Papers by Adewale Adenuga

Short-term land rental agreements such as the traditional conacre system in Northern Ireland offe... more Short-term land rental agreements such as the traditional conacre system in Northern Ireland offer flexibility between the landowners and the farmers renting the land. However, the uncertainty of tenure linked to such short-term land rental systems does not allow for farmers renting the land to make longer-term investment planning and decisions, particularly around sustainable land management practices. Long-term tenancy agreements have been identified as a viable option to cope with short-term uncertainties and improve the environmental management of the land. In this study, we analysed the factors influencing farmers’ intention to adopt long-term land leasing with and without income tax incentives in Northern Ireland. To achieve our objective, we employed ordered logistic regression models complemented with qualitative analysis. The results of our analyses showed that varying factors including risk attitude, pro-environmental behaviour, profit consciousness, having a dairy enterpr...

Marketing of vegetables is a complex phenomenon due to their perishable nature, seasonality and b... more Marketing of vegetables is a complex phenomenon due to their perishable nature, seasonality and bulkiness, and as such, vegetable production requires an efficient marketing system. This study was therefore carried out to examine the marketing efficiency and determinants of marketable surplus in vegetables production in Kwara state, Nigeria. Data were collected using a well structured questionnaire from 75 respondents comprising 35 vegetable farmers and 40 vegetable marketers from 6 vegetable producing communities and 4 popular vegetable markets in the state. Descriptive statistics, multiple regression analysis and marketing efficiency measure were the major analytical tools employed for the study. Result of the multiple regression analysis revealed that, educational level of the household head, farming experience, spoilage at farm and household were the significant determinants of marketable surplus in vegetable production in the study area. Based on the study findings, it is recomm...

Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) is one of the major fruit vegetables in Nigeria. In view of... more Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) is one of the major fruit vegetables in Nigeria. In view of its seasonal availability and the need to make it available all-year round, effort must be made to increase efficiency of its production especially during the dry season. A study was therefore carried out to examine the economics of dry season tomato production in Kwara state, Nigeria. It estimated the costs and returns and assessed the technical efficiency of dry season tomato production. A two-stage random sampling technique was used to select 105 respondents for the study. A well-structured questionnaire was used to collect data from the respondents. Major tools of analysis used for the study were the gross margin analysis and the stochastic frontiers model. Results of the study showed that a gross margin of N 18,956.75/ha (US$ 120.74/ha) was realized from dry season tomato production. Furthermore, the result of the stochastic frontier model shows that age, education status of the fa...

In spite of the substantial contribution of floriculture to the Nigerian economy, there is still ... more In spite of the substantial contribution of floriculture to the Nigerian economy, there is still a low level of awareness on the potential of the horticultural subsector of the Nigerian agricultural sector to generate employment and reduce poverty. This study therefore carried out an assessment of the economics of floricultural plants production in Kwara State, Nigeria. The study specifically estimated the returns to farmer's labour and management. It also assessed the determinants of returns to floricultural plant production in the state. Data used for the study were collected from the forty one registered floricultural plant producers in the study area using structured questionnaire. The farm budget and regression analyses were used for data analyses. The study revealed that returns to farmer's labour and management was N174, 974.7/ha on the average. Use of manure, labour, farm size, experience, educational level and age of the farmer were found to have significant influen...

Over the years, efforts have been made to improve the living conditions of the rural poor with th... more Over the years, efforts have been made to improve the living conditions of the rural poor with the government embarking on different projects some of which are questioned even by the intended beneficiaries. The Federal Government of Nigeria in 2009 embarked on the dredging of the Lower Niger River some 573 kilometres upstream from Warri in Delta state to Baro in Niger State, Nigeria with the intension of promoting economic activities in the country. Considering the huge amount of money invested in the project, this study was carried out to examine the impact of the project on the socioeconomics of arable farming households in the study area. A simple random sampling technique was used to select 60 respondents for the study after which a well-structured questionnaire was used to collect data from them. Descriptive statistics and the Sustainable Livelihood Framework were the major analytical tools used for the study. Results of the study showed that on the overall, the project has a p...

