Papers by Adolfo Martinez
* Este trabajo ha sido posible gracias a una ayuda a la investigación concedida por la Fundación ... more * Este trabajo ha sido posible gracias a una ayuda a la investigación concedida por la Fundación Caja de Madrid al proyecto titulado El debate en torno a la idea de nobleza en los siglos XVI y XVII. La polémica en España y su relación con Europa.
Medicine - Programa de Formación Médica Continuada Acreditado, 2000
El sindrome del intestino irritable (SII) es un trastorno funcional frecuente que produce dolor a... more El sindrome del intestino irritable (SII) es un trastorno funcional frecuente que produce dolor abdominal, cambios del ritmo intestinal y distension. En este articulo se revisa la fisiopatologia, la prevalencia, el tratamiento de los pacientes con SII desde la atencion primaria y las posibles pautas de tratamiento en funcion de los sintomas predominantes.

Biological Control, 2006
Frosty pod rot (FPR), caused by Moniliophthora roreri, and black pod (BP), caused by Phytophthora... more Frosty pod rot (FPR), caused by Moniliophthora roreri, and black pod (BP), caused by Phytophthora spp., of cocoa (Theobroma cacao) cause combined pod losses of more than 80% in Panama. Biological control of both diseases appeared promising in Peru and is desired by certiWed organic producers in Panama. We evaluated both local and Peruvian fungal antagonists in participatory trials on smallholdings during two complete production cycles. Furthermore, we tested the inXuence of a 3% v/v cane molasses amendment on biocontrol eYcacy, yield and population dynamics of mycoparasites on the cocoa pod. SigniWcant variation was observed between the two years: FPR was more severe in the Wrst year, BP in the second. FPR was signiWcantly reduced by biocontrol agents (BCAs), but not by the molasses amendment. However, BCAs responded diVerently to molasses in both years. All BCAs reduced inoculum production by M. roreri with no consistent eVect of molasses. BCAs had a lesser and more variable eVect on BP, whereas molasses reduced BP slightly by increasing the eYcacy of native antagonists. All BCAs and the molasses amendment enhanced the percentage of healthy pods. Molasses was beneWcial to absolute yield, but only one inoculum improved yield signiWcantly in the Wrst year. Populations of a Peruvian Trichoderma asperellum isolate remained high for over two months after application to surface-sterilized pods. Molasses had no eVect on establishment or survival of this antagonist or recolonization by any native mycoparasite. The reasons for enhanced biocontrol eYcacy of the molasses formulation requires further investigation.
Analytical Chemistry, 1986
The American journal of …, 1990
Papers by Adolfo Martinez