To estimate the burden of tuberculosis (TB) in reported AIDS cases, to compare the characteristic... more To estimate the burden of tuberculosis (TB) in reported AIDS cases, to compare the characteristics of TB/HIV subjects with those without TB and to evaluate survival with or without TB in Brazil. The data source was the linked database between AIDS (2011-2014) and TB (2011-2014) databases from the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN). The sociodemographic, clinical, laboratory results and use of antiretroviral therapy (ART) data were compared by TB occurrence or not. Survival probability was estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method and associated factors were sought using Cox regression. The proportion of TB diagnosed from 2011 to 2014 among AIDS cases reported between 2006 and 2014 was 6.3%. Subjects coinfected with TB were predominantly male, older, with lower schooling, with lower CD4 count, higher viral load, and higher proportion of ART initiation than those without TB. 57.5% were diagnosed with HIV before TB, 38.2% as concurrent TB/HIV and 4.3% with TB before HIV. 16,4...
Since 1996, the Brazilian Department of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI), AIDS and Viral Hep... more Since 1996, the Brazilian Department of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI), AIDS and Viral Hepatitis (Departamento de Vigilância, Prevenção e Controle das IST, do HIV, AIDS e Hepatites Virais, Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde, Ministério da Saúde) in collaboration with the Brazilian Ministry of Defense has conducted periodic and anonymous probability sample surveys to determine the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevalence, the sexual and risk behaviors among conscripts of the Brazilian army. This study aimed to estimate the HIV seroprevalence of conscripts in Brazil by geographic region and to describe behavior in relation to the risk of HIV transmission by analyzing data from the Brazilian Conscripts Survey 8th edition performed in 2016.Conscripts were selected with a 2-stage sampling method stratified by geographical region. The study included a self-reported questionnaire and blood collection for HIV, hepatitis, and syphilis testing. Data from 37,282 conscripts between 1...
International journal for equity in health, Jun 5, 2017
Contextual factors shape the risk of acquiring human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and syphilis. W... more Contextual factors shape the risk of acquiring human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and syphilis. We estimated the prevalence of both infections among indigenous people in nine indigenous health districts of the Brazilian Amazon and examined the context of community vulnerability to acquiring these infections. We trained 509 health care workers to screen sexually active populations in the community for syphilis and HIV using rapid testing (RT). We then assessed the prevalence of HIV and syphilis using RT. A multivariable analysis was used to identify factors associated with syphilis infection (sociodemographic, condom use, intrusion, population mobility, and violence). Of the 45,967 indigenous people tested, the mean age was 22.5 years (standard deviation: 9.2), and 56.5% were female. Overall, for HIV, the prevalence was 0.13% (57/43,221), and for syphilis, the prevalence was 1.82% (745/40,934). The prevalence in men, women, and pregnant women for HIV was 0.16%, 0.11%, and 0.07%, resp...
Paul De Lay and co-authors introduce a Collection on the design of targets for ending the AIDS ep... more Paul De Lay and co-authors introduce a Collection on the design of targets for ending the AIDS epidemic.
This abstract book has been produced by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins from electronic files suppl... more This abstract book has been produced by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins from electronic files supplied by the authors. The abstracts have been formatted for consistency but not edited for content. Every effort has been made to reproduce faithfully the abstracts as submitted. However, no responsibility is assumed by the publishers or organizers for any injury and/or damage to person or property as a matter of product liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instruments, or ideas contained in the material herein.
The aim of this study was to assess risk factors associated with low levels of HIV testing among ... more The aim of this study was to assess risk factors associated with low levels of HIV testing among MSM recruited through respondent driven sampling (RDS) in Brazil. Of 3,617 participants, 48.4% had never tested previously for HIV. A logistic model indicated that younger age, lower socioeconomic class, education, poor HIV/AIDS knowledge, no history of cruising, and having been tested during the study were characteristics independently associated with low levels of previous HIV testing. The HIV testing rate among MSM in Brazil is still low in spite of the availability of a large number services providing universal and free access to HIV/AIDS diagnosis and treatment. To respond to low utilization, the authors propose a higher priority for testing for key populations such as MSM, expanded education, expanding testing sites and a welcoming and nonjudgmental environment in health services.
Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical, 2015
In 2011, the Brazilian Ministry of Health rolled out a program for the external quality assessmen... more In 2011, the Brazilian Ministry of Health rolled out a program for the external quality assessment of rapid human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) tests using the dried tube specimen (DTS) method (EQA-RT/DTS-HIV). Our objective was to evaluate the implementation of this program at 71 voluntary counseling and testing centers (VCTCs) in the Brazilian Legal Amazonian area one year after its introduction. Quantitative and qualitative study that analyzed secondary data and interviews with healthcare workers (HCWs) (n=39) and VCTC coordinators (n=32) were performed. The assessment used 18 key indicators to evaluate the three dimensions of the program's logical framework: structure, process, and result. Each indicator was scored from 1-4, and the aggregate results corresponding to the dimensions were expressed as proportions. The results were compared to the perceptions of the HCWs and coordinators regarding the EQA-RT/DTS-HIV program. The aggregate scores for the three dimensions of structure, process, and result were 91.7%, 78.6%, and 95%, respectively. The lowest score in each dimension corresponded to a different indicator: access to Quali-TR online system 39% (structure), registration in Quali-TR online system 38.7% (process), and VCTC completed the full process in the program's first round 63.4% (result). Approximately 36% of the HCWs and 52% of the coordinators reported enhanced trust in the program for its rapid HIV testing performance. All three program dimensions exhibited satisfactory results (>75%). Nevertheless, the study findings highlight the need to improve certain program components. Additionally, long-term follow-ups is needed to provide a more thorough picture of the process for external quality assessment.
Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical, 2015
A scoping review was conducted to describe the epidemiological characteristics of the human immun... more A scoping review was conducted to describe the epidemiological characteristics of the human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) epidemic in the State of Amazonas, Brazil, from 2001 to 2012, and temporary patterns were estimated from surveillance data. The results suggest that in its third decade, the Amazon HIV/AIDS epidemic is far from being stabilized and displays rising AIDS incidence and mortality rates and late diagnoses. The data suggest that AIDS cases are hitting mostly young adults and have recently shifted toward men, both homosexual and heterosexual. AIDS cases among the indigenous people have remained stable and low. However, the epidemic has disseminated to the interior of the state, which adds difficulties to its control, given the geographical isolation, logistical barriers, and culturally and ethnically diverse population. Antiretroviral (ARV) therapy has been decentralized, but peripheral ARV services are still insufficient and too distant from people who need them. Recently, the expansion of point-of-care (POC) rapid HIV testing has been contributing to overcoming logistical barriers. Other new POC devices, such as the PIMA CD4 analyzer, will bring the laboratory to the patient. AIDS uniquely coexists with other tropical infections, sharing their epidemiological profiles. The increased demand for HIV/AIDS care services can only be satisfied through increased decentralization to peripheral health units, which can also naturally integrate care with other tropical infections and can promote a shift from vertical to integrated programming. Future challenges involve building surveillance data on HIV case notification and covering the spectrum of engagement in care, including adherence to treatment and follow-up loss.
To evaluate the accuracy of the PIMA point-of-care CD4 analyzer (PIMA) under field conditions in ... more To evaluate the accuracy of the PIMA point-of-care CD4 analyzer (PIMA) under field conditions in comparison to the current CD4 count system (FACSCalibur), and to evaluate the operational suitability and acceptability of health professionals (HP) and HIV-patients in using the PIMA in health clinics in the Amazon Region.
