Papers by Wahyu Adinugroho

ABSTRACT This study provides a comprehensive assessment of forest biomass and carbon stocks for n... more ABSTRACT This study provides a comprehensive assessment of forest biomass and carbon stocks for natural forests in Central Kalimantan. Total forest biomass estimates are presented for three main natural forest types (dryland, swamp and mangrove forests) with two different conditions (primary and secondary forests). These values quantify initial forest biomass conditions for modeling greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and removals, as used in the Indonesian National Carbon Accounting System (INCAS), or to calculate CO2 emission factors for quantifying GHG emissions due to forest clearing or deforestation in Central Kalimantan. Several sources of forest inventory data and information available from previous study were used in estimating forest biomass. This result provides an improved and more comprehensive analysis of emissions factors for forests by using Central Kalimantan-based forest inventory plots and allometric guidelines for quantifying forest biomass and forest carbon content. In addition, it includes all components of aboveground biomass of forest ecosystem. Further research is needed to relate forest biomass and carbon stocks to other determining factors such as forest type, soil type and climate, as well as the proportions of biomass immediately emitted due to forest management activities and the portion of biomass decomposed over specified time intervals.

Laporan ini menyajikan perkiraan sementara emisi historis tahunan CO2 (yang selanjutnya disebut d... more Laporan ini menyajikan perkiraan sementara emisi historis tahunan CO2 (yang selanjutnya disebut dengan emisi GRK) akibat deforestasi hutan alam dan dekomposisi lahan gambut yang terdegradasi di Kalimantan Tengah untuk periode 2000-2009, dengan menggunakan pendekatan sederhana dalam perhitungan emisi GRK. Perhitungan sederhana ini sesuai dengan permintaan dari Tim Khusus REDD+ (UKP4) dan Tim REL Provinsi Percontohan REDD+ Kalimantan Tengah. Meskipun perhitungan ini merupakan perhitungan awal dan tidak menghitung semua sumber emisi dan serapan GRK, namun laporan ini menggambarkan perhitungan yang lebih lengkap yang diketahui selama ini dalam perhitungan emisi GRK dari deforestasi dan dekomposisi lahan gambut di Kalimantan Tengah. Dengan luasnya hutan dan lahan gambut yang terdegrasi, ditambah dengan tingginya tingkat deforestasi, menjadikan sektor berbasis lahan di Indonesia sebagai sumber emisi GRK yang besar. Pemerintah Indonesia telah berkomitmen untuk menurunkan emisi GRK sebesar ...

This account presents an interim estimate of annual historical CO2 emissions (refer to from here ... more This account presents an interim estimate of annual historical CO2 emissions (refer to from here on in, as a GHG emissions) from the deforestation of natural forests and the peat decomposition of degraded peatlands in Central Kalimantan for the period 2000 to 2009, using a simple approach to GHG emissions estimation at the request of the REDD+ Special Team (UKP4) and the REL Team of the REDD+ Pilot Province of Central Kalimantan. While these are only initial estimates and do not account for all sources of GHG emissions and removals, this represents the more comprehensive, known account of GHG emissions from deforestation and decomposition of peatlands for Central Kalimantan. With a large forest area and vast areas of degraded peatlands, coupled with high rates of deforestation, Indonesiaās land sector represents a significant source of GHG emissions. As such, the Government of Indonesia (GOI) has committed to reducing GHG emissions by 26% below ābusiness as usualā levels by 2020, an...

Penghitungan emisi GRK dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan INCAS. Pendekatan INCAS merupakan ... more Penghitungan emisi GRK dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan INCAS. Pendekatan INCAS merupakan pendekatan yang dirancang untuk menghitung emisi GRK dari sektor berbasis lahan yang konsisten secara nasional maupun subnasional. INCAS menggunakan model keseimbangan massa (mass balance) untuk melacak aliran karbon dari sumber karbon (carbon pool) satu ke sumber karbon lainnya dari hutan dan kemudian menduga GRK bersih yang teremisi ke atmosfer akibat kegiatan manusia. Emisi gambut diduga dengan menggunakan faktor emisi dari lahan gambut terdegradasi. Metodologi ini sejalan dengan panduan IPCC yang mengkombinasikan metode Tier 3 (model)/Pendekatan 2 dan metode Tier 2/Pendekatan 2 yang menggunakan data spesifik dari Indonesia dan default IPCC apabila belum tersedia. Sejalan dengan prinsip-prinsip dasar INCAS, penghitungan GRK ini hanya menggunakan data terbaik yang tersedia (data resmi pemerintah maupun data penelitian), dan menggunakan default IPCC apabila data belum tersedia. Hasil an...

