Papers by Professor Adeniyi T Adetunji
Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamic and Control Systems, 2019
EPH - International Journal of Business & Management Science (ISSN: 2208-2190), Jul 31, 2016
This paper was designed to study inequality in studying science education in Wales through the Ac... more This paper was designed to study inequality in studying science education in Wales through the Access to higher education pathway. The paper was mapped out to look at how the admission process into the university through Access has been unjustly treated. The paper uses a standard literature review to study relevant literatures as it relates to the study. The paper also used a desk research technique to discuss the inequalities in terms of class, gender and race. The findings suggested that the glass ceiling of unjust practices has not yet been broken, but merely raised with inequality in science education becoming a major challenge to accessing Higher Education Courses.
International Journal For Research In Business, Management And Accounting (ISSN: 2455-6114), 2021
This paper was designed to discuss the contribution of Ogbomoso Journal of Theology (OJOT) to edu... more This paper was designed to discuss the contribution of Ogbomoso Journal of Theology (OJOT) to educational developmental work and civilisation of Africans. The paper is a desk research and a review of the OJOT activities in the African continent with concentration onhow missionary education contributed to human development on the continent. The study reveals that OJOT has made significant impact to developmental works through theological education and scholarly contribution in Africa and beyond, especially in the areas of poverty alleviation, holistic healing and health awareness, and prevention or reduction of societal ills through ministrations.

International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2017
This paper examines the effects of market-led approach Nigeria universities management concept de... more This paper examines the effects of market-led approach Nigeria universities management concept deregulation from a market-led point of view to evaluate its effect on the management of university education in Nigeria. From many debates and argument put forward on the discussion of deregulation, it is very clear that deregulation policy was introduced for the purpose of enhancing productivities of public sectors or government owned establishment. The establishment of deregulation policy has created opportunities for different individuals and groups to participate or take ownership of some public sectors in the quest for providing better services and making profits. However widens the gap in knowledge to whether or not taking ownership of public sector business has generated profit or not. This paper is desk research and intends to review issues unturned in the past literature on how deregulation has now suddenly become a market-led approach to the Nigerian Universities Management. The paper revealed that Nigerians are keen about getting the best quality education irrespective of how the education systems are put up to be achieved. Likewise government have not been able to deregulate any of the public universities they owned rather university provisions have been commercialized and extended to private individuals.
International Research Journal of Management, IT & Social Sciences, 2016
The importance of training and development, and the growing complexity of the work environment in... more The importance of training and development, and the growing complexity of the work environment in present day society, cannot be over emphasized. Training and development ensure that organizational staff possess the knowledge and skills needed to perform their jobs effectively and adapt to ever changing technology. This paper uses desk research to evaluate work carried out related to training and manpower development, especially debate centered on how to improve the quality of staff performance. The study finds that, although a host of workshops, seminars and training are available, few are assessed due to the differences between budgetary provisions and actual funds released, for various years, at both federal and state levels.
Information Technologist (The), 2011

The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, Mar 4, 2021
When it comes to employment sector, there is an urgent need for wider investigations about the im... more When it comes to employment sector, there is an urgent need for wider investigations about the impact of COVID-19 on unemployment to explore possible damages to existing patterns of youth employability, and the alignment of government policy with institutional needs. This study is aimed to assess the short-term challenges of COVID-19 pandemic on the youth unemployment crisis in Nigeria. For this study, data from National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) study and other published data from literature have been analyzed to determine the challenges of COVID-19 pandemic on youth unemployment in Nigeria. From the analysis carried out, the effect of COVID-19 pandemic on unemployment via difference-indifference assessment shows that the Nigeria's unemployment rate ranked 30.1 percent in the fourth quarter of 2020. The study reveals that the unemployment rate among young people that is, ages 15-34years is 30.1%, up from 26.7%. The study also finds that 64% of the considerably increased inflows from employment into unemployment were due to the COVID-19 shutdown measures. It has been also established in the study that as at the fourth quarter of 2020, youth unemployment rate rose to 30.1% indicating that about 22,764,614 million Nigerian youths remain unemployed. The study concludes that, in sum, the shutdown measures amplified increased unemployment in. The study recommended the participation of private companies amongst others, by creating jobs in averting the challenges of COVID-19 pandemic on increased youth unemployment in the country.

