Papers by Aditya Ku Agrawal

Cell Transplantation, 2010
The mechanism of the two-layer method (TLM) of pancreas preservation is unclear. Facilitating oxy... more The mechanism of the two-layer method (TLM) of pancreas preservation is unclear. Facilitating oxygen diffusion into preserved pancreas has been suggested, but direct measurements of tissue pO2 have yielded conflicting results. The degree of penetration of perfluorocarbon (PFC) into the pancreas during TLM storage is unknown. Segments of porcine pancreas (7.5 cm in length) were preserved either in University of Wisconsin solution (UW) alone ( n = 6) or in TLM for 24 h ( n = 6). Pancreatic samples were analyzed using Varian INOVA 9.4T MR scanner. External PFC standard was introduced for quantification. Four consecutive transverse images of 4 mm thickness were obtained using a spin-echo sequence. 19Fluorine magnetic resonance spectroscopy (19F MRS) was performed with the same parameters except with more averages. MR data were confirmed by headspace chromatography. PFC standard was readily detected in 19F MR images. There was no signal from pancreas in 19F MR images following either UW ...

Anesthesiology, 1998
Background Metabolic anomalies are known in skeletal muscles of patients with malignant hyperther... more Background Metabolic anomalies are known in skeletal muscles of patients with malignant hyperthermia (MH). Methods The authors used 31-phosphorus (31P) magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) to compare metabolic changes of the finger flexor muscles recorded throughout two rest-exercise-recovery protocols (each including aerobic or ischemic exercise) in 26 healthy persons and in 13 MH-susceptible (MHS) persons who were unequivocally diagnosed by in vitro halothane-caffeine contracture tests on muscle biopsies. Results No abnormality was observed at rest and during recovery periods. A larger phosphocreatine decrease associated with an early drop of pH was noted during the first minute of both exercise periods for MHS patients compared with controls. The early pH decrease indicated a disorder affecting glycolytic activation, probably reflecting defects of Ca2+ cycling, and provided a sensitivity of 77% for MHS diagnosis. A diagnostic strategy based on the retrospective analysis of 19 se...
ISIS Technical Report, TR# ISIS …, 2003
This paper introduces a UML-based approach for specifying model transformations. The technique is... more This paper introduces a UML-based approach for specifying model transformations. The technique is based on graph transformations, where UML class diagrams are used to represent the graph grammars of the input and the output of the transformations, and the transformations are ...
Proc. Generative Programming and …, 2004
The Model Driven Architecture (MDA) [3] advocates the use of models in software development throu... more The Model Driven Architecture (MDA) [3] advocates the use of models in software development through either Unified Modeling Language (UML) [2] or though domain specific languages supported by Meta Object Facility (MOF) [4]. In the later approach, transformations are to bridge the ...
… Journal on Software and Systems Modeling, 2003
This paper introduces a UML-based approach for specifying model transformations. The technique is... more This paper introduces a UML-based approach for specifying model transformations. The technique is based on graph transformations, where UML class diagrams are used to represent the graph grammars of the input and the output of the transformations, and the transformations are ...
The 3rd OOPSLA …, 2003
Domain-specific modeling languages amortize the cost of the development of a language over all th... more Domain-specific modeling languages amortize the cost of the development of a language over all the software products they can be used for. This paper describes an infrastructure for developing DSMLs and using them in a systematic manner. The infrastructure consists of a modeling ...
… Techniques in the …, 2002
Introduction The bold vision outlined in Model-Driven Architecture of OMG [1] places great emphas... more Introduction The bold vision outlined in Model-Driven Architecture of OMG [1] places great emphasis on the use of modeling in the software development process. What has been started in the Unified Modeling Language, MDA is taking to its logical next step: the fully model-based ...
… for publication in the Journal on …, 2003
ABSTRACT. In model driven development, model transformations play a crucial role. This paper intr... more ABSTRACT. In model driven development, model transformations play a crucial role. This paper introduces a new, UML-based approach for the specification and implementation of model transformations. The technique is based on graph transformations, where the ...
IEEE Communications Magazine, 2006
American journal of preventive medicine, 2006
Access to fresh produce and other healthy foods differs between poor ethnic and wealthier non-eth... more Access to fresh produce and other healthy foods differs between poor ethnic and wealthier non-ethnic neighborhoods. Given the need to improve access, emergency food organizations, such as food pantries, can provide assistance. Food pantry clients, many ...
Papers by Aditya Ku Agrawal