Correct, early diagnosis and treatment of syphilis are essential for its control. Traditional dia... more Correct, early diagnosis and treatment of syphilis are essential for its control. Traditional diagnostic tests depend on specialized equipment, installations, and human resources. In the search for quick, simple tests, a project was conducted on the validation and reproducibility of four different tests, previously assessed by WHO reference laboratories. The study also verified the operational characteristics and acceptance by patients and health professionals. Samples obtained at an STD clinic were from 541 and 248 patients with 51 and 52 positive results according to FTA-Abs (gold standard) in studies 1 and 2, respectively. The sensitivity varied from 84 to 96%, specificity was greater than 98%, and PPV was >90%. Reproducibility was >97% and kappa index 0.94, comparing the results obtained by different health workers. The tests took less than 20 minutes to perform, and more than 90% of patients agreed to wait up to two hours for the results. The tests presented the necessary...
Objectives: To evaluate prospectively four rapid, point-of-care serological tests for syphilis in... more Objectives: To evaluate prospectively four rapid, point-of-care serological tests for syphilis in prenatal or high risk populations in four countries. Methods: Tests were performed on consecutive clinic attenders, using whole blood in the clinic, and whole blood and serum in the laboratory. The sensitivity and specificity of each test was evaluated, using a standard treponemal test (Treponema pallidum haemagglutination assay (TPHA) or fluorescent treponemal antibody, absorbed (FTA-ABS) as gold standard. Non-treponemal tests (rapid plasma reagin (RPR) or venereal diseases research laboratory (VDRL) tests) were also performed on all subjects at three sites. Results: The specificity of each rapid test was .95% at each site. Sensitivities varied from 64-100% and, in most cases, were lower when whole blood was used rather than serum. Conclusions: Rapid serological tests for syphilis are an acceptable alternative to conventional laboratory tests. Since they do not require equipment or electricity, they could increase coverage of syphilis screening, and enable treatment to be given at the first clinic visit.
Home-based, voluntary counselling and testing (HBCT) can help scale up early diagnosis. We aimed ... more Home-based, voluntary counselling and testing (HBCT) can help scale up early diagnosis. We aimed to evaluate the acceptance of HBCT for HIV and syphilis, estimate the prevalence among home-tested individuals and assess the performance of point-of-care testing by health staff using dried tube specimens (DTS) in a remote municipality of the Amazon region. Community health teams conducted door-to-door outreach in the urban area of São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Amazonas. HBCT for HIV and syphilis was offered to all residents aged ≥15 years. To provide an external quality assurance (EQA) of the healthcare workers' (HCW') ability to perform testing, DTS panels of reference samples were reconstituted and tested by the workers. HBCT was offered to 1752 individuals and accepted by 1501 (85.6%). Those tested had a median age 32.0 years, 64.4% were women and 85.1% were indigenous; none were previously tested using a rapid test. The prevalence of HIV was 0.37% in men and 0.0% in women; the ...
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999), 2011
The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability of self-reported HIV among men who have sex... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability of self-reported HIV among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Brazil. MSM 18 years of age or older were recruited to a multicenter study using respondent-driven sampling. We compared self-report of the HIV test with a rapid HIV test using the kappa coefficient. A total of 3859 MSM were recruited, and 39% reported ever having an HIV test; their results were reported and they agreed to a new test. Agreement between self-report and the test was very good (kappa = 0.88). Our results suggest that self-report of HIV infection is a reliable indicator among MSM.
To conduct the first national biological and behavioral surveillance survey for HIV among MSM in ... more To conduct the first national biological and behavioral surveillance survey for HIV among MSM in Brazil. A cross-sectional surveillance study utilizing Respondent Driven Sampling (RDS) in 10 cities, following formative research. Planned sample: 350 MSM reporting sex with another man in the last 12 months, at least 18 years of age, and residing in the city of the study. Conventional RDS recruitment. Results were calculated for each city using RDSAT 5.6. For the national estimate, a new individual weight using a novel method was calculated. The 10 cities were aggregated, treated as strata and analyzed using STATA11.0. Self-reported HIV status and logistic regression was used to impute missing values for serostatus, an important issue for RDSAT. A total of 3859 MSM were interviewed. Sample was diverse, most self-identified as mulatto or black, were social class C or below, and had relatively low levels of education. More than 80% reported more than one partner in the last 6 months. Onl...
