Papers by Olayide Adetunji

Metals and Materials International, 2003
STS310S and SC-STS310S (simultaneously co-deposited chromium and aluminum onto 310S austenitic st... more STS310S and SC-STS310S (simultaneously co-deposited chromium and aluminum onto 310S austenitic stainless steel substrate by pack-cementation process) were used as separator materials on the cathode side of a molten carbonate fuel cell. With the STS310S, corrosion proceeded via three steps; a formation step of unstable corrosion product, a protection step against corrosion until breakaway, and an advance step of corrosion after breakaway. The final corrosion product was LiFeO2 and the loss of mass was 6.5 mg/cm2 after a corrosion test of 480 hr at 650°C. The SC-STS310S showed more effective corrosion resistance, however, than did common STS310S. There was especially no corrosion loss on the SC-STS310S after the 480 hr corrosion test. It is anticipated that it will be very useful as an alternative separator on the cathode side off the MCFC in the future.

Cement manufacturing according to Cantini et al. [1], consists of three main categories of operat... more Cement manufacturing according to Cantini et al. [1], consists of three main categories of operations which include raw materials processing, clinker production and finish grinding processing. Cement is one of the most important materials that go into the production of concrete and sandcrete for building construction and other civil structural edifices [2]. There have been increases in the demand for cement over two decades [2-4] based on various structures that spring up in most especially growing economies which require construction of new road network systems and residential building to take care of increases in population. It has been said that cement production is one of the most energy consuming industries with 12-15% of the industry's total energy consumption being expended for this purpose while about 51% of it is lost in various forms [5-10]. Hence, it is imperative that the cement manufacturing processes Abstract: Associated downtime and economic loss caused by replacement/maintenance of equipment necessitated pro-active technique known as Condition-Based Monitoring to prevent/reduce failures. This study evaluated the vibration of Kiln Induced Draft (KID) of cement plant before and after failure. Vibration data was acquired using accelerometer probe and data obtained were analyzed statistically by employing t-Test at 95% confidence. Results showed that vibration signals measured in mm/s for KID motor and fan bearings (non-drive and drive ends) in the horizontal plane recorded higher values than vertical and axial planes when measured before failure occurrences. After failures, horizontal plane values increased by more than 120% while those measured in the vertical and axial planes increased by less than 100%, making horizontal plane vibration measurement a more suitable parameter for predicting the machinery health condition. The t-Test conducted showed that mean differences in values of vibration signal data before and after failure are not zero but negatives (signal before failure < signal after failure). Outputs from tests of significance using two-tailed t-Test indicated that the differences in values of vibration data signals are not significant at (p≤ 0.05) when considering "equal variance not assumed". The non-significance of these mean differences may indicate that the present operational vibration signal level should be maintained at lower values in order that significant difference may be observed between periods before failure and after failure for efficient prediction of failure; as the present 1.5-3.5 mm/s range is likely not a good range for efficient failure prediction.
Borobudur Engineering Review, Sep 30, 2022
The need for high quality product has necessitated the scientists to put in more effort to produc... more The need for high quality product has necessitated the scientists to put in more effort to produce metal of high quality at lower price. This job considered the possibility of optimizing the product and brings out the product at cheaper price. Nigeria as a developing country needs metal for different purpose like construction of roads, houses, bridges, and other infrastructure. Defined parameters of optimum work of EAF-50 comparing with the basic variant expenditure by limit has reduced by 33% (from 41,1 to 28,2 Ruble\ton) Relative usage of electric energy by 51%
This study was carried out to investigate the influence of annealing temperatures on the ductilit... more This study was carried out to investigate the influence of annealing temperatures on the ductility and impact toughness of springs. The springs were made from mild steel rod having a diameter of 6mm. The springs were then subjected to annealing process at temperatures of 650 o C, 700 o C, and 850 o C. The annealed springs were tested for ductility and impact toughness. The annealed spring became softer with increase in the annealing temperature; its percentage elongation, or ductility, increased from 18.75% to 30% and later 42.5 % with increase in annealing temperature. The impact toughness increased from 40 J to 45J and later to 49 J. The Rockwell hardness values however reduced from 30 RC to 23 RC and later 20 RC as annealing temperature increased.
There is need for the hygienic processing of cassava. Prevalent conditions in the commercial grat... more There is need for the hygienic processing of cassava. Prevalent conditions in the commercial grating areas of this staple food show a susceptibility to food contamination. A homescale cassava grater was improved on in design and fabrication. Machine efficiency, safety factors, and portability were considered in this research. The grating hopper and drum were modified with the drum having a stainless steel sheet wrapped around a galvanized mild steel core, The machine runs on a single phase one horse power electric motor at a speed of1440 rpm. The capacity of the grater fabricated was 158kg/hr and about 50 % reduction in price was achieved.
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, 2010

Effective decision making with evidence of possibility is important when faced with alternatives ... more Effective decision making with evidence of possibility is important when faced with alternatives that are begging for attention. The alternative which proved to be most possible is given preference over the others. This paper applied the fuzzy mathematics based on Multi-Objective Decision Analysis (MODA) technique to solve the challenge of selecting a plant out of four alternatives to be considered for knowledge-based maintenance expert system development. The goal is to ensure the limited resources available is channeled towards developing the expert system for one production plant. Consequently, objectives were set and given preference ranks. Each plant was also ranked based on its performance under each objective. A fuzzy MODA technique was used to analyse the data derived from ranking of the objectives and plant. The silicate glass plant emerged as the plant that satisfied the set objectives optimally and was selected as the most preferred of the four plants.