Financial budget and budgetary control do not only help in providing a blue print for businesses ... more Financial budget and budgetary control do not only help in providing a blue print for businesses to move forward but also checks the performance of operational efficiency of business activities Accordingly, an organization should be well prepared to meet its long term and short term expenses and goals, thereby enabling the managers to monitor organizational functions During the coronavirus pandemic of 2020, many organizations adopted the GIG economy and digital transformation People work remotely in part-time or temporary positions as a staff in an organization, making work cheaper and more efficient services being provided Justly, a proper coordination of the GIG workers and digital transformation amidst the changing economic situation is necessary for making financial budgets and budgetary control a success The study investigates the implication of GIG workers and digital transformation on financial budgets and budgetary control The study collected primary data through a survey re...

Revista on line de Política e Gestão Educacional, 2021
Unhealthy leadership behavior also known as Toxic leader’s theory. It affects employee base and c... more Unhealthy leadership behavior also known as Toxic leader’s theory. It affects employee base and create environments to be less effective due to stress, devaluation, and potential job loss. And today, this challenge has also rocked academic excellence in higher education. This paper took a giant step to investigate unhealthy leadership behavior and employee retention that affects academic excellence and suggested a coping strategy by adopting a critical realist approach. This approach is used and adopted to understand the significant relationship between unhealthy leadership behavior, employee retention, and academic excellence. The study is centered on 48 head of units of universities both public and privately owned. The findings reveal that lack of job satisfaction and organizational commitment are rampant among higher educators due to unhealthy leadership behavior of which leads to implications on job satisfaction, job retention, and organizational commitment which are key compone...
This paper aims to uncover quality management mechanisms that are considered necessary for the im... more This paper aims to uncover quality management mechanisms that are considered necessary for the implementation of quality management in the context of Nigerian universities. A standard literature review was used to review the relevant literature on quality, quality management and Nigerian universities. The literature suggested a number of techniques and approaches or tools that are features of quality management but missing are important mechanisms that need to be in place to properly implement quality management in universities. Fifteen participants were involved across five universities. A purposive sampling method was used to select these five universities. The findings revealed three common major mechanisms that, while not identified as important factors in implementing quality management in other countries, are suggested by participants to be key in the Nigerian context.

This paper is designed to study the policies regarding university admission, how the policies are... more This paper is designed to study the policies regarding university admission, how the policies are positioned, and the contemporary issues faced, in terms of creation of a new varsity. In order to achieve this objective the study focuses on identifying what university policies on admissions are, by a standard literature review of government policy. The literature review covers major policies on university admissions, which have received little attention by past studies of university education in Nigeria. A qualitative approach is adopted with the use of interview as the sole research instrument through which to understand admission policy and how it affects students and institutions. Therefore, this paper fills a gap in knowledge by studying governmental policies for Nigerian university admission, with the hope of understanding how the universities operate in terms of admitting students. The findings reveal that the admission process, that might add value to the quality of graduates ...

This paper aims to look into the effect of government policies on university administrators. It f... more This paper aims to look into the effect of government policies on university administrators. It focuses on major issues affecting university administrators in positions of authority as well as obstacles affecting the implementation, development and improvement of quality management. The discussion is centred on key issues identified by the university administrators as shortcomings in their services, an approach which has not been considered by previous studies. A standard literature review was adopted for the study, with attention being paid to past literature relating to government policies and quality management in universities. The paper adopts a qualitative approach in which the interview is the only research instrument used. A purposive sampling method was employed to select 16 participants, of which 13 took part in the study. The study reveals that government policies and practices on the implementation of decisions influence or affect how the administrators respond to the dev...

International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences, 2015
This paper was design to look into quality issue in Nigerian universities, a decade after the pri... more This paper was design to look into quality issue in Nigerian universities, a decade after the privatisation policy was established. This paper is a desk research with the intensity to observe how Nigeria University institutions have positioned itself after the introduction of privatisation policy. The study focuses attention on contemporary issues around what lead to the establishment of private universities in Nigeria and its effects on service delivery, that have raised concerns about quality or question of whether or not quality is factored into the development of privately owned university in the country. The findings reveals that the introduction of privatisation policy has reduce the public university unrest in terms of strike action, monopoly of market and many more. The existence of the private universities have created more access and have given candidates opportunity to choose among various options. The findings also reveals that at the start of the private universities, m...

