the independence of children, the relationshipof permissive parenting with the independence of children and the relationship of parental authoritarian parenting with the independence of preschoolers. The design of this study using Cross Sectional approach, sampling techniques by total sampling is 58 childern. Instruments in this study from of questionnaires an analyzed using Chi-Squaretest statistic with a significance level of 95%.: α = 0,05. Chi Square test results with a significance level o...
Parenting is a pattern of interaction between parents and children. Children and snack foods are ... more Parenting is a pattern of interaction between parents and children. Children and snack foods are two things that are difficult to resolve because children have a penchant for more food, especially children of primary school age. The Purpose of this study is to find out the relationship between parenting and school children's snacking behavior aged 9-12 years at SD GMIM Sendangan. The Method of this study uses cross-sectional study design, using the chi-square test, with total sampel taken amounted to 64 people. The Conclusions based on the results of the analysis using the Chi-Square test show that there is the relationship of Parenting with Snacking behavior in Children's schools aged 9-12 years at SD GMIM Sendangan Sonder with a significant value = 0.007 less than α 0.05.
Abstrak: Infeksi saluran kencing (ISK)masih sering ditemukan pada anak-anak dan berperan dalam ti... more Abstrak: Infeksi saluran kencing (ISK)masih sering ditemukan pada anak-anak dan berperan dalam tingginya jumlah pasien yang dirawat di rumah sakit. Oleh karena itudibutuhkan diagnosis dan penanganan dini terhadap pasien ISK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan profil klinik dan laboratorik ISK pada pasien yang dirawat di Bagian Anak RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado. Jenis penelitian ini ialah retrospektif menggunakan data pasien dari Desember 2009 sampai Desember 2014. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan 65 pasien terdiagnosis ISK berusia 0-15 tahun terdiri dari 37 berjenis kelamin perempuan dan 27 berjenis kelamin laki-laki. Data rekam medik mengenai gambaran klinis dan hasil laboratorium memperlihatkan persentae tertinggi ialah demam (76,6%) diikuti mual dan muntah (26,6%), nyeri perut(17,2%), and diare (14,0%). Pada hasil urinalisisdidapatkan pH urin <6,5 (62,5%) dan pH urin 6,5-8,0 (27,5%). Kuman tersering dari hasil kultur urin ialah Proteus sp. (32,8%), Staphylococcus aure...
Acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis (APSGN) is a part of acute nephritic syndrome charact... more Acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis (APSGN) is a part of acute nephritic syndrome characterized by gross hematuria, edema, hypertension, and renal insufficiency. This APSGN is common in children, caused by infection of Streptococcus β-hemoliticus group A nephritogenic strain, and 97% of cases were in developing countries including Indonesia. This study was aimed to obtain the risk factors of APSGN and their association with APSGN. This was a retrospective descriptive study with a cross sectional design. Samples were medical record data of Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital Manado during the period of January 2013-October 2017. There were 67 samples in this study consisted of 48 (71.6%) cases of APSGN and 19 (25.3%) cases without APSGN. The bivariate analysis found five variables related to APSGN incidence, as followed: male gender (P =0.005), age ≥5 years (P=0.000), low socioeconomic status (P=0.000), good nutrition (P =0.000), and rainy season (P=0.005). Parents' education was not related to APSGN incidence. Conclusion: The risk factors of APSGN in children were male gender, age ≥5 years, low socioeconomic status, good nutritional status, and rainy season.
Toddler is one of the nutritional vulnerable population groups that easily suffer from health pro... more Toddler is one of the nutritional vulnerable population groups that easily suffer from health problems and malnutrition. In this age group, children are in growth and development cycle that requires nutrients in larger amounts than any other age groups. To overcome the problem of malnutrition in this age group, they should be supported with supplementary food. Pemberian makanan tambahan (PMT) is a program of intervention to infants suffering from malnutrition with a goal to improve the nutritional status as well as the nutritional needs of children to achieve the nutritional status and condition of good nutrition in accordance with the children's age. PMT for children aged 0-59 months is as an addition and not as a substitute of main daily meals. This study was aimed to determine the relationship of supplementary feeding to changes in the nutritional status of children under 5 years with malnutrition at health centers in Manado. This was an analytical retrospective study. Subjects were 70 children under 5 years with malnutrition fed with rice, biscuits, green beans, and milk for 90 days. The results showed that there was a very significant relationship between PMT and the changes in nutritional status of children under 5 years with malnutrition at health centers in Manado.