Introduction: infection by Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) is an STD of high prevalence in the world a... more Introduction: infection by Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) is an STD of high prevalence in the world and when it is not diagnosed it can, especially among women, progress with grave sequels. In Brazil, the epidemiological behavior trend of the infection is not well-known. Objective: estimate the prevalence and factors associated with the infection by Chlamydia trachomatis in segments of the sexual
Objectives: To assess the performance, usefulness and cost of a rapid treponemal antibody assay (... more Objectives: To assess the performance, usefulness and cost of a rapid treponemal antibody assay (VisiTect Syphilis) to detect syphilis in high risk populations. Methods: People who attended STI clinics in Manaus, Brazil, were screened for syphilis using the fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption (FTA-Abs) test and a nontreponemal test (Venereal Diseases Research Laboratory (VDRL)), and for HIV. Finger prick blood samples were tested with VisiTect Syphilis. The rapid test was evaluated against the reference FTA-Abs and for its usefulness in detecting active syphilis (FTA-Abs and VDRL positive). Operational performance was assessed through providers' and patients' interviews. An economic evaluation was conducted from the provider's perspective. Results: 510 patients (60% men) were enrolled, of whom 13 (2.5%) were HIV-1 seropositive. Syphilis prevalence (FTA-Abs) was 18% and active syphilis prevalence was 7.5%. 11% (57/506) of samples were positive by VisiTect. The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of VisiTect Syphilis were 57% (95% CI 45.8 to 66.7), 99% (95% CI 97.0 to 99.6), 91% (95% CI 80.0 to 96.7) and 91% (95% CI 88.0 to 93.5), respectively. VisiTect Syphilis identified 79% (30/38) of active syphilis cases.
To estimate the burden of tuberculosis (TB) in reported AIDS cases, to compare the characteristic... more To estimate the burden of tuberculosis (TB) in reported AIDS cases, to compare the characteristics of TB/HIV subjects with those without TB and to evaluate survival with or without TB in Brazil. The data source was the linked database between AIDS (2011-2014) and TB (2011-2014) databases from the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN). The sociodemographic, clinical, laboratory results and use of antiretroviral therapy (ART) data were compared by TB occurrence or not. Survival probability was estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method and associated factors were sought using Cox regression. The proportion of TB diagnosed from 2011 to 2014 among AIDS cases reported between 2006 and 2014 was 6.3%. Subjects coinfected with TB were predominantly male, older, with lower schooling, with lower CD4 count, higher viral load, and higher proportion of ART initiation than those without TB. 57.5% were diagnosed with HIV before TB, 38.2% as concurrent TB/HIV and 4.3% with TB before HIV. 16,4...
Since 1996, the Brazilian Department of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI), AIDS and Viral Hep... more Since 1996, the Brazilian Department of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI), AIDS and Viral Hepatitis (Departamento de Vigilância, Prevenção e Controle das IST, do HIV, AIDS e Hepatites Virais, Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde, Ministério da Saúde) in collaboration with the Brazilian Ministry of Defense has conducted periodic and anonymous probability sample surveys to determine the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevalence, the sexual and risk behaviors among conscripts of the Brazilian army. This study aimed to estimate the HIV seroprevalence of conscripts in Brazil by geographic region and to describe behavior in relation to the risk of HIV transmission by analyzing data from the Brazilian Conscripts Survey 8th edition performed in 2016.Conscripts were selected with a 2-stage sampling method stratified by geographical region. The study included a self-reported questionnaire and blood collection for HIV, hepatitis, and syphilis testing. Data from 37,282 conscripts between 1...