The aim of this paper is to take a step back from the general debate surrounding the creation of ... more The aim of this paper is to take a step back from the general debate surrounding the creation of a precise definition of quality in the context of university education. The paper investigates what principal officers in Nigeria universities perceived as quality from a rationale perspective rather than replicating the approach in a rationale environment. Rather, this paper investigates the reality as experienced by the principal officers who are involved in the day-to-day administration of their university. In view of this approach, a critical realist philosophy was adopted to help understand principal officers’ view of the debate. Thus, the study involved 29 principal officers in 6 universities. All the respondents had key roles in formulating, administering, and implementing issues relating to quality. The study findings reveal that many of the principal officers find it difficult to define quality though they assume they can recognise quality when they see it; however, observation ...

International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences, 2015
Among the primary concerns of any organisation are profit maximisation and employee satisfaction,... more Among the primary concerns of any organisation are profit maximisation and employee satisfaction, and which have achieved through variety of means and outcomes. One path to ensuring organisations (including small and medium-sized enterprises-small and medium enterprises) not only increase its profit base, but also survive in a very competitive environment is to leverage on its internal resources (its people). Organisation comprises networks of people engaged to carry-out specific tasks and responsibilities. These responsibilities and tasks are executed within a negotiated framework, which involved formal (official relationships, organisational structures, job description, etc.) and informal (human social interactions, norms and culture) relationships. The informal relationships within the organizations have been accorded as ‘social capital’ by many scholars. These social interactions among the actors (Human resource personnel and employees) within organizational network has been est...

International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences, 2016
Developing university social capital consist of working together, fostering trust and given respo... more Developing university social capital consist of working together, fostering trust and given responsibility to employees be it academic and non academic to function independently as well as collectively especially in today's market where competition is striving. Just as universities in Nigeria are beginning to see need to compete with each other, the demand and need for university to make their service more matrimonies are rising, an approach that differential one university quality from another, demanding the need for improvement. This paper is design to look at university social capital as it improves university productivities. This type of study has received lesser attention both in literature and in practice. Hence, this paper fill the gap in knowledge by reviewing university social capital building that can enhance quality building and development in Nigeria University.
This paper discusses challenges faced by Nigerian universities’ principal officers when implement... more This paper discusses challenges faced by Nigerian universities’ principal officers when implementing government policies on university education. The paper adopts a qualitative approach towards unveiling the causal mechanisms that affect the implementation of government policies in Nigeria, using principal officers’ knowledge of the phenomenon. Twenty-one principal officers were involved in the study. A purposive sampling method was adopted for the selection of these principal officers. The finding revealed five major mechanisms that challenge the implementation of government policies in the context of Nigerian universities. The findings reveal that many competing voices operate in different parts of the sector. This affects the structure, causing the mechanism to function wrongly, with a lack of common platforms from which to understand government policies.

The way universities are operating today have increases concern on what skills and capabilities l... more The way universities are operating today have increases concern on what skills and capabilities learners should be equipped or developed with in the higher education such that graduates of the institution will be able to fit into the world of work and also enhance the enterprise culture. In the last decade the concern to incorporate entrepreneur skills and training into the higher education curriculum have been on the agenda of the government as well as the institution. The concern has left gaps unturned in understanding the implications of teaching quality on entrepreneurship. This paper examines teaching quality in the light of entrepreneurship as it applies to the Nigerian higher education system. It brings to the frontline issues that will spur more attention on this sector of the economy for increased competitiveness of the nation. The clarion call is on these institutions to brace up on the quality of their activities, now that the business of education is an increasing global...

In today’s business operating environment, every organisation focus on gaining fair share of the ... more In today’s business operating environment, every organisation focus on gaining fair share of the market; seek competitive advantage; wants increased productivity and performance from and through the staff employ by their human resource unit. Recruitment and selection process are amongst the functions of human resources unit, which takes a central spot of the activities of many organisations. Human resources practitioners are expected to, not just, recruit staffs; they are saddled with the responsibility of employing staffs that fits in with the overall objectives of their firm. While Organisational social capital has been established in numerous studies too have causal link with a variety of organisational outcomes and objectives produced through employees. However, the use of recruitment and selection function to build social capital for firms have not been studied in detail, it therefore deserves proper attention in a contextual manner. This study looks at medium enterprise’s huma...
Papers by Professor Adeniyi T Adetunji