Papers by Adelaida León Hernández
Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders
Poster: "SERAM 2012 / S-1369 / Frecuencia y localizacion de los espacios dilatados de Vircho... more Poster: "SERAM 2012 / S-1369 / Frecuencia y localizacion de los espacios dilatados de Virchow-Robin en ancianos. Estudio basado en imagenes 3D de RM." by: "C. Fernandez Hernandez, F. Sarabia Tirado, M. E. Saez Martinez, A. Leon Hernandez, J. Hernandez Abenza, V. Vazquez Saez; Murcia/ES"
Poster: "SERAM 2014 / S-0027 / Deteccion de microembolismos cerebrales en el implante de pro... more Poster: "SERAM 2014 / S-0027 / Deteccion de microembolismos cerebrales en el implante de protesis aortica percutanea." by: "A. Leon Hernandez, R. M. Sanchez Jimenez, J. Garcia de Lara, C. Lucas Rodenas, B. Garcia-Villalba Navaridas, M. D. Morales Cano; Murcia/ES"
Poster: "SERAM 2012 / S-0273 / Hallazgos sin significacion clinica y variantes de la normali... more Poster: "SERAM 2012 / S-0273 / Hallazgos sin significacion clinica y variantes de la normalidad en TC y RM cerebral." by: "R. M. Sanchez Jimenez, C. A. Ortega Hernandez, A. M. Lopez Farfan, J. A. Yusta Zato, A. Leon Hernandez, V. Vazquez Saez; Murcia/ES"
Poster: "SERAM 2014 / S-0211 / Adenoma pleomorfo gigante del lobulo profundo de parotida: Pr... more Poster: "SERAM 2014 / S-0211 / Adenoma pleomorfo gigante del lobulo profundo de parotida: Presentacion clinica y hallazgos radiologicos." by: "R. M. Sanchez Jimenez, M. D. Morales Cano, F. Velazquez Marin, C. Fernandez Hernandez, M. Santa-Olalla Gonzalez, A. Leon Hernandez; Murcia/ES"
Poster: "SERAM 2012 / S-1496 / Linfoma SNC Primario y Secundario. Hallazgos en RM en los pac... more Poster: "SERAM 2012 / S-1496 / Linfoma SNC Primario y Secundario. Hallazgos en RM en los pacientes diagnosticados en nuestro hospital durante los ultimos tres anos." by: "F. Sarabia Tirado, D. Abellan Rivero, A. Ocete Ocete, C. Fernandez Hernandez, A. Leon Hernandez, V. Vazquez Saez; Murcia/ES"
Poster: "SERAM 2012 / S-1212 / Diagnostico diferencial entre los tumores gliales de alto gra... more Poster: "SERAM 2012 / S-1212 / Diagnostico diferencial entre los tumores gliales de alto grado y las metastasis cerebrales solitarias mediante el uso del tensor de difusion y perfusion." by: "T. Gongora Lencina, F. Guzman Aroca, C. Fernandez Hernandez, R. M. Sanchez Jimenez, V. Vazquez Saez, A. Leon Hernandez; Murcia/ES"
Poster: "SERAM 2012 / S-0306 / Anomalias bilaterales en ganglios basales y talamos: caracter... more Poster: "SERAM 2012 / S-0306 / Anomalias bilaterales en ganglios basales y talamos: caracterizacion semiologica mediante TC y RM. " by: "M. E. Saez Martinez1, A. Leon Hernandez1, C. Serrano Garcia1, E. Domenech Abellan1, J. A. Belda Serrano2, V. Vazquez Saez1; 1Murcia/ES, 2Orihuela/ES"
Poster: "ECR 2011 / C-1902 / MRI of the normal and abnormal brainstem." by: "L. Se... more Poster: "ECR 2011 / C-1902 / MRI of the normal and abnormal brainstem." by: "L. Serrano Velasco1, L. Martinez Encarnacion2, A. Ramos Alcala2, A. Leon Hernandez2, I. Pena Fenandez2, L. Perez Mila2, B. Orovigt2; 1Alhama de Murcia/ES, 2Cartagena/ES"
Poster: "ECR 2011 / C-1698 / Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis: osseous and extraosseus manifes... more Poster: "ECR 2011 / C-1698 / Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis: osseous and extraosseus manifestations in Children." by: "L. Martinez Encarnacion1, A. Ramos Alcala1, C. Serrano Garcia1, A. Leon Hernandez2, E. Domenech Abellan3, D. J. Carbonell Ruiz1, T. Gongora Lencina1; 1murcia/ES, 2Cartagena/ES, 3El Palmar (Murcia)/ES"