International journal for equity in health, Jun 5, 2017
Contextual factors shape the risk of acquiring human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and syphilis. W... more Contextual factors shape the risk of acquiring human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and syphilis. We estimated the prevalence of both infections among indigenous people in nine indigenous health districts of the Brazilian Amazon and examined the context of community vulnerability to acquiring these infections. We trained 509 health care workers to screen sexually active populations in the community for syphilis and HIV using rapid testing (RT). We then assessed the prevalence of HIV and syphilis using RT. A multivariable analysis was used to identify factors associated with syphilis infection (sociodemographic, condom use, intrusion, population mobility, and violence). Of the 45,967 indigenous people tested, the mean age was 22.5 years (standard deviation: 9.2), and 56.5% were female. Overall, for HIV, the prevalence was 0.13% (57/43,221), and for syphilis, the prevalence was 1.82% (745/40,934). The prevalence in men, women, and pregnant women for HIV was 0.16%, 0.11%, and 0.07%, resp...
Paul De Lay and co-authors introduce a Collection on the design of targets for ending the AIDS ep... more Paul De Lay and co-authors introduce a Collection on the design of targets for ending the AIDS epidemic.
This abstract book has been produced by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins from electronic files suppl... more This abstract book has been produced by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins from electronic files supplied by the authors. The abstracts have been formatted for consistency but not edited for content. Every effort has been made to reproduce faithfully the abstracts as submitted. However, no responsibility is assumed by the publishers or organizers for any injury and/or damage to person or property as a matter of product liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instruments, or ideas contained in the material herein.
The aim of this study was to assess risk factors associated with low levels of HIV testing among ... more The aim of this study was to assess risk factors associated with low levels of HIV testing among MSM recruited through respondent driven sampling (RDS) in Brazil. Of 3,617 participants, 48.4% had never tested previously for HIV. A logistic model indicated that younger age, lower socioeconomic class, education, poor HIV/AIDS knowledge, no history of cruising, and having been tested during the study were characteristics independently associated with low levels of previous HIV testing. The HIV testing rate among MSM in Brazil is still low in spite of the availability of a large number services providing universal and free access to HIV/AIDS diagnosis and treatment. To respond to low utilization, the authors propose a higher priority for testing for key populations such as MSM, expanded education, expanding testing sites and a welcoming and nonjudgmental environment in health services.
Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical, 2015
In 2011, the Brazilian Ministry of Health rolled out a program for the external quality assessmen... more In 2011, the Brazilian Ministry of Health rolled out a program for the external quality assessment of rapid human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) tests using the dried tube specimen (DTS) method (EQA-RT/DTS-HIV). Our objective was to evaluate the implementation of this program at 71 voluntary counseling and testing centers (VCTCs) in the Brazilian Legal Amazonian area one year after its introduction. Quantitative and qualitative study that analyzed secondary data and interviews with healthcare workers (HCWs) (n=39) and VCTC coordinators (n=32) were performed. The assessment used 18 key indicators to evaluate the three dimensions of the program's logical framework: structure, process, and result. Each indicator was scored from 1-4, and the aggregate results corresponding to the dimensions were expressed as proportions. The results were compared to the perceptions of the HCWs and coordinators regarding the EQA-RT/DTS-HIV program. The aggregate scores for the three dimensions of structure, process, and result were 91.7%, 78.6%, and 95%, respectively. The lowest score in each dimension corresponded to a different indicator: access to Quali-TR online system 39% (structure), registration in Quali-TR online system 38.7% (process), and VCTC completed the full process in the program's first round 63.4% (result). Approximately 36% of the HCWs and 52% of the coordinators reported enhanced trust in the program for its rapid HIV testing performance. All three program dimensions exhibited satisfactory results (>75%). Nevertheless, the study findings highlight the need to improve certain program components. Additionally, long-term follow-ups is needed to provide a more thorough picture of the process for external quality assessment.
Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical, 2015
A scoping review was conducted to describe the epidemiological characteristics of the human immun... more A scoping review was conducted to describe the epidemiological characteristics of the human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) epidemic in the State of Amazonas, Brazil, from 2001 to 2012, and temporary patterns were estimated from surveillance data. The results suggest that in its third decade, the Amazon HIV/AIDS epidemic is far from being stabilized and displays rising AIDS incidence and mortality rates and late diagnoses. The data suggest that AIDS cases are hitting mostly young adults and have recently shifted toward men, both homosexual and heterosexual. AIDS cases among the indigenous people have remained stable and low. However, the epidemic has disseminated to the interior of the state, which adds difficulties to its control, given the geographical isolation, logistical barriers, and culturally and ethnically diverse population. Antiretroviral (ARV) therapy has been decentralized, but peripheral ARV services are still insufficient and too distant from people who need them. Recently, the expansion of point-of-care (POC) rapid HIV testing has been contributing to overcoming logistical barriers. Other new POC devices, such as the PIMA CD4 analyzer, will bring the laboratory to the patient. AIDS uniquely coexists with other tropical infections, sharing their epidemiological profiles. The increased demand for HIV/AIDS care services can only be satisfied through increased decentralization to peripheral health units, which can also naturally integrate care with other tropical infections and can promote a shift from vertical to integrated programming. Future challenges involve building surveillance data on HIV case notification and covering the spectrum of engagement in care, including adherence to treatment and follow-up loss.
To evaluate the accuracy of the PIMA point-of-care CD4 analyzer (PIMA) under field conditions in ... more To evaluate the accuracy of the PIMA point-of-care CD4 analyzer (PIMA) under field conditions in comparison to the current CD4 count system (FACSCalibur), and to evaluate the operational suitability and acceptability of health professionals (HP) and HIV-patients in using the PIMA in health clinics in the Amazon Region.
Correct, early diagnosis and treatment of syphilis are essential for its control. Traditional dia... more Correct, early diagnosis and treatment of syphilis are essential for its control. Traditional diagnostic tests depend on specialized equipment, installations, and human resources. In the search for quick, simple tests, a project was conducted on the validation and reproducibility of four different tests, previously assessed by WHO reference laboratories. The study also verified the operational characteristics and acceptance by patients and health professionals. Samples obtained at an STD clinic were from 541 and 248 patients with 51 and 52 positive results according to FTA-Abs (gold standard) in studies 1 and 2, respectively. The sensitivity varied from 84 to 96%, specificity was greater than 98%, and PPV was >90%. Reproducibility was >97% and kappa index 0.94, comparing the results obtained by different health workers. The tests took less than 20 minutes to perform, and more than 90% of patients agreed to wait up to two hours for the results. The tests presented the necessary...
Objectives: To evaluate prospectively four rapid, point-of-care serological tests for syphilis in... more Objectives: To evaluate prospectively four rapid, point-of-care serological tests for syphilis in prenatal or high risk populations in four countries. Methods: Tests were performed on consecutive clinic attenders, using whole blood in the clinic, and whole blood and serum in the laboratory. The sensitivity and specificity of each test was evaluated, using a standard treponemal test (Treponema pallidum haemagglutination assay (TPHA) or fluorescent treponemal antibody, absorbed (FTA-ABS) as gold standard. Non-treponemal tests (rapid plasma reagin (RPR) or venereal diseases research laboratory (VDRL) tests) were also performed on all subjects at three sites. Results: The specificity of each rapid test was .95% at each site. Sensitivities varied from 64-100% and, in most cases, were lower when whole blood was used rather than serum. Conclusions: Rapid serological tests for syphilis are an acceptable alternative to conventional laboratory tests. Since they do not require equipment or electricity, they could increase coverage of syphilis screening, and enable treatment to be given at the first clinic visit.