Blood pressure is the force that is necessary for blood to flow in blood vessels and circulation ... more Blood pressure is the force that is necessary for blood to flow in blood vessels and circulation to all parts of the human body. The air pressure in the mountains is lower than at the beach, this causes increased erythrocyte production, which results in increased viscocity and resistance. This study aimed to determine the difference in blood pressure among children who live in the mountains and at the seaside. This was an observational survey with a cross sectional design. Samples taken to represent the two major populations were elementary students Wulurmaatus Modoinding, South Minahasa (mountain area) and elementary students Inpres 12/79 Wangurer, Madidir Bitung (beach area). In the target population sampling is done by simple random sampling and at affordable population sampling conducted consecutive sampling. Found as many as 28 boys in the mountains and 24 boys on the beach with an average TDS respectively 90.3 mmHg and 94.1 mmHg (ρ = 0.126) and the average TDD respectively 62, 1 mmHg and 64.7 mmHg (ρ = 0.146). And as many as 25 girls in the mountains and 28 girls on the beach with an average TDS respectively 88.7 mmHg and 93.5 mmHg (ρ = 0.065) and the average TDD found respectively 63.7 mmHg and 66 mmHg (ρ = 0.139). From the results obtained it can be concluded that there was no difference in blood pressure (systolic and diastolic) in children who live in the mountains and at the seaside.
Hepatitis is the process of inflammation and or necrosis of liver tissue that can be caused by in... more Hepatitis is the process of inflammation and or necrosis of liver tissue that can be caused by infections, drugs, toxins, metabolic disorders, and autoimmune disorders. Hepatitis is a world problem as it attacks billion of people, especially in developing countries. Based on Indonesia's Health Profile, the coverage of hepatitis B immunization in Indonesia is around 59.19%, but the incidence of hepatitis B in various areas is still growing every year. WHO states that, Indonesia is included in a group with moderate and severe epidemic. Wiharta and friends reports that in Jakarta, there is 1 in 20 pregnant women that has positive HBsAg and the sufferer has high infectiousness. It requires proper knowledge of public health from the officers such as doctors, nurses, and co-ass to reduce the number of mortality due to these diseases. The purpose of this study is to acknowledge the comprehension description of health officers and it's relation to education, training, and work experience at Prof. R. D. Kandou hospital, Manado. Methods: This study is conducted using a cross sectional design with observational approach, in this case it is done by observation and questionnaires. Data analysis used in this study is univariate analysis. Samples of 60 people. Results: In the results obtained from 60 health officers, there are 56 people of them have good knowledge on hepatitis B. As for the other health officers with sufficient knowledge on Hepatitis B consists of 4 people. Conclusion: Health officers at Prof. R D Kandou hospital have a good knowledge on hepatitis B.
Enuresis is one health problem that often occurs but rarely perceived as a problem for the parent... more Enuresis is one health problem that often occurs but rarely perceived as a problem for the parents. Enuresis should be suspected urinary tract infection, often wet perineum predisposes to infection, the boys that are not circumcised have a higher risk of suffering for UTI. The purpose of the research it want to determine the relation of enuresis with UTI in children aged 6-8 years in the elementary school Malalayang. This research is an observational analytic cross-sectional that approach to students in elementary school Malalayang with sample of 30 children that have enuresis and 30 children without enuresis, aged 6-8 years. The results obtained, that from children who have an enuresis, found 5 children that positive UTI and from children who did not get an enuresis, found 3 children that have positive UTI. Research subjects confirmed the suffer of UTI by urinalysis examination, in which the leukocytes are found as significant if > 10 per field of view and a positive nitrite. Based on the results obtained with the test Test fisher's excact obtained value p = 0.353> 0.05 so we get no association between enuresis with UTI in children aged 6-8 years in the elementary school Malalayang.