Nigeria currently faces the biggest burden of under-nutrition in Africa with the largest populati... more Nigeria currently faces the biggest burden of under-nutrition in Africa with the largest population of malnourished children. The possibility of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) which aims to "end all forms of malnutrition in children by 2025 is therefore under threat. This study assessed the current level of child morbidity and mortality rate in Benue State, Nigeria, determined the nutritional status among underfive children and identified the factors affecting nutritional status in the study area. Data were obtained using a two-stage sampling technique to select 240 mother-child pairs from 12 rural communities in the state. Descriptive statistics and the Logistic regression model were the main analytical tools employed to achieve the study objectives. The results of the study showed that the prevalence of malnutrition among under-five children in the study area is lower than the national average. The major factors which were significantly associated with malnutrition in under 5 children were household calorie intake and mother's education. It is recommended that an effective nutrition education strategy especially targeted at women in rural households should be established

The Business Development Group (BDG) Scheme established in Northern Ireland in 2015, provides a t... more The Business Development Group (BDG) Scheme established in Northern Ireland in 2015, provides a training forum, for around 3,000 farmers in 143 groups, that allows sharing of knowledge with the aim of improving the profitability of businesses. In this study, we analysed the impact of membership of the BDG programme on farm income by employing the conditional difference-indifferences approach. The study analysis is conducted in two stages. In the first stage a logistic regression model is used to identify the key drivers of farmer participation in the BGD scheme. In the second stage we examined the impact of BDG membership on farm-level gross margins for different BDG enterprise groups by combining a non-parametric score matching estimator with a difference-indifferences (DiD) approach. The approach, which employs a kernel matching algorithm, is able to overcome hidden bias by addressing selection on observables as well as unobservables associated with the decision to participate in the BDG programme. The result of the analysis indicated that the impact of the programme varies across the four BDG enterprise groups studied.

Cercetari Agronomice in Moldova, 2020
Farmers need to be adequately informed in employing economic strategies to tackle risk situations... more Farmers need to be adequately informed in employing economic strategies to tackle risk situations in agriculture. This study sought to examine the risk management coping strategy employed by the farmers, explore determinants of risk management strategies, and to establish the relationship between information systems and risk management strategy employed. Primary data were used from 141 randomly selected farmers. Pre-tested interview schedule was used for data collection. Descriptive statistics, Likert-type scale, Multinomial logistic regression, and Bivariate correlation analysis were used for data analyses. The results revealed that the majority of the farmers were risk-averse. Gender of household head, the highest level of education attained, household size, farming experience and membership of association had a significant effect on the choice of coping strategies employed by the farmers. Correlation results showed that the more access to information the farmers had to the differ...

Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 2016
This study investigated the awareness of and demand for private agricultural extension services a... more This study investigated the awareness of and demand for private agricultural extension services among smallscale farmers in Nigeria, using farmers in Oyo state as a case study. Specifically, the study examined the availability and operations of private agricultural extension services and factors that determine farmers’ willingness to pay for such services. The results showed that a considerable number of farmers are willing to pay for private agricultural extension services. The number of plots cultivated by the farmers was found to influence farmers’ willingness to pay for private agricultural extension services at one percent level of significance. Income, awareness, family size and total number of plots were identified as the major factors influencing the use of private agricultural extension services in the study area. The study recommended the need for the government to mobilize farm households to avail themselves of benefits of private extension services. Efforts should also b...

Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management, 2013
The study investigated awareness and usage of the Baobab plant in rural communities in Kwara Stat... more The study investigated awareness and usage of the Baobab plant in rural communities in Kwara State, Nigeria. It examined the determinants of the plant's usage as well as constraints to its usage in the State. A three stage random sampling procedure produced the 200 respondents from which primary data used for the study was collected using a well structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics including frequency counts, percentages and means was employed in presenting the findings of the study. The logit regression model was used in the determination of the factors of usage among the respondents. The study revealed that the level of awareness of the uses and benefits of the plant as well as its usage in the state is poor. Level of awareness at p<0.05 and income at p< 0.1 were found to be the determinants of usage of the baobab in the State. The strong negative socio-cultural belief held about the plant, poor level of awareness about its benefits and the poor knowledge of its processing were the major constraints against its use in the State. The study recommends the need to increase awareness of the benefits of the plant and also to provide information on the processing methods applicable to the baobab. The various agricultural extension agencies in the State in collaboration with agricultural research institution in the State can go a long way in ensuring that the potentials of the baobab plant is optimized among rural communities in the State.
Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and the Social Sciences, 2014