This report describes in detail the standard methods developed by the Indonesian National Carbon ... more This report describes in detail the standard methods developed by the Indonesian National Carbon Accounting System (INCAS) to quantify net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for the forestry sector in Indonesia in a transparent, accurate, complete, consistent and comparable (TACCC) manner. The standard methods were tested and refined to estimate emissions and removals from forest and peat lands in the Central Kalimantan as the REDD+ pilot province, the results of which are reported in Estimation of Annual Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Forest and Peat Lands in Central Kalimantan (Krisnawati et al., 2015). The standard methods describe the approach and methods used for data collation, data analysis, quality control, quality assurance, modelling and reporting. Use of the standard methods ensures consistent methods are applied for every forest land sector GHG inventory conducted, regardless of the geographic or temporal coverage. The standard methods include: Standard Method ā Initial Condi...

This monograph reviews tree biomass and volume allometric models that have been developed for var... more This monograph reviews tree biomass and volume allometric models that have been developed for various tree species and ecosystem types in Indonesia. The mathematical forms of the allometric models, the associated statistical parameters, as well as information about the size (tree diameter and height) and the number of sample trees used to develop the models were collated from various sources published in scientific journals (both national and international), research and technical reports, proceedings and student theses. The total number of the allometric models presented in this monograph is 807 models consisting of 437 allometric models for estimating tree biomass components and 370 allometric models for estimating several types of tree volume. Results of the spatial distribution analyses of the existing allometric models indicated that 90% of the allometric models were developed for three major islands (Java, Kalimantan and Sumatra). A relatively small number of biomass allometri...

Metode standar ini menjabarkan pendekatan dan metode yang digunakan untuk penghimpunan data, anal... more Metode standar ini menjabarkan pendekatan dan metode yang digunakan untuk penghimpunan data, analisis data, pengendalian mutu (quality control/QC), penjaminan mutu (quality assurance/QA), pemodelan dan pelaporan. Penggunaan metode standar menjamin konsistensi metode yang diterapkan untuk setiap inventarisasi GRK yang dilakukan pada sektor berbasis lahan (seperti kehutanan), terlepas dari cakupan wilayah geografis ataupun waktu. Metode standar ini mencakup: 1. Metode Standar ā Kondisi Awal, 2. Metode Standar ā Pertumbuhan Hutan dan Peralihan, 3. Metode Standar ā Kejadian dan Rejim Pengelolaan Hutan, 4. Metode Standar ā Alokasi Spasial Rejim, 5. Metode Standar ā Emisi GRK Lahan Gambut dan 6. Metode Standar ā Pemodelan dan Pelaporan. Versi pertama dari metode standar ini menjelaskan sejumlah metode dan asumsi yang digunakan untuk menduga emisi dan serapan GRK di Kalimantan Tengah sebagai provinsi percontohan REDD+. Namun demikian, metode standar ini dirancang untuk dapat digunakan pada...

This monograph reviews tree biomass and volume allometric models that have been developed for var... more This monograph reviews tree biomass and volume allometric models that have been developed for various tree species and ecosystem types in Indonesia. The mathematical forms of the allometric models, the associated statistical parameters, as well as information about the size (tree diameter and height) and the number of sample trees used to develop the models were collated from various sources published in scientific journals (both national and international), research and technical reports, proceedings and student theses. The total number of the allometric models presented in this monograph is 807 models consisting of 437 allometric models for estimating tree biomass components and 370 allometric models for estimating several types of tree volume. Results of the spatial distribution analyses of the existing allometric models indicated that 90% of the allometric models were developed for three major islands (Java, Kalimantan and Sumatra). A relatively small number of biomass allometri...

This study provides a comprehensive assessment of forest biomass and carbon stocks for natural fo... more This study provides a comprehensive assessment of forest biomass and carbon stocks for natural forests in Central Kalimantan. Total forest biomass estimates are presented for three main natural forest types (dryland, swamp and mangrove forests) with two different conditions (primary and secondary forests). These values quantify initial forest biomass conditions for modeling greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and removals, as used in the Indonesian National Carbon Accounting System (INCAS), or to calculate CO2 emission factors for quantifying GHG emissions due to forest clearing or deforestation in Central Kalimantan. Several sources of forest inventory data and information available from previous study were used in estimating forest biomass. This result provides an improved and more comprehensive analysis of emissions factors for forests by using Central Kalimantan-based forest inventory plots and allometric guidelines for quantifying forest biomass and forest carbon content. In additio...

A capability for biomass accounting is required to assess the condition of forest ecosystem, to u... more A capability for biomass accounting is required to assess the condition of forest ecosystem, to understand the dynamics of organic matter cycling in the forest, and to predict carbon sequestration and potential impacts resulting from climate change and land use change. The accuracy of biomass estimates can be improved by applying allometric equations which relate biomass with easily measured variables. In this study, we examined species- and site-speciļ¬c allometric equations to predict aboveground tree biomass developed for several tree species and ecosystem types in Indonesia. There was a high variation of tree biomass estimates among forest ecosystem types. A variety in tree biomass estimates was also found within ecosystem type and individual species among sites. The reliability of biomass estimates will increase with an increase in level of site specificity of allometric equations used to convert site-level forest inventory data into biomass. Application of the species- and site...