Dental caries is caused by email and dentin demineralization. In general, school age children hav... more Dental caries is caused by email and dentin demineralization. In general, school age children have a high caries risk because they like to consume cariogenic foods. This was a descriptive analytical study with a cross sectional approach. This study aimed to obtain the relationship between cariogenic food consumption and dental caries status among students of SMP Negeri 1 Tareran.The whole study population as many as 258 students were used as samples. Primary data consisted of the dental caries examination to obtain the number of dental caries status (DMF-T) and of the questionnaire by using Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) to obtain the consumption of cariogenic foods. The results showed that cariogenic food consumption of the majority of students in SMP Negeri 1 Tareran was categorized as occasionally which meant several times weekly. Dental caries status of the students belonged to the low category with an average DMF-T 1,82 which meant each student had two caries teeth. The statistical test showed that there was a relationship between consumption of cariogenic food and dental caries status.
Abstrak: Infeksi saluran kemih (ISK) pada anak merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan yang paling... more Abstrak: Infeksi saluran kemih (ISK) pada anak merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan yang paling sering terjadi, dengan angka kejadian yang hanya sedikit lebih rendah dibandingkan ISPA dan infeksi digestif. Salah satu keadaan penting yang perlu diperhatikan pada gejala ISK adalah bakteriuria. Bakteriuria adalah suatu keadaan dimana bakteri dapat ditemukan didalam urin, tetapi keadaan ini tidak selalu berarti ISK. Bakteri gram negatif, khususnya Eschericia coli merupakan penyebab utama ISK (85-90%). Survei awal yang dilakukan peneliti di kelurahan Sindulang 1, kecamatan Tuminting, kota Manado, menduga bahwa sungai Tondano di daerah tersebut tercemar E.coli. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik observasional dengan pendekatan potong lintang (cross sectional). Penelitian dilakukan di kelurahan Sindulang 1, kecamatan Tuminting, kota Manado, selama bulan November sampai Desember 2012, dengan sampel adalah 60 anak yang berusia antara 5-12 tahun. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, t...
Background Tuberculosis (TB) in is children different from TB in adults in terms of the difficult... more Background Tuberculosis (TB) in is children different from TB in adults in terms of the difficulty in making prompt diagnosis, the more progressive course of disease and the high-risk for the occurrence of disseminated TB. Transmission of TB in children mostly originates from adults, which the biggest risk is the index case with positive sputum smear.Objective To find out the incidence of TB in children who have close contact with adult TB patients and to determine some risk factors for the development of childhood TB.Method This cross-sectional study was conducted between March to July 2009. We studied children aged less than 5 years old with close contact, living in the same house with adult TB patients. The diagnosis of TB was made based on National TB scoring system for children.Results Of the 50 children, we obtained 17 (34%) positive children with TB after going through with national TB scoring system for children. There was a significant relationship between AFB positive sput...
Background Infections affecting the urinary tract are commonly found in children and responsible ... more Background Infections affecting the urinary tract are commonly found in children and responsible as the second cause of morbidity after respiratory tract infections.Objective To detennine the association between pyuria and positive urine culture in children with suspected urinary tract infection (UTI).Methods We reviewed all patients who suffered from suspected UTI with pyuria, aged 1 month to 13 years at the Department of Child Health, Manado Central General Hospital from January 1999 until December 2001.Results Of the 45 patients who suffered from suspected UTI with pyuria, 33 (73%) were proved to have UTI (12 males and 21 females). There was significant association between pyuria of more than 20 white cells per high power field visualized and the incidence of UTI (P <0.05), but no association was found between sex and the incidence of UTI. In patients aged 1 year and older, the rate of UTI was higher in female than male, namely 61 % of females and 30% of males had UTI. The mai...
Papers by Adrian Umboh