Agrosearch, 2013
Amaranthus vegetable is often considered as one of the most important leafy vegetables in the tro... more Amaranthus vegetable is often considered as one of the most important leafy vegetables in the tropics because of its high dietary value. In spite of its importance however, its production fall short of the ever increasing domestic demand for it. Soil nutrient depletion following intensification without proper soil fertility management practices hve been identified as one of the most important factor militating against its production. This study therefore carried out an assessment of the usage of recommended soil fertility management practices in dry season amaranthus vegetable production in Kwara state, Nigeria. A three-stage sampling technique was used to select a sample of 120 amaranthus vegetable farmers for the study. Major tools of analysis used for the study were descriptive statistics and the logistic regression model. The result of analysis revealed that the usage of recommended soil fertility management practices in the study area is low. Furthermore, results of the logistic regression model showed that farm size, contacts with extension agents and the educational status of the farmer had significant effects on the usage of recommended soil fertility management practices in the study area. The study therefore recommends that government should employ and train more agricultural extension agents to cater for the majority of farmers who lack access to information on the usage of recommended soil fertility management practices. Also, the farmers should be given appropriate orientation on the need to cultivate manageable farm size to ensure increased productivity and sustainability of available land put into use.

The aim of this paper is to describe one of the possible ways of making IT courses more interesti... more The aim of this paper is to describe one of the possible ways of making IT courses more interesting through collecting practical field data and a subsequent creation of databases. Since the establishment of a specialized peony garden near Prague in 2008, details of the origin of acquired plants and of their cultivation under local conditions have been continuously recorded. The data resulting from the peony research are used as support for our IT courses. They are used in practical modelling of a relational database and in creating student projects focused on responsive web designs. The peonies data make the IT courses more attractive and stimulating for students. Literature survey of the peony research publications and our own data obtained from the peony garden revealed some of the main problems in cultivating and identification of peonies. Herbaceous peonies are widespread perennials. Mostly "historical" varieties of Paeonia lactiflora are cultivated. However, these plants have long and weak stems, which are bent down by heavy flowers and must therefore be mechanically held up by stakes or support rings. By contrast, the new cultivars have solid stems, such as the hybrid herbaceous peonies and intersectional hybrids (Itoh hybrids) and do not require as much labour but are not commonly cultivated. Our research has discovered that most peony cultivars in home gardens have not been properly identified. Great emphasis has, therefore, been placed on the correct identification of peony cultivars.

This study was carried out to evaluate the Ekiti State Social Security Scheme (ESSSS) in Nigeria.... more This study was carried out to evaluate the Ekiti State Social Security Scheme (ESSSS) in Nigeria. Specifically, the study estimated the food security status of the beneficiaries and non beneficiaries of the scheme, assessed the effect of the social security scheme on households' food security status, and identified the constraints to the implementation of the scheme in the state. A three stage random sampling technique was employed to select 200 respondents for the study using a well structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, Head Count Ratio (HCR), Food Insecurity Gap (FIG) and Squared Food Insecurity Gap (SFIG) indices, T-test analysis, 5-point Likert type scale and the logistic regression model were the major analytical tools employed for the study. The result of the analysis showed that income from cash transfer make up about 45% of the total income of the benefiting households. Whereas about 39% of the sampled benefiting households were food insecure, the proportion of the non-beneficiaries that were food insecure was as much as 60%. The result of the logistic regression model revealed that access to the social security scheme, gender, marital status and total monthly income of the household were statistically significant and in explaining the food security status of the household. Corruption and political interference were identified as the most important constraints to the programme in the study area. The study recommends that the government should try as much as possible to increase the number of old people benefiting from the programme. [Babatunde,

