Books by Adi Safyan Yahya

Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, 2014
The city of Banda Aceh, located at the most northern tip of Sumatra Island, lies about 100 km fro... more The city of Banda Aceh, located at the most northern tip of Sumatra Island, lies about 100 km from Sumatra Subduction Zone and about 10 km from the Sumatra Transform Faults. This location makes the place extremely vulnerable to the earthquake hazards. Learning from the experience of earthquake and tsunami on 26th December 2004 which caused many deaths, property loss and devastation of the city, urban planning and development in the future should consider the earthquake
potential hazards. Based on this purpose, seismic microzonation maps which identify and map different earthquake hazard potentials can be used as reference or tool in the initial phase of earthquake risk mitigation. The main objective of this study is how to create seismic microzonation maps using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and in turn can be used as guidance in urban planning and development.
The maps are developed using series of analysis of parameters that influence the earthquake hazards, which includes seismological data, such as Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA), faults, tsunami, and site characteristic data such as geotechnical data (soil type, site class, groundwater distribution and depth), geological data, and geophysical data (contour or slope). The maps produced, encompass the variations of earthquake hazard such as ground shaking hazard map, liquefaction susceptibility hazard map, landslide potential hazard map, surface faulting hazard map and tsunami hazard map.
The resulting maps identify three levels of hazards in the areas (low, medium and high hazard zones), so that the development of the city in the future should consider this level of hazard in order to reduce the effects of earthquake. By identification of the various level of hazard in the areas, the development of the city in the future can be oriented toward relatively low hazard zone and avoid sitting facilities in the high hazard zone, or some recommendations have to be taken in designing facilities in high or medium hazard zones.
Papers by Adi Safyan Yahya

The location of Banda Aceh which lies about 100km from Sumatra Subduction Zone and very close to ... more The location of Banda Aceh which lies about 100km from Sumatra Subduction Zone and very close to the Sumatran Transform Faults which is about 10km makes this place extremely vulnerable to earthquake hazards. Learning from the experience of earthquake and tsunami on 26 January 2004 which caused many deaths, property loss and devastation of the city, therefore, urban planning and development in the future should take into consideration the earthquake hazards. Based on this purpose, seismic microzonation maps which are capable of identifying and mapping different earthquake hazard potentials can be used as an initial phase for earthquake risk mitigation. The purpose of this study is to create seismic microzonation maps using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and in turn can be used as guidance in urban planning and development. The maps were developed through a series analysis of the parameters that influence the earthquake hazards which includes seismological data, such as Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA), faults, tsunami, and site characteristic data such as geotechnical data (soil type, site class, groundwater distribution and depth), geological data, and geophysical data (contour or slope). The maps produced encompasses the variations of earthquake hazard such as ground shaking hazard map, liquefaction susceptibility hazard map, landslide potential hazard map, surface faulting hazard map and tsunami hazard map. The resulting maps identified three levels of hazards (low, medium and high hazard). Identifying the variation in earthquake hazards makes it possible to select relatively safe zones for future development and some recommendations should be taken into cognizance in carrying out any development in the medium or high hazard zone areas.

Of all natural disasters of the twentieth century, earthquakes caused the largest amount of losse... more Of all natural disasters of the twentieth century, earthquakes caused the largest amount of losses. Although the number of earthquakes remains fairly unchanged, the loss of properties and human lives in recent periods has increased manifolds due to increasing concentration of human population and urbanisation in earthquake-prone areas. Recent improvement in documentations and computational faci lities, however, allows for the preparation of seismic microzonation maps of such areas for urban planning and earthquake mitigation purposes. This paper discusses the development of seismic microzonation maps for Banda Aceh which lies close to the Sumatra Subduction Zone a nd the Sumatran Transform Faults, making the city extremely vulnerable to ea1thquake hazards. The development of the maps employs Geographic Information Systems (GIS) techniques that make use of several layers of parameters influencing earthquake hazards such as seismological data, faults, tsunami , etc. and site characteristic data such as soil type, groundwater distribution and depth, geological and geophysical data. The seismic microzonation maps incorporate various seismic hazard maps including ground shaking hazard map, liquefaction susceptibility hazard map, landslide potential hazard map, surface faulting hazard map and tsunami hazard map. The final composite map identifies zones with various degrees of hazards which will enable planners to avert hazardous locations during site selection processes, thus reducing losses.

