Papers by Achmad Ubaidillah Ms

With UAV (Unmaned Aerial Vehicle) technology, surveillance functions that are usually carried out... more With UAV (Unmaned Aerial Vehicle) technology, surveillance functions that are usually carried out by humans are simply replaced with cameras mounted on the UAV. The results can be seen on the display control station on the GCS (Ground Control Station) system. To transmit data from the drone to the GCS, a good wireless network is required. To get a good wireless network, it is necessary to choose the right device. One of the important devices used in a network is a router. So knowledge about router performance is needed in order to determine a good router to be used on UAV and on GCS. The router that was tested for its performance in this study was the RB 3011 UiAS-RM with RB 450 Gx4. The tests were carried out using the no-load and with-load bandwidth testing methods using the traffic generator feature. From the test results, it can be concluded that the RB 3011 UiAS-RM and 450 Gx4 routers have performance that is not much different. This can be seen from the results of the no-load ...
2021 IEEE 7th Information Technology International Seminar (ITIS)
E3S Web of Conferences
The computer network service provider must provide a good network service. Service quality is the... more The computer network service provider must provide a good network service. Service quality is the most important factor and must always be maintained properly. The quality of service can change depending on the number and characteristics of service users. This study optimizes the performance of existing computer networks, namely ordinary LAN networks with the application of VLANs. It is very important because the number of network users is increasing and will continue to increase, while the need for good service quality is very urgent. The results showed that VLANs can improve computer network performance from the system existing, namely LAN network.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
This research is very important to know the performance and capability of ESP-01 as a sensor node... more This research is very important to know the performance and capability of ESP-01 as a sensor node in network planning using Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). The optimal distance between nodes is obtained from the recording using the wireshark application. The linear regression method is used to build distance forecasting systems with packet loss and delay metrics. Observation is done by simulation using Network Simulator and direct measurement using wireshark. The results showed that the recommended optimal distance is 34 meters with a good category network quality.

JEEE-U (Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering-UMSIDA)
Solar thermal energy is one type of renewable energy, so this type of energy can be converted int... more Solar thermal energy is one type of renewable energy, so this type of energy can be converted into other energy. This study uses a four-axis solar tracker with angle settings on the reflector to get optimal sunlight, scanning to determine the optimal lighting angle, measurement results are stored in real-time in the data logger. This study uses an LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) as a sunlight detector, equipped with several sensors, namely: current, voltage and power sensor (INA219), light sensor (MAX4409), and temperature sensor (DS18B20), and reflector angle as a parameter of solar efficiency panels. . The results showed that a four-axis solar tracker equipped with a reflector was able to increase the output power. The maximum power production produced by solar panels is: At a reflector angle of 300, the maximum power generated by a static panel is 143.43 W while a solar tracker is 175.15 W. At a reflector angle of 450 the maximum power generated by a static panel is 170.01 W and s...
Jurnal Ilmiah Kursor, 2020
This research is a continuation of several previous studies that made 5G network planning using t... more This research is a continuation of several previous studies that made 5G network planning using the Free Space Reference Path Loss model. In this study, a 5G network path loss planning was made using the Geometry Based Stochastic model. A forecasting system is created that connects the path loss with the distance between the transmitter and the receiver antenna using the linear regression method. It is important to look at 5G network planning on a different side. The result shows that the path loss value in the light of sight condition is better than the non-light of sight condition with the lowest value of 94.4271 dB at the frequency of 28 GHz and 99.5856 dB at the 73 GHz frequency. Linear Regression analysis shows that the best path loss calculation is the frequency 28 GHz of LOS conditions with MSE is 0.001 and the standard deviation error is 0.0319.

Procedia of Engineering and Life Science, 2021
Electronic devices that are increasingly developing make alternatives to human activities every d... more Electronic devices that are increasingly developing make alternatives to human activities every day so that human work can be completed easily. Like smartphones as electronic devices that have dominated electronic devices so that users have the convenience of fulfilling their needs. There have been many electronic devices that can be controlled by simply pressing the remote button without even touching anything but by voice commands. Technology has developed rapidly so that a microcontroller like Arduino can be integrated with other devices, such as an electric car that is equipped with solar panels as a source of electrical energy and controlled via an Android smartphone. In this study, an electric car will be controlled by an application on a smartphone with voice commands, and using bluetooth as a connection between the application system and the electric car system.