International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, Sep 2, 2015
Modern martensitic 9-12% Cr steels are alloys with excellent mechanical properties even at elevat... more Modern martensitic 9-12% Cr steels are alloys with excellent mechanical properties even at elevated temperatures. The high temperature strength of these materials is inevitably related to their complex microstructure. Due to diffusional processes however, this microstructure changes during high temperature service, which leads to a decrease in strength. This work was aimed at modeling the 9-12% Cr steels with tailor-made microstructures for applications such as fossil fuel fired power plants, internal combustion engines etc. The investigations concentrated in the design and characterization of heat resistant steels for applications in high oxidizing atmospheres. A microstructure-property link is formulated with focus on the precipitate and solid solution hardening effect. For different heat treatments, the numerical results are compared with other samples. The numerical simulation showed excellent agreement in the case when all operative strengthening mechanisms are duly considered. The experimental results can be reproduced in a comprehensive and consistent manner by the numerical simulations using the software as MatCalc and ThermoCalc. From the result of the simulation, the observed phases after creep (M 23 C 6 carbides, V-MX and Nb-MX particles and Laves phase) are in good agreement with the MatCalc and ThermoCalc calculations except for the Z-phase phase. The volume fraction of precipitated M 23 C 6 carbides is directly related to the carbon content of the alloys.

Solid State Phenomena, Feb 1, 2016
The rising demand for high quality castings necessitates that vast amount of manufacturing knowle... more The rising demand for high quality castings necessitates that vast amount of manufacturing knowledge be incorporated in manufacturing system like computer aided design and manufacturing. Rotary furnace fabrication involves several critical parameters like, capacity of furnace, flame length, length of furnace due to the available installation space and determination of type and thickness of materials needed. A complex relationship exists between these fabrication parameters and hence there is a need to develop models which can capture this complex interrelationship and enable fast computation. In this project a computer model is designed and run, taking a 5kg rotary furnace calculated parameters as prototype to facilitate the production of a rotary furnace, using Microsoft visual basic language embedded with the necessary and required design and analysis formulae needed to fabricate different sizes of rotary furnaces.
Materials Today: Proceedings, 2021
Language identification is automatically determining the language that a previously unseen docume... more Language identification is automatically determining the language that a previously unseen document was written in. We compared several prior methods on samples from the Wikipedia and the EuroParl collections. Most of these methods work well. But we identify that these (and presumably other document) collections are heterogeneous in size, and short documents are systematically different from large ones. That techniques that work well on long documents are different from those that work well on short ones. We believe that improvement in algorithms will be seen if length is taken into account.

Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, 2018
Production technology and machining are inseparable with cutting operation playing important role... more Production technology and machining are inseparable with cutting operation playing important roles. Investigation of wear land and rate of cutting tool developed locally (C=0.56%) with an HSS cutting tool (C=0.65%) as a control was carried out. Wear rate test was carried out using Rotopol-V and Impact tester. The samples (12) of locally made cutting tools and one (1) sample of a control HSS cutting tool were weighed to get the initial weight and grit was fixed at a point for the sample to revolve at a specific time of 10 mins interval. Approach of macro transfer particles that involved mechanism of abrasion and adhesion which was termed as mechanical wear to handle abrasion adhesion processes was used in developing equation for growth wear at flank. It was observed from the wear test that best minimum wear rate of 1.09 x10-8 and 2.053x10-8 for the tools developed and control were measured. MATLAB was used to simulate the wear land and rate under different conditions. Validated results of both the experimental and modeling showed that cutting speed has effect on wear rate while cutting time has predicted measure on wear land. Both experimental and modeling result showed best performances of tools developed over the control.