Pencahayaan alami adalah sumber energi yang sangat dibutuhkan dalam memenuhi penerangan pada bang... more Pencahayaan alami adalah sumber energi yang sangat dibutuhkan dalam memenuhi penerangan pada bangunan, khususnya di sekolah. Sekolah sebagai sarana pada kegiatan belajar dan mengajar sangat membutuhkan pencahayaan alami, Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh desain bukaan terhadap pencahayaan alami dan intensitasnya terhadap ruang berdasarkan SNI-2001. Ruang belajar di SMA Negeri 1 Dolok Batu Nanggar, Sumatera Utara memiliki beberapa bukaan dengan ukuran dan orientasi berbeda. Perbedaan tersebut sangat signifikan baik dari segi ukuran, bentuk, posisi dan orientasi di setiap ruang. Hal inilah yang menjadi latar belakang untuk meneliti terkait pengaruh bukaan terhadap pencahayaan alami pada ruang belajar. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Metode penelitian dalam pengukuran intensitas cahaya dan luas bukaan dilakukan saat kondisi langit cerah dan mendung mulai pukul 08.00 WIB hingga 15.00 WIB. Populasi pada penelitian ini, berjumlah 32 ruang belajar di SMA Negeri 1 Dolok Batu Naggar. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 9 ruang belajar. Pengaruh bukaan terlihat dari intensitas pencahayaan alami dan WWR. WWR memenuhi standarisasi pencahayaan ruang belajar sebesar 20% di kondisi langit cerah; WWR 14%-18% memenuhi standar pencahayaan pada pukul 11.00-15.00 WIB dan WWR dibawah 14% tidak memenuhi standar pencahayaan mulai pukul 08.00-15.00 WIB. Intensitas pencahayaan alami di kondisi langit mendung tidak memenuhi standar pada seluruh sampel. Penelitian ini menemukan pengaruh bukaan terhadap intensitas pencahayaan alami sangat berperan dan didukung oleh wwr. sehingga standar pencahayaan alami yang terpenuhi hanya berada pada sampel 1, 3 dan 9.
Books by Adi Safyan Yahya
potential hazards. Based on this purpose, seismic microzonation maps which identify and map different earthquake hazard potentials can be used as reference or tool in the initial phase of earthquake risk mitigation. The main objective of this study is how to create seismic microzonation maps using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and in turn can be used as guidance in urban planning and development.
The maps are developed using series of analysis of parameters that influence the earthquake hazards, which includes seismological data, such as Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA), faults, tsunami, and site characteristic data such as geotechnical data (soil type, site class, groundwater distribution and depth), geological data, and geophysical data (contour or slope). The maps produced, encompass the variations of earthquake hazard such as ground shaking hazard map, liquefaction susceptibility hazard map, landslide potential hazard map, surface faulting hazard map and tsunami hazard map.
The resulting maps identify three levels of hazards in the areas (low, medium and high hazard zones), so that the development of the city in the future should consider this level of hazard in order to reduce the effects of earthquake. By identification of the various level of hazard in the areas, the development of the city in the future can be oriented toward relatively low hazard zone and avoid sitting facilities in the high hazard zone, or some recommendations have to be taken in designing facilities in high or medium hazard zones.
Papers by Adi Safyan Yahya
potential hazards. Based on this purpose, seismic microzonation maps which identify and map different earthquake hazard potentials can be used as reference or tool in the initial phase of earthquake risk mitigation. The main objective of this study is how to create seismic microzonation maps using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and in turn can be used as guidance in urban planning and development.
The maps are developed using series of analysis of parameters that influence the earthquake hazards, which includes seismological data, such as Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA), faults, tsunami, and site characteristic data such as geotechnical data (soil type, site class, groundwater distribution and depth), geological data, and geophysical data (contour or slope). The maps produced, encompass the variations of earthquake hazard such as ground shaking hazard map, liquefaction susceptibility hazard map, landslide potential hazard map, surface faulting hazard map and tsunami hazard map.
The resulting maps identify three levels of hazards in the areas (low, medium and high hazard zones), so that the development of the city in the future should consider this level of hazard in order to reduce the effects of earthquake. By identification of the various level of hazard in the areas, the development of the city in the future can be oriented toward relatively low hazard zone and avoid sitting facilities in the high hazard zone, or some recommendations have to be taken in designing facilities in high or medium hazard zones.