Magnetic stirrer hotplate is a laboratory equipment which is used to heat and homogenize any chem... more Magnetic stirrer hotplate is a laboratory equipment which is used to heat and homogenize any chemical solvent. This equipment is usually used in chemical, microbiology and pharmacy laboratory. It is equipped with stirrer which is made up from magnetic stir bar. Our proposed magnetic stirrer hot plate controller uses ATMega16 microcontroller and equipped with temperature sensor MLX90614 to measure and monitor chemical solvent temperature and using DC (Direct Current) motor as a mover of stirrer. This tool is designed to have two type menus: automatic and manual. If using the automatic menu, the user only selects the mixing of the solution in the automatic menu. On the other hand when manual menu is selected temperature (30-60 celcius), stirring velocity (400-1600 rpm) and stirring time (1-30 minute) which can be seen at LCD display. The simulation result of PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) controller indicates stable condition when when Kp = 0,011, Ki = 0.000001, and Kd = 0.000...

Di berbagai tempat sering di jumpai wasafel atau tempat untuk mencuci tangan yang bekerja secara ... more Di berbagai tempat sering di jumpai wasafel atau tempat untuk mencuci tangan yang bekerja secara manual. Hal itu akan menjadi masalah jika ada pemakai yang mencuci tangannya dengan dengan sengaja atau tidak tidak sengaja lupa mematikan kran air. Sedangkan untuk mengeringkan tangan juga masih menggunakan handuk kecil dan juga tisu. Dari contoh yang sederhana itu maka di buat suatu alat yang berjudul “ alat pencuci tangan otomatis dengan air, sabun cair dan hand dryer berbasis webcam menggunakan metode skin detetction”. Untuk merealisasikannya maka di buatlah alat dengan judul tersebut yang di dukung dengan kemajuan teknologi salah satunya dengan menggunakan kamera web cam. Alat pencuci tangan otomatis ini menggunakan perangkat keras berupa Raspberry pi3 dan perangkat lunaknya menggunakan bahas pemrograman python. Salah satu kelebihan dari alat ini pengguna tidak perlu memutar kuas kran secara manual lagi untuk mengeluarkan airnya, tetapi hanya perlu mengkodekan jari pada web cam ses...

Proceedings of the International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST 2018), 2018
There were many researches that discussed about performance of Ad hoc on Demand Distance Vector (... more There were many researches that discussed about performance of Ad hoc on Demand Distance Vector (AODV) in Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET). Some of them used mobile velocity and traffic congestion as variables in their observation. This research becomes very important because the writer of this paper was not sure of the result and the analysis of some previous research. So, this paper aims to explore about the impact of node velocity and traffic congestion to the performance and characteristic of AODV in MANET. The transport agents used are Transmission Control Protocol for File Transfer Protocol (TCP/FTP) and User Datagram Protocol for Constant Bit Rate (UDP/CBR). The research is applied by using Network Simulator 2 (NS-2). The performance is measured over some parameters, namely Overhead Routing (RO), Normalized Routing Load (NRL), and Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR). The contribution and the results obtained proved that the node velocity and traffic congestion can degrade the performance of AODV in MANET. It argued the other previous research claim that the node speed or velocity did not have influence to the performance of AODV MANET.

Elektrika, 2021
The purpose of this research is to design and implement an automatic acrylic carving and cutting ... more The purpose of this research is to design and implement an automatic acrylic carving and cutting tool using a microcontroller-based 3-axis CNC machine. Computer Numerical Control (CNC) is a machine technology that is operated automatically to support the demand for a product that has a complex shape and high accuracy. In general, the construction of a 3-axis CNC machine and its working system is synchronization between the computer and its mechanics. This tool has a work process by utilizing the G-Code method as a command on the machine to carry out engraving and cutting automatically. The G-code was obtained from a previously designed image and then converted using the Aspire 9.0 software. Engraving and cutting is done by sending the G-code file to the microcontroller via the Universal G-code Sender software, then the microcontroller sends a signal to drive the motor driver which then drives the stepper motor so that the actuator movement is generated according to the image in the ...

JASEE Journal of Application and Science on Electrical Engineering, 2021
Satelit merupakan sebuah trobosan terbaru dalam proses pengiriman data. Satelit dapat digunakan u... more Satelit merupakan sebuah trobosan terbaru dalam proses pengiriman data. Satelit dapat digunakan untuk memantau keaadaan atmosfer bumi, navigasi, maupun komunikasi data jarak jauh sebagai contoh broadcast televisi Pada dasarbya antena penerima akan diarahkan secara manual oleh pengguna agar pengarahan antena tepat menuju posisi satelit broadcast televisi sesuai dan mudah, maka dapat digunakannya perangkat berupa antena tracking. Untuk mendapatkan posisi koordinat satelit digunakan perhitungan algoritma matematis. Penelitian ini penulis menggunakan satelit MEASAT-3A dengan hasil perhitungan pada waktu 1 Januari 2021 pukul 00:00:00 didapatkan posisi satelit terletak pada koordinat latitude -0,0232174734074105°, longitude 91,8487688254899° dan altitude 35784, 6417029739 Km. Posisi dari antena tracker berada pada koordinat latitude -7.128558069°, longitude 112.725319020 dan altitude 0.0300 Km. Didapatkan arah putar dari antena tracker berupa nilai azimuth 288,7960234° dan elevation °. ke...

Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Komputasi (ELKOM), 2020
One of ways to increase the success of hatching eggs is by selecting and separating the eggs embr... more One of ways to increase the success of hatching eggs is by selecting and separating the eggs embryonated (fertile) with eggs are not embryonated (infertile) by way of observation (candling). This system utilizes digital image processing as an identification process. By this system, it is expected that the identification results will be more accurate results than conventional monitoring, so as to increase the results of hatching. This system utilizes a flashlight as a medium, so that the egg's internal condition can be seen which then takes pictures by the webcam. After that the digital image processing is done by converting the original image (RGB) to binary image by providing a thresholding value (T), the T value is very influential in the next image processing, opening and closing, thinning the image (thinning), and contour detection. Then from the final process of contour detection produces the number of detection of blood vessels that are considered as embryos as a determina...
Advanced Science Letters, 2017

JEEMECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering, Mechatronic and Computer Science), 2018
The sea has many potentials to be utilized based on the ecological aspects of coastal area. Almos... more The sea has many potentials to be utilized based on the ecological aspects of coastal area. Almost in the coastal areas and islands in Madura are experiencing difficulties in utilizing marine resources. Salinity changes influenced by water osmotic pressure whereas biota living in salt water should be able to adjust the osmotic pressure from its environment. The changes in pH have an effect on the survival of marine organisms as not all saltwater creatures survive with the change of it. From these problems a system of "Designing Measure of Salt Measure and Sea Water pH Using Fuzzy Logic Based Android" is made. Where measuring system is made to prioritize the level of accuracy of changes in salinity and pH value of sea water. So that people could exploit the sea potential based on the condition of the sea water. The reading of sea water condition changes using salinity sensors, pH sensors, and MCU nodes as communication with android devices. Input from the sensor can be sent to the web server and received by android and then processed by fuzzy logic method to get the maximum output. The system can work according to what is expected during 5 days of testing in different locations. The success of this system is 97.3% with a 2.07% failure rate.

MATEC Web of Conferences, 2016
The computer network service provider has to observe, evaluate and plan continually its services ... more The computer network service provider has to observe, evaluate and plan continually its services in order to provide reliable systems. One of the efforts in planning process is forecasting. There are many methods in it, and this paper proposes to use Quadratic Equation Formula as a forecasting method. It is used because of the simplicity and it is suitable to solve problems with parabolic characteristic that can not be solved by linier computational method. It also compares characteristic of Quadratic Equation Formula with Linear Regresion forecasting.The result of this research shows that the computer network performance can be forecasted with Quadratic Equation Formula which has similar case characteristic with it. The standard deviation error of forecast value of the Quadratic Equation Formula is 370 of 3080 forecasted throughput maximum value. While the standard deviation error of forecast value of the linear regresion method is 282 of 3518 forecasted throughput maximum value. But in the forecasted throughput of linear regresion methhod, the output value will allways increase as the increasing of the input variable value. As the result, the error distribution calculation is not interesting anymore because there is no peak value for the forecasted result.

Rekayasa, 2021
On a Frequency Modulation (FM) receiver there is an interference caused which is usually due to t... more On a Frequency Modulation (FM) receiver there is an interference caused which is usually due to the distance and strong signal from the FM transmitter carried to the FM receiver device. The system used PLL (Phase Loocked Loop) system on the oscillator. An oscillator is an electronic device that produces a voltage signal output. The use of oscillators as the carrier of the signal and the message signal produces waves with a certain frequency value, and has a frequency shift of 56,25KHz. The output of the FM receiver is a signal containing of the FM transmitter in the 88MHz-108MHz range. The signals received from the transmitter are short audio and sine signals, so they can be analyzed based on their waves in oscilloscopes and matlab experiments. In this trainer, there are tuners, IF amplifier, multiplexer demodulator, and digital counter frequency. The IC used is LA1260, LA3361, LB3500, LC7265. The result of making an FM receiver trainer get a satisfaction value of the practical test 80,12% based on aspects of media appearance, technical quality and usefulness. A device designed for UTM Electrical Engineering students as a trainer in FM telecommunications system learning medium practiced in the UTM
Papers by Achmad Ubaidillah Ms