Objetivos DocentesLos objetivos de esta revision son:1. Analizar los tipos y la frecuencia de err... more Objetivos DocentesLos objetivos de esta revision son:1. Analizar los tipos y la frecuencia de error diagnostico en TC craneal.2. Valorar algunos de los escenarios mas representativos donde encontramos errores o discrepancias significativas en TC craneal urgente.3. Proporcionar pautas para disminuir los errores diagnosticos en TC craneal. Revision del temaFRECUENCIA Y TIPOS DE ERROR DIAGNOSTICO EN TC CRANEAL URGENTELos errores en el proceso diagnostico estan relacionados directamente con la interpretacion que el radiologo hace de un examen o los resultados de un procedimiento diagnostico o terapeutico y suponen el 45% de los efectos adversos en radiologia. Se estima que se cometen errores diagnosticos en un 4% de los informes, la mayoria de ellos son poco significativos, errores menores, y no suponen un grave riesgo para la salud del paciente (figura 1 y figura 2).
Poster: "SERAM 2012 / S-1247 / BRILLOS MEDULARES EN T2: diagnostico diferencial mediante RM... more Poster: "SERAM 2012 / S-1247 / BRILLOS MEDULARES EN T2: diagnostico diferencial mediante RM." by: "R. M. Sanchez Jimenez, M. E. Saez Martinez, F. Guzman Aroca, T. Gongora Lencina, A. Leon Hernandez, V. Vazquez Saez; Murcia/ES"
Poster: "ECR 2019 / C-1609 / Central nervous system and infection by human immunodeficiency ... more Poster: "ECR 2019 / C-1609 / Central nervous system and infection by human immunodeficiency virus: the gateway to numerous infections and processes that affect the CNS." by: "A. Navarro Bano, J. M. Felices Farias, F. Barqueros Escuer, I. Banon Garcia, F. Velazquez Marin, D. Paez Granda, V. Vazquez Saez, I. Sanchez Serrano, A. Leon Hernandez; El Palmar, Murcia/ES"
Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders

Clinical Therapeutics, 2013
Numerous studies have shown that plasma exchange (PE) is effective as second-line treatment of se... more Numerous studies have shown that plasma exchange (PE) is effective as second-line treatment of severe exacerbations of multiple sclerosis (MS) or other idiopathic inflammatory demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system that are nonresponsive to steroid therapy. The goal of this study was to analyze the effect of PE on clinically active radiologic lesions in steroid-refractory relapses of MS and idiopathic inflammatory demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system. This was a prospective, observational pilot study in which the primary end point was the degree of radiologic resolution of active lesions after PE. A total of 15 patients were included (median age, 36.9 years [age range, 21-67 years]; 60% women). Five (33.3%) of the 15 patients had relapsing-remitting MS, 2 (13.3%) had clinically isolated syndrome that presented with transverse myelitis, 2 (13.3%) had recurrent myelitis, 1 (6.7%) had transverse myelitis, 1 (6.7%) had longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis, 1 (6.7%) had acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, 1 (6.7%) had Baló's concentric sclerosis, and 2 (13.3%) had neuromyelitis optica. Mean increase on the expanded disability status scale scores due to relapses was 4.8 (2.53). After PE, 93.3% showed a marked to moderate clinical improvement, and 46.7% recovered their baseline expanded disability status scale score 3 months post-PE. On the post-PE MRI, 60% showed radiologic resolution (80% mass-effect lesions, 83.3% new-onset disease, and 100% neuromyelitis optica), 20% had partial resolution, and 20% no resolution. A significant relationship was not obtained between degree of resolution of radiologic lesions and the variables: clinical response to PE, new-onset disease, mass-effect lesions, number of PE sessions, and early initiation of PE. A marked to moderate clinical improvement post-PE accompanied by a lack of radiologic resolution of the active lesion is not indicative of poor prognosis.
Revista De Neurologia, 2014
Papers by Adelaida León Hernández