Home-based, voluntary counselling and testing (HBCT) can help scale up early diagnosis. We aimed ... more Home-based, voluntary counselling and testing (HBCT) can help scale up early diagnosis. We aimed to evaluate the acceptance of HBCT for HIV and syphilis, estimate the prevalence among home-tested individuals and assess the performance of point-of-care testing by health staff using dried tube specimens (DTS) in a remote municipality of the Amazon region. Community health teams conducted door-to-door outreach in the urban area of São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Amazonas. HBCT for HIV and syphilis was offered to all residents aged ≥15 years. To provide an external quality assurance (EQA) of the healthcare workers' (HCW') ability to perform testing, DTS panels of reference samples were reconstituted and tested by the workers. HBCT was offered to 1752 individuals and accepted by 1501 (85.6%). Those tested had a median age 32.0 years, 64.4% were women and 85.1% were indigenous; none were previously tested using a rapid test. The prevalence of HIV was 0.37% in men and 0.0% in women; the ...
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999), 2011
The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability of self-reported HIV among men who have sex... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability of self-reported HIV among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Brazil. MSM 18 years of age or older were recruited to a multicenter study using respondent-driven sampling. We compared self-report of the HIV test with a rapid HIV test using the kappa coefficient. A total of 3859 MSM were recruited, and 39% reported ever having an HIV test; their results were reported and they agreed to a new test. Agreement between self-report and the test was very good (kappa = 0.88). Our results suggest that self-report of HIV infection is a reliable indicator among MSM.
To conduct the first national biological and behavioral surveillance survey for HIV among MSM in ... more To conduct the first national biological and behavioral surveillance survey for HIV among MSM in Brazil. A cross-sectional surveillance study utilizing Respondent Driven Sampling (RDS) in 10 cities, following formative research. Planned sample: 350 MSM reporting sex with another man in the last 12 months, at least 18 years of age, and residing in the city of the study. Conventional RDS recruitment. Results were calculated for each city using RDSAT 5.6. For the national estimate, a new individual weight using a novel method was calculated. The 10 cities were aggregated, treated as strata and analyzed using STATA11.0. Self-reported HIV status and logistic regression was used to impute missing values for serostatus, an important issue for RDSAT. A total of 3859 MSM were interviewed. Sample was diverse, most self-identified as mulatto or black, were social class C or below, and had relatively low levels of education. More than 80% reported more than one partner in the last 6 months. Onl...
Introduction: infection by Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) is an STD of high prevalence in the world a... more Introduction: infection by Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) is an STD of high prevalence in the world and when it is not diagnosed it can, especially among women, progress with grave sequels. In Brazil, the epidemiological behavior trend of the infection is not well-known. Objective: estimate the prevalence and factors associated with the infection by Chlamydia trachomatis in segments of the sexual
Objectives: To assess the performance, usefulness and cost of a rapid treponemal antibody assay (... more Objectives: To assess the performance, usefulness and cost of a rapid treponemal antibody assay (VisiTect Syphilis) to detect syphilis in high risk populations. Methods: People who attended STI clinics in Manaus, Brazil, were screened for syphilis using the fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption (FTA-Abs) test and a nontreponemal test (Venereal Diseases Research Laboratory (VDRL)), and for HIV. Finger prick blood samples were tested with VisiTect Syphilis. The rapid test was evaluated against the reference FTA-Abs and for its usefulness in detecting active syphilis (FTA-Abs and VDRL positive). Operational performance was assessed through providers' and patients' interviews. An economic evaluation was conducted from the provider's perspective. Results: 510 patients (60% men) were enrolled, of whom 13 (2.5%) were HIV-1 seropositive. Syphilis prevalence (FTA-Abs) was 18% and active syphilis prevalence was 7.5%. 11% (57/506) of samples were positive by VisiTect. The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of VisiTect Syphilis were 57% (95% CI 45.8 to 66.7), 99% (95% CI 97.0 to 99.6), 91% (95% CI 80.0 to 96.7) and 91% (95% CI 88.0 to 93.5), respectively. VisiTect Syphilis identified 79% (30/38) of active syphilis cases.
Papers by Adele Benzaken