Land, 2022
Farmland fragmentation is considered to be a defining feature of Northern Ireland’s (NI) agricult... more Farmland fragmentation is considered to be a defining feature of Northern Ireland’s (NI) agricultural landscape, influencing agricultural efficiency, productivity, and the spread of livestock diseases. Despite this, the full extent of farmland fragmentation in cattle farms in NI is not well understood, and little is known of how farmland fragmentation either influences, or is influenced by, different animal production types. Here, we describe and quantify farmland fragmentation in cattle farms for all of NI, using GIS processing of land parcel data to associate individual parcels with data on the cattle business associated with the land. We found that 35% of farms consisted of five or more fragments, with dairy farms associated with greater levels of farmland fragmentation, fragment dispersal and contact with contiguous neighbours compared to other production types. The elevated levels of farmland fragmentation in dairy production compared to non-dairy, may be associated with the re...

The Nigerian agricultural sector is dominated by small scale farmers who by virtue of their low i... more The Nigerian agricultural sector is dominated by small scale farmers who by virtue of their low income have dwindling capacity to access and procure capital, labour and modern inputs. In theory, it is believed that foreign direct investment in agriculture is essential to ameliorate this problem of inadequate capital faced by the farmers and consequently raise agricultural productivity. However, debate relating to the veracity of this statement and the sustainability of the concept still rages on. This study therefore attempted to examine issues of productive efficiencies between foreign and domestic farmers in Kwara State, Nigeria. The study was conducted in Shonga, Edu Local Government Area of Kwara State. A two stage random sampling technique was used to obtain data from 50 domestic farmers and the enumeration of all the foreign commercial farmers from Zimbabwe in the study area. Major tools of analysis used for the study include: Descriptive Statistics and Data Envelopment analys...

Hygeia Community Based Health Insurance is an option of financing healthcare which gives opportun... more Hygeia Community Based Health Insurance is an option of financing healthcare which gives opportunity to community members in Kwara state, Nigeria to have access to quality healthcare at an affordable price. Given the importance of such pre-payment scheme, this study was carried out to assess the impact of the Hygeia community based health insurance scheme on the livelihood of rural households in Kwara State. A threestage sampling technique was used to proportionately draw 115 beneficiaries and 60 non-beneficiaries from Shonga, Lafiagi and Bacita districts of Edu local government area of the state. Descriptive statistics and the Propensity score matching econometric model were the major analytical tools employed for the study. The findings from this research showed that rural household benefitting from the Hygeia Community Based Health Insurance scheme had a higher per capita income and were more food secured compared to the non-beneficiaries of the scheme. The study recommended the ...
When immersed in a 3-dimensional virtual world story, viewers may become distracted because the v... more When immersed in a 3-dimensional virtual world story, viewers may become distracted because the virtual world affords them freedom to navigate and look around. This also means that the story plot is open to different interpretations. This raises the question of how to best guide viewer experience in virtual world story scenarios. To
Opeyemi Eyitayo Ayinde1, Olawumi Christiana Daramola1, Adewale Henry Adenuga2,3* and Tahirou Abdo... more Opeyemi Eyitayo Ayinde1, Olawumi Christiana Daramola1, Adewale Henry Adenuga2,3* and Tahirou Abdoulaye4 1Department of Agricultural Economics and farm management, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Kwara PMB 1515, Nigeria 2Agricultural and food Economics Branch, Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI), Newforge Lane, Belfast BT9 5PX, United Kingdom 3Gibson Institute for Land Food and Environment, School of Biological Sciences, Queen’s University, Belfast BT7 1NN, United Kingdom 4International Institute for Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Oyo 200001, Nigeria
The decision for dairy farmers to invest in automated oestrus detection (AOD) technologies involv... more The decision for dairy farmers to invest in automated oestrus detection (AOD) technologies involves the weighing up of the costs and benefits of implementation. In this paper, through a review of the existing literature, we examine the impacts of investment in AOD technologies in relation to the profitability and technical performance of dairy farms. Peer-reviewed articles published between 1970 and 2019 on the investment viability of AOD technologies were collated and analysed. We capture the different measures used in assessing the economic performance of investment in AOD technologies over time which include net present value (NPV), milk production, Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR), internal rate of return (IRR) and payback period (PBP). The study concludes that investment in AOD technologies is not only worthwhile but also contributes to farm profitability.
Papers by Adewale Adenuga