Many studies on aboveground living biomass and carbon stock in tropical forests have been carried... more Many studies on aboveground living biomass and carbon stock in tropical forests have been carried out, either measured directly based on destructive sampling in experimental plots or estimated based on forest inventory data. However, most of these studies focused on the estimation of forest biomass and carbon stock at one occasion. Forest biomass and carbon stock may be dynamic and changes occur continuously throughout time due to loss of biomass during deforestation and forest degradation as well as accumulation of biomass during re-growth of forests. This study aimed to estimate the dynamic of aboveground carbon stock in peat swamp forest using forest inventory data from permanent sample plots established in Jambi, Indonesia. Inventory data collected from sixteen Permanent Sample Plots (100 m x 100 m each) which have been selectively logged and measured annually for 5 years were used to estimate the dynamic of aboveground carbon stock of the peat swamp forest. All woody plants of ...

Kajian ini menyajikan hasil pendugaan yang komprehensif dari biomassa hutan alam di Kalimantan Te... more Kajian ini menyajikan hasil pendugaan yang komprehensif dari biomassa hutan alam di Kalimantan Tengah. Dugaan total biomassa hutan dalam kajian ini merepresentasikan tiga tipe hutan alam (hutan lahan kering, hutan rawa dan hutan bakau) pada kondisi primer dan sekunder. Berbagai sumber data inventarisasi hutan dan informasi dari hasil penelitian sebelumnya telah digunakan untuk pendugaan biomassa hutan ini. Kajian ini menggambarkan analisis yang lebih komprehensif dan lebih baik dalam penentuan faktor emisi hutan, yaitu dengan menggunakan plot inventarisasi hutan spesifik untuk Kalimantan Tengah dan menggunakan pedoman alometrik dalam pendugaan biomassa dan stok karbon hutan. Biomassa hutan di atas permukaan tanah juga memasukkan semua tingkat pertumbuhan pohon. Selain itu, kajian ini juga mencakup semua pool karbon kecuali karbon tanah. Hasil kajian ini digunakan untuk mengkuantifikasi nilai kondisi awal biomassa hutan untuk pemodelan emisi dan serapan gas rumah kaca (GRK), seperti ...

Conversions of mangroves into other land uses have resulted in the emission of the green house re... more Conversions of mangroves into other land uses have resulted in the emission of the green house relevant gas CO2 and a severe loss of mangrove biodiversity. However, this ecosystem has been undervalued in the past and consequently subject to deforestation and degradation. Because of the threats to mangrove forest ecosystem, a capability for accounting for carbon stock and stock changes of mangroves is essential to assess and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. The changes in aboveground carbon stock can be estimated by stock increment through successive measurements from forest inventories or permanent sample plots. In this study, we estimated aboveground forest biomass and carbon stock increments of mangroves using data from permanent sample plots collected from a tropical mangrove forest in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. A methodology for estimating aboveground forest carbon was applied to the permanent sample plots. We applied ratios based on th...

This GHG account has been generated using the Indonesian National Carbon Accounting System (INCAS... more This GHG account has been generated using the Indonesian National Carbon Accounting System (INCAS). The INCAS provides a nationally consistent approach to quantifying GHG emissions from the land sector that can also be used to generate GHG accounts at the subnational level as shown in this report. The INCAS uses a mass balance model to track the flow of carbon between the different carbon pools in the forest and ultimately estimates the net GHG emissions released into the atmosphere as a result of human disturbance. Peat emissions are estimated by applying emissions factors to known areas of degraded peatlands. The methodologies follow the IPCC guideline which consist of a combination of Tier 3 (model)/Approach 2 methods and Tier 2/Approach 2 methods using a mixture of Indonesia specific data and other default values. As per the INCAS design principles, this GHG account uses only best available official and research data wherever possible and where data is not available, default dat...

Mangrove forests are widely recognized as one of the most important and productive ecosystems in ... more Mangrove forests are widely recognized as one of the most important and productive ecosystems in the tropics. However, this type of ecosystem is highly vulnerable to both climate change and land use change. Managing mangrove forest ecosystem requires information necessary to understand and predict changes in ecosystem structure and function. Accurate estimates of the amount of biomass are important to describe the current status of mangroves, to understand the dynamic of organic matter cycling in the mangroves, and to predict carbon sequestration and potential impacts of both climate change and land use change. The estimates of biomass and carbon storage can be improved through applying allometric models. In this study, we examined species-and site-specific allometric models to predict aboveground biomass and carbon storage developed at several sites of mangrove forest in Indonesia. There was a high variation of tree biomass estimates between the mangrove forest ecosystems. A variet...
Papers by Wahyu Adinugroho