Data in Brief, Aug 1, 2018
The effects of temperature and time variances on nano-additives treatment of mild steel during ma... more The effects of temperature and time variances on nano-additives treatment of mild steel during machining was presented in this study. Mild steel of 150 kg mass containing 0.56% carbon was charged into the furnace at melting and pouring temperature of 1539 and 1545°C respectively. Also charged into the furnace with the mild steel were 0.05% max phosphorous and a bit of sulphur. Thereafter, the sample was cooled and annealed at a temperature of 900°C for 9 h and then cooled to 300°C of hardening, normalizing and tempering respectively. The treated samples were then soaked with pulverized in palm kernel shell and barium carbonate (20%) energizer at respective temperatures (800, 850, 900 and 950°C) and time variances (60, 90 and 120 min) in a muffle furnace. The developed tool was tested on a lathe machine to evaluate its performance. The surface and core hardness, wear resistance and toughness were carried out using the hardness tester, Rotopol-V and impact tester respectively. This is essential for predicting the useful life of the tool in service.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Oct 16, 2022
A variable amplitude and frequency of mechanical vibrating container working on cam and follower ... more A variable amplitude and frequency of mechanical vibrating container working on cam and follower mechanism have been established. This study carried out a performance evaluation on the utilization of the established vibrating container for potential application in slowing down sprouting in yam. The vibrating container is electrically operated and a variable speed electric motor of 15, 000 rpm was selected for the machine. The performance parameters of the established mechanical vibrating container investigated were percentage maximum displacement and velocity of the vibration at different combined stages of amplitudes and frequencies. The percentage achievable maximum displacement of vibration measured for theoretical amplitude of cams of 5
Journal of Engineering and Technology, Sep 22, 2011
This study was carried out to investigate and evaluate the electrochemical properties of mild ste... more This study was carried out to investigate and evaluate the electrochemical properties of mild steel (0.6, 1.0 and 1.46 mm), galvanized steel (0.36, 0.6 and 1.24 mm) and aluminium (0.9 and 1.3 mm) sheets exposed to cassava fluid. Corrosion rates of mild steel (10.595 mm/yr), galvanized steel (11.26 mm/yr) and aluminium (9.556 mm/yr) sheets exposed to cassava fluid were got using weight loss technique. The weight loss of each sample for specific periods of immersion (120,168,216, 264 and 312 h) was determined on average of two samples exposed under same cassava fluid in different plastic containers. It was found that aluminium samples had highest corrosion resistance followed by mild steel then galvanized steel. Also corrosion rates for all metallic samples studied decreased over the immersion durations.

Journal of Natural Science, Engineering and Technology, May 18, 2017
Corrosion is a degradation of metallic materials under the action of the environment which requir... more Corrosion is a degradation of metallic materials under the action of the environment which requires oxygen and moisture to occur. This research work determined the corrosion performance of 1014 low carbon and 304 austenitic stainless steels in different concentration of acidic media. Corrosion tests were carried out using gravimetric technique. One hundred and eighty samples of the metals were prepared and immersed in containers of sulphuric acid (H2SO4), hydrochloric acid (HCl) and nitric acid (HNO3) at 1, 2 & 3 M. The samples were then removed every three days for a period of 15 days to measure the weight loss. These were used to calculate the corrosion rates. The chemical analysis was determined using an Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX). Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) was used to determine the texture of the samples. The results showed that the corroded samples had pitting corrosion damage and cracks propagated generally on the sample surfaces. The corrosion rates of the samples increased with increase in molarities of the reagents, Stainless steel samples had the least corroded surfaces. The study concluded that the higher the level of concentration of acidic media (1 to 3 M), the higher the corrosion rates of samples in increasing order of HNO3, HCl and H2SO4 especially for mild steel sample (4.35 to 17.90, 0.21 to 2.90 and 10.37 to 0.64 mm/y) after 360 hours of immersion respectively.

International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, Jul 2, 2015
Machining is an integral and indispensable part of production technology with cutting tool playin... more Machining is an integral and indispensable part of production technology with cutting tool playing key roles in its operations. This work therefore developed cutting tool from scrapped crank shaft, connecting rod, alloy additives and palm kernel shell. These materials were chosen due to their hardness and availability. The scrapped crankshaft and rod (100 kg) containing 0.560 % carbon were charged into electric induction furnace with maximum temperature 3000 o C. The composition of the charged materials was analyzed with the UV-VIS spectrometer before and after melting. In order to raise the carbon content of the melt to 0.65% target (HSS) and upgrade relevant elements, alloy additives were added. Annealing was the first treatment carried out in muffle treatment furnace at temperature at 900 o C for 9 hrs then cooled to 300 o

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Feb 20, 2018
The current-voltage characteristic is the basic descriptor of photovoltaic device and is used to ... more The current-voltage characteristic is the basic descriptor of photovoltaic device and is used to test the performance of PV panel. The manufacture specifications on solar panels are obtained under standard condition (solar irradiance of 1000 W/m 2 , AM 1.5 and operating temperature of 25 o C) which is not the real operating condition the solar panels are exposed to on the installation site. With this, the information obtained from the manufacture specifications would not be sufficient to give accurate prediction of the performance of the solar panel. This study conducted performance evaluation on mono-crystalline photovoltaic panels in Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, FUNAAB, Alabata, Ogun State, Nigeria weather condition. The research work was carried out on the field with six 80 W (480 W) solar panels of sunshine product made in Germany. The performance of the solar panel was evaluated from the short circuit current (), open circuit voltage (), maximum current (), maximum voltage (), maximum output power, conversion efficiency, normalized output power efficiency and fill factor of each solar panel. The maximum output power of each panel was obtained from the I-V and P-V curves. The conversion efficiency of the six 80 W (480 W) solar panels ranged from 9.44 to 10.56% while the normalized output power efficiency ranged from 69.7 to 70.1%. The fill factors and the maximum output power of the six panels respectively, are 0.
Papers by Olayide Adetunji